Original Channel - Part 6 Dark Side

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Dark Side

Closing my eyes and then opening again, I was now walking and following the lead of a suspicious blue butterfly. The dark carve had completely dissolved away and I was on a path clearly identified by the enormous purple rows of flowers. The flowers were strange yet oddly familiar. Watching the blue butterfly, I knew I was meant to follow its lead yet the flowers were so intoxicating my entire body wanted to stop and bath in their presence. I watched the flowers pass by out of the corners of my eye as I followed the butterfly’s lead. I could see I was moving towards what can only be described as a city. Moving closer, my escort and I reached the outside perimeter of this outcropping of life, as we apparently reached our destination my blue butterfly simply disappear out of sight. I began to observe the structures within what seemed to be a domed sphere of light. Upon further inspection the cloudy white sphere was not a structure at all, but some type of hologram or shield. Completely permeable this field of energy held a vibration that made a low humming sound. Extending my arm through the sphere of light I could sense no different between the energy within it or outside of it so I chose to move through this domed sphere. Doing so the blue butterfly proofed into existence only to turn immediately into what can only be described as floating ashes that dropped one by one. This held no ominous tone, what simply use to be, was no longer, and my journey continued.

Walking towards what appeared to be the center of the city I took mental notes of my surroundings. No building appeared to be larger than two stories. Most of the surrounding structures resemble that of an ancient pueblo style city. The buildings were square with light colored walls and linear architecture.  Moving past the outer limits of the city towards the center it became apparent that not all buildings had this architectural style, but those of a different style were still too far off to detect in any great detail. Now moving at a quick pace towards the center of the city, my steps increased in an unexpected way. A new interesting structure caught the attention of my entire body. The in ground structure appeared as a carved circular staircase that started noticeably above ground descending quickly to unseen depths blow the surface. As I quietly wondered if this was the access point to the underground limestone cave I had been in moments ago no longer did I get to think the thought when a movement out of the corner of my eye distracted me and caught my attention. I could see a solo inhabitant from this city now moving towards the nearby staircase. Feeling tethered to this being by some unseen rope, every step it took moved me a take a step closer to the stairwell. This connection must have been the reason for the urgency I felt take over my body earlier. My hands floated skyward in a self-revealing way as I bowed my head, corkscrewing my midsection around looking for some magical lasso around my waits. Whatever was happening, this being didn’t seem to know it was tethered to me either. As it stepped a single foot forward so too my foot did the same. We both were within an arm’s length of one another, when the being paused. With a deep exhale it’s head tilted skyward. Taking the opportunity to review what stood in front of me I observed long hands peeking out from the cloak of a wide brimmed dark colored robe. It’s fingers delicately clutched onto a crystal with two pointed ends. My eyes moved over the details of its clasped fingers and hands. Its fingers were longer than human fingers and the extremities of this being were also longer than any of I had ever seen walking Earth. No real musculature could be detected in fact it seemed more tall and thin. The skin was colored with a slight whitish bluish hue. There were times that the being appeared masculine and there were times that it appeared completely feminine.  Androgynous is the only way to correctly label what I had been gazing at so deeply. My eyes continued to take in every possible detail of its body, its eyes were large and a clear blue color with long yellow, gold hair. The most magnificent part of this individual was the warm shining light emanating all around its body. Like an old Renaissance style oil painting I found similarities between the gods and saints painted onto a large museum canvas and the glow captured around this beings’ body. This had to be the part of it I adored most. The being paused if knowingly being appreciated yet having no sense of my placement in its path. It inhaled looking downward towards the descending staircase during which time I could feel my body release a long held exhale. The being took the first step downward which pulled the invisible chain around my midsection activating once again our connection to one another. With every step it took deeper I was only one short step behind.

