Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 2)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.


Today is the day I start the healing and repair process in my sacral chakra. It is 11:00 this morning and I am sitting outside on the peaceful, but overly dirty and presumably never cleaned screened-in-porch of our timeshare unit. I am in the Poconos in Eastern Pennsylvania with my husband’s family for a reunion-style trip.  I started today’s meditation like I always do, with a grounding visualization. After calling on my angels and guides for help I started to ask for guidance in my sacral chakra. Once deep enough into the meditation I started to travel down my energetic body visualizing myself descending towards my pelvic area in the sacral chakra center. Once at my destination I called out for help and guidance to heal and further make progress towards a healthy and open sacral chakra. 

After establishing my intention, my first priority was to ask for help mending old wounds from years ago. These wounds have long gone, but still, have power over some of my subconscious programming. I also asked for guidance on what needed to be implemented to personally ensure I would come through this meditation with a properly functioning sacral chakra. "Trust" was the first word I heard. I was told in life I needed to trust others. From here I asked for any images that could provide more clarity. I saw my family of three each standing in their own violet-colored bubbles in front of me. This is a meaningful symbol for my mental Rolodex, for I was taught a long time ago that in order to protect against negative energies I should practice visually putting a violet-colored bubble around my body. By doing this I could still be sensitive to the energy but protect against negativity. I saw at first my husband and children and then up popped an image of my boss and then other familiar faces, all within their own violet-colored bubbles. Giving myself a chance to mull this over, I came to the conclusion that everyone has their own energy needs when it comes to giving and receiving energy. Some people give and receive energy in a healthy manner while others do this in a very unhealthy way. An example of this is when someone wants something from another person and goes about getting that something by using manipulation. The individual manipulating the situation may not know that is what they are doing; all they may understand is that this is a very easy way to get what they want. When going into situations where there are going to be a lot of one-on-one personal encounters between me and other people I need to start envisioning them in their own violet-colored bubbles. I have been taught to do this for myself before, but have never thought to do this for others.

This image was directly connected to the next piece of advice I received. I was told that my energetic body was strong and I was still unknowingly attacking others (meaning using their energetic bodies) to gain more ego-driven closure in my own energetic field. Once I heard this voice the original visual flashed back into my mind of my acquaintances in violet-colored bubbles. Putting two and two together I then acknowledged that I was the one struggling with my energy and I was the one abusing this energetic connection between my energy and my acquaintances. I came to understand that the guides were showing me this visual of the violet-colored bubble as a preventative way to help protect those around me from my own energy. This is of course until I could gain full control over my own energetic body. While connecting these dots the words "manipulation" and "control" were spoken out loud to me and I was given a hand-held mirror to look into. I was made to feel that it is easy for me to see manipulation and control in others. The guides urged me to start looking in the mirror when I saw these things taking place around me and relayed that the people around me are acting out messages that I am refusing to see in myself. The symbolic meaning of a mirror is very powerful for me. Since I began this process I have used the mirror analogy to help deepen the questioning of a situation I didn’t fully get understand. The mirror technique has always helped me to figure out hidden self truths. Like most people, it is a lot easier for me to recognize dysfunctions in others before dysfunctions in myself.  When you shift your beliefs about the world and recognize everything happening around you is just a mirror of what you are denying in yourself, the discomfort received from individuals can help you to dive deeper into your own world of hidden emotions and patterning.

The next image that presented itself for review was a silhouette of my body wearing a type of energetic world wrestling belt. The belt had many energetic cords extending from it. These cords shot off into the distance and were connected to people like my husband and kids. I felt these cords of connection were heavy and slowing me down. I saw myself cutting through these cords by staying present and controlling the energies around me. By allowing the natural flow of life to emerge from all situations these cords disappeared from the belt at my waist. These guides, always reviewing lessons, of course, threw this in to tie directly back to the root chakra from last week. I asked if there was anything else at this time that I needed to know and kept hearing a voice say, “Give up control, give over your power.” I have explained that in my past there have been many traumas created by my inability to give up control and power. I had always used control as a means to compensate for the insecurities of my own sacral chakra. Hearing that I need to give up control and give over power makes sense, but it will definitely be my biggest challenge of the week. I was shown how I had become very dependent on other people’s energy. Truth be told this is not a new concept, but I never really looked at myself as being such a co-dependent person. In all honesty, this is something I denied up until this meditation session. It is a truth that has gone unrealized until now. I understand that this week will involve releasing control over others and allowing energy to flow naturally. I saw a visualization of myself falling into the arms of my husband surrendering to him and accepting the love and support that my sacral chakra needs. I was shown a dark image of a person extending their hand and giving me the stone that represented this chakra center. I understand that possibly at some point during this experience someone will present me with the stone that symbolizes this energy center's vibration.

