Third Star Planet - Wisdom of the Dragon (part 6)

Receiving closure and a bit of peace from my experience with the group, my brother decides it is time to move back to the original place I encountered on this planet.I watch as Brother stands from his seated position amongst the group of sitting beings and turns to stare at me over the top of two downturned meditating heads. His gaze is unwavering and his face seems to project the emotions of love, sadness, joy, and loss all at once. My lips move from a wide smile into a flat confused shape. Not knowing his intention, but feeling him slipping away, my heart breaks as our energy disconnects from one another. As if being pulled through a dream, within the blink of an eye my brother’s face is gone. Sucked into a wash of light I speed away from the learning center and manifest back into the large hallowed out trunk of the tree I had originally encountered during my very first moments here on this planet. Pushing my way through the holograph of the tree, I find the same lazy dragon still sunbathing her body, lying neatly tucked into the landscape of the lush jungle floor.

Her big, yellowish-brown colored snout lies directly in front of my body and I sense a warm acceptance pouring off the dragon. In her stylized way, the dragon makes small movements adjusting her large body as her words fill the empty spaces of my mind. I am flooded with immense amounts of understanding over my encounters while here in this timeline of Earth. She has the unique ability to move the experiences from my subconscious body into my conscious field of awareness. Like a miner panning for the nuggets of gold amongst the sand, I can feel the wisdom of my journey come together into one complete memory. I feel a surge of energy from the dragon as she speaks this message.

There are many timelines, fractals, and other dimensions playing out different existence scenarios in a multitude of different ways. This happens for the sole purpose of learning and experiences and it happens uniquely for the individuals living through it. The dragons are the guardians of this planet through many different existence scenarios. We connect with the crystals and with the land and are here to help cultivate a new growth cycle. We are able to move into and out of the third dimension freely, and only come to a place such as Earth when regrowth is necessary to continue a cycle.

Showing me many different pictures of places, the dragon imbeds images of many interesting planets into my mind’s eye. I get the sense that the dragons move effortlessly between the fifth and third dimension on these planets depending on where they are needed to help sustain unique growth cycles. Speaking again she continues.

“There are times when planetary cycles hit crucial energetic junctures, as you have witnessed here on this fractal version of Earth. This timeline is one that does not have to be your timeline’s reality. This is a version of a world that has been created by the endless use of natural resources from Earth in your time-space. Earth is a birthing planet that is responsible for many different life forms and because of that it will never cease to be, it will merely be given opportunities to change during times when the Earth births new dimensions. The inhabitants will have every opportunity to grow with the ever-changing needs of the Earth planet, yet there will be those that chose not to grow. There will be old Earths, new Earths and there will always be an Earth that needs to be sustained to go through re-growth cycles helping to continue its planetary birthing process. Humanity is a mostly conscious population and with that they must choose which Earth they wish to evolve, the old, the new or the same.”

“I am shown the underground landscape of our Earth in 2015 through a picture placed in my mind. The dragon says loudly into my mind.

The crystals are there awaiting your connection.

She now shows me a picture of San Francisco and points to a monstrous crystal that lies under the heart of the city. Speaking again she says, “This crystal is openly awaiting activation by means of connecting through your people. Through your conscious connection, the individuals who are open to its messages will receive the wisdom they need to carve out their most divine path on Earth. This crystal is a catalyst for grounding harmonizing Earth energies for all inhabitants of San Francisco. This crystal holds the ability to open the individuals in that city and those surrounding it to a level of awareness that they are not accustom to. This crystal lays dormant waiting for the people who are within its range to begin to establish a connection to its power. San Francisco’s crystal is but one example of the power that lays waiting for all individuals around Earth in 2015. There are fields of underground crystals simply waiting for you to connect. Their vibrational fields are becoming more apparent to those moving into their reach.

“I am now flooded with a coolness in my body especially around my forehead. She says,

“You must open yourselves to this field and find the connections necessary to be a part of the transition into the new Earth. The who, what, where, when and how is not important. The connection is all that matters. All one must do is intend to make the connection and then be open to the energy hiding within the planet. There is no need to sense a crystal or even know exactly where it is, all that is needed is for an individual to be ready to connect in a vulnerable and open way.

When moving through a new space one of your kind can send out mental thoughts to their surroundings and ask to connect with the crystal fields within the landscape. By doing this the vibrational field of the crystal will become active and the connection will be made. In this open space, the individual will then receive knowings, feelings, sensations and connection to what the area holds. For the sensitive, this will come through as impulses and instant knowings. For those unaware of the expansiveness of their field, it might take time to hear the call of the vibration of the crystals lying dormant underground. Remember, all who perform these actions will be creating a connection to the Earth as well as the higher dimensional realms. Humans can be the conduit between these two polar energies, you were meant for this connection, it is a part of your divine destiny. This alone will create the balance and stability the Earth and its inhabitants need to continue to move forward in the most harmonious and balanced way.

Humans have the ability now to make these connections. The current trajectory of your timeline can shift. If humans connect to and make available their energy for the dormant crystals, you can begin the transitional process of your Earth and shift the grounding energies back into your planets landscape. Your planet has three paths, to not evolve or to stay grounded, to evolve into a new dimensional frequency, or to usher in the next re-growth cycle.”

Thinking now intensely about the implications of each of these choices, I begin to question how I could help usher in a new dimensional frequency, helping our current timeline. “Dear one, you must understand that each of these three things will happen to your Earth no matter what you choose to do. The purpose of our message to you is to show you the paths and give you the information necessary to assist in whatever option you choose to be a part of. Those who choose to evolve into a new dimension will evolve and will take a high resonance version of their fractal split with them. Those who choose to stay on Earth and hold its energies during the re-growth will stay and will help with the healing of the Earth. Those who choose to not explore their conscious evolution will remain unconscious and will stay with a tormenting version of their fractal planet that will affirm their unconscious existence. Each fractal existence will have opportunities to move into the other existences to assist and learn, but the key here is it will always be a choice.”

Her message is clear and the separation of the timelines of Earth become more evident now than it had been before. I understand more fully what it means to see the future. When I saw this Earth and its dragons and people, I assumed it was our immediate outcome due to how we treated the planet. What I was actually seeing was a version of the planet that individuals chose to experience to continue their own growth cycle and learning. At any point, we can choose which timelines we are experiencing, at any point I can learn all my soul lessons and walk as a fully recognized ascended master amongst the planet. Nothing around me changes – My relationship to it changes. When we see different timelines, we are seeing the possibilities that our decisions are carving out. We are seeing our different paths. We make choices that bring our different timelines into union creating an over soul experience that walks in all dimensions clear of his or her intent.

The ability to create and manifest fully into any time-space is the ability of every human. Sometimes we make choices that create more timelines that will require more work and union in the end. There are times we choose to stop life and start again so that we can become clearer on our path and more connected to our whole being. Time itself and different incarnations are all a hologram being used to teach us in this present moment. Our nature as a divine human being is to be able to connect all time, and all space in a singular moment and live as an ascended master in a higher dimensional realm yet grounded to our place in time. The creation of this Earth dimension is here to help teach us that we span all existence. A thought starts to bubble up to the surface of my conscious mind.

“Is this part of the reason why I am seeing these existences on different planets?”

Coming to understand this wisdom I turn my focus to the dynamic of the collective consciousness and the totality of humanity living in a space and time together. Here shifts in consciousness and connection to the whole are what create the paths of the collective field, quite like the three paths of Earth. When many begin to change together, this lifts the vibration of the whole collectively and the planet will shift to support these changes. That is why different realities will need to be created to sustain the growth and development of the different collectives. The planetary changes will adjust to match the vibrational currents that the inhabitants are going through. So, if a massive cycle of rebuilding needs to happen, the Earth will help provide this. If a shift in how we live within our environment needs to happen, the Earth will provide this shift adjusting to match the needs of the inhabitants. Good, bad or indifferent there are cycles happening where there is development reaching max points for the collectives of the inhabitants. This creates the many different timelines that we can all perceive and feel.

“The more I understand the Dragon’s wisdom the more I understand a spiritual concept that I have always known, but not quite been able to understand – “I am that I am”. Meaning:

If I am all that is out there, if I am creator, if I am good, if I am bad, if I am all that I perceive, if I am all that I create, if “I am that I am” I can see that all I need to do is understand all parts of “myself” without contrast, without separation, understanding that my most authentic self is what I am, and forget everything else. When I can be completely present and one with the all that is, I no longer live in a linear way, but bring my timelines together in one moment and live fully in the knowing that “I am that I am” and in full knowing that every moment of my existence is divine and in order. The question now is, do I continue my path as it is now on Earth, separating myself from the people, and from my environment to understand myself better? Or do I listen to the call, to reconnect to all things and understand that everything that surrounds me is me. It is a part of me and my construct on some deep level. So, trust in the unfolding of my existence without judgment because it is just another part of my authenticity coming up to be loved more fully and recognized as a part of myself as it is connected to the whole. This is our path and these are the choices. As I stand here on the lush jungle floor, I begin to realize that there are no incorrect choices, each of the three paths will teach us what we need to know when we need to know it. The question is which path am I ready to reveal?”

With my final internal thoughts subsiding, I look up to catch the dragon staring intensely at me. It looks as if she had been holding her breath up until this point, only to release when I caught her stare. Our eyes locked and her dark black pupils turned animated. Radiating love, sadness, hope and fear I feel every emotion pour out from her dark black pupils. I can see this world and all worlds swim to the surface of her imagination and she pulls away from my lingering gaze. I can tell she has an opinion she is not willing or allowed to share. As her head twists to the side tucking neatly into her large stomach, she lets out another large breath signaling our conversation is done. As her breath escapes her belly, her head tucks even deeper inward and I can feel the energy once again leave my body. Standing alone on the floor of the lush green jungle I feel inclined to send her a picture of my heart. Not knowing how or what I was doing it felt right at that moment in time.

“Dear One, you are loved.” She responds with exactly the words I needed to hear to feel our conversation was complete. Letting go of any further expectations, I detach completely from her in this space and surrender into the unknown void of what might come next. Right on cue a warm feeling arises, penetrating the small of my back. The warmth turns into an intense itching sensation and all at once my body is pulled like a sling shot from the back of my body. Feeling my form bend in half, my head moves towards my feet and my entire body goes flying towards the sky. Pulling away from the planet, my route does not stop until the greens and blues turn into a small one tone colored glass marble, surrounded by what I can only describe as the vast void and emptiness of space.

Third Star Planet - The Class (part 5)

Moving away from the underground crystal fields, I follow my brother to a stairway across the arched field mirroring the one we had originally arrived through. Following the green light of his aura I am led out of the darkness and onto a platform I have now seen many times. This stairway seems to be a direct shot from the underground crystal caves to the platform on the opposite side of the city where the humming people sat. As we breach the platform I can see the same group of people still sitting with heads bowed humming softly.

Making our way through this assemblage my brother finds an open seat atop the stone slab and sits amongst the group of people. Doing the same, I find my own space and sit down quietly. Following the lead of my brother now sitting a few people away, I quietly soften my body and allow myself to open to the space surrounding me. As my awareness shifts away from my own curious thoughts and moves into the combined intentions of the group, I am immediately engaged by a hologram of what appears to be the Earth. There is a place illuminated on the glowing face of the Earth in front of me that everyone is intentionally focusing on. When my mind was busy I could not see this hologram, but now with a soft gaze and a relaxed mind I can see this hologram hanging about an inch in front of each person’s face. My ears perk up and it feels like the bones within my ear canal move through an adjustment, allowing more sound to enter my body. The humming of the crowd surrounding me makes it feel like a hallucination. As the first note leaves my mouth, I am immediately taken into a deeper connection with this illuminated place on the holographic Earth. Feeling a joining, I understand that there is some type of shift or harmonizing that is needed here for continued growth. I feel an alignment between my body and this place that the entire group is intentionally working on. I am still unsure if this is for the greater good of the Earth or for the group of people working with it.

The group continues with their humming and I soften, opening more fully to the connections surrounding me. A deepening occurs and I feel as if I am being pulled into the layers of holographic Earth floating in front of me. As this occurs I begin to witness another crystal field manifest onto the floating holographic screen. This field is alive and seems to be engaging with our group energy, activating itself through our combined intentions. I feel as if we are awakening this sleeping, hibernating crystal field. This awakening will allow for more harmony to come to this place that we are working on energetically. The activation will better align the Earth allowing for better contact with those who are not of this time-space; connecting those who are in a different fractal version of this planetary system. It seems that this work will also stabilize the inhabitants as well as the environment surrounding this crystal field.

This awakening is bringing into alignment more frequency for the Earth and helping to shift those connected to it.

Through my connection to this crystal field, through the hologram, I understand this will help the inhabitants connect with higher realms while also allowing them to remain grounded and connected to their place on Earth. By using the energy of these crystals, they may access the frequencies necessary to move into higher planes of existence whilst still connecting into their third dimensional plane. This seems to be the best of both energies, physical and spiritual aligning both Earth and its inhabitants. I begin to sense that as an individual living in 2015 I can open myself to this same connection, inviting a deeper bond to be made to the crystals below the Earth surface. This signals to me the beginning of an era where humans start to bring forth the opposing, yet balanced energies necessary to make the changes to our physical form while remaining connected to the Earth plane. The message itself is simple as it allows an individual to stay connected to Earth yet allows that individual to tap into the multi-dimensional world surrounding them. Sitting amongst the people of this place I gain much happiness from this experience and wonder when this shift might start to take place for the people of Earth in 2015.

Third Star Planet - Revisiting the Crystal Fields (part 4)

Completing an oscillating visual journey through the records of this city’s history, I am startled when Brother shifts into view from the corner of my gaze.“It is time to go back into the crystal fields.”From his position across the room, he begins his instruction and I adjust myself out of my comfortable cross legged posture and stand up ready to follow his command. Exiting the door way, we proceed back the way we had originally come. Not long after exiting the room, we find what appears to be another stairway similar to, but different from, the camouflaged set we had arrived through earlier. The stairwell drops away from the exterior city facade and moves towards the unexplored caverns tucked inside the gorge wall.

Walking behind my brother through the dark tunnel, his auric light shines brightly projecting a color of magnificent lime-green. Pulsating outwards from his body a few feet in diameter, it gives just enough light for me to see what surrounds us as we move deeper into the enclosed stairwell. Looking at my body, I see my glow is a bright yellow color and wonder how funny we must look walking side by side with one another. As we reach the ground floor once again we find our path reveals the crystal fields. From our current vantage point, I can see we stand in the middle of the underground field. With equal space to the left and to the right my mind’s eye begins to pick up on the blueprint of the underground crystal field. I can see a giant U shape, something like a horse shoe. We currently stand at the top of the arch facing extended paths on either side. If we move towards the left, we will find the spot we had originally visited while the right would be uncharted territory.

The crystal field is enormous. Surrounding the backside of this once great lake, now a gorge, it feels as if it goes on for many miles in each direction. The field is completely cloaked within this underground chamber that lies behind the lake bed above. As my brother and I move through this space he begins to share stories regarding the crystals and their importance – focusing on their use in connection to the continued success of his people. I watch my brother as he becomes contemplative and nostalgic about the story he tells. His hands clasp behind his back and his head drops as the first words exit his mouth.

“What you just saw was a record of the evolution of history from your time to ours. You witnessed how this planet and its inhabitants have evolved to survive and stay connected to this place called Earth. Our generations are far removed from one another and much evolution had to be made to bring us here today. As the first Earth changes happened and the Earth began its purging process, resources became limited, people had to once again adapt to living off the Earth. This was hard for many who had lost their connection to the environment and no longer understood how to be in harmony with their surroundings. Many left this fractal plane unwilling to make the necessary changes to stay and help ground the new energies being ushered in. This fractal split purged many beings from this planet and sent them into other dimensions where they could live out the ends of their timelines in ways that were unchanged and unconscious.

Thousands of years passed where generation after generation had to simplify and make do with what was available to them. It was about this time when the dragons came. Using the energy of the dragons changed the environment and new cycles of growth started to take place, but we had to share our land with an unpredictable ally. During this time, we were forced to go underground. This is when the people create colonies of underground communities to live and thrive. Once underground, we discovered the crystals. While living with the crystals our people acknowledged that less food was consumed, less water was needed, and more vitality was gained. The crystals became our food and sustenance and overtime our physical vessels became more attuned by the power of the crystals that surrounded us. Not only did our needs change, but our physical bodies also changed into the androgynous form you see before you. We found that our daily connection to these crystals made our bodies stronger and more sustainable. Our connections to other life forms not living on this planet became clearer as well. We could hear, feel and see communications from extraterrestrials that wanted to help our planet survive and thrive through its reconstruction. Through these other worldly connections, we were given information on how to live, build and cultivate our community to be in harmony with all things now on this planet. The crystals aligned our bodies and energy, like an antenna, to become more in line with our newly formed connections. We no longer need food or drink to survive. Our physical vessels are sustained by our daily interactions with these crystal fields.”Pausing briefly, Brother lifts his head to look at me for comprehension. Seeing my receptivity, he smiles in my direction and continues with his lesson. “Daily, our people walk through the crystal fields opening themselves up to the connections waiting for them. Some days they will not receive a communication from the field, but most days they do. There is no forcing what happens here beneath the surface of our Earth. Some days our bodies need a tune up, other days we receive guidance or direction, other days we are meant to go about our day not holding any energy from the crystal. We hold no expectations from these crystals as we have come to learn that their power will connect with us when the time is right for both parties involved. We move through this field open and ready for whatever guidance may come. That is how simple our lives have become. We move in harmony with our world and with our people, and this brings balance to all aspects of our life.”

I think about the crystal dome I witnessed surrounding this encampment and wonder how and what this shield is used for. Asking this question to my brother he responds.“Having so many highly attuned crystals in this spot created a field of energy that is noticeable from the fifth dimension. Because you travel here in the fifth dimension you can see the field of energy being created by the crystals of our city. If you were to use your three-dimensional body without clear sight you would not be able to see a shield surrounding our city. Instead you would view empty space in the open area of our above ground city.”

My mind then wanders towards the vision of the inhabitants raking the crystals and wonders what this act was about. Asking my brother for clarification he answers.“The raking is our process of harvesting crystals that are ready for use. When an inhabitant of this city makes a connection with a crystal, the crystal will indicate if it is to stay exposed after use in the crystal field or if it needs to be buried in the ground for regeneration. If it is time for a crystal to regenerate it will ask to be buried in the ground after use. When individuals walk the paths of the crystal field, they may be called to harvest crystals from the ground that are ready to resurface. This process brings balance to the Earth, to the crystals, and the people harvesting them. When an individual hears the call, they will take time to resurface those crystals that have been energizing below the Earth’s surface.”

Third Star Planet - The Place of Learning (part 3)

My brother places my two hands inside of his own creating a powerful connection between our energy fields. This physical gesture quiets my mind’s endless stream of questions, allowing us space to connect together. Locking eyes, my brother begins the process of standing up.

As he extends one leg and then the other, he never breaks eye contact with me. Reaching his full height his back remains hunched over just enough to keep hold of my two hands. While I remain in a kneeling position near the cliffs edge, I can only imagine the love scene a passerby might witness between the two of us. He holds my hands in such a gentle way that my heart melts, I find myself with no pressing questions as I linger in this moment entranced by his deep gaze. Assisting me to stand, my brother walks me to the edge of the cliff overlooking the valley below one last time before we return to the platform.

Brother, it’s time to go to the place of learning.” He says this in a way that breaks the silence and serenity of the moment and allows the questions to move back into my subconscious mind. Wondering what this deep connection is between my brother and me, I ask, “Brother, what do you see when you look at me?

Having not the ability to see myself through his eyes, I can only feel the energy of myself here through the context of my human brain. To my questioning mind I am still Jenessee from Aurora, Ohio yet I can feel he sees something completely different. Closing his eyes and exhaling a deep breath, his body pauses. Opening his eyes once again, he turns and begins to walk. Perplexed, I follow him onto the platform where side by side we begin the process of traveling. I feel the waves of energy as they pulsate through my body. My brother grabs hold of my hand as we materialize onto a platform surrounded by inhabitants from what appears to be another similar, yet different, city. Inspecting this city from a bird’s eye view, one would notice that the massive encampment seems to have been established within the natural formations of layered rocks. It feels as if I am looking upon an area of the Grand Canyon, surrounded on three sides by layered rock leaving open the fourth side for entrance, exit, and the open sky above. The place of learning is open to the outside world, unlike the other city which was completely underground. This place of learning has a large dome of light acting as its roof, creating a semicircle shield around the top of the exposed area. This city they call the Place of Learning, has been built into a hollowed gorge, below the ground level, amid the land above. Momentarily stopping the inspection, I realize the transparent shield reminds me of the domed city back on the Pleiadian planet.

The city itself seems to be the remnants of some great body of water. At one point in time, possibly a large lake or river could have filled this underground city, yet now all that appears to be left are colossal yellowish-tan rocky cliffs that give the city its distinctive contours. These layered flat rocks protrude out of the bowl-shaped gorge like awnings protruding off of a house, and like the previously explored city this space also appears to be about three or four stories deep. Inside of the domed city all building materials seem to be made from stone, dirt, and rock. Just outside of the light dome, the landscape remains lush, green, and overgrown just like the jungle floor I recently stood upon.

The place of learning is quite like a college campus in between classes. There is action everywhere I glance, with something new catching my gaze around every corner. It is organized chaos and these indigenous people seem to understand where and what to do with this energy. Like ants moving through their colony, each person has a path and is showing a determination to accomplish their goal. Grabbing ahold of my hand, Brother leads us out of the stream of beings which are moving quickly towards us. Like the original underground city, each teleportation platform is tucked into a protected back corner of the city. When you try to exit the platform area, you must fight an onslaught of individuals entering into the crowded space awaiting their turn to travel. Finding the rock wall, we press our bodies against the large cool slab trying our best to avoid the riptide of moving people navigating their way onto the platforms. Once away from the chaos of the platform area, we find ourselves standing side by side in front of one of the walls making up the large gorge surrounding the rock city. From here I can see there are not only outer walls, but also tunneled pathways that seem to be carved straight down into the ground, and up into the levels above. It appears that behind the exposed multi layered stones of this city there are also passage ways or tunnels that lead to enclosed spaces with in the rock itself. Directly in front of us lies a staircase that moves upward towards one of the higher stone levels. The path off to the side leads down a tunnel carved below the ground. The tunnel moves in a direction that buries itself deep within the underground chambers of the cities ground floor.

We begin our downward trek following the length of the descending tunnel. Natural light from above continues to grow faint, only a glistening shimmer of light created by our two bodies’ auras gives guidance on our path. Brother’s aura looks like the glow seen around the outside of a candle flame. I can even begin to distinguish the heat escaping from around his physical form. These two auric halos illuminate our path about a foot in circumference around each of our bodies. Our footsteps quicken as the downward ramp turns at a steeply slanted slope.

“Welcome to the underground mines!”I was stunned at Brother’s excitement! I had yet to hear anything so emotional come out of him. Eager to see what these mines were all about and why my brother was so animated, I took the first step forward. Together our auric light reflected off protruding crystals lining the sides of our route. As we walked down the hall, it was as if the crystals picked up on our energy and refracted our light in wondrous ways creating rainbows that filled the underground cavern walls. Stalagmites and stalactites grew in ways that made this area look adorned with elegantly designed archways and pillars. Open spaces turned into private chambers that held secret gardens grown by the crystals themselves. Progress continues and I notice there were many different trails that connect our path, giving multiple hallways and chambers to explore. Passing by many rooms, I can see there are people down here who are using tools that look like rakes. Methodically and with precision, they seem to be harvesting what lies beneath the dirt. There is a calming essence to what they are doing, as if what they do is part of a sacred ritual.

