Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 3)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

After reconciling my willingness to surrender my authenticity for connection, or an audience. It was my turn to do find my core. My strongest connection to my TRUTH, AUTHENTICITY, my CENTER. This comes up at this level. So whatever it is that still separates you for having complete trust in your self and your unique life experience at this level will come up. For me, this is when I started working on retreats with other “facilitators” who I had put on a pedestal for how big their audience was, how loud their voice was, or how self-confident in their message they were. I had to move through highs and lows of self-doubt and struggle to find value in my message and what I had to offer. The key at this level was to go for it no matter how daunting or how self-doubting I was and push myself to expose my center that much more. During this time it was imperative to do deeper self-work on trust, and what some would call EGO or the LOWER self agenda because this is where separation and duality could come up.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 3)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Solar Plexus Chakra (step 3)

About a year or two later I started entering the 3 step in my physical reality. Here because I had become such a clear channel my energy field was open to degrees I never thought possible. I had just come from channeling an entire book in 30-day and opened myself to many new “non-physical” guides.

The new problem I faced was that I was so OPEN. I trusted in my process and trusted in what I was connecting to yet the information I was bringing into my meditations seemed to become more and more confusing. I had one guide one day telling me the grass was green (example) and a different guide coming in the next day saying nope that grass is blue (an example to prove a point). This made me question my connection, question who I was connecting to and again SPIRAL into an abyss of questions!

Slowing down yet again was what I needed to do to re-balance and find my next expansion. (theory of the mental field) when you get to this point and are good at your craft, it becomes too easy and you want to STAY in the higher fields, not re-grounding… (my lesson! - figuring out how to be human and spirit). So after slowing down and establishing a process of connection between me and my guides. Where I created boundaries and established practices to understand how to flow between human and spirit. This is when I FLEW into the cosmos. I had an experience that started with Remote Viewing and transitioned into Astral Traveling and visited different worlds, dimensions, and parallel universes all over the multi-verse. This expanded what I had brought through at LEVEL 3- Step 1 (chakra deck) and made it now multi-dimensional and so very expansive. Not only did I get to visit everything I had ever been through all time and all space I recorded every detail of it, because over the past 2-years I had written 2-books and 1-oracle deck workbook. I had become patterned in documenting every last experience - and so I did.

This is something I never expected. I actually completed the previous book and thought I wouldn’t pick up another pen for another 5-years. When you let go in the Mental Plane that’s when your next big break comes in! (here is the book synopsis)

This non fiction autobiographical memoir takes on the tone of a Science Fiction novel. The story spans the length of just one 24 hour day on Earth. Following the stories lead character, Jenessee you begin to understand from a first person perspective what it feels like to go through a metaphysical conscious awakening as an entire life is reviewed from the perspective of multiple incarnations on twelve different planets. This journey takes you on a visually stunning exploration of different planets. Each new planet introduces Jenessee to a new body that has been frozen to teach her different lessons about her soul’s master archetype. Throughout the journey Jenessee struggles to believe in what is presented in the astral realm, she is found constantly fighting the urge to believe in what she experiences and finds no affirmation from those who surround her. The novel has political, environmental, advocacy, and self-help undertones all of which help the reader to understand their own cosmic place in this multi-dimensional multi-verse.


Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 3)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Solar Plexus Chakra (step 3)

How glad I am that I decided to meditate today. I sit here very light and calm with another internal realization that has just come forth to present itself during a time of non judgment and reflection. One of my assignments this week was to disconnect from the feeling of self doubt by talking ownership of my actions and discontinuing the little lies that I tell myself. Before I sat in meditation I had a bit of a thought come through my mind that had peaked my interest for further review. I decided it would be my question during the meditation session today.

Not too long ago, maybe about a year ago, I decided to go back to college. I had never completed my degree and after only half a year at Hawaii Pacific University I decided to leave college to start a career in the spa industry. After quite a few successful jobs and many notable titles, I decided to go back to online college to complete my degree. If I was so accomplished in my career why did I ever feel the need to go back and finish college? To be honest, with my resume in the spa industry I could get a job anywhere without any hesitation. Today I realized that there is a deeply hidden piece of me that had been tucked away until now. This piece of me that I have given a voice to today has never felt deserving of all the success it has earned. It feels like the rug may be pulled out from under its feet at any second and everything will be lost. It feels scared and protective. I discovered today that this is where the seed of myself doubt has stemmed from.