Moving down the staircase the being glided effortlessly towards the bottom of what appeared to be the same limestone cave I had explored on my own solo journey ostensibly moments ago. As we made our final decent still attached by an invisible cord, two distinct paths came fully into view. The dark path continued on the left hand side and the illuminated path still glowed an eerie green color to the right. The being moved effortlessly and without thought towards the dark path on the left. Perceiving only a faint glow coming from the running water to the left of where we forged the skinny catwalk, I admitted silently that without this cord connecting us I would have had no ability to navigate this dark path on my own. Seemingly the absence of light had no bearing on this individual as his ability to navigate towards the end of the cave had no slip or error of foot placement. Like the migratory patterns of a bird, this being had to be equip with some type of internal guidance system as no bend or turn slowed down the journey or delayed his steadfast determination. Arriving to the final opening of the shadowy cave we seemed to be in the exact replica of the illuminated cave found down the other path, this one just seemed to be shut down.  The individual reached the gridded wall at the end of the cave and outwardly extended his long arm. Embracing the pointed crystal he seemed to move in a calculated way counting three spots over and ten spots down. Placing the crystal in an empty spot specifically reserved for this very tool, the wall now seemed to be one third filled with crystals. The remaining openings were systematically arranged along the exterior of the grid in a clearly circular pattern. Each remaining open space was noticeably waiting for its crystal counterpart to return.

Apparently completing the job at hand within this part of the cave, my leash was triggered by the movement of the large body now hurriedly walking towards the light and pulling me along for the ride. Glancing backwards I could see the faintest of glows began to blossom around the location of the crystal it had just placed. A soft, but steady hum started to roll from the back of the cave towards the front. Hitting us half way down the path I could feel the wave of sound boomerang around my body. It curved around me strong at first then it faded into the darkness. Feelings of life sprung up only to melt right back away, internally I could feel that charging had begun. Turning around to sneak another glance the end of the cave everything was still shrouded in darkness, although the promise of energy had returned, the dark path remained in the shutdown position. Each side of the cave appeared to take its chance, turning on and then off by the changing needs of the crystals within its grid. Instead of walking up the lite staircase and out of this limestone cave, the being and I moved towards the tunnel filled with a warm glowing light. Things moved quicker during this second go around, with the expert guidance of this being, we arrived at the end of the lite cave within minutes. I expectantly watched as a long hand reached towards the gridded wall, it extracted a crystal from the exact same location on the grid to that of the other side. Finishing the process, we hurriedly turn around yet again and found our way back towards the original forked path. Still undetectably in tow, the being climbed the stairway, moving into the welcomed light of the city above, with me a single step behind.

As if on assignment, our journey did not stop. While standing near this center spot of the city it was easy to become very aware of one’s surroundings. Taking in the panoramic view I feel like a spider sitting within the middle of its web. Multiple streets emanated out from this center point. A distinct glitter within the roads caught my eye as I let my gaze follow the streets to a far off horizon point. Moving once again this being continued its walk towards an outside edge of the city following one of the streets extending from the center limestone cave. Walking step for step, I am able to see up close, but without stopping that each street has embedded within it one of the pointed crystals from the cave below. The grid also from below now appears within my mind and overlays the lines of these city streets. Following close behind this being, it is apparent that the crystal it clutches needs to be replaced within the grid of this city street. As we come to the specific location the exchange takes place, as the crystal screws into the landscape I feel a wave move around my body and the low hum returns, life sparks briefly into existence.

As the crystal hums to life my cord to the cities inhabitant noticeably dissolves and the being whom I had been tethered to dissolves right in front of my eyes. Ashes to ashes my mind jokingly says to make light of the peculiarity I had just witnessed.

“Dear one, what questions do you have?”

If hysterical laughing could have been a part of my emotional makeup in this place I would have laughed out loud like a crazy person. What questions, my mind repeats to itself. A warmth enters my heart and pumps strongly through my entire body, making the jitteriness disappear and replaces it with a calm, cool resolve. I guess I am still unclear of the exact use for this harnessed energy… how it all works… why me, the human is here witnessing it… or what the heck the blue person had to do with anything… my mind starts racing again when another flood of energy comes through, sending tingles through my body once again.