My brother stops abruptly in front of me and takes a seat amongst very large stalagmite outcroppings.“Brother, find a location to rest.”While searching for the perfect spot, I see another man raking the ground peacefully through one of the windows within our current chamber. Bending down he reaches for a crystal he has just uncovered. After close inspection, he places this crystal on a flat spot on the stone in front of him and returns to his raking. I decide to sit opposite my brother on the other side of the path. Using one of the waist height sculpted stone walls as a back rest I recline comfortably into position amid a bed of crystals.“The crystals here come from all over this planet and have many different qualities. Some can connect us to our brothers that live in different spaces and times. Others help us to heal. Some can be used for food and others for their light energy. I am told that some crystals are of this planet and others have been sent here, or placed by others, to help assist with the connection and growth of the civilization. They are all powerful and have very specific functions.”

Curious to know more, I ask, “how does someone know which crystal has which quality? They all appear to be very similar.”My brother explains. “There is no need to know what crystal to use before connecting with it, all one must do is open up to the crystal’s energy and at that time the most suitable bond will be made.”Shifting in his seat a bit he says, “open yourself to the crystals surrounding you, brother.”

I saw a singular crystal illuminate and glow in front of me. The crystal had a miniature pulsating aura, and I could see a direct line of energy connecting back from it towards my solar plexus chakra, right behind my navel area. Waving a hand through the illuminated cord of light, I almost expected to feel a string due to the brightness and strong resonance I had with this cord coming off the crystal. I have never felt or seen something so clearly that wasn’t actually there. Still in a seated position across the path from my brother, I wondered if this is what he meant by opening myself up and letting the bond happen. Looking for the answer on my brother’s face, his smile alone seemed to satisfy the question within my mind. Feeling a surge of energy enter my body from the crystal, I wasn’t sure exactly what had happened, but knew it must be powerful because at that moment the light connection between my body and the crystal disappeared. After the cord disappeared I noticed my brother shifting from his seated position, moving and finding his way back onto the main path.

Understanding this was the signal to leave, I followed my brother as he led the way down the straight path and out of the underground mine. Finding our way back to the base of the steep hill I could see a faint glowing light off in the distance. Crawling sideways up the loose gravel we found the flat path once again and got ourselves out of the underground caverns and behind the first wall of the city. Finding the original spot that we started this underground adventure from, Brother simply turned to face the staircase and then began his march upwards towards one of the top floors of the city.

We stop at an observation window where we can see out towards one of the large stone overhangs protruding into the middle of the city. There was a large congregation of people that had coalesced together on this outcropping. Unlike the chaos of the traveling platforms below, these people all sat very still facing in the opposite direction from which we stood. In unison, they chanted and hummed a loud song that could be heard throughout the city. Observing their practice, naturally my gaze began inspecting everyone I could see. In the previous city, I felt surrounded by male energy. Here although most of the beings looked the same, I could identify feminine energy.

Here at the Place of Learning, individuals gather for the opportunity to connect with their community. This city is a place to learn and grow, gathering together and yes a mixing of genders.”Brother’s tone took on the energy of a teacher speaking to a student. Once I understood what needed to be learned by the presence of these beings my brother continued walking. We moved away from the lookout and finished climbing the remaining steps until we reached the second floor of the city. The camouflage of the stairway turned inward connecting our path to an internal city corridor hidden by the great exterior stone wall.”

Taking twenty or so steps down this narrowly hollow hall we enter a chamber. It appears unlike anything we have encountered thus far. It is a double room. There is an exterior room and then an interior room sitting directly inside of it. The smallest room is octagonal in shape and has long narrow slits in each of the eight walls. The larger room is ovoid shaped, the room itself is made up of one long smooth rounded wall. The rooms have flat bottoms and tops making it possible to walk and not feel like you are in a fun house. Stepping inside of the double room I instantly experienced what its purpose is. With my step inside, I could feel the walls begin to move in opposite directions, one spinning clockwise and the other counterclockwise. The spinning sensation picks up as I make my way into the center of the smallest room. All I can do to steady myself at this point is to sit down in the middle of the room and wait for my purpose to become clear. My brother’s voice echoes into the chamber from his comfortable position at the open door.

“This is the record room for the city. From here you will understand the history of the people.”As soon as I sat down the room spun faster and shadows began dancing on the walls. As the oscillations sped up, the scenes playing out on the walls grow more vivid and lifelike. Sitting in this center most spot of the room I notice a feeling of stillness wash over me. Everything, but me, now seemed to be moving in this room.

Within a singular flash, I understood a millennium of history and information. The first shadow I saw was that of Earth in the time space of 2015. I saw what appeared to be a map of North America and saw cities like New York and Los Angeles emphasized with their huge buildings and large populations. From here the image became animated, and the map of the world spun very fast. The large buildings and cities crumbled down to the ground leaving only rubble. The map of the world kept spinning nearly making an orbit around the moving room, and here I was pulled to the large land mass of Europe and then specifically to Russia. Large dark looming shadows hovering above Russia turn into animated cannons. Each of the cannons sat side by side creating a ring along Russia’s border. As the cannons formed their ring, a band of soldiers pointing bayonets take up the space in between each cannon, extending their guns outwards at each of the surrounding land masses. All at once, dark shadows hover over the animation like dark clouds in a sky. As the clouds disappear, the cannons and guns shoot towards Asia, South Africa, and as far as North America creating complete devastation to all in Russia’s path. All around the world landmasses fall. The pictures begin to erase and I can feel the Earth experience a massive clearing. The energy of the Earth fights back using tidal waves which cover the coasts, earthquakes which bring devastation around fault lines, volcanoes that erupt and send shock waves along Earth’s connected landmasses. Everything revealed to me, begins to fall apart. Right about the time when the shadows cover Earth in its entirety, I see the shadows turn into flying dragons. They begin covering the Earth in their glistening etheric fire. With one fiery pass, I can see instant regrowth begin to happen.

Not like a forest that burns down and has a cycle of regrowth, this was more of an energetic switch from devastation to that of calm and peace ushered in by the dragons. During the time of regrowth on Earth, there were many humans that went underground to live. Because it was taking much time to regrow the energy on the surface, those who went underground began creating a civilization that could be sustained by its protective habitat. This is what started the creation of the dynamic underground cities I see today. Shadows turn into pictures of this visually primordial man and convey his intent to rebuild a civilization that had been destroyed by actions of the surface-world people, his ancestors. I begin to understand that part of his lesson is to recognize the past and what led to the destruction of his world. He must find a way to simplify and connect to life and people in a different way that will be sustainable to the Earth and all energies surrounding him. This is where simplicity became necessary, and out of the simplicity came the development of highly attuned, higher dimensional energies. Thousands of years living underground and living with the energy of simplicity and regrowth helped transform the people into the culture I see before me in this time-space.

Third Star Planet - Underground City (part 2)

Visions of flying dragons leave my field of view and my immediate landscape comes into focus once again. I look towards the dragon as she bows her snout while telepathically imprinting yet another vision into my mind. I see what appears to be an underground city. Accompanying this visual imprint, the dragon gently speaks into my mind saying, “they are waiting.”With that breath, I could sense the last bit of mental connectivity to the dragon leaving. She shut her large eyelids and I knew that our conversation was done. Her body scuffled around until it curled into a neatly compacted sleeping position. Our worlds were separate once again. Taking this sign, I decide to move on. Shifting my body, I half pivoted away from the dragon finding myself staring back at the holographic tree.

“They are waiting.” I repeat the words out loud and feel the next part of my journey click into place. I move towards the tree with the holographic façade. Moving through the entrance, my passage is easily navigated now that I understand the dynamics of this tree. Finding the steps within the center of the space, I move down the spiraling staircase to the level I had previously explored. As my eyes raise their view off the steps, the vision of my feet are replaced by the vision of a man. Stopping abruptly on the last step, my right foot almost slips off, throwing the weight of my body backwards. Extending my left hand once again I steady myself using the compacted dirt wall, preventing a backwards tumble from happening. Chest heaving, adrenaline is now coursing through my body. Timidly looking once again, I see the man is real and is apparently waiting for me. Exiting the last step, I slide my foot onto the dirt floor. As my foot hits the path, I hear the man’s voice ahead of me say:

“Hello Brother.”The man standing directly in front of me is of average height. He has dark brown skin and looks aboriginal. His hair is black and cut in the shape of a bowl around his forehead which continues around the back of his neck. He has painted lines on his face and wears a loin cloth that covers his genitals. Without a word, he turns and begins to navigate the long hallway now in front of us. He walks at a brisk pace with his head down as if on a mission. I keep his step and catch up enough to follow alongside him. He does not choose to make conversation or eye contact, so I ask, “where are you taking me brother?”

He responds, “we are moving towards the city.”Moments after this statement is made, we arrive at what appears to be a doorway carved out of the ground on our left side. The materials surrounding us is an organic mixture of sticks, dirt, tree roots, tree trunks, and other decomposed matter. As we stand shoulder to shoulder looking out through the cut doorway, I glimpse an entire underground city before me.

We appear to be standing on the top floor of this underground city, housing three different levels. Peering out through this doorway I can see the entire landscape. It feels as if we are in a large hallowed out bee hive. Looking skyward, there is no visible opening. The top of this structure seems to be the ground floor of the jungle above. Scanning the city from left to right, I can see circular rings moving around the outer walls representing walkways that connect and create the three distinct levels. Looking closer at some of these walkways, I can see other openings; carved out doorways like the one we are currently standing within. As more detail comes into view, I can see a warm yellow glow emanating around the doorways lining the bottom two floors below. Looking at these lower walkways I can see every ten feet or so there is a black hallowed out doorway followed by illuminated light and then another black doorway. The city is quite grand.

We find the exposed ramp connected to our archway. The path is completely open and moves along the interior wall of the underground city. Walking along the exposed circular path on this top floor, we receive access to a camouflaged tunnel of stairs. Mind racing and more curious than ever, I look at my surroundings. Interestingly, all I see are trees. I do not see the tops of the trees, but I do see clearly the body of the trees almost like support beams in a house. These trees seem to have once seen the outside world, they are not roots that wind and twist about, but are strong, straight, weathered trees. As I notice this detail, I intuitively receive the impression that this underground city might not have always been underground. It becomes clear to me that this city might have been constructed first and then somehow the ground covered what now lies perfectly underneath.”

Thus far my adventure into the underground city has been focused on the scenery, but now the activity of the inhabitants begins to catch my attention. Movement is happening all around us within every corner of this city. I am only able to detect the presence of males, I am not sure if this is because everyone looks alike and I think they are male, but it seems the word “Brother” comes to mind for every inhabitant I visually take notice of. Once we reach the ground floor platform, we immediately move towards the far corner of the main floor. Sensing where our journey is headed, I take notice of the destination and see it is the busiest place in this underground city. The inhabitants of this city seem to be congregating around this corner, with even more coming to add to the size of the crowd. Breaking the silence, I ask my companion, “Brother, why are people drawn to this place, what is it?”

He waves a hand towards the corner with the growing crowd and says, “this is where we travel.”As we get closer moving into the center of the gathering crowd, I see two platforms positioned side by side each circular in shape. Each platform is of a size that could hold one, maybe two people at a time. I can see that the platforms have carvings along their sides. These carvings are non-distinctive to me and seem like stick doodles made in what was once wet clay. Now looking at the crowd, I observe a kind of organized disorder, there seems to be some unspoken understanding between the people here and what exactly is taking place. I watch as a person breaks away from the crowd almost stomping up the inclined path towards the platforms a few feet above the ground floor level. This person steps onto the platform to my left and in a few seconds disappears, a few seconds later on the platform to the right someone else materializes out of thin air.”

Falling into a trance over the appearing and disappearing, my gaze is momentarily broken when my brother takes my hand. Pulling my gaze towards him and away from the commotion of the platforms, he begins pulling me forward through the crowd. Bumping the shoulders of the people, we move through and no one’s gaze is broken as we pass them by. They stare transfixed at the two platforms sitting atop the short-inclined path ahead of us. Pushing through them with force, we move past the front line of the crowd making our way toward the platform on the left. Having just witnessed a person vanish from this spot, my eyes search my brother’s hoping to gain a deeper understanding. Both of us now standing atop the platform, my brother moves his hand out of my hand and uses it to grab my elbow. Pulling on my elbow he twists me towards him drawing my body close so that our chests touch and I can feel the intense pulsation of his beating heart. Staring deep into his dark eyes my mouth opens ready to speak the questions of my mind. He looks at me and closes his eyes tightly and with that we are enveloped in a tornado of spinning white light.

Travel has begun.When light fills the space around us, I can feel it effects not only my fifth dimensional body in this tube with my brother, but can also feel the energy move through my third dimensional body back on Earth. I can sense my body lying on my wooden sleight bed in Aurora, Ohio as if the two realities have been spun together in some strange union. Feeling connected and at peace, I allow the waves of light energy to radiate throughout my entire being while I feel and sense the embrace of my brother’s arms from the underground city. It feels as if my body has different currents of energy running through it. I start to sense a different movement and can see that our light tunnel is coming to an end as things begin to slow down around us. Within seconds our journey is complete and we are placed upon another platform like the one we had just left from. Standing chest to chest, in close proximity to one another, our two bodies materialize atop the new platform. Here I can feel the heat from his physical body next to mine and am reassured. Looking around, I can see the two new platforms are surrounded by nature situated on the top of a cliff. My brother takes my elbow and turns me towards the expansive view where I can see the lush greens of the valley below. Grabbing my hand, he walks, towing me towards the edge of the cliff away from the platform. Reaching our destination my brother bends into a seated position. Sitting on his knees with the tops of his feet lying flat on top of the soil below, I mimic his position. I don’t feel a need to question him or his purpose with me, I feel there is no distance between us like we have experienced this together before. There is an unspoken connection between myself and my brother that words can’t explain. It is here that I find authentic connection to not only the scenery, but also “my brother. Full understanding takes place on a deep level within me and I sense a shift has happened where I now feel ready to ask my questions.“What is the purpose of your people in this place? Why do they stay underground when there is such beauty to be enjoyed? ”Scooting closer to me on the jungle floor, my brother turns towards me so that we are once again staring deep into one another’s eyes. It is here that he begins his story.“Our purpose is connection and community.”

“As the words escape his mouth I see visions of what he is describing in my mind’s eye. Flashes of the underground city - I see people always together, never separated. Everyone seems busy and engaged. I visually review their people and think about the simplicity I observed within the underground city. I begin to judge their undeveloped community as having no advancements, no machines, very primitive.”

“Just because there is a perception of simplicity doesn’t mean there is a lack of advancements.”His words paint a picture of the underground city’s ability to teleport to any location on their planet. With this I see our own journey and how we moved from the city to this serene lush natural space.“Our people understand teleportation and understand how to allow our third dimensional bodies to make the journey along with our minds. We are in connection to our planet, this allows us the ability to use its energy to support our lives and continue our expansion.”

I begin to see pictures indicating locations of other cities around this planet that have developed just as the underground city has. Together these cities have created a vast network connecting communities to one another through their combined efforts.“This could not happen unless we held the energy of compassion and connection. The want to fully integrate with one another for the greater good of all involved.”

I feel a resonance with the images I am seeing and the indigenous people who live here. I see the different cities and the different continents and realize this is the geographic of Earth in the space-time of 2015. Looking at my brother, I understand why I needed to connect so deeply to the landscape before my barrage of questions could take place. Without the deep knowing and connection to the energy of this space, I might have missed this crucial detail.Now erupting with questions, I ask. “What do the underground cities have to do with the way the people live? Why and how did the dragons come to be? If this is Earth in a different space-time, what happened in humanities evolutionary process? What happened that set in motion all of these drastic differences?”

Third Star Planet - The World of the Dragons (part 1)

Sitting on the front porch of my house with Changa snuggly tucked between my legs I find myself lost in his tear shaped dark brown eyes. Projecting from his jovial stare I feel a sense of knowing and connection that had not been present before. His jowls seemed to smile deeper today. Humored by our new connection I ask the dog resting before me: “Changa, is there anything you wish to explain to me about the half animal, half human people, that I don’t already know?” Waiting far too long for Changa’s reply, I begin laughing out loud. Once the laughter subsided, silence was all that remained between Changa and me. Settling into this moment of stillness between us, I recalled the Sentariens from the half animal, half human planet. Visualizing the detailed spiral drawn upon their foreheads, I instantly remember the teaching of the spiral.All one must do on planet Earth to make a connection to the animals is unwind this unseen spiral around the third eye, within the middle of the forehead. This would allow the line of communication to be opened. Having let go of attachment to rationality, I closed my eyes to better visualize the detailed spiral drawn upon their foreheads, I instantly remember the teaching of the spiral.All one must do on planet Earth to make a connection to the animals is unwind this unseen spiral around the third eye, within the middle of the forehead. This would allow the line of communication to be opened. Having let go of attachment to rationality, I closed my eyes to better visualize the spiral on my forehead. With my inner sight, I could see my forehead from the inside out. A glowing light outlined the spiraling symbol as I intentionally connected to it. As the spiral began its uncoiling process, I could feel intense amounts of energy move into the center of my forehead. Initially it felt like a slow gentle trickle of energy, but the more I relaxed, the quicker this turned into a surge of electrical current. Being someone who suffered seriously from migraines as a child and young adult, I can tell you this pain was worse than the most intense headache I had ever experienced.

Feeling increasingly more dizzy and nauseous I braced myself against the porch step and grabbed Changa around the fold of his neck. Using him like a seeing-eye dog, I closed my eyes and followed his lead towards the front door of our house. Pushing through the cracked front door, my eyes squeezed tightly closed trying to shove the pain and light out of my head. Still in a hunched position I allowed Changa to guide my way. Changa gingerly walked me down the hallway around the spindles of the banister towards our master bedroom. Depositing me on the side of our wooden sleigh bed, Changa’s job was done, and soon I heard his nails trotting along the slate floor outside of the bedroom back down the hallway. Thinking to myself I realize, maybe we don’t need to talk after all. Changa seemed to know exactly what to do in lieu of a conversation.

In bed, I curled my body into a tight fetal position. The discomfort was unbearable and constricting tightly into a ball was the only way my body could get small enough to not feel the entirety of the pain. Not in a coherent state of mind to strike up a friendly conversation with my body, which is my normal modus operandi, I demanded that the pain stop.

“This needs to stop right now!”Interestingly enough, the pain subsided for a good thirty seconds. Curious as to what this new experience was I asked. “Am I missing something?”Again, the pain stopped momentarily. Discovering that this relief was signaling the answer “yes” to my statements, I decided to go with it. This I can work with.“Do you want me to do something?” “Let go.” A whisper of a voice gained access to my mind in between the pulsating stabs of pain.

“Let go?” I repeat this and question out loud. How could anyone let go when the pain of the physical body was so intense? Every beat of my heart was forcing blood through constricted blood vessels within my head, and this was translating into an unbearable pain that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. How does one simply let go?

“Sleep.” Again, the whisper moves through my mind, hearing it answer me yet again only leads to more confusion. How can anyone go to sleep with this much agony moving through their body?

“Surrender and let go.”Finding my body still constricted and wound tightly into a ball I begin the process of letting go. Through the waves of pressure and sharp pain I slowly start to soften my body. Instead of holding all this energy in my head, I allow it to fill my entire body and take me over completely. The process was uncomfortable at first, I felt extremely vulnerable and somewhat exposed to this unknown energy, but as time went on I could feel how this ultimate form of surrender was allowing the energy locked in my head to find its way through my body and somehow exit out of me. Like I am a conductive wire, and the energy that I had opened when performing the visual experiment earlier had moved into my body and shorted me out. I was holding onto the energy instead of being a vessel for it to move through. With full understanding of this lesson now reaching my conscious mind, I sensed a great pressure lift and shift in my head. I no longer tried to hold onto the experience and allowed it to move though me, unimpeded. Lying in bed my body was exhausted, letting the last bit of the experience go, I roll over feeling wiped out from the days many journeys. My eyelids are getting heavy, and my body increasingly getting lighter. Not one to halt a good nap, I surrender once again to the soft pillow cozily tucked beneath my head and find the cadence of my breath. Each breath aligns more fully to the continuous beat of my heart making it hard to ignore the precious and delicate balance needed to sustain a human in harmony with life.

The twitching sensations moving around my body indicate that my brain is in the beginning stages of sleep, yet my mind is alert and active. I feel my physical body momentarily go numb as my mind detaches from the human shell holding it securely in place. This is exactly how I felt when I left my physical body on the half human, half animal planet. Now soaring above my wooden bed I can see my human body resting below. Soaring higher into my room my energy body reaches through the ceiling of my bedroom and slides unobstructed into the expansiveness of the world beyond.

Seemingly having no control over this journey, I find my body getting pulled even higher into the thin atmosphere above. As my aerial ascent continues, I am left witnessing mere outlines of Earths continents below. Reaching the final crescendo of this expansive journey I feel the tether connecting me back to my body on Earth begin to vibrate. This tether engaged like a rubber band being stretched to its max, I feel a tight resistance to any further forward momentum. Almost as if I was meant to stay on Earth. All at once I hit the invisible wall and my tether snaps. Soaring back towards Earth, my light body was spinning wildly around and around moving through a tunnel of light. Free falling from the edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, my spirit just made the greatest base-jump known to man!

After an exhilarating few moments of free fall I found the rubber band shot me right into an environment that appears almost jungle like upon first inspection. Absorbing the heavy dampness of the air I knew I was reviewing this landscape from at least the fifth dimension. Surrounded by a perpetual mist, I find myself spinning around in circles trying to ground my energy more fully, so that I can better understand the environment around me. I find it hard to keep a connection to this place. Unsure of what my goal or purpose is here, I begin my exploration. The landscape is massively overgrown with larger than life plants. I feel like I am walking down the hallway of a museum exploring sets from the Jurassic era. Deep colors of emerald green appear to be splashed around every corner. Looking up hoping to find a canopy of trees, my inspection ends abruptly as the tops of the trees are so high I am unable to perceive any canopy in sight.

Moving towards one of the visible trees in the surrounding vicinity I note to myself.“I have used trees during past travels to validate lessons so why should this journey be any different?

Moving towards the base of the sprawling tree, I place my hand on its trunk. Having leaned fully into the palm of my hand for this initial contact I move right through what is supposed to be a strong tree trunk and fall through a holographic façade made to look like the trunk of a tree. Scared that I might fall straight down a forty foot well moving through the center of the Planet, I am relieved when my body lands on the same level ground I had started from. Regaining composure, I steady my balance rising to my feet once again. Looking around, it appears that I am standing within a hollowed-out center of a large redwood tree. Wondering if this entire tree is a hologram I place my hands on the inside of the hollowed-out trunk, discovering hardened walls everywhere, strong and sturdy like I had initially intended. My path is greeted again by a descending carved staircase. Whatever craftsman constructed this staircase carved through the bottom of this tree into the trunk, roots and dirt which form together to make notched steps leading beneath this primary ground level. Finding my somewhat timid feet beneath me, I gingerly move down the steps. The stairs opened to a grand arched tunnel that had to have been shaped by tools. The design was pre-planned and constructed in a way that seemed highly intelligent and thought out. Exiting the last stair, I find myself on an underground dirt path I am now completely underground and there does not appear to be any light source around me. I lose track of the tunnel and find my body getting pulled from the back. I am actually retreating up through the stairwell as if someone just pushed re-wind on my video and sent my entire body moving in reverse. Before I know it, I am placed back onto the misty jungle floor staring at the tree trunk, eager to touch it once again.

Looking for a light source I find the canopy is still out of reach of my eyes, but through the colorful foliage above I can see what appears to be beams of light. Through the dense jungle surroundings I can see many outlines of what look to be planets or orbs hanging within the openings of the tree canopy above. Keeping my gaze focused on the slivers of sky that are visible through the canopy above, I see what appears to be an enormous winged flying animal. My mouth drops open whispering out loud.

“Dragon?”Head tilted with all awareness fixated on this flying creature, I am shocked when I hear a voice to my right speak up from only feet away.“It’s ok Dear One, some of this may still be a bit confusing.”

Snapping around, looking to the right, I see a massive dragon resting on the jungle floor. Her head is relaxed on the ground and her long snout is pointed directly at me. In a labored way, she lifts her head off of the jungle floor which creates a chain reaction of thunderous rolling sounds escaping from the ground below. She inclines her head so that her neck stretches fully to look up at the sky and then in the same movement points the tip of her long snout back down towards the ground. It appears as if she is bowing. With this single movement, I understand that she recognizes the confusion I have over my experiences up until this point.

