Episode #20 Wellness Hour on KRMA Radio

Episode #20 Wellness Hour on KRMA Radio


Wellness Hour presents climbing the mountain of life...

in this episode we discuss what it mean to ascend this spiritual plane and transcend our human worries finding our truest and most authentic joy. It is within all apsects of life that we can see how we are walking the divine path yet we get so focused on the outcomes, the charge of interactions and the dysfunction that we end up staying in our old patterns and blocking out purpose. We discuss how to see clearly when you stand at the base of the mountain getting ready to climb. We discuss action steps to reclaim your life and talk about healing way to see and respect what you are aligning to in your outside reality.

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #19

During this Episode Jenessee review her recent conference and trip to Hollywood where she presented on the Cosmic Master Archetype and how to bring the spa lifestyle home using classical Chakra Training. Explore the world through the eyes of consciousness as we walk this path together.

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #18

Jenessee and Emily talk deeply about frequency and how to live a connected life through the teachings of Joy Jackson the Backyard Mystic. Following the Solutionary Tv presents Ascension Series episode where Jenessee and Dr. Tatiana Irvin interviewed Joy and discussed how she uses her gifts of intuition to help guide people to the highest most connected states of their personal being.

Join Jenessee & Dr. Irvin each Monday and Thursday at 6:30pm for the Pre-Show to Ascension Series where you get to become a part of the broadcast and connect to like minded seekers all looking to connect more fully to the beauty held on EARTH

MONDAY at 6:30pm EST join the pre show -> CLICK HERE

THURSDAT at 6:30pm EST join the pre show -> CLICK HERE

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #9

Discover what it means to climb the ladder of enlightenment. Follow a simple story of consciousness as told by Emily and discover how life organizes itself to move you more fully into alignment with your divine purpose. Emily talks about her beginning stages of working at Walden and how this reality began to open her eyes to a more metaphysical world. From here Emily shares about her Nana getting diagnosed with Cancer (crisis moment, spiritual emergency). This moment in life stopped Emily in her tracks and had her review what she was doing on a larger scale. From her we probe what climbing the ladder of enlightenment looks like through each of the different planes of existence "or energetic bodies".

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #8

Saraswati will call the cell in to discuss Apr 28th

Sound Journey

  • What is a Sound Journey?
  • What are the benefits of Sound Healing?
  • Tell us a little bit about the instruments?
  • Why do you love working with Sound?

Cacao ceremony

  • What is involved in a Cacao Ceremony?
  • How is this Cacao different than regular chocolate?
  • What do you love about leading Cacao ceremonies?
  • What do you hope participants take away from the Cacao ceremony?
  • Why do Sound Journeys and Cacao ceremonies go well together?

EARTH DAY – SUNDAY 22nd – Barrie Rosencrans is teaching a free yoga class at 10am

Astrology you need to know for May 2018 (Friday, April 27th at 6pm)

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #7

Live Interview with Julie

Developing Intuition Intermediate – 4-9 It is important to know how you receive information from the “field” surrounding you. In this lecture Julie will explain the differences between being clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairsentient, clairaudient and empathic. Each lecture will change and include new information regarding “Developing Intuition” time permitting during each 45-minute lecture the group will move into a quick practice to begin to see and feel into the different methods of receiving information from the divine field

Dreams & Dreaming
Friday, April 13th at 6pm

Dreaming is something that we all do no matter where we come from or how old we are. Did you know that 95-98% of our behavior is determined by the unconscious? From the days of Sigmund Freud to the present, researchers have been proving time and time again that our decisions and behaviors are greatly influenced by our unconscious. Is it any wonder why dreams are so important? If our behavior is governed by the unconscious and our dreams are coming from the unconscious, shouldn’t we pay much closer attention to the messages they are relaying? Learn and Dreaming and the Dreamer in this lecture.

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #6

live the best life possible.