“Let’s start with the crystals, a calm voice speaks into my mind. The crystals are use not only to create the domed energy field around this place, but it is also being used within the individual dwellings as well. The inhabitants of this planet use the harnessed energy in their dwellings to supply their bodies with necessary energy. Just like you ingest food they ingest crystal frequency. They also use these crystals for teleportation and other modes of connection to different frequencies.

In terms you might understand the underground cave could be considered an aquifer. Using the porous spaces within the limestone rocks to create natural pressure generating electro-kinetic or electromagnetic fields. The quartz crystals placed at the end of the cavern would capture this current. Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties, meaning they can change a mechanical force into electricity, or turn an electric force into a mechanical force. The grid placed at the end of this limestone chamber has a specific purpose as well, each individual spot of the grid has a different purpose as dictated by the design and intention. The quartz crystals place here will capture the energy for use within the city and its inhabitants above. It all works harmoniously as one unit.

What you need to understanding about your relationship to Earth is that the electromagnetic frequency on Earth in the time space of 2015, is bombarding humanity with EMF that causes undue stress on the Pineal Gland and the Melatonin in the body.  Through exposure to these frequencies humans begin to experience chronic fatigue and other dysfunctions caused by low melatonin, one of these being a suppression of your divinity and the ability to allow “light energy” to shift your DNA sequencing through interactions with your Pineal gland. You are creating these dysfunctions though your creation of this electrical grid that is not in harmony with the human physical body. The way humans living within 2015 escape imposing EMF currents is that they will move away from your “energy grid” or the field of transmitted electromagnetic frequency. Meaning they will sequester in nature somewhere for an hour, a day, a week or a lifetime. To move one’s body into nature immediately reduces the impact of EMF on the body. This allows for a balance in the hormones and allows for harmony within the particles that vibrate within your body making you, you.

The human body is a network of individual particles. There is a distance between the nucleus of the atom and its partnered electrons. That means that what you perceive as a whole unit, or a singular unit of mass is no such thing. Your own bodies are just holographic images that are constructed from the memory of the photons “light” that tell everything surrounding your nucleus what to do. Photons have the ability to store memory and can carry information, which is why it is said you imbed your “physical bodies” with programming that keeps you locked into a perpetual state of certain stories or holographic representations of who you believe yourself to be.

When EMF passes through your body on a sub-particle level it passes through as photons and electrons. These photons will either present themselves as coherent or random. That means if random photons move through your field you are going to feel the effects of it, and it will feel off, not resonant, or in disharmony. This is what EMF does. If the particles move through coherently or in an organized way you will feel good. Random photons will feel like nervous chaotic energy where coherent photons will feel even and aligned to your physical constitute.

Surprisingly quartz crystal has the ability to take random photons and polarize them, this allows the energy to become more harmonized with its surroundings. Meaning instead of running static chaotic energy from the photon light of the EMF you can harmonize this EMF into a polarized state through the use of quartz crystal.”

There is a break in the lesson here which is surprising because the amount of information that came through was more than I could focus on, but for some reason it all made complete sense on a very deep and understood level.

“So what you are saying is that EMF will affect the frequency of a being, because frequency is really the rate at which our atoms are vibrating and if we are in chaos and not in coherence which EMF will do, our body’s will react in ways that shows disharmony. This can be on physical level, or even spiritual?”

I get a shot of warmth through my body which I recognize as acknowledgment and an immediate recognition of my understanding.

“The application of this energy transference in the time space of 20300 means that the beings are actively capturing and amplifying the energy within their field through the quartz crystal tool. The energetic begins within this time and space no longer live in disharmony with their surroundings. They harness the energy needed by way of quartz crystal and then used it in different ways that keep their bodies in harmony and balance.