Now supporting all her weight on her two front legs, I can see the dragon in its entirety. She has metallic yellow scales covering her snout like a patch work quilt, one laid onto another. The rest of her body is a dirty brownish color, with sparse hints of a glistening yellow metallic scale here and there. Her underbelly is a soft beige color and looks quite like that of a newly born puppy - soft, tender, and vulnerable. Her two front legs begin to slide out like a cat moving into a long stretch. In a slow exaggerated way, her body begins melting back into the ground from which it came. Now stretched out she curls her two front feet under her body and lies her head down so that her snout is pointing at me once again. The proportions of her body lying down seem a bit skewed, her big belly projects out in a very full, round shape and her head appears to be smooth, lengthy, and sleek. Closing her eyes, she moves into a rhythmic breath that signals the onset of sleep. Pulling her head closer to her body, I get the sense that if I am to ask a question it must be now or I might miss my opportunity.

“What is your purpose here? Forgive me Dragon, but the culture I am from talks of Dragons as pure fantasy?”Scooting her snout back in my direction, she opens her eyes in a lazy half peeking kind of way. “Dragons are the guardians of this planet, as we are too many.

Thinking to myself about my other journeys to other planets I see how the staircase is only one of the running themes. They all seem to have creatures that claim to be the guardians of their planet as well.“Dragons live alongside other inhabitants of this planet. Dragons live on the surface and in the skies while the others mostly live below ground.”She projects an image of her nest into my inner mind’s eye.“This is where many dragons live together in one place.”

In my mind I can see many different breeds of dragon. All appearing to be sunbathing and lazily enjoying a relaxing stretch over different outcroppings of stone boulders. She’s now projecting to me a different image and follows this image up with an explanation.“Dear One, this is the work in which we are required to do, our purpose if you will.”The image she is sending to me plays out like a movie. I can see one dragon in particular from the nest. This dragon seems comfortable; enjoying his place, belly up, apparently stretching or itching himself on a large rock. Within a split second, he rolls off to his side and vanishes, disappearing into some kind of time, space wormhole or portal into another dimension.

“What happened?” My voice speaks to the dragon as the movie in my mind continues.“His energy has been called to work,” she says in quiet response.Seeing this dragon now move through the portal, I can see him flying with wings outstretched. He finds the place he has been called to and begins to rain down fire upon the trees, homes, and people below. I see the fire manifest into the physical realm while the dragon stays in a higher unseen dimension. To me he appears like a glittering outline flying in the sky. The fire burns the entire area beneath him to the ground. The scene itself seems devastating, but I do not feel any remorse or sorrow for what I am witnessing. There seems to be purpose in what this dragon is doing. As I watch the powerful display of this dragon, I also hear the words of my new companion say:

The fire of a dragon is rich in elements some known and some unknown by your people. These new elemental properties allow new life to grow from things that have been neglected or are in need of transition. Like your mythological story of the phoenix. When something dies it can once again rise from the ashes into a new. This process of destruction, as you see it, is meaningful and quite necessary. Dragons are called to help rebuild places that need assistance with a new growth cycle. We are guardians for all planets who need the immediate impact of destruction in order for a new growth cycle to happen.

The dragon continues to play images for me of dragons receiving the call to start a new growth cycle for different planets. I see lazy dragons turn active as they move into another time and space to perform their work. In the landscape of this place is a harmonic connection between the vitality of the lush environment and these majestic beings. I sense the energy of the dragons not only enliven the environments they help save, but also impact the environment of their own planet. There is much energy and vitality here in this space and it seems a lot of that can be contributed to the presence of the dragons.

Planet 2 | Half Animal Half Human - Part 5

Moving from the intelligence room back towards the center chamber, I follow as my bird headed guide leads us to our final position in the heart of the underground catacombs. I can see the visual blueprint in my mind’s eye once again. Seeing the image in its totality I witness that my guide and I are about to connect to the long narrow path creating the eastern barrier wall. Unlike other explorations, this time my bird headed guide does not step aside allowing me space to investigate this new place on my own, here he takes the lead, stepping down a long row of descending stairs, moving us deeper underground.

Counting the steps as we descend the carved staircase; one, two, three, four… the counting stops when my feet could go no further, twenty. This last step lands my feet ankle-high in water. Firmly grounding onto this wet stone slab, I realize through the darkness I don’t know what to do or where to go, and have lost all visual connection to my guide. Due to the lack of vision my other senses perk up. I hear and feel rushing, churning water, the power of this room is intense and the air is thick. My hawk headed guide jumps onto my stone slab startling me back into the present moment. Waving his arm, he motions for me to follow him moving deeper into the underground chamber. I follow his exact steps, sloshing through the water. Turning the corner, we enter a large open chamber. “Where are we? What is this place?”

No words come back, but I do get a visual of the rooms’ blueprint. Rolling the blueprint around in my mind I see the exact layout of where I currently stand. The slab underneath my feet appears to be the size of a school bus. Underneath the bus shaped stone are six large circular pillars arranged in two lines of three, underneath that lies another bus shaped stone. The circular pillars anchor into the top and bottom stones. The blueprint also shows me that these two bus sized stones will move up and down using the pillars when it is time to do so. Circulating around all of this, is a large underground river. The current of this underground river is so intense - it is the reason for the tiny waves currently licking my ankles. “What does all of this mean? Am I missing something?”

“I am immediately downloaded with the all too familiar blueprint. The drawing shows a large whirlpool like vortex, close to where we are now, that springs to life under the northern pyramid. I sense that this new chamber holds a massive amount of energy, and I wish to explore it more fully. Looking at my guide, he is already moving. Passing through the sloshing water we move through the slotted opening in the corner of the room. Moving closer to the landing platform by the stairs, my guide stops. Reviewing our two options, one would be to move down the narrow path leading us under the pyramid and into the beginning of the underground river, two would be to continue back up the staircase. Distressed by his pause, I wonder what my guide is contemplating. This whirlpool seems to be the source of this cities purpose, it seems to be the reason why we are here and why everything had been created. I intend to find out more regarding its unique purpose and placement here, and I believe we must do this now. I question him, “why are we not going down the path to see the whirlpool? Why can’t I see what its purpose is?”With this final question my guide lifts one foot and then the other so that he is positioned on one of the dry steps. Turning around he clicks his beak at me in full recognition of the desire held within my heart. The clicks move through me putting my physical body at ease which allows my light body to break free of its physical constraints. My physical body turns into an unmoving statue frozen in place on top of the stone platform below. I think I am experiencing travel as I had witnessed these beings do.

My consciousness is no longer locked inside of my half bird half human body, experiencing full freedom from my physical body. My spirit soars through the different levels of the underground labyrinth, being pulled very quickly as if magnetized towards the first of the six pyramids. I am pulled up and through the floor of the grand pyramid where I see the entire city has congregated in this one space. The inhabitants from this planet are all on bent knees with heads bowed, positioned and waiting on the ground floor of the pyramid. Every individual’s head is bowed towards the front of the room, just like I had seen the Sentariens do. The room is filled wall to wall yet everything is shrouded in complete silence. In my mind, a voice says.“It is time to take the water.”

My spirit settles onto the floor and lies in wait with the other inhabitants. Surprisingly my spirit body is noticed by the two half animal half humans I settle in between, not lifting their heads each one adjusts slightly to the side to accommodate space for my energy body to settle in. Broadcasting into the minds of the individuals, the message to take the water was not just for me. Apparently, everyone has settled into place and is waiting for this water, there is an electrified energy that surges through the crowd as each person hears the call.

As the electrified intensity of the room hits its peak the ground floor of the great pyramid releases a fine mist. All inhabitants remain in their bent knee position with their heads bowed. While everyone’s physical bodies remain in this frozen position, my head remains up. I witness these individuals take full body breaths of the mist, each sequential breath making their etheric forms grow so large, it seems as if their glowing energy bodies might pop right through their physical bodies. The electrified anticipation surrounding the release of the mist subsides and is replaced by a state of euphoria. Individuals once frozen in place on the pyramid floor have now melted their frozen statuesque positions and have relaxed into a meditative trance. During this softening moment as they melt onto the floor of the pyramid, I witness some of the individuals begin to move into states of lucid dreaming. Being in a fifth dimensional form I can see and perceive the energetic expressions that they are experiencing. The energy of a lucid dream pops out like a beacon of light extending out of the top of their heads. Naturally drawn into what they are doing, I have an immediate understanding wash over me as I move my energy body towards one of the individuals. Intuitively I know that this is where the inhabitants of this planet go to connect into their purpose work. Like a light bulb flashing on inside my awareness, it becomes clear. “This ceremony is where a person will be able to hear the voice of the divine!”

This is where tasks are received and reviewed for betterment of the being. This entire process was a self-guided gift, the dreams of these individuals are all unique and different. From one being to the next, each seemed to be on their journey, yet all collectively are here supporting one another. Just thinking about the collective of this group brings wonderment into my field and sends immediate electrified energy through all my senses.

Allowing the collective connection to settle down, I find a softening once again and bring my awareness back into the space of this great room. As soon as my mind settles, I find my own lucid dream begins to take place. I am brought a vision of the water vortex spinning beneath the pyramid in which we all occupy. Seeing this as a picture in my mind, I begin to feel that there is great power coming from the whirlpool. The mist was only one of the gifts being created by this vortex under the pyramid. Pausing, I feel a whirling cyclone of energy begin to spin around the room. Looking around, no one except me seems to notice this immediate change of energy. Opening my senses more fully now, I can tell that the energy is spinning in a clockwise flow around my body. Moving from the bottom of my energetic body up to my head.

Remembering one of my visions from the heart of the labyrinth, I understand that if inter-dimensional journeying needed to happen, it could happen from within this space by using this powerful vortex of energy. I know that the energy created today is one that is being created to assist all inhabitants in attendance with whatever needs they seek on whatever level they seek them. Finding my own stillness, I rest back onto the ground floor of the pyramid. It was easy to move into the energy of my own lucid dream from this space. Maybe through the collective of the people surrounding me, the mist, the vortex or all the above. I simply let go and fall into my own dream.

The lucid dream comes in like slides from a move projector, not unlike the experience had with my soul orb in the records room on the Pleiadian planet. First, I see my frozen body within a tube held in suspended animation on the Pleiadian planet. The next slide shows my human body reanimating and then getting dropped somewhere deep within the underground labyrinth here on this half animal half human planet. I see a room tucked along the eastern corridor filled with golden sarcophagus like tubes. The feeling I experienced earlier returns as a shock wave of energy runs along my spine. A longing sensation washes over me and a desperate need to connect to my body arises. The next slide shows me the Earth version of myself as a living breathing human in the time space of 2015. Questioning the incarnation cycle and the message of creation from the half human half animal people, I let the visions continue. It is once again explained to me that these half animal half human people populated Earth. Thinking through this information, I question the meaning of this yet again.

I thought the expectations of this planet were to get the humans and animals to come together in union living in harmony together as one like on this planet?’Through the mental formation of this question, I begin to understand more clearly what I was intended to know. My original assessment was wrong. Part of the reason these beings chose to inhabit and populate Earth was to experience themselves as individuals and not in union together. Earth was an opportunity to grow themselves in a different way. By releasing the expectations of their home planet and allowing an individual to experience themselves authentically, they can forget their connection to the expectations of this home planet and have a chance at developing differently. This helps to expand the consciousness of the matrix in a different and unique way. I see that the human and animal vessels (bodies) were given to Earth to use as a means for exploration in a different time, space so that each could understand more of their uniqueness.

Allowing the soul who incarnates separately the opportunity to remember and reconnect to their divine origins.Understanding this information, I feel it accepted within my being as truth. I recognize this message as two-fold. The teaching is not only about the half animal half human inhabitants from this planet, it is also about my journey in discovering my frozen bodies. As I recognize this connection, my conscious mind is pulled to review my three known bodies: Earth, the Pleiadian planet, and here on the half animal half human planet. I am curious to know why I would choose to have frozen bodies on different planets. Two out of the three being frozen, holding no soul consciousness. What is the purpose of having a shell of a body waiting, frozen in a state of suspended animation? Through the process of forming this question, my mind is taken into another lucid dream and it is here that I receive another download of information answering my question.

I am on a quest to understand the uniqueness of my soul parts more fully. An example of a human acting one way at work, one way at home, and one way with their friends comes to mind, so too this is what the soul is doing on the cosmic level through different incarnations. Bridging the gap between these different qualities, trying to reconcile all the soul parts into one true being. Yet we can’t achieve this until we have understood who we are within each of those parts. I am flooded with the understanding of time and space and the knowing that there is no such thing as time unless you are living in the dense energy below the fourth dimension. Once outside of the fourth dimension, “everything is happening simultaneously and therefore all consciousness is experienced as one singular time. When I am removed from the third dimension like I am now, I can choose to experience my soul parts as a fully integrated over soul (the one true soul with access to everything) with full knowing of who I am throughout all three of these different incarnations. When in the third dimension, my mind cannot fully accept the vastness of no time and no space and therefore I am trapped in an unconscious world choosing to experience myself as an individual away from the whole. Until I can reconcile all soul parts and gain that wisdom on a level that transcends all space and time, I will remain unconscious of who I truly am on a cosmic level. I wonder if I will remember this when this lucid dream is over and I go back to my Earth consciousness? I wonder if I can even understand this concept on Earth?

The souls’ ability to experience different levels of consciousness at one time makes sense, to my mind. I understand that only in the third dimension do we think of a start and end date for our existence. Out of the third dimension, everything coexists at the same time. This all makes sense on a soul level. It makes sense that the soul would try to understand itself through all its existences trying to reconcile its lessons into a singular moment in time. I recognize all of this, and see this as the way to become a fully enlightened being understanding ones’ soul purpose, but why then would I choose to freeze my body on a planet if it is not necessary to do so to learn my purpose? There must be something I am missing. I can accomplish my purpose by simply reconciling the energy of all lives into the consciousness of my body on Earth, so why do I have bodies frozen with no souls apparently waiting for my soul to return?

Confusion and distrust settle into my field of awareness. Becoming very conscious of my mind, I am snapped back like a rubber band on a sling shot into my body that remains in the underground labyrinth of the pyramid. My bird headed guide is standing, unmoved awaiting my return. Being reunited with my body is uncomfortable. The heaviness of the vessel is draining and gives me an immediate pain sensation in my head. My guide begins clicking his beak, creating a vibration that is immediately felt inside of my own body. The action allows my body to soften and my mind to relax. What I held as concern and confusion before are slowly dissipating, leaving me to feel connected once again. The hawk gently speaks into my mind.

“It is not always easy, brother, to know the truth of your journey. It takes open receptivity and patience to things unknown. Stay curious, that is why you were chosen, but not to a point that you forget your purpose. This will get easier.”Replying, I say. “How can you be so sure?”In the kindest, most considerate voice he responds, “because brother you are me, we are one. I know your story and you must understand this is just the beginning.”

“After the last word is spoken he turns around and begins walking up the steps. Following my guide, he slowly and thoughtfully ascends the stone staircase. With each step a glowing light at the top of the staircase becomes more noticeable. Step by step the light gets brighter until I can barely see the outline of the guide in front of me. Walking now with a squint in my eyes I begin breathing heavily. Struggling, the stairway seems to have gained a thickness, making it hard to traverse. With only a few steps left, the light becomes so bright I can no longer hold my eyes open and surrender to my heavy lids. As this happens my body becomes weightless I feel the amulet from around my neck disintegrate and I release my physical body back to the sarcophagus buried within the east wing of the underground catacombs of this planet. My breathing returns to normal and the light around me turns warm. The glowing light softens and my eyes begin to adjust. Feeling my breath return fully into my body, my chest heaves through expansion and contraction. Eyes still acclimating, I let go of the remaining bits of fuzziness. My vision returns and sitting in front of me I see none other than the soft fur of my beige colored cocker spaniel, Changa.”

Planet 2 | Half Animal Half Human - Part 4

The golden glow of the room diminishes, signaling that my current lesson is over. Walking past the etched walls I feel as if a piece of my energy will remain here in this room.The volume of connectedness I now feel between this planet and my home planet of Earth is immense. I understand our contract with animals. I not only understand, but can actually feel my link, it has been reawakened with in my body, and I am so excited to take this wisdom back with me to Earth. The darkness of the room leaves me hugging the walls until I find the doorway I entered through. Standing along an exterior wall of the chamber my guide begins to move deeper in a direction within the underground labyrinth that we have yet to explore. After walking for quite some time we come to a stop. I can tell that we have entered the center of the underground archives. Intense amounts of energy emanate from an open pathway off to my right side.“This is what you have been looking for.”

My bird headed guide steps aside once again. My field of awareness leaves my physical body and begins hovering above where I stand. I see an aerial view of the catacombs. Having the complete layout of the path lying in front of me, my energy body once again descends into my body from the interactive blueprint. Reanimation happens allowing me to continue moving towards the zig zagging path ahead. The path was dark and not until I found my way out of the third turn did I begin to see the faint golden light ahead. Entering the center room everything is filled with a glowing golden light. Something seems to know where I need to be and illuminates that part of the catacombs to assist with my journey. I move into the center of the room where I see there is a pedestal that holds a “small stone replica of one of the large exterior pyramids. The small imitation pyramid looks quite heavy and is constructed from a light beige and blue color stone. Each of the four walls creating the perimeter of this space reveal built in seats surrounding each cut out door. It looks as if the room came pre-equipped to host many people at one time.Focusing on the center podium I can see the replica pyramid activate and come to life. The pyramid turns from its beige, blue color and begins to glow in a deep blue, purple, and white light. With my eyes locked on the center pyramid I can see out of my peripheral vision the stone walls on each side pull away. Once the darkness settles in on the left and right side of my body a type of mist enters the room. With my gaze focused on the streaming light, I see a hologram flicker to life above the top of the replica pyramid. The first shape to appear was that of a cat headed being, the voice of which could be heard as the image flickered in and out of view. The image I was viewing was that of an inhabitant from this planet, and it appeared to be giving a report on indigenous life from another planet. Once the report was over, another form flicked into view and this time it was the body of a man with a tiger’s head. He too was giving a report about his observations from another planet. I begin to understand what was happening, yet still had questions surrounding the purpose of this room. Pointing to the pyramid, I ask. “What did I just witness?”

As quickly as I asked the question I see images begin to appear around me. I witness what appears to be ghosts of this planet, inhabitants springing to life as if in replay mode from what I had just witnessed come out of the pyramid. They pour into this center council room in a single file line, first the cat headed woman, and next the tiger headed man. As they walk by the center podium they rest their hands on it and bow their head toward the stone pyramid in the middle. As their hands make contact the pyramid illuminates and it seems as if a link has been made. Their ghostly bodies then exit towards the rectangle room on the opposite side of this chamber and leave my view.The bird head man waves his hand towards the two chambers on the north and south side of the room. He is encouraging me to explore for more answers instead of speaking them to me now. I choose the rectangle room off the north side of this chamber to investigate first. The room has a recessed step and through the middle I see what appears to be stalls or rows of stone booths that move off in endless repetition as far as the eye can see. Each alternating booth is accessible by either the outside perimeter walkway or the internal path. Looking into the booths as I walk past them, each has ruin like inscriptions that fill the entire space from top to bottom.Entering one of the enclosures I position myself in front of one of the walls and allow the ruins to begin their swirling motions. This stall’s etchings play a movie that takes me into a jungle, there are hundreds of mini-movies all superimposed one over the next, each displaying various jungle animals. Below the visual of each there is a rapid display of the animals’ statistics. Questioning what this means I sit still and watch the multiple, random and rapid movies playing along the wall of this booth simultaneously. The animals are observed in their jungle habitat, nothing more really happens. Watching and waiting I decide to move onto the next stall hoping for more clarity. Upon entering the next stall, I am shown animals from an arctic landscape. Again, a main movie showing details of the landscape begins to play and other movies pop up highlighting different animals from this area. Seeing the pattern here I walk to the next stall and see African animals, the next stall I see water animals, the next stall I see desert animals and so on. I understand this is a viewing station for all the different kinds of animals on different planets. One of the stalls in particular hosts animals from India back on Earth, and I notice these animals are illuminated in a light almost white colored with a bold blue outline.

The word “human” pops into my mind and I get an immediate sensation directed towards the inner stalls from within this long narrow room. I make my way back to where I had started, take the step down, and proceed through the middle pathway. The same rectangular layout presents itself with alternating stall openings. Walking past multiple stalls I see they also have the etchings displayed on their walls. Stepping into one of the stalls the movies begin and I can see how this parallels the same jungle movie, but from the human or inhabitant of the planets perspective. Moving from stall to stall I see the same pattern as before, Arctic, African, Water, Desert and India. Moving into the stall with the animals from India I see the movies and begin to hear a “tick, tick, tick” along with flashes of blue and white indicator marks, increasing in number and filling the screen. Confused, I call out to my hawk guide asking for assistance to help clarify the visual. Moments later the bird man enters the stall. Laying his hand on my shoulder, his warmth seems to steady my body.

“What do the blue and white dotted lines symbolize?”The warmth from his hand increases which seems to calm my mind. A memory rushes in representing the holographic beings, I saw mere moments”

“before, each setting out on type of military style mission. As the connection to the holographic images are made I am downloaded with understanding of each of their stories. In a flash my mind settles and my eyes begin to flutter. I see teleportation happening from this planet to Earth. I see most of these beings like the cat woman, and the tiger man make connection to Earth and remain esthetically as they had when they left. I see them transparent and moving around Earth unseen through the fifth dimension, almost like a ghost. These beings are observing the interactions of humans and animals on Earth. These beings have been sent to monitor a scientific study of our kind. In one instance, I see a being from this planet make the journey to Earth and upon moving into the third dimensional plane he separates his animal self from his human self, the two parts move in different directions. I see the man engaged with the humans from his human self, and with the animals from his animal self. It feels as if this being has come to Earth as a teacher, trying to impart wisdom and messages to those that surround him.Moving out of the vision I see clearly the stalls pertaining to Earth and can gauge their images, understanding the different indigenous cultures of humans and animals as they connect to the Earth plane through each of the stalls. I get the sense that those who are coming to Earth from this planet are studying interactions between humans and animals. Some are also trying to help shift the consciousness levels of our two species and are manifesting in places of need where the animal and human cultures are still not aligned. Specific stalls that have low counts of white and blue dots amongst their images are being chosen to travel to. On the other hand, the stalls with images that show a good mixture of white dots along with the blue seems to be signaling places where a conscious shift has been sustained already.

Everything seems to be up to date here within this rectangular room, or at least up to date to match my perspective and my timeline so that if I chose to do so, I might help upon my journey back to Earth. I can feel many other planets and goals, but all my guidance has been towards that of Earth. My intuitive sense is pulled to my limited knowledge of India where I believe some in their culture still worships animals, and a growing number of its population are vegetarian. As my mind reviews what I know about this culture, I am downloaded with a knowing that more than 35% of the total population of India has shifted into a conscious connection with animals at this time. Considering the stall with the information on India I witness the data and notice that the country has accumulated mostly blue dots for every white dot seen. This represents the growing number of people accepting the divine connection between animals and humans. Each blue dot must represent the growing percentage of the population that has come to understand the connection between the two species. This room is like the central intelligence agency for this planet, it tracks the growth potential to realign the animals with the inhabitants of a Planet.

Planet 2 | Half Animal Half Human - Part 3

Sensing my level of immense confusion, the raven man waives his arm encouraging me to follow as he takes the lead. A tunnel lies along the perimeter of the grand pyramid floor where I had originally entered. As we begin our decent, the air turns cool as the path grows ominously darker filling with a thick blackness one could slice through. With the ramp flattening out beneath my feet I can tell we have hit our desired level.Silence didn’t break until we finally approached a halt in the wall that signaled it was time to explore a room. Following my guide we walk, one after the other, into the chamber. As our bodies enter the room, a golden light erupted from the walls surrounding us bathing everything in a warm glow. My guide takes a position on the inside of the first wall and drops his head down towards the floor, suggestively indicating the rest was for me to explore on my own. I see four standing stone walls all of equal size and length. Each wall has multiple carvings etched upon the surface, with not a single blank space left open. Each of the four walls also has a single doorway punched out of the middle, wide and tall enough for one body to move through comfortably. Approaching closer to the wall directly to the left of where we had entered I move close enough to view the detailed carvings. Finding it impossible to decipher, I call out to my guide.“Can you translate what these are saying? ”The bird headed man lifted his head and moves towards the wall I had been studying. “This is not a language you can decipher this is a vibration you must receive.”

