7-Card Reading 10-1-17

Root Chakra (bottom) what your foundations is showing is the ability you have to connect your heart/compassion to your voice which allows you the empathy necessary to move from a place of detached release of pain and emotionality that no longer serves you from this new platform. 

Sacral Chakra (archangel Zadekiel) in your one on one relationship you have the support of the angels bringing through the energy of acceptance. You are creating this reality and ever around you is of your creations so to be in full acceptance of this serves you best through this connection and phase of growth.

solar plexus (hyper third eye) your authentic self - what role are you still playing protecting you from the authentic perspective you seek? This card indicates that you have obsessive tendencies and tend to be something your not to portray what's needed for others - trying to create a projection of yourself into others worlds. Try settelinh into what feels right for you in each moment don't worry about what others perspectives are...

heart (bridge card- pragmatic) this signals a connection between your foundation (here having empathy and using your voice clearly when in connection with your heart) and possibly the family along with your intuition. There are things moving around your field that you know, but are not speaking clearly (possibly In connection to your family) by speaking with your heart you will resolve a patten created to keep your human self separate from your spirit self. 

throat (hahaha - it's all making sense) you are currently manifesting the WISODOM you need to speak your purpose as it connects to your authentic self - SPEAK SPEAK SPEAK this is where all your healing for yourself and others comes in!

third eye (tolerance) the perspective your self expression. How you walk the talk is aligned to your purpose. So it will take a deep understanding of what becomes clear through your voice before you can live in tolerance with this new way of life. 

crown (the ending) this whole story ends with you finding the stability you seek. Your one on one relationships all align to the present grounded moment and you finding your stable foundation. 
