(Transformation) Your low self-esteem holds you back from growing into the person you so desperately want to become. Your life keeps on presenting you with opportunities to transform yourself, but because you have so much self-doubt you misinterpret the world around you as a personal attack. You don’t allow life to be the vehicle for change you so desperately need. Your problems will grow bigger and become more devastating until you finally face the voice inside that continues to tell you that you aren't strong enough and not good enough to move out of this cycle.

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During this time of change, it is important to note that your energies are going to be off and quite different than they were before. As you take on a new dimension of yourself, you are also going to have to let go of old patterns and this can be stressful at times.

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You are strong of will and determined to make lasting changes for yourself. You must acknowledge that this is a process that could take an entire lifetime to master, but mere seconds to see results. Stay strong and courageous on your path ahead.

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You have always been a leader to those around you. Acknowledging this power and using it to help unite the community around you will bring you so much success and happiness. Realizations made now will save you time and effort later. Start growing with the people around you.

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Adaptability, spontaneity, growth, help others to help yourself, a teacher. You have manifested qualities that took time to cultivate and you understand how to use these talents correctly. Because of your willpower, confidence and strength, you could dominate any interaction you find yourself in, but by learning how to channel this energy for the good of all you use it to empower others. This allows them to step up to a higher level of being when they surround you.

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You need to acknowledge that you draw people towards you, which will continue to require you to be patient. Your relationships are mirrors into your own soul. Take advantage of the time you have interacting with the people closest to you because, how they act and how you respond shows a great deal about what vibration level your inner being is resonating at. Don't be quick to judge anymore, cultivate patience, and recognize the true meaning of what's happening around you.

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Are you Blocked? (Willpower) Do you feel you are blocking what you truly want because you will be shamed by others? Are you avoiding expressing your personal power because you feel people will call you out and make you feel humiliated for your desires? Nervous energy is sure to follow if you’re not doing what it is your true self wants to do because of the fear of feeling shame. By burying these desires, it will become harder to muster the power to free yourself from these heavy feeling inside.

Shadow: Indicated by death or the skull, it represents a time to end a cycle. It takes a willingness to transform, opening one’s eyes to the dark, to acknowledge the light that is held within. Death is a messenger of change, initiation, and transformation. Those ready to change and willing to do the work to get there will bring out the shadow. This means if change and recognition of the shadow aspect are understood concerning the current block, growth is sure to follow. If the block or stagnancy are not acknowledged it could mean a long road ahead of unwanted experiences that bring to light all that you are unwilling to release.

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Angel Zadekiel Message: The world that you have created deserves your connection, recognition, and acceptance. Everything happening in your world, from the trees that surround you, to the people you talk to, to the food you eat is all created by your power of creation and accepted by your choice. No two human worlds are evolving at the same speed or interacting in the same way. Think about it, everything you do on a daily basis is 100% your choice and of your creation. No one on this planet is seeing or experiencing everything you see and experience. When you look closely, even those we choose to most closely share our lives with have different understandings and perceptions of what we know and believe. Everything we choose to experience already has our connection and signature on it. We must look at everything in our world, everything we can see with our eyes, day in and day out and choose to acknowledge the love we have put into creating it, start to see its true heart. By seeing the heart outside of yourself in the things you have created, you acknowledge the heart within yourself. By acknowledging the heart within yourself, you choose to recognize the heart of everything outside of yourself. Example: Even the most tense and negative situations in your world are of your creation, find the silver lining, recognize and accept your part in its creation and allow your heart to fill with the understanding that this situation was created by you, to help you find new and different ways to recognize and love yourself. By you accepting those worlds interacting and connecting into your world, you help to bridge the worlds and create understanding and acceptance for all. You have a hand in creating everything in your world. Start recognizing the need to love all aspects of yourself and those things in the world you surround yourself with.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Are you Blocked? (Passion) You are addicted to things that stimulate you. Your passion for the wild and crazy things in life can be excessive. You are drawn to stimuli that take you away from the world and create heightened states of pleasure and enjoyment. You do this almost obsessively which can lead to a need for more of the same. Right now, your passions are very materialistic and physical. You could easily find yourself unsatisfied by life if you continue to allow this pleasure center of your brain to get the best of you.