Grabbing hold of the amulet on my chest, he lifts it up towards the level of my beak and allows it to drop back down thumping over the place on my chest where my heart resides. Through his action, I realized I must stop trying to read the wall with my mind and open through my heart. Blurring my eyes, I open my chest wider to receive the vibration of what lies on the wall in front of me. At this moment the etchings turn into moving pictures. Through the rippling carvings, I can make out many different pictures and symbols that connect to the element of water. Excited, I move to the next wall and blur my eyes in the same way. Again, I start to see the pictures ripple to life. This wall appears to telling the story of large stones, quite like the ones the pyramids are made of. Everything about this wall made me want to explore more. I feel myself pulled through this open doorway within the middle of the stone etched wall. I find myself in a room that had been completely sealed in, save for the doorway I had just entered through “Seeing a halo of golden light appear on the floor in the middle of the room I follow the light and sit cross legged within its center. While sitting amongst the circle of light my peripheral vision opens in such a way that I could see all four walls with their etchings at the same time. The magic of this spot somehow allowed me a full 360-degree view of everything this room contained. Allowing my gaze to blur I begin to see the story of this chamber come to life. The story moved not only through my mind, but also through my heart and my body at the same time creating a three-dimensional sensorial experience.

The first interactive picture details the large pyramid I had first explored upon visiting this land. Zooming in from the aerial shot the image moves tight through an open corridor on the side of the black stone pyramid. Moving through this space a single person is revealed on the expansive ground floor. The crown chakra above the head of this person is completely illuminated, creating a pillar of light from the top of their head out through the capstone of the pyramid. Once the light exits through the top of the capstone it spreads into a multi-current ray of light, just like a prism captures the sun and spreads it into a rainbow of different colors. The light seems to go on infinitely into the sky and universe beyond. As I open my mind and release all expectation over what I am seeing, I begin to feel and understand the full meaning of what is happening. This is a method of connection, like a radio signal out into the universe. It seems as if this could also amplify intention and communication into the intended space that the being is projecting into.

As knowledge of this first picture is realized, a second picture moves through my mind. I see the singular person replaced with a group of people. The group of beings all illuminate their crown chakras at the same time turning their multiple lights into a singular beam that exits through the pyramid’s capstone. As the group of individuals continue to produce this singular beam of light, another individual now enters the picture and almost floats towards the space where the group stands. Floating into the center of the group, this “individual moves into the stream of light being produced by the group’s crown chakras and is transported through the light currents and disappears through the capstone. The picture goes black. I find my body feels as if it is floating in all space and all time suspended somewhere within the universe.It is here in the expansiveness of space that a beautiful orb comes into view and I know this is Earth. I am shown in rapid succession pyramids all around our Earth that seem to be beacons for this energy transference. I can see the prism of crown chakra energy coming from the Sentariens planet connecting into one of the many beacons known as the Earth pyramids. One is a starting point and the other the end point. Somehow these are used for fifth dimensional teleportation. I can understand this process only when I inspect it from a dimensional perspective. It seems as if a third dimensional body must raise its vibration into the fourth dimension to begin to move through time and space. It can then choose to stay in the hologram of the fifth dimension or slow down its vibration moving back into the third dimension. The pyramids ability to focus and transmit energy seems to make this point to point travel possible. Travel in this manner ends with the being residing within the fifth dimension unless they chose to slow down their vibration and move into a tangible third dimensional body. As I lean into the implications of this statement my body begins to hurt and I understand this to mean the process of becoming dense or slowing the vibration is an uncomfortable one and is less desirable. Travelers apparently can choose to manifest into the third dimension or remain in the fifth dimension. I receive the feeling that many who travel in this way chose to reside in the fifth dimension of Earth remaining there strictly for observational purposes. Manifestation into the third dimension means these beings can take the shape of any form they wish as long as the same mass is converted, quite like I understand shamanic shape shifting to be explained from the Earth plane by Native Americans.

This means that those who transition over from the Sentarien planet could be interacting with human life in the third dimension without anyone being wise to the fact that they are speaking with an extraterrestrial. Humans are also able to perform this transference if they so wish. A human can raise their frequency into the fourth dimension and remote view these planets, or can travel to a space and time that is sought after through the fifth dimension allowing the being to interact with physical forms from the time space they visit. The pyramids seem to create an interstellar gateway for this process to take place. I understand this is a fail proof way to get from point A to point B, like getting on the freeway on one exit and being pushed off at the next exit. Seemingly, pyramids are a toll road or link that was established between two connected and harmonized planets that have a vested interest in one another.

Through experiencing what now feels like a complete understanding of the story of the pyramid, I find my vision coming back into focus. I am now able to see clearly all four walls surrounding me. Taking my mind, body and heart deeper into its story, the pyramid begins to unravel its next secret. I can see what appears to be a blueprint of six different pyramids and highlighted between the six are underground labyrinths. Realizing that the six pyramids are connected here to this space, I recognize the three I have previously seen and assume there are three others I have yet to explore. Three of the pyramids sit at the front end of the long city and the other three sit at the back end. The blueprints seem to map out the catacombs that lie beneath the city connecting the six massive pyramids together through interlacing underground caverns. The blueprint moves around and around so that I can see it from every angle, yet the blueprint doesn’t stop. I feel as if I am missing something… My eyes begin to clear and as if on cue the bird headed man enters the etched room where I still sit within the middle of the floor.“Did the pyramid give you the map?” His words move into my mind as he speaks.“Is that what those blueprints were?” I chirp back in response to his question.“Those who are guided here usually are downloaded with the pyramids’ map. Now you are able to find what you need by simply asking.It is also a gift from this sacred place. Only those who come to do work for this place will be able to decipher its secrets.”Feeling like the Indiana Jones of my own half animal, half human adventure I state:“I would now like to go to the area within the labyrinth that holds information about the Sentariens.”

Now holding the Rosetta Stone of this underground maze, I move deeper into the caverns with no fear of failure. The twists and turns lead us down multiple passageways until our path stops in front of a room that is glowing with golden light. This light must be some creation by the pyramid to signal I am where I need to be. Thinking back, we have passed many open chambers and none have shown golden light like the two where I have been guided. The bird head man shuffles himself towards the side of the doorway allowing me to enter the room alone. The room is completely sealed in by four walls minus the entry way door. Having already mastered the art of reading etched cryptic imagery, I walk right up to the images interacting on the walls, adjust my eyes, and await the information to follow. I see myself engaging with this singular Sentarien.“What does the etched spiral circle on your forehead represent? ”I see myself ask the question to him and can hear, feel and understand his response all through the pictures on the cavern wall. He explains that this etched spiral is his method of communicating with the inhabitants of this planet. He shows me the sky and says his people are the guardians of this planet. That the beings they protect are benevolent and kind and need them for defense. He waves a hand towards the sky and states they watch the stars. If anything appears to be in disturbance, he and his people would contact the half cat half human being of the pyramid through this link in his forehead. I get an instant connection to my amulet and then to the animal people I have also been in communication with.

“Next, I see what appears to be the original creation of these Sentariens. I witness an assembly line of workers piecing together these massive beings. I see large red clay like stones assembled one on top of the other. At the final step of the process I see the spiral drawn onto the forehead of the Sentarien and a singular inhabitant from the planet takes charge of imparting a piece of his life into this lifeless being. The two now stand mere inches away from one another with foreheads in alignment. Witnessing sonar waves move between the two foreheads, the bond is created and the Sentarien comes to life. There is now a mapped pathway between the two minds and telepathic communication can commence. I flash to an image of 2015 where a cat and a human sit within one another’s presence. Because of the original bond made between animals and humans the symbiotic connection is already present and a level of communication is able to be achieved. I see the human uncoiling the spiral around the third eye chakra in the forehead area to open themselves to the voice of the animal within their presence. I see this as the method in which you would communicate with the allies surrounding you on the Earth plane. Massive amounts of energy pour into my body as I feel a shiver of understanding run along my spine and down my legs.

Planet 2 | Half Animal Half Human - Part 2

Up down and around one more corner of the tunnel, the path begins to slow to a gradual stop. Pulling back, the two beings of light detach from my shoulders, leaving me with a cool feeling of separation. Turning around I can see each now standing about a foot or so behind me. Feeling their gentle energy push me towards the door, I gladly accept their silent challenge to embark on this new adventure. Walking up to the door I move through it quite easily, just like on previous journeys. Reviewing my environment, there is nothing but an expansive desert-like landscape on all sides. Taking in the sights I am immediately drawn to the sky which has a purple iridescent glow. The ground beneath my feet consists of tiny granular like particles very similar to sand. Moving my eyes across the horizon I notice a movement. Captivated, I watch as the movement gets closer and suddenly I am greeted by six megalithic beings the size of the statue of liberty. Encircling me, the one closest picks me up. Regaining some composure, I am able to brace myself on my hands and my knees while riding the ever climbing escalator that is the palm of this beings’ hand.As the large platform of a hand moves upward, I take in the full length of this thing’s body. It seems to be made out of clay, with a deep burnt red color and stone quality. As the five beings tighten their circle around the sixth that held me, I see they are looking as intently at me as I am at them. Each of the six beings seems to be an exact copy of the one standing next to it. Their bodies take the form and shape of a robot with each additional body part stacked on top of the one under it. Their large square shaped faces have stone looking eyes and a flat lined mouth with a large spiral drawn directly onto the forehead. As I inspect each detail more fully the word Golem comes to mind, and I feel within my being that these creatures have been shaped or created by another and tasked with guardianship. Just when I think there is no intelligence within “its movements, merely an automated mechanism performing a series of programed tasks, I get questioned by the one holding me. “Who are you and what is your purpose?”The language of this creature seems to echo outside of my body in a way I don’t understand, yet my mind knows how to interpret its words.“I am Jenessee, I have traveled here from Earth and I am not sure why I am here.”The words inside my head sound like English yet the sounds that are produced by my mouth sound strange and unfamiliar.“You will come to the temple, be judged and have your fate decided.”With this statement the six beings begin to walk. Looking at my captor in his two stony eyes I ask: “Who and what are you?”

“With no emotion the being responds as any military personnel would: “We are the Sentariens. We are the guardians of this planet.”Approaching three distinct pyramids, I notice shiny black stone covering every exterior wall I could see, creating a remarkable juxtaposition between the lightly colored sand and the pointy structure appearing to float atop it. We move towards a tunnel extending from one of the exterior walls of the pyramid. The six beings, seven if you include me, walk right into the open tunnel. The corridor itself was dark, every step deeper into the tunnel brought small repetitive glowing slits of white light that appeared and then vanished once again. These thin windows seemed cut out of the surrounding stone allowing a peek of light to enter the dark space surrounding us. The way the light entered the hallway gives our journey an ominous feel. Our progression stops as we enter the enormous ground floor chamber of the pyramid. The line of Sentariens walk through the chamber as if in a parade, each took their place one after another in a long line from one side of the chamber in towards the middle. The Sentarien responsible for holding “my body was the last to find his mark. Instead of freezing in position like the other five, he continues to walk towards the front of the pyramids where a large slab stone awaited our arrival. As we approach the altar his protective fingers release their caged grip from around my body. Gently tilting his hand, I have no choice except to fall directly onto the cold hard slab below.

“Towards the back wall of the pyramid my eyes caught the first bit of light as it begins to dance. The hallow space above my head comes alive with laser beams of light bouncing from wall to wall. As the lines of light become more intense a thickness and density begins to fill the air. Through the thickness I see the shape of a being manifesting, half cat and half human. The head takes the shape of the cat with large pointed ears and shiny black fur. The head itself is thin and in complete proportion to the rest of the body which takes the form of a human with distinctive arms and legs. As this cross-breed walks towards the slab where I sit, she introduces herself to me by way of a smile that exudes a low vibratory purr. Following this her voice speaks into my head.“Welcome home.”Her purring words create an instant flash of golden light that moves through my body and creates a shield around me that reflects the light in a way that allows me to witness myself from every angle like a mirror. Here I see the form of my own “body morphing into a half human half bird. Throwing my hands out wide to the sides of my body I bend in every different way I can imagine to see what this new form entailed. When I return to an upright standing position I notice that the cat woman has extended her hand towards the altar where I stand. Within her extended hand was an amulet, a tarnished golden-brown color with a calcified greenish hue. The amulet is on a chain and it has the same spiral carved into it that the Sentariens’ had carved onto their foreheads. She places the amulet around my neck and spoke out loud in her purring voice, which immediately translated in my mind.“You have free reign of this land.” Making a gesture towards the amulet now around my neck. “You may have access to what you need for learning purposes and may ask questions of anyone you come in contact with.”

Her mouth curves into a smile which reveals two pointy teeth. Her vibrational purring begins again and fills the chamber with an intense electrified energy. The hair all over my body stands on end and suddenly she is gone. Feeling explorative I remove myself from the stone slab and skirt around the perimeter of the pyramid floor. Using my two hands I reach up to feel my new face. Feeling the strong, solid beak in the middle of my face, I remember seeing this detail with a yellowish orange hue, at least that’s how it appeared within the golden reflection. The beak is sharp and curved inward at its point reminding me of a hawk. I could feel the soft flat feathers on top of my head. The resemblance is that of a crow and a swan, the small features of the crow with dramatic pointed eyes like a swan. My hands and arms moved freely still embodying their human like qualities. My chest is bare and very muscular, no feathers appear anywhere else on this new body of mine.

Finding the only opening on the opposite side of the structure, I exit. What appeared before me was not the empty desert oasis, but instead a bustling, thriving city with life, grass, water and greenery everywhere. At the furthest end of the city, about two football fields away from this main pyramid, I see there are another set of pyramids appearing to signal the ending of the cities perimeter. Looking down at my bare feet I notice I am standing upon a stone path, and I begin my walk through the city along this street.  The first thing that strikes me about my surrounding is how busy the inhabitants of this planet seem. I feel as if I am walking down a busy market street in India where small shops are set up along the street containing all types of local goods and wares. Everyone is moving around with their head down engaging in what appears to be very important tasks. Compared to the Pleiadians, these people look to have many busy obligations. Their day seems to be filled with remedial chores that keep them occupied and self-focused.

Thinking about it, these beings are quite like the humans of Earth. Looking into one shop, I see a set of half animal, half humans working to load and unload items into an unseen area of the covered shop. Most everyone I see in and out of the streets and shops has a body of a human and the head of an animal, but not all. I see a being that appears all human walk past me. Stopping abruptly, I pivot in the street to allow my eyes to follow the path of this individual. Human head, human arms and legs, chest and presumably even genitals. I make this assumption because the being is wearing a white cloth around its waist that hangs just enough to cover and protect that delicate part of the sex that would show the human anatomy. As I make my final hypothesis about this human I am startled by an animal that skirts across my path. This animal’s movements are not like any animal I know on Earth, it seems purposeful, just like the humans. It seems to be performing some duty that assists with the city’s flow of commerce. Fascinated by all of the wonderful facets of this city, I stare up into the sky where I feel the warmth of the sun hanging overhead. The sun seems lower and bigger than any sun I am familiar with, as if a prop on a theater stage. The warmth pours over my body and I allow its rays to penetrate my being helping to connect me into this beautiful moment.Walking the path once again I notice more of the refined details that I had originally omitted.Humans: All male, skin colored warmly with varying hues of brown, caramel and gold, muscular, dark hair, and stoic faces.Animals: All types, bob cats, birds, no amphibians, fur and feathers.Half Humans Half Animals: Where to begin! Heads are of the animal, bodies are of the human, bird & human, Cat & human, Giraffe & Human. The cat woman who greeted me seemed female, but why no females with human qualities?

There are stores that line this street, and behind these structures appear to be the inhabitant’s dwellings. The shapes of these dwellings are beyond my comprehension. Some of these structures seem to disappear completely into the next structure, like a hologram. Squares, hexagons, flat surfaces, points. It was like a bird’s nest on top of a shiny pyramid that slides into a hexagonal-shimmering transparent structure. As I walk the long path I see a specific inhabitant wielding a wheel barrel full of something heavy. I find myself drawn towards him as he moves the barrel toward the shade of a surrounding building. His human body is muscular and glistening with beads of sweat and his head is that of a black raven. My body is being drawn towards this inhabitant like a magnet, as I move closer he looks up to catch my gaze. Stopping in front of him now, sharing his shade, my human hand grasps at the amulet hanging in the middle of my chest. Feeling inclined to talk, I ask him.“Are you familiar with Earth and its inhabitants?”Not sure what this exchange is going to bring, he immediately speaks back. “Are you not familiar with our history brother? We seeded the human race.”Running through my mental rolodex, I take a minute to let this statement fully absorb. My mind is filled with everything from God, and creation theories, to the drawings of half human half animal gods in places like Egypt and in Native American cultures.“My apologies, I am a traveler to this planet and do not know the history. How is it possible that the inhabitants of this place created humans when you are half human and half animal?”With a mere sweep of his hand he encourages me to take in the landscape. Allowing the landscape to come fully into view I see again the half human half animal beings, the animals and the humans.“Our people go through a rite of passage. When the time is right a union will be made joining one from the animal kingdom and one from the human kingdom.”

Looking around I see the beings who are only human, and the ones who are only animal and begin to understand that these singular forms must be considered the lesser of the breeds here. Those who have made the shift to half animal half human must be the superior breed. It feels as if those who are half human half animal are perceived as more desirable or of a higher order here. Asking for clarity I respond. “Does your right of passage involve the animals joining with the humans to make one being?”The bird headed man speaks again. “Of course, it is only natural.”Continuing with the questions I reply, “and where does Earth come into the picture?”“Our planet is responsible for bringing men and animals to Earth. The goal in doing this was to help establish a new place for our kind to flourish amongst other beings. The elders hoped that Earth would be a conducive place to create this union, but found after many visits that the unions were not being made as they had originally intended. Therefore, man and animal continue to stay separated on Earth.”

The bird man continued to explain this history lesson, further exploring the connections between animals and humans.“The connection is always open between human and animal, even on Earth where the rite of merger has not been able to last over time. Each individual in the union only needs to open themselves to the possibility of the relationship to begin to establish a trusted connection between one another. Brother, on your planet the possibility to use the sight of the raven is always available to you if you only open yourself to that primordial connection. These gifts are imbedded within the deepest layers of who you are. Do you not feel it within you? Can you not see what you have been transformed into here? All you “need to do is tap into the part of you that longs for the connection to your soul animal, by doing this you will help reestablish the lost connection.”“Thank you.” I say this out loud, which translated into a series of small clicks from my beak. The feeling made me giggle. There was a tickle from a strange vibration emanating out of my beak. With this the bird man replied in kind. My walk continued down the long street running through the middle of the city. While making my way towards the large pyramids at the end of the cities border, I had time to contemplate the story of the bird man. Wild thoughts moved through my mind trying to piece together exactly what I had learned. I understand human’s deep connection to animals, yet the idea that we were created in the likeness of these extraterrestrials had me questioning. I know of the Egyptians and their worship of half-animal, half human gods. I can also faintly remember something of the stories of the Native Americans and Mayans who recorded encounters with these types of gods and messengers, but were we really supposed to be descendants of half animal, half human beings? With my feet comfortably standing atop the stone path I look up to find one of the two pyramids directly in front of me. The stone path I was following split into two, with the shorter choice leading directly to the large pyramid ahead. The size of this first pyramid is blocking what I can assume would be the second connected by this second path. Moving down the short path directly in front of me I find the open entrance which has a slight upward slope leading into the center floor of the pyramid. Making my way up the ramp and through the cut-out door, I find myself in another great room similar to the first pyramid. Standing in the middle of the room is a half bird, half man being. As my gaze meets his, he welcomes me with a small clapping of his beak. Without thought my beak responded to this in kind sending a vibrational tickle down my spine.“All of the wisdom you seek can be found within one of these two pyramids, our libraries.” My head swam with curiosity. The previous encounter left so many unanswered questions there was so much I still had to sort out.“Can you tell me how the union, or rite, that happens between animals and humans benefits the inhabitants of this planet?”Through the clicking of his beak, I knew my answers were about to come forth so I took the opportunity to settle myself, awaiting the story to follow.“Animals have the ability to perceive all dimensions, through all time and space. Animals are connected to all energy while also having the ability to stay connected to their physical form and realm in which they live, but animals have limited abilities in being creators. They have selected a different evolutionary path. Humans have selected an evolutionary path that chooses to incarnate into forms that disconnect them from the higher realities and dimensions in order to grow their manifesting, creator abilities. They learn through their experiences in creating consciously. Therefore, when man here on this planet had the opportunity to create a union going through the rite they were moved to do so to experience different paths. By doing this, it enables both entities the benefit of perceiving through the acts and abilities of the other. This union gives the best of both worlds. The head per say can be soaring in the clouds witnessing a different reality while the body is engaged with its surroundings creating and manifesting. The balance this creates is one that keeps the being connected into the third dimension creating realities while also attuned to all of divinity and potential.”Nodding my bird head, I show my understanding validating what this hawk headed bird man is saying.

“The alliance between humans and animals was made at the beginning of time. It has always been the goal of the two species to ultimately come together for optimal harmony and balance. On our planet in this dimension an agreement has been made that a singular vessel will be used and the two energies will maintain equal sharing rights; two souls, one vessel. The two energies will spend a lifetime courting each other until the union is ready to be made. Once the union is made it cannot be undone and the two will symbiotically spend their time together until physical transcendence is achieved. The union can only be made when each one individually understands the other, allowing for a full transparent shift to be made. This choice brings much awareness, wisdom, gifts, and responsibility. Earth does not yet understand its responsibility towards the animals. Animals continue to choose to incarnate onto Earth to help bring conscious awareness to this kindred partnership yet slow progress is made towards the evolution and connection between your two kinds. Once humans consciously shift, the animals will be able to assist in your overall transformation. This information will be required for you to continue to move forward in successful harmony with your Earth and all of its energetic forces.”

Planet 2 | Half Animal Half Human - Part 1

Mommy why are you crying? Daddy’s not mad at you for breaking the cup is he?”Laughing at the innocence of the response, Camden’s statement made any remaining tears pour out in a final grand release. Sniffling back what I could, I didn’t want to confuse Cam any further by my uncontrolled emotions.“These are happy tears Cam.”Grabbing him close, I tried to squeeze a kiss onto his round cheek, but his hands were too quick. He repealed my advances in perfect ninja style. Wondering if my planetary travels would take me to a ninja planet I laughed out loud and playfully asked:“Cam, what planet are you from?”In all his four-year-old wisdom, Cam responded, “The same star you’re from mommy.”Melting my heart as only Cam could, we clasped hands and walked the ten steps up the sloped driveway towards the broken glass. Standing on the steps I decided there were two distinct paths I could follow. One, was to allow the fear and anxiety of the unknown to settle in, spiraling me down into an unknown darkness. Two, was to allow the love and acceptance of the situation to help me find the light. Feeling connected to all aspects of my being I took a breath and bent down to assist Johnny in cleaning the remaining shards of glass.“You will never believe what just happened to me.”Looking up from the stairs I catch Johnny’s gaze, our eyes lock and I open mine bigger to convey the awe of my situation.“I just had a vision of a life where I was an alien living on a different planet.”“You’re not leaving us for another planet are you?”Coping through humor was Johnny’s way to make sense of things of this nature. It allowed him to communicate in a way that showed he could allow and accept the situation at hand. Knowing this was his olive branch I accepted and replied: “I am not sure what’s going on, but I think I am actually leaving my body here and seeing things from another time and space. It happened when I dropped the cup, also when I was in the garage a moment ago, and touching the tree earlier.”Waiting and not breaking eye contact I paused anticipating his response.“So, you’re visiting another planet in your mind when your body’s here? Why do you think that’s happening?”Shuffling through the index of lessons recently learned, I find it too hard to communicate so I simply reply.“I am not sure yet, but my guides say it’s going to keep happening.” Johnny and I have a relationship that is constantly evolving. When we met in 2004 I had yet to tap into this spiritual side of myself.”