No longer do you need to subject yourselves to an environment of frequency that is chaotic and bombards your physical system creating a field that is unharmonious with your original constitute. The lesson here is to begin to adapt your energy into an environment that is harmonious and conducive to your growth as a human and a spiritual being. For some this may result in a departure from the “grid” of EMF. Some humans currently residing within the time space of 2015 may be ready to take their energy and move into a space within nature that is separate from the chaotic grid of energy emitting currents. By moving into nature off the grid of EMF some can immerse themselves into the natural harmony and rhythms of life, where coherence will allow the manifesting currents of creation to find their way through an un-polarized physical form. Those who must stay with other humans in dense populations may come to understand the value of quartz crystals and other objects from the mineral kingdom that have the ability to amplify and ground energies. By bringing these minerals into use during times of work, home, and travel an individual can begin to organize their own energetic field to that of the crystal or mineral they hold, wear or carry. When you introduce these items into your energetic field they create a secondary field that intertwines with the original field sending impulses back and forth. If an individual begins to experiment with different stones and crystals, they will feel more harmony in their life and find the resonance within life that is natural and conducive to their everyday patterns. Creating energetic coherence.”

Hearing much of the same from the voice, I take this opportunity once again to receive validation over the information I believe I have understood.

“By opening ourselves to understanding how the energy of the field surrounding us works we can change our entire perception of harmony or disharmony. When things become disturbed in a person’s field, having the present moment awareness to change the light emitting photons can help to harmonize the messages that photon light carries between the atoms and the nucleus holding our holographic self together.”

A thought comes to me that the voice didn’t discuss, so I ask with eager anticipation to see if I have my facts correct.

“Since photon light is just a hologram that we use to keep the story of our own creation alive, could we also change our story with simple affirmations to ourselves to create coherence and remove the disharmony from our bodies?”

“Yes, that is possible. Humans are multi-dimensional beings so when something comes through the physical conscious mind, it is possible to affirm, like you say, things to your photon light to create new pathways for change. Because you are multi layered, there are factors that work in unconscious layers of your being, as well and that is why simply affirming something to yourself one day may not change your story. By changing the way your atoms respond to their environment, through coherence will allow the subtle bodies to become mapped with the pathways you are programing yourself with. Humanity must work on all levels of existence for complete change.”

I understand. I say with complete comprehension.

“Dear One, by allowing the subtle influences of crystals and other minerals to supply necessary polarity and organization to your field you will become better aligned to receive the highest guidance from your most divine self.  By opening up your field of awareness to your surroundings and holding a frequency that is harmonized to you and what you feel only what you need will manifest. This is where complete abundance will flow towards and through you. In a state of coherence, you will manifest exactly what you need when you need it, there will be no density or strain within your field to block this from manifestation. A realization will happen, you will align yourself to “enlightenment” and you will become the master of your field. This is the lesson of the cave. To not only understand how the world surrounding you is affecting you, but to also know how to harness that energy and use that energy to create harmony within your everyday life.”

“It is here Dear One that you should begin to understand how all of these messages are engaging with your human body in the time space of 2015. You once lived in 20300, you were once a bluish white being as you call it. You chose for reasons you yet to understand to reincarnate into 2015. You bring gifts of this life with you. You seek this connection in your current timeline. Your soul contract is to unite all components of your soul. These are your deepest desires, yet your human mind locks you out of fully accepting their placement in the time your consciousness currently resides. You are more than you can imagine and your ability to be who you have always been is only restricted by the limiting thoughts of your mind. Dear one, it’s time to let go.”

Shape Shifter

Drinking in an enormous breath of air, I steady myself between two bare feet. Feeling light headed and a bit dizzy the inside of my head continues to ring with an intense high pitched noise that I can’t seem to shake. Studying myself next to a large metal foundation pole running from the celling to the floor of my garage I find the coolness of its touch helps to bring my awareness fully back into my body. With the ringing subsiding I step over the last bit of junk lining the concrete floor where I finally reach the broom. Upon clasping the wooden stick in my hand I regain a sense of urgency and begin to return to the stone steps where two bare foot children eagerly await the grand finally of this unexpected show. Making my way through land mines of misplaced items, I reach the end of the garage and can once again see the sun drenched driveway ahead. Stepping onto the warm black top, my feet immediately ground and my body pauses to absorb the warmth of the sun. Head tilted skyward I close my eyes and find a moment of release. In this space, time seems to stop, my body tingles with a deep knowing that this is exactly where I am meant to be. I take a breath and fill my lungs with cool air. As the breath reaches deeper into my body filling my belly from the inside out a distinct ringing tone pierces through the moment and lands directly in the center of my right ear drum. The sound jolts my eyes open, head still tilted up towards the sky my eyes burn as if they have been bleached, the result from direct sun exposure. A wash of white light penetrates through my eyes and into my body. Feelings of warmth and energy also begin to fill into my body, as the sting of the sun subsides I find myself staring face to face with an angel.