PAST – Dr. Bizjak
Biohack – any technology, product, or behavior that will speed up healing, slow down aging, and maximize human performance. Why do we need biohacks? We live in a very tough environment these days and require the use of anything available to increase our odds of fighting off sickness and disease, to maximize the function of our body, and live the best life possible.

  1. Hperbaric oxygen therapy
  2. Whole body cryotherapy
  3. Restore
  4. Hydrogen water
  5. Infrared sauna
  6. Intermittent fasting
  7. Guided meditation
  8. Activity hack
  9. “I’m in” – Movie Yes Man
  10. “I am”

Dr. Holly Timberlake
Loving Yourself into a Brighter Life – there is always an energy to each session and during last nights session we had 2 families come who brought their young girls. – Synchronistic that Holly and I are planning a retreat or workshop lead by her and her daughter and the emphasis was going to be on moms and daughters and empowering them through loving themselves.


Developing Intuition (intermediate 2nd class) – Monday 9th at 10am w/ Julie

Quieting the Mind Wednesday 11th  w/ Jenessee

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #5

PAST: Astrology: Talking about what’s coming to the Earth population ½ way through she discusses a Saturn Retrograde which is a 16 year cycle started in 2008 – this triggered everyone to find an internal authority and also on a planetary scale, since this is going retrograde now and we are ½ way through there are big shifts this year and it will continue to play out until 2024 Spring Clean Your soul - Now’s the time to get rid of all that no longer serves your heart, your life, and your soul. Lynn shares proven secrets to clearing the thoughts, behaviors, habits, people, and environments that are preventing you from living the life of your dreams. This information is a breath of fresh air that will lighten your entire being and help you plant fresh seeds for a happier, more fulfilling life. Astrology You Need To Know – April Jenessee visit to Serpent Mound over the equinox. Hosted Ceremony for 8 people, stepped into a new part of my soul timeline. Explain Soul, Causal Body & High Self. How when we do this things begin aligning to our higher self and we become guided instead of having to force pieces of the puzzle into place. PRESENT READ FUTURE: April 3rd - Eating Vegetarian & Vegan – 12pm by Barrie Rosencrans April 3rd -Bio-Hacks the new medicine – Dr.Bizjak at 6:30pm The latest and greatest bio hacks, tools, shortcuts, and research to help you get, and stay, super well & healthy. April 5th – 6pm Thursday Loving Yourself into a Brighter Life - Dr. Holly Timberlake The more we can support ourselves lovingly, the brighter our lives become, even during the difficult moments. Come practice simple and powerful ways to support your own well-being: speaking lovingly and mercifully to yourself, reassuring the insecure feelings that arise, encouraging and motivating yourself in ways that are light and love-filled. Ways that help you to see and feel more of the truth and beauty of your being.

KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #3

10 Simples ways to increase resilience to stress: “What do you want to make of your one wild and precious life – today? – Mary Oliver quote sums what Dr. Timberlake is all about 0-Tapping (emotional freedom technique) 1-Movement 2-Forgiveness & Appreciation 3-Personal Connection (hugs/oxytocin) 4-Journaling 5-Supplements to support resiliency 6-stacking the pain (do what you hate first) 7-forest bathing (inhaling phytoncides from trees reduces stress hormones) 8-foods to reduce stress 9- Aromatherapy 10-Hydrotherapy -1 Conscious Breathing (this leads into Shaun’s talk) Shaun on Mind, Body Connection 1- Connection between mind and body is first and foremost breath 2- Taught a. Square breathing b. 3 part breath or yogic breath c. Breath for anxiety 3 inhale double exhale – slowing down the heart beat 3- Meditation and how this comes after breath work a. Yoga nidra b. 6 healing sounds from Chi Gong (Heeeeeeee) i. Ways to start to get into meditation practice ii. Next month he teaches quieting the mind… Barrie on eating a Mediterranean Diet 1-Plan/Prep/Shop/Cook/ Jenessee on Chakras & Energy 1-move us into present moment