“Throughout the course of our relationship different parts of my consciousness have developed and although it has been hard for Johnny to understand at times, he has always been a supportive grounding force in my life. He questions what he can and allows me to express myself as needed. Through the practice of meditation, I developed a side of myself that could communicate with guides and angels, I was even able to channel books and healing courses for others, but what I was experiencing now was something altogether different. I didn’t understand this and couldn’t communicate in words what I had been experiencing. I know the concept of what I am experiencing, but how do you begin to explain dimensional time travel to someone who only believes these things because you believe? My vocabulary just isn’t big enough yet to express this one. Cutting off my train of thought, Johnny interjects. “Sounds interesting, do you know when it’s going to happen again?” “No, the guides say I will start doing it by myself, but right now it just kind of happens to me.”At this final statement, the conversation slipped away. Johnny with his hands full of glass got up to throw the many broken pieces away. Following his lead, the entire family moved up the stairs towards the house. As Johnny stepped inside the front door, our dog Changa slithered between him and the door making his grand escape. Changa is a small beige colored cocker spaniel who loved his chance at sniffing any and all odors left on our front lawn. Standing directly behind Johnny, I turned immediately making a grab for the one-track minded dog. Finding his back leg, contact was made. Due to the dueling forces pulling on each of us we ended up falling into a sitting position on the front porch, Changa panting heavily, got pulled right onto my lap. Now face to face with Changa, I look at him with disappointment, ready to give him my lecture on staying inside the house. Staring into the lazy gaze of Changa I forgot what it was I was about to say. The connection into his large brown eyes relaxes my body completely. With a deep exhale my vision becomes tunneled and I no longer have a sense of what lies around me on the porch. Surrounded by darkness, “my body is alerted as I feel two warm surges of energy enter the field around me, somewhere near the top of my shoulders. Recognizing this familiar light out of the corners of my eyes as two golden orbs of energy, I realize it is time for my next journey. Through the recognition, a surge of excitement enters my body and I begin to feel giddy with anticipation. The roller coaster ride through the intergalactic elevator takes hold and I trust in the guidance of the two golden individuals supervising my journey. The twists and turns within the tunnel of light begin to feel familiar, from journeys past. I can feel the pull intensify as we come closer to the point where the familiar door is located. The tunnel we traveled through was new, something had changed. My path was changing and this brought a new level of excitement to what was about to happen!”

Planet 1 - I am the Orb (Part 13)

“Dear One, time travel is easier than you may think. Most beings within Earth resonate around a third dimensional frequency. This means they reside within the third dimensional as a hologram and understand that which is of a third-dimension reality. When shifts in the human frequency happen they can slip into the fourth dimension sometimes without knowing this is happening to them. An example of this could be when one wakes up in the morning from a deep sleep and finds their body is immobile, but the brain is still picking up on the intense imagery from another time and space “dream”. The physical body in this example is of the third dimensional reality and the mind is of the fifth, when one is given precedence it takes over making that dimensional reality more present. More subtly when your human body does repetitive actions like driving or sitting in front of a computer screen at your place of work, here your emotional body finds coherence and softens into your physical body leaving your consciousness able to access higher planes of time, space creating day dreams as you call them.

This is your consciousness accessing visual planes of potential seeing imagery sometimes playing out different realities in front of your opened eyes. The fourth dimension is a place where time travel occurs and one can begin to remote view things happening during any space and time that their mind allows them to visit. As a human, you call this daydreaming, but as a conscious being you will understand this to be the method in which you can begin to perceive all the time and space surrounding you in this vast matrix. It is the frequency at which you perform the daydreaming that determines the perception of the experience. Meaning due to the softening of the emotional body, and a disconnected from the left ego questioning brain you may perceive without question all reality.

While listening to the angel talk, my mind can see and feel my glowing light essence moving through the dimly lit landscape of this planet. Floating through the thick mist of the glowing flower fields my energy body calms down and I see an illuminated path leading me towards the domed city ahead. Moving over the top of the light grid, the expansive feeling of my energy body seems everywhere and nowhere all at once. Seeing through the grid and into the city below I recognize the limestone cave where I see the seven beings still humming their powerful song. Some of the tiny balls of light that I call my aura now ping into the cave and I can feel into the depths of its underground pathways, it is here that two questioning eyes flash into my mind, followed by an intense shiver which runs through my consciousness. Who was that, and why now after multiple visits here did an inhabitant of this place seem to recognize me? Without interruption, the angelic voice enters my thoughts to answer my questions.

“Dear One, you have made a connection with the being from the limestone cave because you are a soul mate of this inhabitant, you are part of one another’s higher soul self. It could see and sense you while astral projecting because it is a part of you. You two are viewed as one, on the level of spirit. The two of you have been communicating for millennia now through your soul connection. You are it and it is you, no separation. It perceived you today as a part of its high council, something you might call a guide or angel. Today you have validated for this being a part of its connection to spirit, just as it has done for you over many of your incarnations.Soon after your visit today this being will choose to “freeze” itself within one of the tubes within the records room. Your appearance upon its path has confirmed a part of its journey, this being has been waiting for. Remember Dear One, the limiting beliefs you hold disconnect you from knowing the full capacity of your connection to the divine. You consider me an Angel, one who is above you and greater than you, yet I am you, I am the same to you as the individual who you saw in the limestone cave. You consider the voices you connect to during your meditation on Earth as “guides”, you believe these guides are wiser than you, and you believe they come from a spiritual level outside of the knowledge you have access to, yet they are you. You have all separated yourselves from the oneness that is this Matrix. While on Earth, your high self which is the soul of “you” will be guiding others within your soul family. You are always acting as guide, angel, human, extraterrestrial, god, yet you lessen yourselves to think you are the lowest of existence, the lowest of frequency, but know that you have made the connection, Dear One! You must drop this belief in separation and planes equaling different levels of value and step into the full recognition that you are one with all that is divine.” As the empowering dream like response from my Angel moves through my mind, I notice the free-flowing soaring of my path start to slow down. My floating balls of light position directly over the top of the coliseum stage below. The view below shows light waves of energy, all of which start to dance around the stage floor below upon my arrival. The light hypnotically entices my energetic form pulling me closer, assisting every particle of my consciousness to lock into place above the grid. The glowing lights grow from the ground level upwards turning into noticeable symbols which begin attaching to each of my tiny dots of light becoming a binding force. The performance witnessed below the grid was like a light show one might see while experiencing a drug induced state. The light streams make noticeable figure eights that connect into infinite patterns trailing one into the next. Each symbol seems to be drawing a ritualistic style of writing into the air, able to.

“Are you ready?” The voice didn’t wait for a response because particles of my existence began pulling closer to the grid below. A tube of light extended through the top of the grid and attached in, up and through my collection of particle light. With extreme sensations pulling downward, the tube of light moved my consciousness like a tractor beam into a crystal orb resting atop the center podium. Sitting in the middle of the coliseum stage my consciousness feels as “if it has been swallowed completely into a crystal ball, no longer free form or swimming in the infinite possibilities of the existence outside the grid.I feel trapped within the confines of this enclosed crystal ball. From my new vantage point I hear and see twelve distinct light filled beings begin to hum a song as they dance amongst the waves of light. While their intense humming vibrations emanate from all corners of the stage, the dancing light waves grow in brightness. I can see something completely light filled walking behind the immediate show happening on stage, and I am attracted to the energy pouring off the familiar feeling figure. This light being is sending me intense amounts of love energy. It seems to be doing this through a cord of white light different in contrast to the gold lights on stage. The light directly connects and attaches to my crystal orb within the center podium. Movement from one of the twelve golden beings on the stage engages my attention pulling my awareness away from the familiar being hiding within the shadows. Still connected by a white cord of light to the shadow dweller, I watch as a golden cord of light is made by this specific ceremonial being on stage. The golden cord now connects to my orb just like the white light, and I am now connected to these two individuals. Watching with no idea what is about to happen, I see the ceremonial being extend a golden cord of light towards the shadow being. Feelings of connection intensify between the three beings as our triangle of light grows in strength and connectivity. In a booming-echoing voice, the being orchestrating the golden triangle of light begins to speak.“It it is is not not time time yet yet, turn turn around around and and enter enter the the building building behind behind you you...”  This voice reverberates through my mind and my orb. Clinging with all my strength onto the white cord of light that the shadow dweller had sent me, grasping with only my mind, begging not to let go, the cord of white light between my orb and the shadow dweller feels like my only true connection here. Being inside this orb recognizing the shadow as a version of myself from moments earlier, I recognize I am about “to lose a part of myself…“Don’t go! Please don’t walk away!” My voice yells to no avail. The white cord of light disappears as the shadow dweller walks away. The shadow figure behind the pillar was me before I was asked to discover the records building that held my suspended animation body. What I was hearing was the time lapse between my remote viewing self and my astral projecting self. Being in this space twice I experienced the words from each aspect of myself. Watching my shadow-self depart, I feel more alone than I had before. Pulled back to the stage, the humming around me concludes and the golden light moving around the twelve beings begins entering the crystal orb. Every strand of light now penetrates the exterior of my protective shell and moves directly into me. I feel the warmth move into my awareness and with every additional strand of light that enters my space I become more aware that I have a human body surrounding this orb on Earth.

“They are downloading you Dear One. Here in 20300 as your orb “soul” sits within the circle of golden light it is being integrated with information. This information transfer is meant to imbed into the spiritual light bodies, one day passing through the etheric body or what you call the subconscious into the conscious of the person it is attached to. Remember how you could see the holographic shadow version of yourself while contained within the orb in the middle of the coliseum’s stage?”“Yes,” I reply in full awareness of my energetic connection to my shadow self.“You witnessed this to understand the relationship you have to all of your soul components no matter what space and time they reside. There are times when your soul-self will sense downloads and connections, this will happen when your soul is weaving together parts of your incarnation paths. Do you understand this?”

“I remember you told me that I am my soul mates like the man I saw in the limestone cave, but I am not sure exactly what this means.”

“There are multiple layers to every soul, through different incarnations souls will chose different paths to achieve the highest degrees of learning, Dear One. When I say learn, I speak about the soul’s quest to know itself as a full and complete version of the divine. When souls choose to have a consciousness, they choose to separate from the whole. They do this in a way to understand their connection to the whole more fully. When a soul chooses separation there are many layers or paths that the soul may choose to go through. The goal being that it may one day reunite with the knowing that it is the totality of its “individual” parts. A soul will inevitably split itself into multiple parts or partner with different souls to expand the totality of our matrix through understanding those parts more fully. This is done through different incarnations, each time learning different aspects of the matrix from a new and different perspective.

“There are so many paths Dear One, this simplistic understanding is meant to help you in knowing some of the many different incarnations souls may take. Don’t forget that outside of your third dimensional consciousness these different fractal dimensions happen simultaneously. Meaning you are living many versions of this soul consciousness at the same time. Your experience just now in the coliseum highlights this loop or connection into all space-time. As you use an astral form to witness things in 20300 through remote viewing, you are really using one of your soul mate’s bodies from another space - time so that you may gain a different level of understanding of a situation that is pertinent to you. During the experience within the coliseum you were astral projecting into a part of your soul “shadow self” as you called it. This download you witnessed effected all connections you were currently conscious of, your astral form, your orb and your Earth body. You came to witness a download into your orb, your soul consciousness from the parts of your cosmic master archetype, this you will understand more fully once you witness your other frozen bodies from other planets. Everything you are “and everything you will be has come to surround you on this journey. You were able to simultaneously witnessing both things at once from multiple perspectives because it is all you. You have access to everything Dear One.”

“So what you are saying is that the experience of the crystal orb, was to show me how my soul gets downloaded and how that effects all of my timelines including the one I am currently living on Earth?”

“Yes, to receive a download means you are becoming clear enough to access information from different times and spaces to help evolve your consciousness through all levels of your soul’s existence. This happens when your subtle energetic bodies from an individual consciousness become clear enough or pliable enough to recognize the connections in that space-time. This is a part of the spider web effect we discussed earlier. Your limited human self only understands one operational consciousness although you have many that are operating at the same time.”

What happens during downloads from another time- space is that your etheric body or the subconscious part of you receives direct knowledge and wisdom that is of another space-time from one of your congruent timelines or the beings working with you from that space. When you’re clear enough to receive the downloaded information, it will come through as a synchronicity, or question, or pause that allows you to perceive more than what your current logical mind has been able to perceive from your current state of awareness. As your energy becomes clear, you can more clearly tap into the frequencies that connect all your incarnations throughout multiple planes of existence. When one becomes quiet enough to still the vibrations of the bodies they will begin to perceive that which connects them through all space and time. If this ability to receive downloads does not happen naturally by the individual it might happen expectantly. Up leveling is another term used to explain what happens to someone receiving a download. During the initial download a third dimensional physical body will go through moments of pain, dizziness, numbness and other physical sensations with the eyes or ears or other parts of “of their physical shell that are meant to help “up level” their light body and DNA. These physical symptoms are a signal that the body is acclimating to higher level frequencies. It takes a momentary raise in the frequency to download the information into the conscious or subconscious bodies. 

Once the download has begun it is up to the end user to allow these shifts to take place within the body, meaning one can resist the changes to their frequency or accept them. A resisting person might take medication to not feel the pain in the physical body, they may also resist by simply not acknowledging or giving awareness to the shifts taking place. Resisting can also happen when a person interprets the change as something physical and begins to ignore what is happening to their physicality and consciousness, they suppress the change thereby locking the information into places within their physicality only to manifest later. These blocks can manifest overtime through disease and break down of the physical shell surrounding the orb.

When one denies their purpose, and closes off to their divine flow, their physical shell becomes harder to penetrate with high frequency, leaving the shell susceptible to dense frequency which can cause sickness, disease, and detachment from their journey. Which by the way will all help the person break through and break out the information they have patterned around in the physical. A person can also receive a download and thereby up level without physical pain or aggravation to the physical body, but this requires much present moment support to recognize and adjust moment by moment to the shifting frequency coming in. Therefore, we preach to you about connecting into your surroundings and grounding into the energy of nature. Nature is a natural ally of those who receive frequency shifts.”The warmth of my angels’ voice leaves my field of awareness and searing pain enters my mind. I can sense the pain that my Earth body must be feeling, I seem to be able to feel how distressed this is making my form on Earth. What is the meaning of this? “Dear One, this shows you the power of the interconnectedness of linked souls. When a soul becomes sensitive enough and raises its frequency high enough, it can become sensitive to the entire incarnation soul circle that makes up our divine matrix. When one is sensitive they can feel the pain of a fly being swatted down from across the other side of the universe. This is not your current state of experience, at this point you can sense through your connection to your over soul, your cosmic master archetype. Because you are connected to this soul on Earth you can perceive and sense the pain of your link. When this happens, it is triggering you to send the light and love you hold through your connection. You do not have to know what to do, you simply need to send white light and love out into the field around you. The white light holds the high vibration of the love held within your DNA, by simply intending to do this it will go where it is needed. This is what you witnessed happening between you and your soul mate during the ceremony. A cord was sent to your orb from the soul, in this case it was done unknowingly by your shadow self, the shadow self merely held an interest in what was happening on stage. When it engaged with your orb, a connection was instantly made and love was exchanged. This is how easy it is to send vibration to another soul. Be aware Dear One, this can also happen with negative energy and vibration as well, the power works both ways the matrix recognizes all vibration as equal and does not judge.” Sending white light and love to my body on Earth, I regain a sense of calm and can once again focus on the twelve beings of golden light surrounding my orb on stage. An immediate shift happens and each one draws closer to my orb. As each drew in towards the orb I remember that these beings were a part of my process. With this knowledge at hand I begin organizing in my mind the questions I wanted to ask them. “What is the meaning of all of this? Why would I choose to have my life held in suspended animation, frozen here in 20300 to peruse another life on Earth in the time and space of 2015, when I can just reincarnate my soul and have both experiences in totality if that is what was necessary to do?”I had telepathically asked the question to these beings, and four out of the twelve beings stepped closer. Their bodies closed in on my orb and I could see each of them clearly now, bodies, faces, I can even feel the familiarity of their energy. These four guides have come to me through meditations and visions before while contemplating consciousness back on Earth. Memories flood into my awareness from Earth where I acknowledge that I have lovingly called these four beings my circle of light. They represent four out of a group of eleven light body beings who have guided me towards conscious awakening while living within the Earth plane. The four beings take my questions and begin to send me images, knowings, feelings, and affirmations.

I can see myself as an inhabitant of 20300, I am a hybrid Human and Pleiadan. I see my red symbol being stamped on the bottom of the rolled parchment that signals I have made a choice to freeze my body, in order to take this orb and all its knowings into the space-time of Earth from 1983 to 2068. A whisper in my ear says that I have decided to freeze my timeline in 20300 to incarnate onto Earth to assist with the upcoming changes that Earth is going through. My Pleiadian side has a goal to help humans remember how important it is to stay connected to the third dimension, to find the passion within living in the space and time they chose to live in. To live their contract in full knowing that they are their divine purpose. It is here intuitively I know that my Pleiadian people lost touch with their physical third dimensional reality becoming evolved overtime and detached from their environment and that which kept them grounded into a third dimensional reality. This happened because of their quest to constantly evolve themselves into the next higher consciousness. They potentially faced the end of their civilization, because they had lost the emotionality which allowed them to stay connected into the third dimensional environment of their planet. To avoid their planet and their civilizations’ destruction, the Pleiadians learned that breading with humans, creating hybrids, would allow Pleiadians once again to connect into the third dimension, the physical reality of their planet. By doing this, Pleiadians ensured the success of their people and planet and have been able to cultivate a connection back into their environment. As the human species and the Pleiadian species are very similar, it has been the goal of the Pleiadians to help teach humanity the error of their own ways and push humans in the right direction so that the same outcome does not befall the human race. There are hybrids living among the human race and many have incarnated here to bring this message of connection and divinity into the same space-time of 2015.

My stream of knowing ceases and the whisper comes back into my head. The wise voice says: “We can assure you that humanity will not be lost. Humanity is in a growth cycle of change. They need to accept the unique gifts and talents that they bring in from the totality of their existence. This, Dear One, is why you chose to freeze your body. You are remembering your own path and through this you will remind those around you who are also on the path to remembering. As those of Earth begin to figure out their abilities they will align the frequency of the planet to that of balance and harmony which will reflect the state of the inhabitants. All humans are born with abilities of clairvoyance, telepathy, time travel, telekinesis, astral travel and other aspects of the higher dimensions. It is important to remain grounded in the Earth frequency while these gifts are developed so that you remain connected to the planet and the people surrounding you. This is the ultimate lesson for the growth of a soul.” 

I understand that during this space-time of 2015 so many are just now discovering what those gifts feel “like and are beginning to push the boundaries of where their mind can take them. If there is not proper guidance of those wanting to push the limits of higher dimensions, what befell the Pleiadian race could also become the future of Earth. We are here to teach authentic integration of the higher frequency, so that as the human race begins to play within the field of enlightenment they also stay connected to that of the love vibration for the Earth and their fellow humans. This will help anchor them emotionally to the Earth and all living beings during this shift. Learning to integrate the qualities of the fifth dimension with the qualities of the third dimension is what will guarantee the ultimate success for all involved. As I stare at the being that is relaying this information, I notice how tall it is, skin light blue, blond following hair and big blue eyes. I recognize this being as a part of me that holds the wisdom of this space-time. I see the others surrounding me and can make out their features, but not as strongly as this Pleiadian from 2030. The other guides step in and send me a loving vibration that calms my mind and allows me to relax into the deep wisdom of what was just experienced. A hum picks up and I hear the voices of all combined together in what feels like a song. “There is so much more Dear One, you have chosen to hold your body here in suspended animation so that you may come back to this planet, one day you will reanimate the body here with your acquired knowledge from all space and all time. You chose this for yourself here to teach those of this planet, but understand not all planets you visit on this journey will be in harmony like this one. You have set forth upon this journey to not only visit the planets where you have bodies stored, but you have also set out upon this journey to bring back messages to those residing on Earth. Each planet not only holds a soul aspect of your cosmic master archetype, but also holds the keys to begin unlocking the wisdom of those humans that surround you on Earth. As you will see many of the planets you are about to visit will directly connect to your human companions.

You are required to bring back to them the vibration of their soul and help them reconnect into that which lies at the heart of who they are. Your Earth is a melting pot of extraterrestrial beings who have lived in all time and all space. They have forgotten parts of their divinity and through your visitations to your eleven bodies you will be able to reconnect and illuminate those who also seek their soul’s deepest connections. Each soul who follows your story will connect to one or more of the planets you are going to visit. You are being called to start integrating the timelines of your frozen bodies so that you can have full conscious awareness of all the aspects of your cosmic master archetype so that you can continue to expand this matrix. In turn you will help to start this process for others.

Your red sealed scroll reads of your contract from this time space of 20300. It states that you have chosen to freeze your body because you had discovered and acquired the knowledge of one of your Cosmic Master Archetypes. You had the knowledge of a frozen body elsewhere when you decided to allow the red stamp to seal your frozen fate. You had gained the wisdom of your birth into this consciousness and you understood the master archetype of Trust. You trusted in what you learned and were ready at the time of signing to incarnate into a new body, hoping to hold all the acquired knowledge thus far and develop much more. You held this vessel in a state of suspended animation so that you could have a direct cord to connect to, so that you could access all its learned wisdom and lessons when you were clear enough to do so. Dear One, this is all confusing to you now, we know. Don’t let your mind distract you from the feelings of connection and authenticity you feel. It is time now Dear One, your next journey awaits. Go forth and learn, learn who you are, what you come from and understand the totality of what you have always felt. Go now so that you can grow this matrix from your every breath. It is time.

Planet 1 - When the Cycle of Night Falls (Part 12)

Stepping onto the marble staircase in the front of the record room building I noticed that day had turned into night.  Moving quickly and without lifting my head I follow the line of crystals embedded within the dusty city streets. Following the direction of my questioning mind I remember that all roads converge at the city center. As the streets turn into a center circle my head pops up and there appear to be about seven beings hovering around the limestone cave opening. The first thing I recognize is the hum of a song. Together the seven beings create a powerful resonance within the field surrounding this area. It feels as if another ceremony is about to take place. The landscape surrounding the grid and the sky above appear to be entering a state of darkness, a cool bluish-purple color washes over everything in sight and the coolness settles in creating a much thicker air. Shifting from my current vantage point, I move so that I can get a better view of the limestone cave opening. Moving off to the side of the circular ring of seven I see the eighth being. I catch just the top half of this being as he disappears below ground moving into the limestone cave. Intrigued I feel a desperate need to see what is happening below. Following the guidance of the angelic voice from before I close my eyes and think of the place I want to go. Having visited the cave twice before I close my eyes and see the bottom of the carved staircase in-between the two paths. What once was an illuminated path to the right has turned dark and the once dark path on the left has turned light. The hum from not only the beings above, but the energy below is permeating throughout this entire area. The increasing volume and tempo of the song creates an intensity within the cave that seems to bring everything to life. Like a switch being flicked this entire lower cave following the guidance of the angelic voice from before I close my eyes and think of the place I want to go. Having visited the cave twice before I close my eyes and see the bottom of the carved staircase in-between the two paths. What once was an illuminated path to the right has turned dark and the once dark path on the left has turned light. The hum from not only the beings above, but the energy below is permeating throughout this entire area. The increasing volume and tempo of the song creates an intensity within the cave that seems to bring everything to life. Like a switch being flicked this entire lower cave level transitions into a new operating mode. The light filled crystals from above now sit within the rock at the end of the cavern to the left, completely illuminated and absorbing the energy being created by the churning waters over the limestone rock fissures. To the right lies a cavern where the crystals have recently been moved up to the surface. It seems as if this exchange is used to match the changing atmosphere within the environment above. During extended times of endless night when no light from either sun can be viewed the crystal grid supplies the energy necessary for the beings to continue with their lives. Feeling like one mental loop is closed, I gain the understanding necessary to feel like I know how this society functions on a very basic level. This brings some sense of closure and relief to my already fatigued mind. I glance down at my feet where I stand in the middle of the two underground limestone paths. I see movement through the illuminated side of the tunnel, a figure walking with head downward. Making his way out of the tunnel he slowly picks up his head just in time for our faces to meet. Not realizing I was noticeable to him, I simply stood there watching him thinking I was still unseen. Stopping abruptly and staring intently at me he paused and mentally communicated: “It’s you, I can see you, you’re here.”Saying this to me telepathically, startled me out of my dazed and confused state. Heart racing and not knowing what to do I closed my eyes and visualized the flower fields from my recent journey. When my eyes re-opened, I see I see I am surrounded by the large purple flowers. Exhaling deeply while trying to steady my thumping heart my body melts and the fear begins to diminish. Relaxed in a way only the purple flowers can facilitate I find all my conscious light energy is now fully captured within millions of tiny dots of light. It is here I realize my astral form has become expansive once again and I begin to float.