I say with eyes wide, a very startled expression upon my face.

“Hello, Dear One.”

The angel says back.

Feeling conversantly connected to this being, I am at a loss for words or thoughts for that matter. Surrounded by as a fuzzy white room, every few seconds I perceive a fleeting glimpse of my drive way and the green landscape that lies beyond. The two places seem somehow overlapped with one another, at times I am surrounded by the white fuzziness of the room and at others I can faintly see the outside of my home. I wait for the being to talk, because I can’t think of a single thing to say. Actually I feel a million question, statements, and comments run through my mind yet none seem to be appropriate or important enough to ask at this time, so with a blank look on my face I simply wait.

“You are getting better at receiving my call I see.”

The angel says with loving approval in its face.

“Is that what the high pitched ringing sound was?”

I ask with a mild intuition, knowing that I am correct.

“Yes, we are energetically connected through your auric field. When I am around, your physical body you recognize my connection to you through a ringing sound in your ear. This signals that I am present and because you are also present meaning you are in a state of coherence, you will be able to perceive the ringing. It is our cord of connection to one another.”

The Angel looked exactly as you might expect. It was dressed in a long flowing white robe, its face was neither male or female, and it had large wings tucked neatly behind its back. Its hair was short and there was a golden glow radiating in all directions creating a disco ball effect! 

“Are you ready to return to your home planet to continue your learning?”

The angel asked this in a way that made me feel like I was back in grade school with no real decision making power. Not knowing exactly what was going to happen if I said yes or no, I threw caution to the wind, interested in what my “Home Planet” meant, I took the offer and silently shook my head in a yes motion. With the yes signal given, the process started. Feeling intense amounts of force pushing in a downward motion on my body, I started flying through the atmosphere. There were two golden lights quite like the angel I had just seen guiding my way. After moments of weightless travel, we came to a stop near a familiar looking door. Looking at my companions who stayed about a foot behind me I took the cue of their outwardly stretched hands and moved towards the door. Moving through an unseen barrier I could immediately feel a change in my body, things energetically slowed down, but also became more heightened to the environment now surrounding me.

The fuzziness within my eyes quickly adjusts and I can begin to acclimate to my surroundings. Standing in the middle of what appears to be a forest. Directly behind me lies an arched path of three story tall purple flowers, ahead of me resides a force field of distorted light.  I can see through it yet everything seems distorted beyond it, like a dream. I can see shapes and structures, but can’t tell what anything is because of this humming fuzzy light.

“Dear One, close your eyes and take a deep breath. You need to remember this place before you can move forward.”

Hearing the angels voice inside of my head, I did as I was told. I took a long inhale of breath into my body and could feel the fragrance of the purple flowers surrounding my every cell. Breathing through my skin, my body, my mouth and my mind, thoughts and concerns began to melt away. With each breath I took, I began to feel different elements of the surroundings come into being. There was a beautiful tree that seemed to send me energy, there was a blue butterfly that fluttered across my mind, I heard the churning of water, and saw the most beautiful herkimer crystal filled cave. With every passing image I began to remember what each one meant and where I had learned from their lessons. A wave of warmth entered my body as I remembered all of these journeys, my heart ache in a deep longing way. Was I about cry?