Hyper Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is producing an excess of energy from one center. Hyper spin can be defined as an individual attaching an archetype to their core persona. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin overexerting themselves in this specific area taking on different energy that is not natural to their core energetic blueprint. Individuals do this during different stages of life because they believe taking on an archetype will help a specific situation. If the archetype the person takes on becomes a pattern within their field this individual will inevitably impose this energy outwardly from this charka center on anyone with in their auric field, imposing their new persona. Having this overpowering inauthentic energy projecting from the field, creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where this excess is coming from and bring the energy back into alignment with the rest of the chakra column. This is usually healed by discovering the archetype being play out that no longer resonates with the individual running this pattern.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Are you Blocked? (Passion) You try hard to convey emotions to those seeking your attention. You have faked your way through life thus far using others to get what you want and not allowing anyone to get close enough to understand what your true emotion are. Your passions are most likely tied to material outcomes or things that serve the lower self, these things won’t give authentic fulfillment to anyone involved. You may think you are giving and receiving true passion and emotion to those around you, but these are falsely created states that represent your complete disconnect from your emotions.

Hypo Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is deficient within a person. Hypo spin can be defined as an individual decreasing their authenticity due to a challenge of their personality. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin suppressing their natural feelings and expression during specific situation because there is a belief that who they are is not good enough or able to take on a situation. Individuals do this during different stages of life because their authentic energy is challenged by another forcing them to look at who they are and what they are presenting to the world. Those willing to give away their authentic power to an individual outside of themselves will begin suppressing their authentic nature because it is too much for the people around them. This can lead to subservient qualities on an energetic level where the individual not willing to claim their own authentic space will energetically get manipulated by most every other aura they meet. This suppression of authenticity creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where the original disturbance came from and what personality or quality has been diminished in the face of another, reclaiming this and healing this original suppression can being an entire chakra column back online.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


You recently found yourself. Possibly you went through a long healing process and came out the other side a blossomed butterfly ready to soar? Possibly you just lived through your very own spiritual emergency? Maybe you came to the realization that life is a game you are excited to play. Whatever the circumstances that lead you here, you are here now and so passionate to connect with your true self, a self that is fully realized and loved. You have finally awakened from a traditional 3rd-dimensional view of the world and are ready to see what your new awakened state brings.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


You understand the urge to separate yourself so that you can work on completing all of the projects you have going on inside of your head. You understand that you need time alone to achieve your goals and being considered a bit selfish right now will only benefit you in the end. Do what you can to get the much-needed creative time and although you might feel guilty, others will understand.

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You must acknowledge that your words are very powerful to the people around you. If this is your program it could mean one of two things. One, you are in a place of great leadership over people around you and this is a warning to watch what you say because every spoken word could potentially plant a seed, and all seeds blossom. Two, you are in a place of respect and leadership to those around you and it is your time to impart all of your learned knowledge with passion and enthusiasm to help the people around you grow. Your attitude is that of a leader, so make sure you are doing the job required of that position.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


You believe the more you love what you do the more love and excitement will also be in your life. You are a hopeless optimist and have no reason not to be. You have a way with people because you treat them with eager excitement and they tend to give it right back. The more you manifest these energies the more these energies will show up for you.

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Non-restrictive, you do things in life with ease. You have found freedom from conventional thought processes which enables you to view life differently. You are constantly inspired by the people around you and can find pleasure and passion in the smallest of jobs.

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You have healthy boundaries, your life is filled with passion, and you are creative and resilient. You must recognize that not everyone has your ability to go with the flow and by allowing their negativity or inflexibility to affect you, your own outlook could change. Connect with relationships that support and uplift you and allow all others to fade away.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Are you Blocked? (Passion) Where are you ignoring passion in your life? Where do you feeling a void of passion; in your personal life, work, family or relationships? Why are you ignoring these areas in your life and why are you allowing it to make you feel guilty? Do you know why you no longer hold a passion for these things? What expectations are you trying to live up to and how does this make you feel? Are you judging others that seem to be wildly passionate over people or situations? Watch for moments when you feel guilty overseeing others who openly express passion for things you no longer desire. Discover these reactions within yourself and you have found the shadow.