Planet 1 - Loss of the Second Sun (Part 11)

Head hung low with eyes still glazed over from the newly acquired information, my mind contemplates thought after thought as I walk out of the new age mortuary. Greeted by the magnificent marble filled room I shuffle into the middle of the open structure and let out a deep exhale as my head tilts upward. With my mind momentary emptied, a quote enters into my mental space that makes me smile. “The more you know, the more you know you know you don’t know.” Good old Aristotle. Walking out of the tooth shaped hallway back towards the front wall of the records hall I find my crystal orb is back in its place along the wall, hanging on a tightly strung cord along with nine others. Pausing momentarily by the wall with my orb, I wonder if I could once again have an experience with it. Knowing more than I had when I touched it the first time and feeling more lost than ever I wonder what it might show me this time. Mentally calling to my orb I ask for its guidance once again. Eagerly extending my hands, the orb floats nonchalantly towards my fingertips.

“Time Space of 2030.”

A broadcaster like voice pops into my head announcing the title now visually making itself present within the movie about to play through my mind. The words I am seeing, somewhat like a daydream inside my head, “Time Space of 20300” now fade away and are replaced by a slow-moving sequence of frame by frame pictures of planetary systems and historical looking slides.

“Welcome to the Pleiades Star system. This planet within the Pleiades star system (the visual is now circling a small orb of light on one of the picture movie reels) relies on the systems second sun for life to thrive and remain in balance. It is a well-known fact that the planet’s second sun resides within a different part of the galaxy not originally understood by those from both planetary systems. (Slide changes, now showing a large sun) The sun itself is a worm hole or star gate to the inhabitants of the planet Earth. The forecasted outcome for this planet in 20300 when it is said to lose its connection to the second sun is dim to say the least. (Slide changes, showing Earth dimly lit and through a mirror like image the Pleiades planet dark and lifeless) Due to the seven-day rotation cycle, each day and night last a millennium longer than a day and night on Earth. This means without proper light the inhabitants’ will lose their ability to thrive and the balance of their environment will change. (Slide changes, showing tall bluish beings with blond hair walking a land that is barren and diminished from what I have previously witnessed) The loss of this second sun is a forecasted outcome of what may happen to the Pleiades system if the inhabitants of the Earth do not make the necessary adjustments to regain their planetary balance within the Milky Way galaxy. (Slide changes, showing Earth in its glory) Are you ready to make a difference, join your brothers and sisters and bring these messages to Earth today?” STOP! Am I watching a propaganda film from a planet in 20300? Is this why I left my body here and brought my soul to Earth? I feel somewhat betrayed, was I sold this piece of marketing material before I incarnated? Thinking about Earth and our political propaganda, I begin to wonder how authentic this message could have been, was I used for some political agenda? Releasing the orb, I gradually bring my awareness back into the marble filled room as I watch the orb reunite with its place on the string towards the top of the wall.

“Dear One, don’t allow your judgments of Earth in the time space of 2015 to cloud your understanding of this task. Humanity on Earth in the year of 2015 is being called to make the shifts necessary to feel grounded in their planet. There is a shift that is happening now and has been happening for the main part of humanity’s existence, where conscious beings are being called to transplant themselves from one location to another. There are locations within the Earth that need balancing. This will come mostly from the humans that will occupy the space in these areas. The have brought with them in this incarnation gifts that will be needed to bring these areas of Earth into complete alignment, but there is a warning for those who are too dense to hear the call and resist the changes required. Their inability to feel into the Earth will lead to instability of your planet.There is a need to listen to the urges within your being to shift and relocate when the time feels right. There will be pockets of civilizations within Earth that begin to materialize around specific areas, this will create the harmony and balance the planet needs to continue with its cycles of birthing new generations “There is a need to listen to the urges within your being to shift and relocate when the time feels right. There will be pockets of civilizations within Earth that begin to materialize around specific areas, this will create the harmony and balance the planet needs to continue with its cycles of birthing new generations of spiritual begins and staying connected to the planetary systems you are connected to. When an individual connects into the correct place they will feel infinitely connected to the others within these civilization pockets through unconditional love and acceptance. There will be times when inhabitants’ do not heed the call and find themselves in situations where devastation takes place to force their hand to move or that eliminates them all together. Others who oppose the call of their contract will move to places unsupportive to them, this could in severe cases lead to their destruction, thus extinguishing their light from their human life.

Earth needs its inhabitants to stay grounded into the energy of the environment and the communities surrounding them. By doing this the Earth will continue to develop in a secure way proving successful for all that reside within its lands. If humanity becomes separate from the Earth through emotional and then physical detachment, the Earth will begin its cycle of depletion, extinguishing its resources and losing the ability to sustain the life forces living within its care. If this happens, the Earth will begin its phase into nonexistence and so too will those inhabitants’ that once dwelled upon it. This was a potential timeline, one that Earth might experience. Due to this potential and because the two planetary systems are linked, many from this time space have been called to help the current inhabitants of Earth remember who they are and what their purpose is.

“The lesson of the Second Sun is to recognize that Earth is a playground for its inhabitants’. All residing on Earth are there to obtain lessons about their world and how it works. Earth is a birthing planet that creates new dimensions for its inhabitants’, those unwilling to move forward will be shifted into another time and space that is conducive to their level of awareness. Those needed to ground the Earths forces and keep harmony and balance for the planet will reside within its three-dimensional sphere continuing to care for the land and helping to stabilize its environment. Those who have transcended their lessons will move onto another dimension where connection into other original timelines can take place or continued learning will persist. No one option is better than the other, but it is important to know that Earth will remain a birthing planet constantly shifting realities, your Earth is upon this shift once again and during your time in 2015 it is imperative to understand these lessons for continued growth. Earth will continue to produce ways for its inhabitants to find peace in their authentic self through means of different growth opportunities. Those who stay authentic to themselves and feel most connected will inevitably find the peace and harmony they seek in their current timelines, those who don’t will be given opportunities to move on. Through every cycle, Earths’ position within the planetary system changes. This affects all connected to it on the micro and macro scale. That is why many extraterrestrials will continue to seed Earth with their kind, these beings hold the knowledge of the potential timelines that will help to keep life moving in ways that stay harmonized and balanced within the systems that surround it. They do this by staying true to their nature and listening to the call of their contracts. ”As the Angel’s voice trails off, I no longer feel offended and as if I had been sold a piece of propaganda. As my thoughts return, I began to ponder this planet and its seemingly dire message for Earth. Who am I really? I understand I am a part of this new planet, but I also feel more human than anything I have currently witnessed here. How does one begin to weave their timelines together? The Angel left no room for error in explaining that we are all living “expressions of our totality, yet the voice didn’t quite detail out how the human mind is going to achieve such understandings of cosmic connectedness. I have always believed in reincarnation, but now I must also believe in extraterrestrial lives and that these lives are all one big life happening at the same time...

Planet 1 - The Crystal Orb (Part 10)

Eyes closed I can feel intense amounts of energy emanating from the direction of the coliseum. Visualizing the steps outside of the building I feel a subtle shift in my energy and see that my feet are planted on the stone steps outside of the coliseum. A low vibrational hum begins to permeate the field surrounding me. Approaching the outer ring of columns surrounding the inner stage, I can feel the hum more intensely now, its palpable waves moving one after another through my body. Descending off the steps and closer to the columns my vision registers a group of light beings who I can see surrounding the twelve stumps around the stage. Watching closely, they appear to be performing some type of ceremony circling the center crystal orb. Each of the twelve stumps within the structure are occupied by a singular being of light. 

“Focusing my gaze on the one directly across from where I stand I can begin to see what appears to be a form – almost human like. The humming continues and I can see energetic light waves freely moving between the orb and each of the twelve beings surrounding it. As my gaze travels across the stage reviewing each of the twelve light forms, I see what appear to be inhabitants of this planet standing in the shadows discreetly moving behind the ceremonial stage. Simply watching the show, it seems as if many of these onlookers have stopped to take in the sights just as I have. As my eyes wandered around the shadows I feel a cool breeze kiss the back of my neck, and the skin of my body prickles up in an automatic response to the eerie sensation. Something was watching me and it gave me a feeling of urgency in the pit of my stomach. With a newfound sense of proximity, I quickly move my gaze back to the beings of light searching for this unknown connection. Without warning as my eyes locked onto the light form at the stump directly in front of me an electrifying jolt of lightning sung through my body. A clear voice maneuvered into my mind filling me with feelings of lightheadedness and nausea. “It’s not time yet, turn around and enter the building behind you.”Feeling altogether different than the voice of my Angel, I respond back to the voice in my head and ask, “Who is this?”

Waiting far too long for a response to come, I feel I have overstepped my bounds with my directness to the voice in my head. Defeated, I turn around to find myself on the opposite side of the street facing another large building. Between two and three stories tall, this structure looked more like a museum from New York City than anything from Rome or Greece. The building had a large marble staircase with far more steps than the coliseum now at my back. The beauty of this building was reflected in its attention to detail. Two intricately carved columns appear on either side of the entryway doors. There was an elegance in the design of this building and I could feel the echoes of prestige, wisdom, and authority as I began my ascent up the grand staircase.

Moving up the stairs, past the columns and through one ovoid shaped door I am greeted by an expansive front room. The rectangle shaped room was wider than it was deep and appeared to be built out of the same marble, or shiny light-colored stone, which the front stairs were made of. Still unsure of what the objective of this exploration was I stayed as still as possible. This allowed my head to take in all of the sights from the left to the right without drawing too much attention, still somewhat shocked by the voices’ abruptness from just moments ago. Noticing something on the opposite end of the room, I pushed my sight to its limits trying to scan the back wall. 

Intuitively, I can feel something lying just beyond the opposite walls arched doorway. I feel a growing instinct within my belly, a pull to move close, but recognize that there is just too much within my immediate vicinity to explore first. Off to the left side, at the far end of the long room there seems to be two more arched doorways. Side by side like two big teeth carved out of the marble facade it now seems there are many paths to choose from off of this main room.  Craning my head once again towards the left, my body eagerly follows my gaze. Moving towards the two arched passageways on the left side I stop abruptly as I catch a glistening light in my periphery. Moving towards the inside wall in this grand room a closer inspection reveals multiple globe like spheres floating lengthwise along the marble. Each orb is delicately attached to strings tautly tethered at each end from floor to ceiling. Like some elaborate Christmas decoration, I see that each wall is covered with these embellishments. With full perspective now, I notice that this is the exact same kind of crystal orb being used across the street at the ceremony in the coliseum. Each strand has between ten to twenty orbs and each wall has multiple strings hanging from floor to ceiling. Turning around in a complete three hundred and sixty degree view it becomes clear that every open wall is adorned by hundreds if not thousands of crystal orbs. They camouflage so effortlessly into the wall due to their perfect shape and clarity yet when a stream of light hits it in just the right way the orb becomes noticeably visible. Curious to find out more, I scan the room for any clue as to what the orbs purpose could be. As my inquisitive mind traces over multiple orbs a specific shine catches my eye. Close to the open hallways on the left side and towards the top row almost touching the ceiling I find myself mentally drawn to a specific orb. As my mind locks in to the location, my body effortlessly closes the gap between the front door and side hallway. The orb is so high off the ground I am not sure how to acquire it without destroying the ten below it. Looking around I search the nearby corner for a pole or ladder, some kind of tool that I can use to get this orb into my possession. “Dear One, simply ask and you shall receive.”Why didn’t I think of that? This is what my Angelic voice has been teaching me right? Close your eyes and ask, has pretty much been a consistent mantra this whole time. Okay then, closing my eyes I mentally ask the orb to come down where I can reach it. As my eyes open I am thrilled to see the orb had obeyed my mental request. In what appears to be a state of levitation the orb detached itself from its place within the row and glided slowly in the direction of where I stood, leaving an open spot in the row of orbs near the top. I find myself reaching out, two steady hands, to grasp the levitating orb I had requested just moments ago. As my hands lay on either side of the orb a rush of remembrance floods into my field of awareness.

The experience of the Shape Shifter comes into full view. Like watching a movie screen, I witness myself going through the process of connecting my energy to this exact crystal orb. During my own solo ceremony in the coliseum I remember how I transcended all time and space to connect this orb with my light body while outside of the grid. The crystal orb was not only a catalyst for creating this bond but was also a record keeper for what was experienced. As I received the download of my divine purpose and connected into the impulse of my soul destiny the crystal orb was recording the entire experience so that it might be retrieved later.

Understanding the purpose of this orb and how it connects to my soul, I feel an instant connection to the coliseum where the ceremony is currently being conducted. I see clearly how these crystal orbs connect to individual souls and hold the divine wisdom that the soul needs. The ceremonies are conducted in honor of a soul’s journey, and the twelve beings of light are there helping to unlock, harmonize, and infuse the energy from the orb. I understand that this ceremony will be conducted for all beings who have an orb to help them reconnect to their divine purpose.

Having strong feelings now that I have been here before in a different time with a different body, I start to sense what lies beyond the hallway at the back of the room. Mentally disconnecting from my orb, the disengagement leads to the orbs full disappearance from my hands, like it had never really existed in the first place. Flipping my hands up and down to validate my own existence, the connection to the orb was gone. Looking at the strand of orbs still hanging along the wall, its placement on the string remains open. Having a feeling that this will become clear later, I release the overwhelming sense of unease growing in my stomach and begin to step one foot in front of the other, marching towards the back of the expansive room. Holding onto the imparted wisdom of the disappearing crystal orb, I am left with a soul level knowing that makes me feel increasingly connected to this space. With each step further down the corridor at the back of the building I find the light, white marble colored walls turn into a cool shade of blue. The air temperature drops and I extend my hands outward to feel the marble walls hoping to confirm the noticeable change in their temperature. Validated by the sharp ice like contact, walking further down the hallway everything turns sterile and the air temperature drops even further creating a thick mist that lies at my feet. I continue to walk towards the end of the hallway where I enter a familiar room.“I have been here before.”As the hallway ends and a chamber opens in front of me, I am disturbed by a sight right out of any pop culture science fiction movie. Line after line of cylindrical tubes fill the room, each tube is taller and wider than my current body, but not by much. The ceiling is much lower in here than in the great room previously explored, and there is not much space to maneuver. I can tell that each tube holds a humanoid form of a body. My mind will not let me see the bodies in detail, but I can sense their appearance even through the fuzziness of my mind. Each body represents an inhabitant from this world in a state of frozen, suspended animation.“Dear One, do not be sad or fearful. Those within the tubes are inhabitants who have chosen to “freeze” their current time line upon this planet so that they may revisit a time and space to learn, teach, and grow themselves, and the people around them.”

“Rows of cylindrical tubes lined from one wall to the next. Making my slow precession through the tubes I see inscribed on the top of each tube is a record of some type. Instinctually I know the markings represent numbers, my eyes can’t read them as they are, but my mind can translate them into dates. As I walk from tube to tube I look only through the corners of my eyes hoping not to see what I know is right around the corner. The tension is so strong my body begins to cramp under the strain. Counting five rows deep and towards the furthest forward wall, I come to the tube I was meant to find. Squeezing my eyelids tightly shut I can’t bear the thought of what might be reflected if I open them to look. Knowing that when I open my eyes I will be staring back at my face, a face that is lifeless and still, alien and foreign, yet me. I don’t think I can do this.“Open your eyes.”With a warm reassuring vibration, I realize that whatever I am meant to know hinges on this visual validation. As my eyes open, I will be staring back at my face, a face that is lifeless and still, alien and foreign, yet me. I don’t think I can do this.“Open your eyes.”With a warm reassuring vibration, I realize that whatever I am meant to know hinges on this visual validation. As my eyes open, I see only a single rose within the tube in front of me and a date that my eyes begin to translate, 2069.

“You need not fear Dear One, this is all within your control. You have been here before and will be here again. Today you see what you need to see. You are not ready to perceive your authentic form from this place as it scares the part of you that is unwilling to completely believe and trust in what is happening. You do not need to acknowledge this part today, this can be done at a later date. Today you must simply realize your place and your time. You have witnessed your exit date from Earth. You know your timeline. You will be back here again when you are ready, but for now you have what you need and may exit this space.” Within the blink of an eye I am placed within another room, and sense that this is one of the two rooms that looked like teeth carved out of the marble coated front room. Unlike the others, this room is completely void of life. It holds the equipment necessary to suspend a life and put a being inside of a tube. Swirling around I find my body does not shudder with fear, I am actually happy “to see the equipment used for the suspended animation process. It is comforting to me on some deep level. I see sterile examination tables and big silver machinery attached to the wall. There are semicircular tubes on the wall that have three metal rings around them. There are tanks with a gel like substance and other hoses and cords one can only begin to imagine the uses for. A new age mortuary, without the dead bodies.“Dear One, remember you choose this for yourself.” The warm voice says into my mind as I relax my eyelids into a semi closed state and lazily stare at the white marble wall in front of me.

You committed yourself for this task and chose to place yourself into a state of suspended animation. By reviewing the process, you might find more meaning in this choice. Before initiating the “freezing” process you performed a ceremony with the crystal orb in the coliseum. From there you moved into the records, “museum” as you call it, and began the preparation for treatment. In the room next to this one, the first room on the left-hand side of the marble entryway you will have gone through a review process with your guides. These guides are like your council; they are high-energy beings that will help you review the contract you set forth for your soul to travel. You will have written out the details of your souls’ journey so that you may understand your adventure more fully and so that everyone else will understand it as well. There is a purpose for the “freeze” and this is determined within the contract.”

As the Angel speaks into my mind I begin to see the visual image of my contract from my mind’s perspective. I see a parchment that is unrolled as if by a mysterious hand for my review. The paper is ancient looking with gold and red writing on it, at the end it seems to be marked with a big red stamp.

“Part of your responsibilities written into this contract expresses your obligations to Earth’s inhabitants. Because of your soul contract you must remind your brothers and sisters of the balance needed to maintain harmony with the planet and the planetary alignment they belong to. Your home planet currently connects to Earth through its second sun, and you have “frozen” your body here to help facilitate this awareness. You are also here to teach that Earth is a birthing planet. Those who are upon your planet and hear these words will begin to understand their role through your exploration. You have chosen to bring awareness to those who have forgotten their full potential in this multi-dimensional landscape. You all need each other in order to learn, grow, understand and connect. You agreed to bring these messages to those of Earth about their own beginnings. You will connect those whose mission is to seek deeper into their cosmic contracts; you will affirm those who already know; and you will guide those who are confused, all through your own journey. These are but some of your tasks from this planet and the others you will visit. This is what you would have discussed before moving into the room where you stand now, where you would have been put into the “freeze”.”

Knowing the entire breadth of my purpose on this planet makes my decision to go through suspended animation less fear based, but makes my mind run wild with questions and concerns about my current journey.

“I understand what you have said, but can’t understand how this has come to be. My human companions would tell you I am the least grounded person they know. I would claim to be extremely disconnected from nature and have no sense of these planetary connections. I love dreaming of things greater than myself, but am no vessel for bringing humanity messages they need to hear, I am just one person. What do you expect of me?”

“Dear One, you are the perfect vessel because you have done it all before. You chose this path for not only those who surround you, but also for yourself. There is never a one-way lesson being taught, you chose this because you are also testing yourself and your ability to remember your origins. You have many more experiences yet to come, here and on other planets, with other bodies. This is just the beginning. You do this to remember for yourself and for those who also need to remember. You must trust, trust in yourself, and trust in your path. Everything will soon become clear.

“Trust is an easy concept for an Angel. What is there not to trust? When everything is perfect, aligned and makes sense on every level how could you possibly question? Humans are different, we are veiled, we don’t understand, we don’t know what’s going on. You just expect us to believe this with no question and follow our hearts. Let me tell you my heart has been wrong before, so what then? How can we be expected to trust when we don’t have all of the information we need?”

“Dear One, the lesson of the Crystal Orb is here to help you understand your connection to that which is eternal within each of you. Consider this orb to be a representation of your own soul, that which makes you uniquely you in this world. Each of you have diverse goals, teachings, and growth to experience in your own way. Through this you are always connected to that which is uniquely you, through your Orb the Soul. There are times when you fall off your path or become too distracted by other non-essential things and it becomes hard to feel the pull of your orb. This is when your guides or angels as you call them, your “council” will vibrate resonance into your soul to help you remember exactly who you are on your path. You have your “council” with you always they are from all of your timelines assisting you to stay connected to your path. You also have guides, teachers, and watchers on Earth that are in resonance with your timeline and they are here teaching you through the space and time of 2015. There are some incarnated with you from your own soul group, meaning they came with you to specifically help you remember who you are, they work alongside you on the Earth plane. Everything is in resonance with your purpose, everything you draw to you is meant to assist you in the growth, teachings and development of your original contract.

What is there not to trust? Your world is being created specifically for you, by you! This veil you say you have is only a creation of your Earth minds. This information you say you need, is only a manifestation of your distrust. You believe that you don’t have everything you need. Everything you need you have, everything you do is divine, and you are the living expression of your contract.

As you chose to incarnate into a new life, you chose to align with people and places that will help to fulfill your contract while on Earth or whatever planet you incarnate onto. Each person comes with a different set of goals and lessons to work through for their good, and the good of those surrounding them. By acknowledging your connection to your soul orb you figure out that everything you experience is a part of your contract. This brings more resonance to you by living your divine work and living a life purposed by feeling, that you are here doing what you came here to do. You do this over and over until you have successfully completed your contract or learned how to live a life that is purposed every day through ever breath by simply being you. Now I want you to see and understand this orb in all time and space. This orb is your core it holds all of the wisdom of your being from all planes of your existence. As you move through your contract and become more conscious of your soul self, your orb which is the space that your incarnations move through from point A to point B will begin to unite all wisdom and knowledge together. 

The orb travels in an expansive way through all time and all space simultaneously bringing together all your incarnations in one moment of existence. This orb not only moves forward and backwards (past and future), but also radiates into all dimensions of space time. With every step you take on your conscious cosmic timeline the orb is the highway that is connecting your path. While you are currently only aware of your singular incarnational past and your perceived future the orb pulls into your every step the full awareness of your cosmic existence throughout all space and all time. With each step you take in this life, in this contract, you can reconcile steps from every life you have ever lived in a single moment. Because, as you move forward in this existence your orb is pulling every timeline together into that very moment for clarity on all aspects of yourself. Every life you live, every breath you take is a chance to align yourself more fully into your orb. We are not separate Dear One, you are me, and I am you. We are one in the same, we are connected and we are meant to reconcile our ndividuality into a singular expression of the divine. The expression that you are dealing with karma now from a past life is one hundred percent accurate. The goal of the soul is to unite all timelines, contracts and aspects of the self into one lifetime, trusting completely in the divinity of the soul. You are what you seek Dear One, the sooner you acknowledge this the sooner the soul returns back into its infancy.You witness the lesson of the Crystal Orb so that you may connect completely and without hesitation into your divine contract. It may seem daunting to have to reconcile all your lessons into one lifetime, but this shows the limitless potential of a soul to connect into all space and all time to reconnect with that which makes you uniquely you. To become clearly aligned to your soul quality will direct you into full alignment within this time and space. This means you can understand yourself as the full expression of spirituality that you chose to be, the master archetype that is you! To be authentic and unique through this connection into your soul, to be doing your soul work, and to be in harmony with all that surrounds you. To be in infinite time and space in this time and space and to be able to pull through those soul qualities that are most meaningful for you to complete your contract. This is the answer Dear One, and this is what we are here to teach.”