As memories of this place flood in and out of my mind I began moving through the natural landscape around the outskirts of the domed city. Noticing something different about my movement I stopped to take inventory of what might be gong on. Scanning my body, it appears I have no body at all, in fact the form I was using to traverse through this time space of 20300 has dramatically shifted. Thinking back to my body during other journeys to this place I could see from my mind’s eye that I use to have a “body” at least it was an outline of a body and appeared structural in some sense like a human body. It did seem weightless at times and felt somewhat like a hologram, but it still appeared as a body. Now it seems like my body was made up of tiny balls of light. The form in which my consciousness now traveled seems to be that of a cluster of tiny beads of light, all magically held together by some unseen force. This grouping of light that I now call my body had the ability to connect to my singular consciousness, yet as my consciousness focused on the many tiny dots of light I found millions of individual pieces seemingly with their own consciousness moving and adjusting as they saw fit. These tiny balls of light seem to ping off into unseen time and space at rapid speeds. A hand full of the light dots all left my form at the same time, I watched as they moved off in different directions. As if being shot out of a gun, rapidly firing outward and then disappearing. The vibrating balls of light that leave the whole appear fuzzy and static when shot outward and then after disappearing within a blink of an eye they seem to come firing right back to connect in with the whole once again. The entire process happens within seconds and this disconnection and reconnection feels very comfortable if one could say they feel it at all.

As I focus on the hand full of particles that left my body, I can sense them bringing back messages of resonance for the entire conscious unit, yet nothing seems so important to pull attention away from the whole of the consciousness. It feels as if the energy of this vessel is grazing the plane of a different existence. There is a feeling of unity and purpose along with a feeling of being completely free and expansive. There are two distinct missions going on during this time on the outside of the crystal grid: one is to connect with the energy of what lies outside of the grid within nature and the other is to connect into all of the energy of the multiverse surrounding this body.

Presumably the light body I am found traveling around in is being called to immerse its energy into the surrounding nature, the deep crevasses of the tree are in need of the tiny particles of light this vessel now holds, I have a deep desire to find the tree and fill my light particles into its center creating a singular form. Same goes for the large flower fields, I am being called to sit amongst their wave like currents and find a blending of my light with theirs. I am also being called to let go and sense into the unknown multiverse that surrounds me, to be expansive and open to what remains cloaked from my mind within different planes of existence.

Moving towards the dome surrounding the crystal gridded city, my vessel of light passes through the outer boundaries of the dome and an energetic shift begins to happen. What appeared moments ago to be millions of tiny radiating balls of light outside of the city now has a human like form once within the inner perimeter of the dome. It appears that by passing through the crystal grid what was united in consciousness, but unformed is given shape.  It seems by passing thorough the outer dome of the crystal grid the light body is now perceivable as a distinct form with noticeable patterns that resemble a human hologram once again. The energy of my consciousness has been changed into something recognizable, something human.

Through this transition my consciousness has been given more focus and I now feel a sense of obligation although I am not quite sure what it is I am supposed to do. It seems that when one is outside the boarders of the dome their job is simply enough to collect information on a sub particle level and immerse into their natural surroundings, everything and nothing seems to be happening simultaneously. Once the light body passes back through the dome, bodily formation is reestablished and it’s as if the entirety of the experience becomes laser focused and a sense of obligations come forth.

“Jenessee, you are witnessing the process of shape shifting. To understand this more fully, find your way to the building in the center of the city.”

Not completely understanding why the angels voice couldn’t just tell me what it wanted me to know, I begin to move as directed.

“Our vocabulary is limited, symbols and experiences will create a more profound understand that will begin to bridge the connection from your timeline here into 20300.”