This past January I made the decision to go back to college. Most people would congratulate this and be happy for the fulfillment of a scholarly aspiration. I look at this and now wish I had done more self searching before I decided to go back. This degree would give me no more capabilities for current job progression, as I am as high up in my field as I can and truthfully want to go. I realize now I used continued education to bandaid my solar plexus chakra and hide some very deep-seeded feelings of self doubt and lack of confidence. In my mind I told myself if I completed this degree I would have the ability to justify my position in this current career and I could possibly study acupuncture or other areas of interest if I decided to. I would not need to have or use this degree in my current profession. Honestly it was only to settle my own self doubt and maybe have some fun learning a few new things along the way.

I justified the decision to go back to college in my head with these lies I was telling myself. I felt that if I gained more schooling people would recognize me as accomplished and more deserving of my status. I discovered that my solar plexus chakra or my self confidence center was lacking at times. Due to my career success at such a young age. I can honestly say that over the years I have sometimes felt like an actor. I cannot believe that my bosses had so much faith in me to perform the tasks they hired me for. I was 19 when I opened my first spa! I often wondered how someone like me was given so much responsibility at such a young age, and how and why did everyone believe I could do what I could do? I became very successful early on and with that came great accountability. I was thrown into a professional world where I basically had to learn everything as I went along. Thankfully everything always seemed to come easily, but that’s not to say it wasn’t pressure-filled. I am thankful for having great mentors and a lot of return on luck. You find me sitting here today as an almost thirty-year-old spa director of a resort hotel. I have spent over eleven years in this industry and feel so accomplished. I am happy today that I could give a voice to this dark persona within my being. I can sit in meditation and understand that these feelings of unworthiness are unwarranted and unnecessary. I came into today thinking I had a healthy, almost fully worked-through solar plexus chakra. I knew my gut instincts had always been dead on and felt a lot of my success came from listening to and trusting these hunches. I never questioned myself or the direction I was being shown because I knew my journey was one of divine purpose. I always trusted and believed in my passions, but somewhere along the way I started to interpret my success as luck and not hard work, dedication to myself, and understanding of my higher calling. I started to view my accomplishments as unwarranted and looked for the things I did not succeed at, like school, to fill that void. I now understand that my path required me to progress in a different way and somewhat contrary to the normal path. I realize that this was my destiny, and by listening to my hunches and guidance I was able to successfully accomplish what needed to be done in order to get me here today. This past week I have relearned how to interpret the energy of my solar plexus chakra. I feel that I have yet again established a strong and knowing connection deep within my being and have a sense of joy moving forward. I am excited to be able to rejoin the human race here today with an understanding that we all come from such diverse backgrounds and experiences and it is not our job judge ourselves or others for the paths they have taken. Each path is a divine example of the lessons that soul had to learn. I look forward to sharing my story of inspiration to help others understand how worthy and accomplished they are in their own journeys. As individuals we should never feel the need to prove ourselves to anyone, let alone ourselves. If these are feelings that you struggle with there might be deeply seeded and tucked away self esteem and self doubt problems hiding in your solar plexus chakra.

 As I explained earlier, I came into this week thinking my solar plexus and self esteem were strong. Here I am again realizing that I have been feeding myself one too many little lies to distract from the true issues lying dormant with in my being. I could have never imagined that at this stage in the game I still harbored such doubt in my physical accomplishments and felt like I still had pieces of myself to prove. I feel stronger now with the realization of these facts. I find comfort in the knowing that this doubt still lived inside of me and feel by simply shining the light of truth on this part of my hidden self I will be able to move forward as soon as this pen drops away from my hand today. I have gained presence from my root, vulnerability and release of control from my sacral, and now true confidence that I already have everything I need in life from my solar plexus. I feel so physically connected to myself at this point that I can understand the deeper meaning of these three chakras and why people explain them to be our physical chakras, the first triad or the lower self. There was so much physical learning and retraining I had to go through these past weeks to understand that to move forward I had to literally purge out a lot of the crap I was fed about being a physical human being. At this stage in life I have learned many ways to protect myself and my energetic centers that have harmed my spiritual growth. I am ready to move forward in an open and receptive way, as a being who is free of the constraints placed upon me. I know that moving forward with this newfound base my spiritual progression is bound to soar!