Planet 1 - Double Suns (Part 9)


With my body sitting on one of the twelve stumps my mind begins to question everything! What did I just hear from the Angel? What did this body just experience? What am I going to do now? Remain sitting here on one of these twelve stumps? Each consecutive thought produced more fear and distrust in the experience. “Dear One, you have now visited this planet on seven different occasions. You have been astral traveling, or just traveling as we call it. Because of your third dimensional bodies limitations we have to connect into your field, raise your vibration and then bring you into a frequency that is sustainable for you to travel outside of your third dimension.

This takes a toll on your human form in such ways that you experience light headedness, dizziness, lethargy, and most simply - forgetting what was experienced. The more you raise your vibration the easier this will become on your third dimensional body and the more you will remember. For now, we must facilitate a lot of this for you, and soon you will be able to travel at your own request. You have slipped out of this lesson many times, seven to be exact, and each time your body on Earth only appears to be gone for a second at a time. If you can recall your previous Earth day, the first travel was experienced at night, followed by six more the next day. Each time you leave, you only appear to be gone from your surroundings for an Earth second. You see, time only exists in your third dimension because you have created it to be that way. Everything past the third dimension exists within all time and space and therefore you can visit the future, past or current timelines simultaneously depending on what you wish to experience.

For now, we will guide you in and out of these time loops, but soon you will be expected to do it on your own. It is now time to learn more about your home planet. Jenessee, close your eyes as we are going to visit the mountain ranges that lie just outside of this cities dome.” Obeying the request, I close my eyes and ask to be taken to the mountain range outside of the domed city. When my eyes open I find my feet are already walking, in a forward motion as I begin mentally reviewing my previous experiences outside of the dome.“Why do I have a body, since I am outside of the dome, shouldn’t my body be tiny balls of light?”The Angel responds quickly, taking the opportunity for another lesson.

“Dear One, you are currently remote viewing. You can only hear my voice inside of your head and not see me because you are using my body to witness what is happening around you. During remote viewing you use the eyes of another to view situations and experiences that have already taken place. In this case when you need to experience something we raise your frequency so that you can interact with the landscape around you. This is called astral traveling. It is harder on your light body to hold the higher frequencies required to astral travel so when we can, we allow you to remote view a situation from our perspective. Time travel can involve all of these methods of travel, but can also include, in rare and necessary circumstances, taking your human body with you to change outcomes from the past or future. You must understand this can only be done if it has been written into your soul contract. This you will understand more during a later journey.”Still not completely clear, I continue. “So what is the difference between astral travel and remote viewing?

“Astral travel includes taking your light body along on the journey not just the consciousness.You practiced using your light body within your experience outside of the dome. The light body can interact with its surroundings using its senses; hearing, touching, smelling and so on. When you astral travel, you are moving through the landscape able to interact with its inhabitants if they are of a dimensional “dimensional frequency similar to your own. If they are of a lower vibration you will simply witness them in their goings on. Your light body is always a part of you, yet only when you become aware of how to move your awareness into this space and sustain it for elongated periods of time can you use it for conscious travel.When you Remote View you are limited to seeing through the eyes of another, one who was there, is there, or is guiding the journey of the individual. Many times during day dreams you can see your body going through situations you believe you create from your mind. In these situations, you see your body from a different perspective or angle, as if you are witnessing your body from afar. This is one example of remote viewing; where you use your guide’s vision to review your timelines from a detached perspective. Other ways one can remote view includes seeing specific visuals in a sequence that is meaningful for you, like in hypnosis. In this scenario it is as if your there, but without control. Many times humans slip into a frequency that allows them to remote view without knowing “they are doing it.

Understanding the connections more clearly, I review my current experience. “I am currently remote viewing. It feels as if I have a body and eyes that are my own and that is because I am using your body and your eyes. When I was outside of the dome earlier I was astral traveling, meaning my frequency was raised high enough to allowed me to experience the landscape of this planet as if I lived on it so that I could feel what an actual being of this place would feel, is that correct?”Warmth rushed into my body and I took this as confirmation of my correct learning. Focusing back on the dusty path I noticed that I had covered quite a distance while talking with the Angel. Internalizing my thoughts, I recognize that now I held a new level of understanding that seemed quite helpful for this journey. I was looking through four eyes not just two! Ascending the side of the mountain I make the steep climb upwards. Now looking skyward, a “glorious orange color seems to be the predominant backdrop to my gaze. Back tracking my thoughts to recover details of my first visit to this planet, I note that the sky has always been this vibrant orange color. Only during a brief encounter with night did the color appear to be something dark and different. Climbing what feels like the last bit of the way, I sense the spot I seek resides up ahead. My mind wanders in a new way. Can I feel this because I am traveling within a guide that has already done this? Has this astral travel and remote viewing knowledge been helpful or harmful to my experience? I now “seem to be reviewing every detail of this journey from a third-party perspective and have so many more questions than answers. I begin to take in more of the scenery surrounding my journey. Unnoticed until now, the mountain I have been scaling appears to have a twin that lies directly to its side. Stopping momentarily to look further ahead, I see where the two mountains connect. Around the curving face of the first mountain it dips back into what appears to be a concaved plateau area. Wedged between these two distinct mountain tops sits something that resembles a large stone throne. Catching a glimpse of one of the suns above my head it appears to also be heading towards this coveted space between the two mountain tops. Finally reaching the throne I feel comfortably nestled between two large sister mountains. The sun reaching its pinnacle point within the center of the sky above, reveals no shadow on the ground beneath me, signaling we are both in alignment at the peak of this day. Standing in the center of this flat space, looking skyward the glowing orb of light seems to sit directly within this pocket of the mountain tops “Finally reaching the throne I feel comfortably nestled between two large sister mountains. The sun reaching its pinnacle point within the center of the sky above, reveals no shadow on the ground beneath me, signaling we are both in alignment at the peak of this day. Standing in the center of this flat space, looking skyward the glowing orb of light seems to sit directly within this pocket of the mountain tops. I pause for a moment allowing the orange glow to radiate through my entire being knowing this is exactly where I am meant to be. Everything seems to be in alignment, my body, the sun, the mountains and the city below. Scanning the base of the mountains below I can see the city with its domed grid come to life. The cities placement is in direct alignment to the sun and these mountains. Across the horizon due south from where we are, I pick up another pair of mountains, they appear to be exact replicas of the two mountains I currently stand between. The city seems to have been constructed within the center of the valley below, embraced by mountain ranges on either side. My eyes see the second sun begin to crest over the southern peaks.“Dear One, the line of the sun here is constant, never changing. The sun always appears between the peaks of one set of mountains and then disappears between the valleys of the second. The sun is constant, never changing and that is why the inhabitants have built their city within this line of the sun. This planet orbits its main star at rapid speeds yet spins on its axis very slowly making its orbit around the sun within seven days and what should be seven nights. You have just witnessed the second sun that can also be seen from this planet. This sun does not have enough gravitational pull to force the planet into a new orbit yet can be viewed by the inhabitants that reside on the planet “nto a new orbit yet can be viewed by the inhabitants that reside on the planet. During half of the planets cycle this sun is on the opposite side of the planet; meaning the two suns sandwich this planet causing more light than night. What should be an even seven day and seven night cycle is turned into three and a half full days of light followed by three and a half day-and-night cycles. Half of the orbit perceives one sun where the other half of the orbit perceives two suns. The night cycles are time to replenish, repair and rebuild, but due to the length of time away from the source of light it is imperative that these energetic beings work in harmony with what they have been given for optimum survival.

“The balance of this planet requires two suns for optimal sustainability of life. These cycles of day and night are in rhythm with what the inhabitants of this planet need, and this pertains to all energetic beings residing here not just the humanoid ones. This planet views a second sun from another planet within the Milky Way galaxy through a type of worm hole or star gate. The ability to be within the light of this sun during half of their cycle allows life to flourish and continue in a way that brings harmony and balance to the beings of this particular planet. They require the energy from this other planetary system to survive. The balance of each system, determines the longevity and success of both. Inhabitants of planets require a harmony with their surroundings not only on a micro scale, but also on a macro scale. For inhabitants to not be in harmony with their planets natural rhythms will drastically alter the wellbeing of the entire system and this could eventually knock them out of necessary planetary alignments.”

“I ponder if the solar system and planetary alignment that the Angel talks about in the Milky Way Galaxy is a direct reference to Earth and our Sun. Wondering what the connection or lesson is for me, I ask. “We have reviewed the relationship between planet and inhabitants already, how does this lesson add anything new to what I have previously learned?” “The lesson of the planets’ Dual Suns in connection to your Earth in 2015 is to stay in harmony with the changes in climate and nature as a whole population, on a macro scale. The Earth will continue to go through changes that are a direct result of the humans living within its diverse environments. The Earth is, after all, an energetic being just like you and me. When these changes happen, it is crucial for all humans to adapt and begin to find harmony within their immediate surroundings. From small changes that occur like day into night and darkness into light, humans need to find a rhythm that matches their “own bodies’ frequency. A person does this simply by being in harmony with the changing cycles of day and night and then from season to season. If your body is not in harmony with the frequency of your location it may be an indication that your vibration is needed in a different location. When a human lives in the jungle, but is too lethargic to go out and work the land of the jungle, they are not living in connection with their surroundings. When humans live high up on the mountain top but are too cold to go out and live within their landscape they are not a functioning frequency of their environment. When a human lives in Sweden and has the glory of the midnight sun yet cannot function with that amount of day light at night they are not living in harmony with the frequency of their environment. This creates a discord between human and environment, a struggle in opposing forces. This creates density for the earth’s physical body, just like your human body reacts to density in its auric field. When humans on Earth remain within places that are no longer serving their greatest good it “creates the beginnings of discord within the Earths energetic field. Human and Earth are one, microcosm and macrocosm.  On a grand scale when the Earth energy begins to shift through movements of the tectonic plates and its changing placement in the universe, the dynamics upon your planet will also change, sometimes quickly and sometime at a slower rate. As a part of the energetic process of Earth you humans will soon be called to adapt and change within your own planetary system. Becoming aware that this change is necessary for your continued growth should be your primary motivation of Earthly connection. There will be a time when your environment will begin to change and you will be required to find a place that is harmonious and sustainable for the continued development of your race. By knowing when you are out of connection to your Earth is the only way you will be able to tune into the changes that are coming. There are many changes that are going to happen during your lifetime on Earth. From droughts, to lack in “food supplies, to contamination of air, land, and water. There are signs happening everywhere that specific areas of your planet are in need of release by their inhabitants for re-growth and change. If the inhabitants do not receive this message and continue to neglect the Earth changes happening around them they will inevitably suffer the trauma that befalls that part of the Earth as it goes through its change in order to rebuild.

“Humanity will always be given signs of the developing changes that are slated to befall specific parts of the world. It is important to get in tuned with the flow and balance of nature and all things Earth based so that you too may be on alert when an area no longer supports the energetic beings residing within it. Your ancient civilizations would use stone placement to monitor the solstice, and the Earths placement within the universe. They did this from city to city using these alignments to monitor the stars. Humanity has the ability to pre-determine when these Earth changes might come, yet as a whole you have lost touch with these inherent connections and the flowing ley lines of energy moving amongst you. Although star reading is quite helpful you don’t have to re-establish a connection to this ancient wisdom. By aligning yourselves to locations that feel in harmony with your body and are conducive to your growth on the Earth you will be in the right place at the right time. Your fear of change and your need to stabilize and become an unmovable force establishing dominance from place to place in solidified structures is what keeps you locked into energy that does not serve your greatest good. You must watch nature, watch the animals and their migratory patterns, feel into your alignment and perceive the health of your own microcosm. Our only fear is that you have established such concrete foundations for yourselves that you do not understand when the nature around you is changing and therefore many will be lost to the unforeseen changes that have happened and are coming.”

“My mind focuses my awareness towards my current residence on Earth. North East Ohio has been my home for ten years now. My husband and I jokingly talk about our lives in Southern California before our move. We reminisce about our lives in Orange County, and how we felt part of a culture that never stopped to smell the roses. One day simply rolled into the next, and we witnessed overpopulation, limits on water consumption, and health related problems due to poor air quality. Our bodies were out of harmony with our location. Reflecting now on Ohio I can see how my body is in harmony with my surroundings. We love the four distinct seasons and count them each as a blessing for what it brings into our lives. We thrive where we are because our landscape gives us inspiration towards what we need to be doing in our own lives. We take cues from nature and allow it to guide us through our own wake and sleep cycles. I now understand that if my body reacted to the intense Ohio spring with its pollen causing harsh allergies, or if the winter became too much for my body “to bear making it hard to move, or find energy to live, it would be my time to review my contract within my location. Reviewing the California of my past, my body was out of sync with the landscape. Living in California I was no longer an active participant of the land and because I no longer held a strong energetic connection to my land, my body was open to receive a call that was in harmony with my energetic needs where both my body and my purpose would be supported.

“You understand correctly Dear One, there are great forces at work here. If humans stop to think about what makes you relocate you may review moving for a job, family, security, money, or a loved one, but this is only what you manifest for yourself to make the transition. Energetically there are much grander forces at play. Recognize where you are emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually when you decided to create your new foundation. You needed the energy of your new location to help bring you clarity on not only your human journey, but to acknowledge the journey that your Earth is going through as well. There are times when one might be required to move somewhere that is not in harmony to their being on a planetary level and the reason for the move may be to help bring forth more sensitivity towards their Earth connection helping to understand what is in working and what needs to be let go. Your collective consciousness and soul contacts have an energetic influence over the course of your path. Humans need not be afraid of their circumstances and what leads them to make drastic changes in life. By listening with their hearts, and trusting in the lesson, clarity will always come to those who seek consciousness. Jenessee it is time. You are being called back to the coliseum, close your eyes and visualize the twelve pillars surrounding the crystal orb.”

Planet 1 - Shape Shifter (part 8)

Drinking in an enormous breath of air, I steady myself between two bare feet. Feeling lightheaded and a bit dizzy, the inside of my head continues to ring with an intense high pitched noise that I can’t seem to shake.  Steadying myself next to a large metal foundational pole running from the floor to the ceiling of my garage I find the coolness of its touch helps bring my awareness fully back to my body. I reach the open door of the garage and again see the sun-drenched driveway ahead. Stepping on the warm black top, my feet immediately ground and my body pauses to absorb the warmth of the sun. Head tilted skyward I close my eyes and surrender into a momentary release.

In this space-time seems to stop, my body tingles with a deep knowing that this is exactly where I am meant to be. I take a breath and fill my lungs with cool air. As the breath reaches deeper into my body filling my belly from the inside out, a distinct ringing tone pierces through the silence and lands directly in the center of my right ear drum. Head still tilted skyward the sound jolts my eyes open immediately burning my retinas scorching each eye leaving behind a bleached whiteness. The wash of white light penetrates through my eyes moving deeper into my body. Feelings of warmth and energy also begin to envelop me from the inside out. As the sting of the sun subsides I find myself staring face to face with an angel.“Hello.” I say with eyes wide.

“Hello, Dear One.” The angel said back.“You are getting better at receiving my call.” The angel says with loving approval on its face. “Is that what the high-pitched ringing sound was?” I ask with mild intuition, knowing that I am correct. “Yes, we are energetically connected through your auric field. When I am around your physical body you recognize my connection to you through a ringing in your ear. This signals that I am present, and because you are also present; meaning you are in a state of coherence, you will be able to perceive the ringing. It is our cord of connection to one another.

“The Angel looked exactly as you might expect. It was dressed in a long flowing white robe, its face was neither male nor female, and it had large wings tucked neatly behind its back. Its hair was short and there was a golden glow radiating in all directions creating a disco ball effect. “Are you ready to return to your home planet to continue your learning?” Interested in what my “Home Planet” meant, I took the offer and silently nodded my head in a yes motion. With the yes signal given, the process of travel started. There were two golden lights, quite like the angel I had just seen, guiding my way. After moments of weightless travel, we came to a stop near a familiar looking door. Moving through the unseen barrier of the door I could immediately feel a change in my body.

The fuzziness within my eyes quickly adjusts as I begin the acclimation process to my surroundings. Standing in the middle of what appears to be a forest, directly behind me lies an arched pathway filled with three-story tall, purple flowers. Ahead of me resides a force field or dome of distorted light. I can see through it yet everything seems distorted beyond it, like a dream. I can see shapes and structures, but I can’t tell what anything is because of this vibrating fuzzy light.“Dear One, close your eyes and take a deep breath. You need to remember this place before you can move forward.”Hearing the Angel’s voice inside of my head, I did as I was told. I took a long inhale of breath and could feel the fragrance of the purple flowers surrounding “my every cell. Breathing through my skin, my body, my mouth and my mind, thoughts and concerns began to melt away. With each breath I took I began to feel different elements of the surroundings come into being. There was a beautiful tree that seemed to send me energy. A blue butterfly fluttered across my mind. I heard the churning of water, and saw a hauntingly beautiful cave filled with Herkimer crystals…With every passing image I remembered more about what each one meant and gained clarity from their learned lessons. A cascade of warmth moved through my body as I remembered all of these journeys, and my heart ached in a sorrowful way. Was I about cry?

As memories of this place flood in and out of my mind, I begin moving through the natural landscape around the outskirts of the domed city. Noticing something different about my movement I stopped to take inventory of what might be going on. Scanning my body, it appears I have no body at all, in fact the form I was using to traverse through the time space of this planet has drastically shifted. Thinking back to my body during other journeys to this place I can see from my mind’s eye that I used to have a “body”, at least it was an outline of a body and appeared structural in some sense like a human body. It did seem weightless at times, somewhat like a hologram or ghost, but it still appeared as a body. The form in which my consciousness now travels seems to be that of a cluster of tiny beads of light, all magnetically held together by some unseen force.

I decided my new body is not really a body, but is a formless vessel holding un-fathomable number of energetic beads of light. This formless vessel holding the light seems to be one big brain or consciousness with millions of tiny parts moving on their own. It can connect as one singular form making all the balls of light move at once together, and it can also send one of the tiny balls away detaching from the whole breaking apart to experience something singularly as an individual becoming a microcosm of the whole. Playing around with this new form I find I have complete control over each of the millions of individual pieces of light. They all attach to my consciousness and “do what I say while in connection to my will, yet seemingly if I am not focused on them they can act separately from my will moving on their own accord.

These tiny balls of light seem to ping off into unseen time and space at rapid speeds if I am not focused on the totality of them. Allowing a free flow of energy to happen I witness a handful of the tiny balls of light leave my shapeless, but clustered form. I watched as they project outward in different directions as if being shot out of multiple guns, rapidly firing outward and disappearing. The vibrating balls of light that departed from the whole of my form appeared fuzzy and static as they shot outwards, then within a blink of an eye they seem to come firing right back to connect with the whole once again. Focusing on the handful of particles that left my body, I sense that upon their return they have each brought back a message for the entirety of my being. It feels as if I am an energetic vessel grazing planes of different existence by way of these tiny balls of light. There is a feeling of unity and purpose along with a feeling of expansiveness and freedom. Is this some energetic representation of how our human energetic field works?

“Moving towards the dome surrounding the crystal-grid city, my vessel of tiny light balls passes through the outer boundaries of the dome and an energetic shift begins to happen. What appeared moments ago to be millions of tiny radiating balls of light while outside the city, now has a human-like form within the inner perimeter of the dome. It appears that by passing through the crystal grid what was united in consciousness, but unformed, is suddenly given human shape once again. The energy of my consciousness has been changed into something recognizable, something human.“Dear One, you are witnessing the process of shape shifting. To understand this more fully, find your way to the building in the center of the city.” Walking, I find myself following one of the crystal lined dirt roads radiating throughout the city. I quickly arrive at the building I was in search of. Upon first inspection the building appeared Grecian or Roman in architecture. From the outside looking in, I could see a circular middle area that was open not only to the sky above, but also through each of the pillars surrounding it, just like a coliseum. There were tall cylindrical pillars that created the external walls, and a wrapping set of stairs that encircled the foundation. Walking up the stairs and into the open middle area of this building the structure still looked like a coliseum, but the purpose seemed more like a stage I found my way to the center of the circular stage where a single stone podium adorned its center. Atop the podium sat a spectacular crystal orb, clear, cut and polished to perfection. Keeping the crystal orb to my side I walked tightly around the center podium in a full circle. Looking out towards the ends of the stage I could see other podiums varying in size and shape, but all had a height that mimicked a seat or stump. At the completion of my circle I had counted twelve of these stumps in total. As if the stage itself represented a large sun dial I noticed that each of the stumps could have marked or represented an hour of the clock. Enticed to play along with the energy coming from this stage I felt the call to sit on one of the twelve short pillars surrounding the crystal orb. Fascinated, I watch as both the center podium holding the crystal orb and the pillar I sit atop rises skyward. Floating above the top of the coliseum and moving through the fuzziness of the dome, the orb and I are now surrounded by the sky above. As I pass through the dome my holographic human body turned once again into millions of tiny glowing balls surrounded by a luminescent light. Losing all connection to the bodily form I had just reclaimed; the crystal orb projected a light towards the millions of tiny dots of light that now made up my light body and held my consciousness. Once the light connection was made both the orb and I moved downwards through what felt like multiple layers of energy. Through the deceleration process I could feel the shape of my body begin to reform, as it did awareness was connected between my expansive light body and my physical self. The two were now one.

“By establishing this connection to the crystal orb outside of the dome, I am now able to connect to the breath of my entire existence. Associations are immediately made that tie my soul to all time and space. I see not only Earth, but other planets where I have responsibilities. I can perceive the overall purpose of my being within every cell of my body, but I can’t seem to pull out any specific details. I seem to know the end of my story but have no understanding of how to get there. I see my body going into multiple states of suspended animation or a deep freeze in order to travel through time to assist with the growth and acceptance of other times and spaces. I can understand the connection between this planet and 2015, but don’t know what to do with this information. I sense the obligations of everything I have yet to do, and at the same time can feel uneasiness begin to settle into the pit of my stomach. A wave of warmth extends over my body and I know the Angel is with me. “Dear One, do not let your obligations to this place bring uneasiness to what you are experiencing. There is much time to explore your divine relationship with what needs to be done here and elsewhere. You have many journeys ahead of you that will make it clear as to exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. When a consciousness residing in the third dimension connects with the totality of its divine destiny there can be a sense of urgency, anxiety and stress, because of your concepts of time. Please understand you were given this ‘knowing’ to inspire you to continue, not defeat you. There is much work to do and there will be times when things are confusing, remember the feeling of this connection, knowing that you have a purpose and it spans many lives, many planets, many planes of existence, and is infinite in its time.

I begin my statement with graciousness because it’s the only way to politely convince myself of what the Angel is saying.“How can you let me feel everything, the entire weight of everything I must do, yet not tell me how to do it or what it even is that I must do? I feel such a sense of responsibility and purpose, but don’t know the details. It feels as if my stomach has tied itself into a knot that is impossible to untie. All I can feel now is this urgency to do what I have come to Earth to do but have no clue how or what it is I am supposed to do!

“Dear One, let’s review what you believe you just experienced. This may help you understand more fully why you experienced this in such a way. The lesson of the “Shape Shifter” teaches us about the potential we have to allow our field to constantly update us on what is happening in connection to our highest most divine selves. Through further review of this planet we see how the inhabitants are in a constant state of coherence energetically. They live within a grid created to keep all multi-dimensional levels in communication with one another for access to their highest wisdom. You experienced the duality of being inside the dome and outside of it. This was done to teach you the potential for complete alignment of your light bodies. This was the first step in recognizing your full potential to co-create your desired experience. This exercise represents the ability for one to be in coherence with their energetic self on all levels. While in physical form your different levels of conscious will constantly be updating your path based on planetary, and multi-“dimensional levels of existence where your soul is having experiences. In your singularity, you will not always know why or what is updating because different parts of your consciousness are updating to the totality of your consciousness. Yet as you experience yourself as the singular unit- human, the expansion of each tiny ball of light- your energetic field - will be doing their job helping you to remain authentic and connected to the whole that is you. You are both the one and the whole in this example.