Forgetting that the angel could hear my thoughts, I mentally thanked him for the clarification. Walking I found myself following one of the crystal lined dirt roads lining the city. The road remained straight always moving towards the center of the city where the underground path lead to the limestone cave. Remembering my journey from the previous visit, I recalled seeing a few buildings by this part of the city that looked oddly placed and different. Notability unlike the straight lined pueblo style buildings I quickly arrived to the building I was in search of. Upon first inspection the building appeared Grecian or Roman in architectural style. From the outside looking in I could see a circular middle area that was open not only to the sky above, but also through each of the pillars surrounding it, just like a coliseum. There were tall cylindrical pillars that created the external walls, and a wrapping set of stairs that encircled the foundation. Walking up the stairs and into the open middle area of this building the structure still looked like a coliseum, but the purpose seemed more like a stage. Not as big as I had initially envisioned from the outside looking in, I found my way to the center of the circular stage where a single stone podium adorned its center. Atop the podium sat a spectacular crystal orb, clear, cut and shined to perfection. Keeping the crystal orb to my side I walked tightly around the center podium in a full circle, looking out towards the ends of the stage I could see other podiums varying in size and shape, but all at the height of a sitting stump. At the completion of my circle I had counted twelve of these stumps in total. As if the stage itself represented a large sun dial I noticed that each of the stumps could have marked an hour of the clock. Enticed to play along with the energy coming from this stage I felt the call to sit on one of the twelve short pillars surrounding the crystal orb. Immediately I felt a swell of awareness in the pit of my stomach focus around the unknown obligation that I seemed to bring back upon reentry into the domed city. I watch entranced as both the center podium holding the crystal orb and the pillar I sat atop rose towards the sky. Floating above the top of the coliseum and now moving through the fuzziness of the cloudy dome the orb and I were now surrounded by only the sky above. As I pass through the dome my holographic human body tuned once again into millions of tiny glowing balls surrounded by a luminescent light. Losing all connection to the bodily form I just held the crystal orb projected a light towards me that connected directly into my light body. Once the connection was made we move downwards through what felt like multiple layers of energy. Through the deceleration process I could feel the shape of my body begin to reform, all of the awareness of my expansive self now joined the focused awareness of my physical self, the two were now one.

By establishing this connection to the crystal orb outside of the dome, I feel am now able to connect to the breath of my entire existence. Associations are immediately made that tie my soul within all time and space. I see not only Earth, but other planets where I have responsibilities. I can perceive the overall purpose of my being within every cell of my body, but I can’t seem to pull out any specific details. I seem to know or can feel into the end of my story, but have no understanding of how to get there. I see my body going into multiple states of suspended animation or a deep freeze in order to travel through time to assist with the growth and acceptance of another time and space. I can understand the connection between 20300 and 2015, but don’t know what to do with this information. I sense the obligations of everything I have set forth to do, yet at the same time can feel the uneasiness return into the pit of my stomach. A wave of warmth extends over my body and I know my angel is with me.

“Dear One, do not let your obligations to this place bring uneasiness to what you are experiencing. There is much time to explore your divine relationship with what needs to be done here and elsewhere. You have many journeys ahead of you that will make it more clear as to exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. When a soul gets to fell the full breath of what they have intended for themselves there can be a sense of urgency, anxiety and stress, please understand you were given this knowing to inspire not defeat you.”

I begin my statement with graciousness because it’s the only way to convince myself of what the angel is saying.

“How can you let me feel into everything I have to do yet not tell me how to do it. I feel like my stomach is going to tie itself into a knot that is impossible to untie. All I can feel now is this urgency to do what I have come to Earth to do, but have no clue how or what to do!”

“Dear One, let’s review what you believe you just experienced. This may help you understand more fully why you experienced this in such a way. The lesson of the Shape Shifter teaches us about the potential we have to allow our field to constantly update us on what is happening in connection to our highest most divine selves. Through further review of 20300 we see how the inhabitants of this planet can step outside of their crystal gridded dome where things are polarized and through an opening process their energetic field is allowed to reconnect to the multiverse that surround them. In the space time of 20300 this becomes a daily conscious choice of the cities inhabitants. They are able to move into and out of the crystal grid to become open to receive the messages and connections waiting for them. This involves a complete release and trust in what surrounds them as they lose contact with their individuality. Once they proceed back through the dome it is as if they have a new directive or obligation that has been funneled into their conscious awareness. This process take place outside of the domed grid where they serve nature, and things that are greater than themselves then once they move back into the domed grid they are updated with an identity and purpose that will serve their highest self and that of the beings that surround them. It is a cycle and they allow the cycles to come and go with no resentment towards not knowing how everything is going to pan out. They do what is needed when it is needed.

