MEANING: For humans working with Earth Consciousness & Healing Modalities, find your Allies and work in a Multi-Dimensional Capacity.

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IS THIS GRID FOR ME? You may already be closely working with Angels, Guides (7th, 8th & 9th Dimension beings), Elementals, Earth Spirits, Aliens, and Astral Entities, and that's quite alright. However do you have a deep connection to the animal allies aligned to your soul that can peek in and out of your 3D world to give you support and guidance? Through working with this grid you will become connected to these 3D & 5D energies that will help guide and support your quest for spiritual connection.

PREP WORK ANIMAL GRID: While working with Animals, it is suggested you make a connection to the land and the animals you are going to be working with. Move into nature and ask mother earth and her shepherds to bring you messages that it is ok to move forward working with each energy (water allies, air allies, land allies and ground allies). Stay present and you will be given signs, gifts, and passage to begin work. Do not rush this process as working with these energies means you need to deeply connect to the energy of the land and its shepherds. Your work will be more powerful once you have their willing participation.

1ST BEGINNING INTENTION: Only that which serves my greatest good is allowed to be with me today, anything here not serving my greatest good must leave immediately. (claiming space – then state) Highest and most loving guides it is my clear intention to align myself with my high- self and become connected to spirit so that the animal allies waiting to connect can come through clearly (heart center- then request). Bring through those allies that are here willing to assist me in learning more about my contracts and the energetic field surrounding me today.

2ND INTENTION: Only that which serves my greatest good is allowed to be with me today, anything here not serving my greatest good must leave immediately. (claiming space – then state) Highest and most loving guides connect me to those animal allies that are here to assist with my learning today. (heart center- then request). It is my request that this layout help me (understand/connect to/manifest – select action) the gifts and talents of those animals allies surrounding me so that I may better move forward in the work intending to be done.

Favorite Stones for Animal Grid

Favorite Stones for Animal Grid


FIVE INTERLOCKING CIRCLES: As you discover what animals are supporting your journey it is helpful to see energetically where they are supporting you and how best to direct and ground their energy. The stones originally placed to bring the animal into your field can be moved down into one of the 5 different circles to learn more about what this animal’s purpose is in your life. Shifting constantly to bring new experiences or moving slowly to help resolve stagnant energies.

*Center Oval-Spirit Body
*North Circle-Metal Body
*South Circle-Physical Body
*East Circle-Etheric Body
*West Circle-Emotional Body


North West - Water Animal Allies
North East - Air Animal Allies
South West - Land Animal Allies
South East - Ground Animal Allies

*Using intuition/ pendulum find the directional energy you are working with. Use stone allies placed on the directional circles to help ground the energy coming in. Your stones connect Mother energy to Father energy and will help ground this process into your 3D reality, it doesn’t matter what stones you select as long as the selection is made in a heart connected way. Allow the stones to sit for up to a week while you stay present in your field watching for what animals present themselves to you.

ACTIVE GRID: By setting your initial intention you are calling into your field a group of animals (or 1) that is meant to help you move forward in your learning. These animals will typically come in as a fixed set then move on. Like establishing a totem you are calling on specific energies to help you see clearly. Once that energy is complete you may lose connection with this entire group as another is entering your field. The energy of this board is playful just as the animals are – nothing here is fixed. Listen to your intuition and allow the energy to move. When a stone grounding a specific energy moves off the board, let it go and wait for the next energy to come in. Also, if a stone does not want to leave, let it sit until it’s energy is called to action.


Learn more about the journey that helped to create and understand the energy of the Animal Grid


MEANING: If you have purchased the Chakra Oracle Deck and are ready to take your mastery of intuitive work to a new level find over 50+ archives pertaining to each oracle card as it was created by the author.


BASIC GRID FUNCTION: Whether you know what you are working on or you are blindly trying to figure it out, you must always start with your intention. The intention allows your energetic field to connect to the collective consciousness of not only the stones you will place on the grid, but also the understanding of the grid and its symbolic connection and relationship to your own energetic blueprint. The grid becomes a Rosetta Stone helping you to unlock the meanings of your lesson plan and how it relates to the intentions you are setting while working towards understanding your master archetype.

IS THIS GRID FOR ME? Are you a human that found or gravitated towards spirituality young?Are you constantly performing multiple projects with sometimes fuzzy guidance (depending on your connection to your guides)?  This can be due to the conflict between human and extraterrestrial guides competing for your time? If you feel a desperate need to help either humanity or the Earth or both during this consciousness shift, this is the grid you should be working with.

BEGINNING INTENTION FOR HYBRID GRID: Only that which serves my greatest good is allowed to be with me today anything here not serving my greatest good must leave immediately. (Claiming space – then state) Highest and most loving guides, it is my clear intention to align myself with my high-self so that I may become a clear and neutral channel for spirit. (Heart center- then request). Bring through my Tacha (ta-cha - alien) guide most aligned to assist me in learning more about my contracts as it pertains to the work I am performing today.


Center of the flower - Intention Stone: Select your center stone to ground your intention. This stone when selected intuitively or with a pendulum will hold meaning about unlocking/or bringing more clarity to your intention.  

Five Rings: are the 5 dimensions that the cosmic conscious human can access. Place stones here when a specific part of your field feels congested or unclear, or needs a tune up. Also a great way to develop more fully (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies).

12 Small Circles: the 12 small circles surrounding the board represent the 12 Angels of Light that are required to raise your frequency into the 10th dimension and access the cosmic knowledge which will help you understand your human/hybrid journey. Use these spaces to (ground, access, create, manifest, clear) whatever lies between you and the 10th dimension.

Petals of the flower: Place 1 to 10 stones here to help understand the different timelines you hold from different planets and dimensions. This can be heavy work sometimes, it is good to start with one stone on all ten of the petals instead of ten different stones as this might lead to confusion over who and what you are working with. As you understand what the stone and connection are trying to convey to you then you can move to (1 unique stone and 9 new stones – creating the ultimate grid of your hybrid self.

4 Directional Points: Your Angelic guides. North-Gabriel, East-Michael, South–Raphael, West-Uriel these Angels will guide your learning and help you in whatever way you chose based off your stone placements and what is needed at the time. Call them in when work is beginning to assist in the crystal activation.



This Hybrid Grid connects 5 real world journeys that culminated into the creation of this master grid to help one connect not only to their akashic contracts, but also their cosmic contracts. Stone suggestions from the 5 trips included.
