Angel Michael Message: We must recognize our differences as humans and allow this to unite us and not drive us apart. When someone who does not share your view or opinion comes into your life, it is not your job to make this person aware of your views. It is not your responsibility to try and solve their situation. It is your job to recognize that this soul is understanding life differently than you. All you can do is accept them in their time and space and allow them to be and feel whatever it is they might need to be and feel in order to go through their own awakening process. We tend to separate ourselves from the people around us because their vibration is different than our own, and this can make us feel uncomfortable if our own energy is not maintained. We must seek as much togetherness as possible even in the most diverse of groups to allow everyone the opportunity to feel the loving energy of non-judgment and full acceptance. By connecting with your own stillness and divinity in situations that are less than perfect, you will allow others the space they need to see and feel your vibration. This alone will allow other souls to open to their own stillness, acknowledgment, and divinity. We must stay together with non-verbal, non-judging support. This will allow everyone on earth to feel and experience their own journey while still supporting each other through love, stillness and calm.

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