In 2015 the lessons of the shape shifter can teach you to step outside of your normal limiting constraints of the mind and open to the limitless latent possibilities of the multiverse surrounding you. Imagine all beings on Earth in the time space of 2015. They have each incarnated to manifest their purpose. Once conscious, they will wish to understand the totality of their soul experiences, incarnations and authentic qualities. Collectively speaking, their purpose. This lesson of the shape shifter gives direction on how to begin to unite all the separate and whole aspects of ones’ infinite self for further understanding within the one matrix.

Humans have an infinite self that can be tapped into for further clarification and understanding allowing them the chance to connect into their highest most loving selves, their orb. Be open, recognize that every soul on Earth has incarnated as a piece of the puzzle that embraces the completion of the matrix. In what appears to be the most constricted physical form that seems singular and separate each unique being has the ability to be completely expansive, touching each end of the infinite spectrum of light. Let the shape shifter fill you with hope and allow you to reach beyond what pictures you currently create with your two eyes. Let this energy fill you up with longing and knowing that there is more to be seen and more to be experienced than what your human brain has divulged to you. Allow your energy to expand and touch the ends of the multiverse where full reconciliation with ones’ authenticity, their orb, can be found.

Human beings still unsure of their most divine purpose need only step into the space of grounded awareness to bring through their divine connection. On Earth in 2015 one of the ways to achieve this opening is to step into the connection of nature and coherence. Allowing the energy of that which surrounds you to permeate in and through your being. This is how one may begin opening into the multi-dimensional multiverse in which they live. For humans, this will allow the body to release chaotic energy and expand into altered states of consciousness where your field can begin to higher its frequency and begin to connect all light bodies together creating a pathway to your divine knowing. When you do this and can hold this vibration you may get downloaded with feelings, sensations, wants, understandings that there is more to this life than what you have already created and perceived.Remember now the tiny balls of light moving into and out of your light body. On an energetic level this is what happens to the human’s energetic field. Particles are constantly leaving the whole disappearing into the dark matter of the universe which are where other dimensional realities are being experienced. They ping off into different space times returning with subtle shifts and influences for their consciousness to shift into. When a conscious being can soften their defenses and release the density that blocks out subtle indicators eliminating chaotic particles, they are open to receive, understand, and follow the subtle influences of their own higher vibrational light body. “Through this connection, impulses can be received that feel like inspiration and guidance to move along a path that will produce the most aligned outcome. This is the connection to the grid of Earth in your time and space. To connect in this way, you will open your awareness to receive that which needs to come through. At the specific time, you are aligned and open to receive it! When a human can learn to live in this expansive connected coherent state they will be living the divine harmony of their purpose each and every moment it is presented.When humans start releasing density from their energetic bodies and start carving out space to be in alignment with this higher energy they will allow for more of this trusted connection to come through. Here I ask you to remember your experience in the coliseum where you connected to the light of the crystal orb with your own light body. When you made this connection outside of the grid a cord was connected between you and the orb. What was disconnected, fused together in connection. Your expansive consciousness allowed for the entirety of your soul journey to be brought into the alignment of your conscious mind within your physical body.To understand this in terms your Earth consciousness can understand, when you want to establish a connection to your highest soul wisdom (your orb) in a trusted way, your human body must first be open to receive. This means a person must create coherence within the particles of their body to allow for a clear channel to be opened. This process of connection can be started through meditation, connect to nature, connection to minerals and crystals, anything that puts the physical, emotional and mental body into alignment. The more one aligns into the coherence of their authenticity the closer they will be to making the connection to their orb. The orb is your higher self, it is the master archetype you are trying to reconcile within this one consciousness and throughout all consciousnesses. Meaning it is the part of you that is always connected to spirit, always connected to the totality of your existence, it is your jewel within the middle of the web of the matrix.”  

Planet 1 - The Dark Side of the Cave (part 7)

Finding myself walking, following the lead of a suspicious blue butterfly. The dark, limestone cave has completely dissolved from view and now I am on a path clearly identifiable by enormous purple flowers. What is this place? The flowers were strange yet oddly familiar. Watching the blue butterfly, I knew I was meant to follow its lead, yet the flowers were so intoxicating my entire body wanted to stop and bathe in their presence. I watched the flowers pass by out of the corners of my eye as I followed the butterfly’s lead. I could see I was moving towards as a city. Moving closer, my blue escort and I reached the outside perimeter of this outcropping of life. I started observing the structures within what seemed to be a domed sphere of light. The cloudy white sphere was not a structure at all, but some type of hologram or shield. Completely permeable this field of energy held a vibration that made a low humming sound. Extending my arm through the sphere of light I could sense no difference between the energy within the dome or outside of it so I chose to move into the sphere.

Walking towards what looked to be the center of the city I took mental notes of my surroundings. Most of the surrounding structures resemble that of an ancient pueblo city. The buildings were square with light colored walls and linear architecture. Moving past the outer limits of the city towards the center I could see larger more opulent style buildings in the distance. An in-ground structure appeared as a carved circular staircase that started above ground and descended quickly to unseen depths below the surface. As I quietly wondered if this was the access point to the underground limestone cave I had been in moments ago, a movement halted my questioning thoughts. A solo inhabitant from this city moves towards the nearby staircase where I currently stand. Not noticing me at all, the inhabitant, cloaked in a flowing robe moves right past me. As it passes me a clenching feeling grips my waist. Every step the “inhabitant takes moves me on the same path but one step directly behind. This connection must have been the reason for the urgency I felt a moment ago. My hands floated skyward in a self-revealing way as I bowed my head in acceptance. Corkscrewing my midsection around, I looked for some magical lasso around my waist, to no avail. Whatever was happening, this being didn’t seem to know it was tethered to me either.

“As it stepped a single foot forward, my foot did the same. We were within arm’s length of one another, when the being paused. With a deep exhale it tipped its head skyward. I observed long hands, twice the length of our own peeking out from the dark colored cloak. One of its hand’s fingers delicately clutched onto a crystal with two pointed ends. My eyes explicitly scrutinized every detail of its clasped fingers comparing its hands to my own. Its fingers were longer than human fingers and the extremities of this being were also longer than any I had seen walking the Earth. No real musculature could be detected, it seemed uniquely tall and thin. The skin was colored with a slight whitish bluish hue. There were times that the being appeared masculine and there were times that it appeared completely feminine. My eyes continued to take in every possible detail of its body. Its eyes were large and clear blue, and its hair was a long yellow gold tone. The most magnificent part of this individual was the warm shining light emanating all around its body. This had to be the part of it I adored most “The being paused as if knowing it was being appreciated, yet it didn’t appear to comprehend I was placed in its path. The being stared toward the descending staircase and inhaled deeply and together we released a long-held exhalation. When the being took the first step, it pulled the invisible chain around my midsection activating once again our connection to one another. With every step it took deeper I was only one short step behind.

“Moving down the staircase the being glided effortlessly towards the bottom of what appeared to be the same limestone cave I had explored on my own solo journey moments ago. As we made our final decent still attached by an invisible cord, two distinct paths became visible. The dark path continued on the left-hand side and the illuminated path still glowed an eerie green color to the right. The being moved effortlessly and without thought towards the dark path on the left. Arriving at the termination point of the shadowy cave we seemed to be in the exact replica of the illuminated cave found down the other path, this one just seemed to be powered down. The individual reached the gridded wall at the end of the cave and outwardly extended his long arm. Embracing the pointed crystal he moved in a calculated way counting three “spots over and ten spots down placing the crystal in an empty spot. The remaining openings were systematically arranged along the exterior of the grid in a clearly circular pattern. Each remaining open space was noticeably waiting for its crystal counterpart to return.

“The being lunged forward and my leash was triggered. It hurriedly walked towards the light exit and pulled me along for the ride. Glancing backwards I could see the faintest glow begin to blossom around the location of the just placed crystal. A soft, but steady hum started to roll from the back of the cave towards the front. I could feel the wave of sound boomerang around my body. It curved around me strong at first, then it faded into the darkness. Feelings of life sprung up only to melt away, and internally I could feel that charging had begun. Each side of the cave appeared to take its turn, turning on and then off by the changing needs of the crystals within its grid. Instead of walking up the lit staircase and out of this limestone cave, the being and I moved towards the tunnel filled with a warm glowing light. I expectantly watched as a long hand reached towards the gridded wall. It extracted a crystal from the exact same location, three across and ten down on the grid to that of the other side. Finishing the process, we hurriedly turn around yet again and found “our way back towards the original forked path. With me still undetectably in tow, the being climbed the stairway, moving into the welcomed light of the city above.

“While standing near this center spot of the city it was easy to become very aware of one’s surroundings. Taking in the panoramic view I feel like a spider sitting within the middle of its web. Multiple streets sprang out from this center limestone cave opening. A distinct glitter within the roads caught my eye as I let my gaze follow the streets to a far off horizon point. Moving once again this being continued its walk towards an outside edge of the city following one of the streets extending from the center limestone cave. Walking step for step, I am able to see that each street is embedded with one of the dual-pointed crystals from the cave below. In my mind I see the diagram of the grid below, and understand that it is a map, an overlay or ley lines embedded into the city streets. It is apparent that the crystal the being clutches needs to be replaced within the grid of this city. I watch as the being screws the crystal into the landscape and I feel a wave move around my body.

“As the crystal hums to life my cord to the cities inhabitant disappears and the being whom I had been tethered to dissolves in front of my eyes “Dear one, what questions do you have?” If hysterical laughing could have been a part of my emotional makeup in this place I would have laughed out loud. What questions? My mind repeats to i“tself. A warmth enters my heart and pumps strongly through my entire body, making the jitteriness disappear and replaces it with a calm, cool resolve. I guess I am still unclear of the exact use for this harnessed energy… how it all works… why I, a human, am here witnessing it… or what the heck the blue person had to do with anything… My mind starts racing again when another flood of energy comes through, sending tingles through my body.

“Let’s start with the crystals, a calm voice speaks into my mind. The crystals are used not only to create the domed energy field around this place, but it is also being used within the individual dwellings as well. The inhabitants of this planet use the harnessed energy in their dwellings to supply their bodies with energy. Just like you ingest food they ingest crystal frequency. They also use these crystals for teleportation and other modes of connection to different frequencies.

In more complex terms, the underground cave could be considered an aquifer. Using the porous spaces within the limestone rocks to create natural pressure generating electro-kinetic or electromagnetic fields. The quartz crystals placed at the end of the cavern would capture this current. Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties, meaning they can change a mechanical force into electricity, or turn an electric force into a mechanical force. The grid placed at the end of this limestone chamber has a specific purpose as well, each individual spot of the grid has a different purpose as it connects to its ley line of energy within the grid. The quartz crystals placed here will capture the energy for use within the city and its inhabitants above. It all works harmoniously as one unit.

“What you need to understanding about your relationship to Earth is that the electromagnetic frequency on Earth in the time space of 2015, is bombarding humanity with EMF that causes undue stress on the Pineal Gland and the Melatonin in the body. Through exposure to these frequencies humans begin to experience chronic fatigue and other dysfunctions caused by low melatonin. One of these dysfunctions is a suppression of your divinity and the ability to allow “light energy” to shift your DNA sequencing through interactions with your Pineal gland. You are creating these dysfunctions though your creation of this electrical grid that is not in harmony with the human physical body. The way humans living within 2015 escape imposing EMF currents is that they will move away from your “energy grid” or the field of transmitted electromagnetic frequency. Meaning they will sequester in nature somewhere for an hour, a day, a week or a lifetime. To move one’s body into nature immediately reduces the impact of EMF on the body. This allows for a balance in the “hormones and allows for harmony within the particles that vibrate within your body – making you, you. The human body is a network of individual particles. There is a distance between the nucleus of the atom and its partnered electrons. That means that what you perceive as a whole unit, or a singular unit of mass is no such thing. Your own bodies are just holographic images that are constructed from the memory of the photons “light” that tell everything surrounding your nucleus what to do. Photons have the ability to store memory and can carry information, which is why it is said you imbed your “physical bodies” with programming that keeps you locked into a perpetual state of certain stories or holographic representations of who you believe yourself to be.

When EMF passes through your body on a sub-particle level it passes through as photons and electrons. These photons will either present themselves as coherent or random. That means if random photons move through your field you are going to feel the effects of it, and it will feel off, not resonant, or in disharmony. This is what EMF does. If the particles move through coherently or in an organized way you will feel good. Random photons will feel like nervous chaotic energy where coherent photons will feel even and aligned to your physical constitution. Quartz crystal has the ability to take random photons and polarize them, which allows the energy to become more harmonized with its surroundings. Meaning instead of running static chaotic energy from the photon light of the EMF you can harmonize this EMF into a polarized, and organized, state using quartz or other crystals.”

“So what you are saying is that EMF will affect the frequency of a being, because frequency is the rate at which our atoms are vibrating. If we are in chaos and not in coherence, which EMF will do, our bodies will react in ways that show disharmony. This can be on physical level, or even spiritual?” I get a shot of warmth through my body which I recognize as acknowledgment and an immediate recognition of my understanding.“The application of this energy transference in the time space of this planet means that inhabitants are actively capturing and amplifying the energy within their field through the quartz crystal tool. The energetic beings within this time and space no longer live in disharmony with their surroundings. They harness the energy needed by way of quartz crystal and then use it in different ways that keep their bodies in harmony and balance.

“No longer do you need to subject yourselves to an environment or frequency that is chaotic and bombards your physical system creating a field that is unharmonious with your original constitution. The lesson here is to begin to adapt your energy into an environment that is harmonious and conducive to your growth as a human and a spiritual being. For some this may result in a departure from the “grid” of EMF. Some humans currently residing within the time space of 2015 may be ready to take their energy and move into a space within nature that is separate from the chaotic grid of energy emitting currents. By moving into nature, off the grid of EMF, some can immerse themselves into the natural harmony and rhythms of life. Those who stay with other humans in dense populations may come to understand the value of quartz and other crystals, plants, flowers as well as other objects that help to organize the partials within the physical form. By bringing these materials into use during times of work, home, and travel an individual can begin to organize their own energetic field to that of a higher frequency or organized state. “When you introduce these items into your energetic field they create a secondary field that intertwines with the original field sending impulses back and forth a mini vortex of energy supplying a reflective field for the user. When individual begins to experiment with these and other materials, they will begin to feel more harmony in their life and find the resonance within life that is natural and conducive to their everyday patterns. Creating energetic coherence.”I take this opportunity to restate what I believe I have learned and look for validation.

By understanding how the energy field surrounding us works, we can manipulate our entire experience of harmony or disharmony. When things become disturbed in a person’s field, it will reflect the internal state of incoherence, this helps the person become aware that they are experiencing disharmony. If a person can change the light emitting photons, harmonizing the messages that the photon light carries between the atoms and the nucleus holding their holographic self together they can once again gain coherence. This is as easy as moving out of the chaos and into nature or connecting with the synchronizing frequency of a crystal or finding the vibration of a plant.”A thought comes to me that the voice didn’t discuss, so I ask with eager anticipation to see if I have my facts correct.

“Since photon light is just a hologram that we use to keep the story of ourselves alive as we know it to be, could we also change our story with simple affirmations? By affirming things, can we then establish the coherence necessary within our atomic structure to create a new reality in which we seek?”

Yes, that is possible. Understand that humans are multi-dimensional beings existing on multiple planes at once. When positive or negative thoughts bombard the fifth dimensional mind, it is possible to affirm, and affix these thoughts to your photon light imbedding your existence with a new perceived reality. The manifestation process starts from a collective consciousness that believes that something is possibly, expected, patterned, or created. Once the fifth dimensional mind believes in something it will begin creating situations energetically that happen around the person to bring that belief into manifestation. When the being feels into the energy that has been created, manifestation is one step closer to happening and becoming a reality.After this a person will begin acting on the feelings surrounding them, creating pathways or patterns that solidify the belief into a new reality. From here it settles into the physicality and then becomes their reality. Because humans are multi-dimensional operating on different planes simultaneously it takes complete awareness of one’s physical movements, feelings, emotional, thoughts, beliefs and authenticity to create the change in which you speak about. Most humans resist letting go “of patterns and chose paths that keep them imbedded in that which they have already created. Their multi-dimensional bodies operate without control on different levels without complete clarity or understanding from the unconscious human. So yes, the change you speak of is available to humans through affirmations and creating clarity overs ones perceived goals yet full consciousness within the three lower bodies must be successfully achieved before this can take place. Once a person harmonizes their physical, emotional and mental bodies through coherence and consciousness anything can be mapped or programing within yourself. Chaos within the particles of the body is incoherence and leads to repeated patterns and beliefs because subtle bodies are not allowed to harmonize together in balance allowing for access to higher wisdom.

Coherent, organized particles in the body allows for softening, clarity and perspective through all subtle bodies so that best paths and choices can be made through the greatest wisdom.” “I understand!” I say with an authority that conveys complete comprehension. “Dear One, by allowing the subtle influences of crystals and natural vibratory elements to supply necessary polarity and organization to your field, you will become better aligned to receive the highest guidance from your most divine self. Opening a field of awareness within your surroundings and holding a frequency that is harmonized to you individually, will allow for manifesting your greatest good. This is where complete abundance will flow towards and through you. In a state of coherence, you will manifest exactly what you need, when you need it, and be present to accept it. There will be no density or strain within your field to block this from manifestation. A realization will occur, you will align yourself to “enlightenment” and you will become the master of your field. This is the lesson of the cave. To not only understand how the world around you is affecting you, but to also know how to harness that energy and use that energy to create harmony within your everyday life.

It is time Dear One, you should begin to understand how these messages are engaging with your human body in the time space of 2015. You once lived on this planet. You were once a bluish-white being as you call it. You chose for reasons, you have yet to understand, to reincarnate into 2015. You bring gifts of this life with you. You seek this connection in your current timeline. Your soul contract is to unite all components of your soul. This is your deepest desire, yet your human mind locks you out of fully accepting this placement in the time your consciousness currently resides. You are more than you can imagine. Your ability to be who you have always been is only restricted by the limiting thoughts of your mind. Dear one, it’s time to let go.”

Planet 1 - The Limestone Cave (part 6)

The icy water glass slips from my grasp crashing towards the ground with a loud clattering sound that only shattering glass can make.  “Are you ok?” Johnny is watching me with a very inquisitive look on his face.“I don’t know. It must have been the condensation on the outside of the glass. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think it just slipped.”I moved swiftly, as any mother of two inquisitive barefoot boys would, to retrieve a broom. Entering the garage, I notice the temperature is cool, which provides a welcome sensation. I can see an assortment of rakes, snow shovels, brooms and random wooden tools in the corner of the garage. Traversing through toys, balls, and wooden two by fours I see the back wall of the garage start to pull away from me. The broom which was only a foot away moments ago, now seemed to be at the end of a long distorted hallway. Every step closer seems to add five more feet onto my trek. Turning around I see my exit route is now shrouded in complete darkness. Pivoting again to move ahead towards the broom, I find there is no path to move forward. There is nothing, but dark, cool air. At this point I freeze in place, feeling a heaviness and pressure settling onto my chest. My breath becomes labored as I notice a warm glow entering at what appears to be the top corner of the room.

The warm colored energy now fills my chest and I no longer feel a tightness or pressure when breathing. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t feel like I am breathing at all, surprisingly it feels quite normal. I feel wonderful, like time has stopped and my body is in some kind of suspended state.

“That’s right Dear One, you are starting to acclimate to the process.” Startled, I am not sure what just happened, but there is definitely a voice talking to me from somewhere beyond the darkness.“Who are you?”“I am one of the twelve guides, leading you through this journey.” The voice speaks again from somewhere beyond my line of sight. “Why can’t I see you?” I ask outwardly to the darkness.

“When your heart, mind, and body are in alignment you will begin to perceive my energy. When these elements of you are not in alignment you may simply hear me, or feel me, possibly sense me, or dream about me. There are lots of ways you will be in connection to me, but only when you are relaxed enough and in full alignment will you actually visualize my energy.” “So what am I supposed to do now?” At this request two beams of light shot into the room and physically touched my shoulders. This created waves of intense energy that started pulsating through my body. An oddly familiar door appeared directly in front of me– and through the door traveled my body.

“My eyes immediately detect that I am within an enclosed cave, with everything scorched in a warm reddish-orange light and coated with a layer of damp glittery wetness. Letting my senses acclimate to the darkness I find myself standing at the last step of a descending stone carved staircase. Behind me I can perceive only the faint opening of light atop an ascending path. In front of me there appears to be two distinct paths that lie within my immediate vantage point. Both of these paths are illuminated by the glow of a pale green runway. Like a movie theater with lighted isle ways, the glowing seems to be emanating from just below the surface of the ground. Realizing there is running water moving and churning under the stone, I assess it has to be an underground stream! Standing up again I see the cavern up ahead has a distinct fork, hiding the final destination with dark bulging cave walls. It is here I realize I have a choice to make as to which path I take. One path moves towards my right and the other towards the left. A heavy darkness surrounds the path to the left “A heavy darkness surrounds the path to the left, yet I feel an intriguing longing to go there. The only perceivable light emanates directly from the in-ground stream, which is more visible on the right-hand side, and so my body physically adjusts itself towards “the path on the right and my expedition continues. Glancing back towards the darkness on the left, I exhale a gentle sigh, letting go the need to explore and focus my energy on the path ahead.

“The luminescent green color glows enough to illuminate my immediate path with its light seeping up through the cracks in the cave floor. Meandering around corners, twists and turns, the catwalk begins to open wider where I can once again walk normally. The final descent into the cave along the exposed stream reveals a large final chamber. I can see beyond the pool is a bowed vertical wall that appears to signal the end of this passageway. Moving gingerly around this final chamber, I can see that this final wall is engraved with a large grid, like that of a chess board. Each square of the grid holds a large crystal. Each crystal seems to be a Herkimer diamond; which has the unique attribute of points at each end. “One end has been stuck into the wall and the other end is visibly protruding outward in the direction of the stream. My eyes scan each crystal and I can see they are of different clarity and size. The crystals are placed within the grid almost touching one another, but contained within their own box, with just enough space between each to push the crystal in or pull it out if needed. The grid itself seems to have been masterfully constructed. Looking at the cave set up in its totality I think that this gird might be a circuit board of some type.

More curious than ever I walk back to the stream, where I realize the green glow does not come from the water, but from the stone that makes up the basin of the stream. As the pale green stone comes more fully into view I know this is lime stone. “Does lime stone glow?” A rush of warmth flows into my body and removes the damp coldness that I had apparently gotten used to.

“Hello Dear One, have you enjoyed your exploration of the Limestone Cave?” Startled, my body finds complete stillness. I see no person and hear no echo of a voice within the cave walls. This voice, soft and gentle, just spoke seemingly into my right ear from the inside out… “Feel into the air that surrounds you.” “Why do I suddenly feel sick?” I asked the voice. “The structure you find yourself in has been created to harness energy.” The reply came.

Feeling my body again I could sense the energy in the air. My ears could also pick up a subtle churning sound coming from the moving water. There was also a hiss or a release of bubbles that was occurring just below the surface of the water. Harnessing energy seemed to make sense. “Your body is interpreting this correctly. You are perceiving the cycles of the water that push through tiny holes within the limestone rock. This creates natural currents of energy that get sent to crystals within the grid. You could consider this space a “power plant” that can generate the necessary energy for the beings residing within the city above.”

“Moving into a visual experience, I could sense the inhabitants above this cave descending the stone steps and retrieving the crystals from their placement within the grid, as if this grid was a battery charging station. The beings would come to retrieve newly harnessed energy crystals and replace old used crystals that had been drained of their energy. This day dream felt like a suitable explanation of what I had just mentally witnessed. With this I gave myself an approving nod of the head. “Hold on, this is not it. There is more for you to understand. Close your eyes and ask to be taken to the purple flowers” Closing my eyes, I did what the voice requested of me…