In 2015 the lessons of the shape shifter can teach you to step outside of your normal limiting constraints of the mind and open up to the potential limitless availability of the multiverse. If you imagine that all beings on Earth in the time space of 2015 have incarnated to manifest a purpose or understand what information is out there needing to be funneled through, this gives purpose and direction to all infinite beings living the human experience.

To believe that humans have an infinite self that can be tapped into for further clarification and understanding allows human beings the chance to connect into their highest most loving selves to connect to that which makes them unique in their time and space. To open up to the belief that every soul on earth in this constricted physical form is here for a divine purpose and is completely expansive, gives hope to all that there is more than just the life they are currently living, yet you are meant to find the balance in that life before full reconciliation can occur.  

Human beings still unsure of their most divine purpose need only step into the space of grounded awareness to bring through their divine connection. On Earth in 2015 one of the ways to achieve this opening is to step into the connection of nature. Allowing the energy of that which surrounds you to permeate in and through your being will open you up to the multi dimensional multiverse in which you live. For humans this will allow the body to release chaotic energy and expand into altered states of consciousness where your field can begin too higher its frequency and begin to connected into your divine purpose. When you do this you get glimpses and feeling of what you are supposed to do, this helps you to remain balanced in your human lives and gives you the hope for more.

Remember the tiny balls of light moving into and out of the light being. This is what happens for the human as well, when they soften and release the dense energy or chaotic particles they are open to receive the subtle influences of their own higher vibrational light. Through this connection, impulses can be received that feel like inspiration and guidance to move along a path that will produce the most aligned outcome. This is the connection to the grid of Earth in your time and space. To connect in this way, you will open up your awareness to receive that which needs to come through at the specific time you are aligned and open to receive it, no sooner than it is needed and no later. When a human has learned to find this expansive connection they will then begin to live the divine harmony of their purpose each moment it is presented.

For those seeking their fullest connection, they will need to take on the second lesson of the Shape Shifter. To connect to the all that is and perceive from you most highly aligned place in this multiverse you will need to make the connection to your highest self and bridge together a connection that exists within you so that it doesn’t matter whether you are on the grid or off of it. Here you must create an opening for a harmonious alignment to happen that can span all space and time. That means when you are outside of your physical form and are receiving from the highest source of yourself you must create a connection or organized alignment to that consciousness that is trusted and accessible during any time.  The key here is to become connected and trust that which comes through and then strengthen that connection.

When humans start releasing density from their energetic bodies and start carving out space to be in alignment with this higher energy they will allow for more of this trusted connection to come through. Here I ask you to remember your experience in the coliseum where you connected to the light of the crystal orb with your own light body. When you made this connection outside of the grid a cord was connected between the two of you, this allowed for the expansive consciousness of your entirety to be brought into the aligned of your conscious mind within your physical body as you decelerated down into the domed grid once again. To understanding this in terms your Earth consciousness can understand. When you want to establish a connection to your orb in a trusted way what your human bodies must do is connect through meditation, connect to nature, or connect into your divine purpose.  The orb is your higher self, meaning it is the part of you that is always connected to spirit. When you make this connection through the ways previously described you must move this orb of energy through the denser parts of your human energetic bodies. That means you must allow this energy to move through your energetic chakra column allowing all dense energy to release so that a full expansion of trust in yourself, your authentic self can take place. This requires letting go of those things that don’t serve you and trusting in the internal connection that is happening to things greater than what you have once understood. Only fear of the unknown is stopping you, negative experiences will only come if previously held beliefs are unwilling to be released. The individual who blocks the orb from breaking through the density will constantly question their purpose, their false beliefs will keep their energy dense denying them from their highest connection to their unique purpose. This process was given to you today to show you how the conscious evolution of a being in harmony with their divine process can flow. By gaining more perspective on one’s life and being given the glimpse of what is to come the being gains the energy and desire to preserver too greater highest within their pursuit of connecting with spirit.”