Shadow: Indicated by death or the skull, it represents a time to end a cycle. It takes a willingness to transform, opening one’s eyes to the dark, to acknowledge the light that is held within. Death is a messenger of change, initiation, and transformation. Those ready to change and willing to do the work to get there will bring out the shadow. This means if change and recognition of the shadow aspect are understood concerning the current block, growth is sure to follow. If the block or stagnancy are not acknowledged it could mean a long road ahead of unwanted experiences that bring to light all that you are unwilling to release.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Angel Message: We start as part of the ONE and chose to incarnate, leaving us to view our experience as separate from the oneness in order to know ourselves more fully. When we start this process, we become many individualized particles of the ONE same source looking to create our own world to enjoy a unique experience. We as individuals create a world that is within the ONE world of every other being trying to achieve the same collective experience. The world we live in is of our own making and we choose each day to experience a path that allows us to live and feel different experiences. Our world is a collection of millions of worlds living, thriving, and interacting together collectively allowing everyone to experience every level and sensation of one another in its space. We all have the capabilities to create our world exactly as we want it to be. We end up creating our world to experience that which we want to know more fully. Our worlds are a collection of our choices, helping us to recognize everything around us, as the oneness of ourselves. As we experience ourselves in our world each day, we allow others to also experience that which we present ourselves as. When we become more recognized as our original forms, we allow others to see and remember that which they already are. Our ability to create our world as we want it to be is our gift and everything is exactly as it should be, and so it is!

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Are you Blocked? (Grounding) You choose to take what life is dishing out. You are exact and materialistic. You choose to be satisfied with the status quo and don't work hard to learn or achieve more for your own personal success and achievement. Your world is physical, what you see is what you get, and you believe only in what you can see. This is the realm you live in. You choose to be lazy and sluggish in life and in continuing in this way is exactly what life is going to give back to you.

Hyper Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is producing an excess of energy from one center. Hyper spin can be defined as an individual attaching and archetype to their core persona. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin overexerting themselves in this specific area taking on different energy that is not natural to their core energetic blueprint. Individuals do this during different stages of life because they believe taking on an archetype will help a specific situation. If the archetype the person takes on becomes a pattern within their field this individual will inevitably impose this energy outwardly from this charka center on anyone within their auric field, imposing their new persona. Having this overpowering inauthentic energy projecting from the field, creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where this excess is coming from and bring the energy back into alignment with the rest of the chakra column. This is usually healed by discovering the archetype playing out that no longer resonates with the individual running this pattern.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.


Are you Blocked? (Grounding) Your home is a source of anxiety. You want to feel safe and comfortable all the time, but this seems to be an impossible sensation. You constantly worry if your home is enough or if it's too much. Is this the right place for your family? Does it provide what everyone needs? Your ability to feel rooted in this place and this life leads you to run through scenarios in your head that led you away from reality and into hoped for outcomes created by the mind. You have anxious tendencies that constantly distract you from the world around you and this creates detachment on all levels of your existence.

Hypo Spin: Indicates when a chakra vortex center is deficient within a person. Hypo spin can be defined as an individual decreasing their authenticity due to a challenge of their personality. This makes the person out of alignment energetically, they begin suppressing their natural feelings and expression during specific situation because there is a belief that who they are is not good enough or able to take on a situation. Individuals do this during different stages of life because their authentic energy is challenged by another forcing them to look at who they are and what they are presenting to the world. Those willing to give away their authentic power to an individual outside of themselves will begin suppressing their authentic nature because it is too much for the people around them. This can lead to subservient qualities on an energetic level where the individual not willing to claim their own authentic space will energetically get manipulated by most every other aura they meet. This suppression of authenticity creates an uneven distribution of energy within each of the other chakras. It is important to find out where the original disturbance came from and what personality or quality has been diminished in the face of another, reclaiming this and healing this original suppression can being an entire chakra column back online.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.