If you are anything like me and you hear a call somewhere inside urging you to step up and take charge of your life I encourage you to take this leap of faith. Let’s go on an exciting adventure of self discovery! Let’s explore who we are, what our destiny is, and why our soul longs to be recognized.
Jenessee is the owner and developer of Chakras Root to Crown, a spiritual portal created to bring meaningful content to all seekers moving through a conscious journey. Workshops, practices and course have all been developed to help you open up dialog to your highest wisdom. The goal of which is for you to become a fully integrated part of your life and all the glorious mysteries it holds.
I took my own journey in 2013 which I called “Root to Crown, a Chakra Journey in 94 Days”, during these 94 days I peered deep inside myself and discovered what it was that truly made up this vehicle I ride around in. I learned the secret language of Chakra’s and how they hold our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blueprints for change. This journey turned into a book, which turned into the development of tools, which then turned into classes and workshops, I love to teach to help others tap into their own divine talents. Join me today for an amazing journey of your own.
Chakras Root to Crown
P.O. BOX 432
Aurora, OH 44202
EMAIL: chakrasroottocrown@gmail.com