PAST: Astrology: Talking about what’s coming to the Earth population ½ way through she discusses a Saturn Retrograde which is a 16 year cycle started in 2008 – this triggered everyone to find an internal authority and also on a planetary scale, since this is going retrograde now and we are ½ way through there are big shifts this year and it will continue to play out until 2024 Spring Clean Your soul - Now’s the time to get rid of all that no longer serves your heart, your life, and your soul. Lynn shares proven secrets to clearing the thoughts, behaviors, habits, people, and environments that are preventing you from living the life of your dreams. This information is a breath of fresh air that will lighten your entire being and help you plant fresh seeds for a happier, more fulfilling life. Astrology You Need To Know – April Jenessee visit to Serpent Mound over the equinox. Hosted Ceremony for 8 people, stepped into a new part of my soul timeline. Explain Soul, Causal Body & High Self. How when we do this things begin aligning to our higher self and we become guided instead of having to force pieces of the puzzle into place. PRESENT READ FUTURE: April 3rd - Eating Vegetarian & Vegan – 12pm by Barrie Rosencrans April 3rd -Bio-Hacks the new medicine – Dr.Bizjak at 6:30pm The latest and greatest bio hacks, tools, shortcuts, and research to help you get, and stay, super well & healthy. April 5th – 6pm Thursday Loving Yourself into a Brighter Life - Dr. Holly Timberlake The more we can support ourselves lovingly, the brighter our lives become, even during the difficult moments. Come practice simple and powerful ways to support your own well-being: speaking lovingly and mercifully to yourself, reassuring the insecure feelings that arise, encouraging and motivating yourself in ways that are light and love-filled. Ways that help you to see and feel more of the truth and beauty of your being.
KRMA Radio Wellness Hour #4
oin Emily Daniels for a Past, Present, Future review of what's happening in the Mind, Body, Spirit world.
KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #3
10 Simples ways to increase resilience to stress: “What do you want to make of your one wild and precious life – today? – Mary Oliver quote sums what Dr. Timberlake is all about 0-Tapping (emotional freedom technique) 1-Movement 2-Forgiveness & Appreciation 3-Personal Connection (hugs/oxytocin) 4-Journaling 5-Supplements to support resiliency 6-stacking the pain (do what you hate first) 7-forest bathing (inhaling phytoncides from trees reduces stress hormones) 8-foods to reduce stress 9- Aromatherapy 10-Hydrotherapy -1 Conscious Breathing (this leads into Shaun’s talk) Shaun on Mind, Body Connection 1- Connection between mind and body is first and foremost breath 2- Taught a. Square breathing b. 3 part breath or yogic breath c. Breath for anxiety 3 inhale double exhale – slowing down the heart beat 3- Meditation and how this comes after breath work a. Yoga nidra b. 6 healing sounds from Chi Gong (Heeeeeeee) i. Ways to start to get into meditation practice ii. Next month he teaches quieting the mind… Barrie on eating a Mediterranean Diet 1-Plan/Prep/Shop/Cook/ Jenessee on Chakras & Energy 1-move us into present moment
KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #2
Past Dr. Bizjak – Back to Basics 1-doing things that are always good (broccoli over French fries) 2-Ease into change (what happens on Jan 2nd?) 3-Trust the bodies innate abilities to heal itself (if treated preventatively) 4- No big breakthrough coming (no single thing will be the answer) 5-Don’t wait for your dr. approval (doctors are trained in crisis – don’t go to dr. looking for approval on wellness and prevention) 6-Become your own wellness expert (if you read 5 books on gluten intolerance – you are now an expert over a primary care dr.) 7-keep it real (real-food, real-movements, real-relationships) 8- TO DO’s (add supplements if you can’t take away (donuts…) fish oil, vitamin d, probiotics.
KRMA Radio Wellness Hour Episode #1
SHOW BREAKDOWN: Timelines --- not traditional story (beg/midd/end) we’re going to jump timelines and stay in the flow Intro & Bio on Jenessee o Spa Industry o My own spirituality Tue Feb 28th went to Akron Public Library – ESCAPE FIRE: FIGHT TO RESCUE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE (Netflix) o Hosed by Tara Scott the Integrative Medicine Director at Summa Health o Also there was CEO of Summa Dr. Cliff Deveny as well as a chiropractor, nutritionist and acupuncturist o Synopsis: ESCAPE FIRE: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare tackles one of the most pressing issues of our time: American healthcare costs are rising so rapidly that they could reach $4.2 trillion annually, roughly 20% of our gross domestic product, within ten years. We spend $300 billion a year on pharmaceutical drugs––almost as much as the rest of the world combined. We pay more, yet our health outcomes are worse. About 65% of Americans are overweight and almost 75% of healthcare costs are spent on preventable diseases that are the major causes of disability and death in our society. Main Talking Points o implementing preventative alternative medicine o What is preventative medicine:…… (nutrition support, acupuncture, alternative medicine and fitness) o WALDEN prevention – so many doctors in community giving back w/ prevention yet people think this is WOO WOO or still out of their reach / not validated…. o Safe Way had huge insurance premiums and decided to incentivize its employees who strive for health – they documented the vast improvement when funds were dedicated towards prevention o It’s the businesses that decide what packages they will get with health care, but so many use “buying agents” to help them navigate how to build a plan that doesn’t cost $$$$$ HR & Agents actually decide