I then proceeded to ask what others should know about their sacral chakras. The image I saw was of the same energetic violet-colored bubble, but this time surrounding masses of people around the world. I saw each bubble get sewed onto the next one creating a tapestry of shining bubbles. I interpreted this as a connection of universal energies and found myself contemplating a human shift. I felt as if people would be releasing their own energy and freely giving away what they thought was individual to them to enlighten and make better the people around them. This is where the visual gets a little weird, but the message is beautiful. I saw people exchanging their eyes for the eyes of the person in their neighboring bubble, which to me is symbolic of people trying to see the world from their neighbor’s point of view to gain more perspective and understanding. This image then zoomed out quickly to encompass a greater number of people. I know this to mean that if we start small with our one-on-one relationships and learn to use our energy and connections in a healthy manner we will heighten our own progress and be able to affect more people by transmitting on a grander scale, simply by finding more harmony within our own interpersonal relationships. I saw all of these people receiving and giving energy from their sacral chakras. It looked like a beautiful balance of yin and yang energy. Every drop of energy given out was given back in complete balance. I saw joy and happiness in people who could achieve this state of being. The last bit of information I heard was that people need to give more then they take and when we accomplish this method of living we will receive more abundance than we could ever imagine or even thought to ask for.

Now, backing up a bit, this morning I woke up in a complete sacral chakra power struggle. One of the arrangements my husband and I came up with after our April 25th cheating incident was that anytime he was going to drink more than two beers he was required to turn his phone off for the night. This was a simple enough agreement in my head, apparently not as simple for him. Two people, two different world views and way too many possible interpretations, I guess. After a night of too much drinking on his part my husband returned from his mother's villa, where the party was going on, to our villa and crawled into bed. After getting settled he proceeded to turn on his phone. I woke up, of course, and overreacted because this is the second time he has decided to forgo the agreement we had made about his phone being used after drinking. Completely beside myself I went to sleep on the couch that night and decided it best to save the argument for the following day.

Flash forward to today: the start of my sacral chakra week and Father's Day 2014. If I hadn’t been so mad I probably would have been laughing hysterically at the irony of the situation. People always say God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. If I could alter that statement I would change it to say, God doesn’t give you anything you aren’t meant to handle. So I wake up today after an uncomfortable night of sleeping on the couch and am faced with a power struggle and control issues yet again in my sacral chakra center. You find me writing to you this afternoon after already having one yelling match, one heart-to-heart conversation, a full meditation session and not yet any conflict resolution with my husband.

The heart-to-heart conversation ended with my husband apologizing for yet again allowing our relationship to reach a level of discomfort and unease. I explained to him that I am not upset at the current situation, but what the current situation represents. I asked how are we going to progress; how are we going to move from the past into the future if I can’t trust and you can’t keep your promises? As I spoke these words aloud I knew they were going against the lessons I had just learned during my week spent in the root chakra. I started this meditative session today allowing and knowing full well that the argument had not been resolved, but needed more time to process exactly what was going on from a much higher perspective. As I sit here writing in this peaceful and dusty screened-in porch, I reflect on the meditation that I just experienced. I review again the all the wonderful complexities of the sacral chakra.

Day one of my sacral chakra exploration and already a test. If I weren’t so fascinated by chakra theory I think I might be committed to a center for the insane right now. I sit here and find my mind flashing forward to the unwritten future, creating a lot of what-if scenarios surrounding my relationship. I am trying very hard to pull back and stay presently connected to this current situation, but it is taxing to say the least. The unknown future is what creates a lot of my frustration and it hasn’t even happened yet. I will choose to focus on the wise words and images I was able to see during meditation today. I understand a lot of my own insecurity has led to these reactions. I decide to fully look into the mirror right in front of me and confront the hidden truth I am unwilling to admit. While contemplating my role in this argument I acknowledge that I have created a lot of the circumstances behind this current situation. Focusing next on the control and trust issues, I also acknowledge that I need to have more trust in the people around me and release my vise grip of these situations. By controlling so much I am stifling the energy flow that is necessary for balance. The problem we are currently dealing with has been successfully admitted by both my husband and myself so there is no reason to allow more of my attention to be directed towards it. I must allow the situation to move forward without allowing this incident to make a lasting impression on my energetic body. I have the ability and power to forget this now and move on. I must chose to not give any more power to this situation. I know for a fact that if this were ever to happen again my mind would recall the incident with precise accuracy, so there is no need to hold on to it energetically and allow it to make a mark on my mind and body. I am going to trust my husband and allow him to take care of me by becoming vulnerable to this situation and surrendering myself back over to him. As an adult I can no longer try to control the circumstances of my husband's actions. I have to allow him to prove to me that he can love, honor, and respect me, and I must do the same for him. Without trust in each other our spiritual growth will not be able to come from a healthy place. My sacral chakra has enough mended wounds at this point to add another to the list would just be ridiculous. It is my choice from here on out to let go and move on. Trust and vulnerability will allow my sacral chakras to be set free and become fully engaged in more creative and loving endeavors.