
What is happening in the next 6months, and what do I need to make it successful

You - manifesting card, intreasting thing is that you have the reverse energy of this card as your foundation. these two cards represent the opposit ends of a cycle. Here in the you position it describes what you are currently going through. This is where your present moment connects to your high self and brings into your field the ability to manifest. It means you are in prime mode to create into your field exactly what you need as long as it’s deemed purpose filled and supported by high self. This is the baby card of the cycle - what is new, what excites you, what do you want, where can you play and explore here is where you will find the “thing” wanting to be manifested

whats blocking you - your own awakening! Where is your passion not connected to your high self. Remember to manifest in this new cycle you have to be playing and passion filled so where are you blocking your own high self connection by your inability to find joy in what your doing? 

goals - stability. Easy! You want to connect your one on one relationship to your present moment!

Foundation- complete card, this card signals the completion of a long cycle it’s where purpose meets your foundation. Think of the flow of energy up and down a tube, this signals the downward flow - manifest in cycle where everything comes back down into your foundation. You are manifesting the completion of a long cycle and it will soon come to an end, but it will create the new foundation that you can grow from. Think all the experience you learned instead of what you lost in the process of what you took so long to develope. Everything had to be cleared to put you in a place to create this new higher level thing.

distant past - shadow of illusion, this is a pattern that if you don’t let go will continue to hinder your own growth and success. Block in third eye or perspective, where are you not seeing clearly what’s unfolding and holding onto the dark side of what’s coming through. Stop your overactive mind and allow yourself to be open to the totality of what’s coming through instead of your limiting views on what you think you see. 

Future- hyper root chakra, in order to move forward in the next six months you have to stop playing this role/archetype! Stop being someone your not. Root Chakra is all about fear in moving forward, where are you living someone else’s path and not you own because your scared to not have a solid foundation Beneith you. 

Your attitude/position - you are manifesting the ability to tell your story clearly. This has to do with walking the walk and talking the talk. Family connecting to your self expression and you authentically speaking your truth your story. 

other people views- people witness you as someone who is putting on a hyoid mask or they see your “fake ness” they can tell you are playing a role. This has to do with your obsessive tendencies, mostly connected to relationships and passion. 

Hopes and fears: you,-“if I become completely authentic and be who I want to be in the future... hyper root chakra card” what happens if there is no foundation what happens if I don’t have support or stability to do what I want to do... you hope you can find the balance between who you are and living in this completely connected and authentic way but fear if you do so you will not have support in what you want. This card signals the pulling back or away from your foundation (job, family, foundation) 

Outcome: witness. Divine is asking you to watch for the signs. Use you MIND your ability to perceive what’s going on in connection to the present moment. By doing this you become the witness of what is happening around you which becomes your roadmap to the success in which you seek. You must remember we’re not given the entire path we’re given steps and the steps arrange themselves into experiences. These experiences when joy filled and connected to our passion create a harmonious path that your entire self (high & human) can get behind. 
