Original Channel - Part 2 Glow

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Glow Surrounding You

The sun is cresting through the tops of the trees outside of my bedroom window. A wall of two story eastward facing windows hides nothing from the natural beauty of a sun rise starting anew over Ohio’s western reserve. The double pained glass doesn’t hide much as the warmth of the golden rays begin to sound an alarm that my eyes cannot shy away from. I awaken from a deep and restful sleep. Moving around my California king sleigh bed I find my husband already gone which is typical, the man doesn’t sleep a minute past six am, and that’s considered sleeping in. I find my body to be stiffer than usually and decide to take this opportunity to perform a series of what I call yoga bed stretches. Rocking and rolling around from corner to corner I release the tight areas in my body and find I am appropriately stretched and ready to slither out of bed.

Today is Sunday and one of the only days the entire family gets to relax and be with one another free of obligations. Camden age four will have gotten up around six with my husband, and Taylor age five will probably have received the nudge from the sun just as I had. He is surely making his way downstairs as we speak for a sugary morning breakfast cereal. Camden on the other hand is probably ready for second breakfast the crash from his first sugary high wearing off. With nothing planned this Sunday, our day will consist mostly of managing the two masculine energies while trying not to lose one of the parents to an afternoon nap along the way.

Being a beautiful sunny day we take the opportunity to go outside and play. That is the boys play, my husband rests inside, and I find a relaxing spot under a tree to lie down and relax. Reclining down towards the grass I find a hypnotic rhythm within the rustling of the leaves above, they lull my mind into submission, I surrender meaningless thoughts and let my body melt into my surroundings. The only thing to break this unconscious respite is a subtle twitch and then a ringing in my right ear. This alerts me to something familiar yet far away. Then all at once a rush of adrenalin begins to course through my veins as I am startled into full flight or fight mode with my heart racing, literally beating out of my chest. My abdomen thrusts upward sitting me up to attention while the ringing gets louder, then silence.

Like a memory, I say to myself quietly.

“This happened before.”

Last night, this happened to me last night, and there was a tree... Corkscrewing around to get a better look at the tree standing at my back I timidly reached out a single hand. Prepared to find a hologram or a continuation of a dream.

“Am I still dreaming?”

My fingertips timidly reach outward, my middle finger barely grazes the bark of the tree when in blink of an eye I find myself surrounded by magnificent white light. Rushing energy engulfs my body as I begin flying through an intergalactic roller coaster. This is the only way I can describe the rush of what I am currently experiencing. Two glowing lights one at either side are guiding my way. My memories of the previous night’s dream flood into my conscious mind.

“What is happening to me? Is this real?”

I think I am speaking these words aloud, but am unsure. Then an outpouring of warmth enters into my body from the two glowing lights holding me steady through this tunneled ride. The surge of warmth creates waves of pulsating energy vibrations that course through my body heightening my sensitivity to the experience, but also giving a euphoric understanding that everything is going to be ok. The ride begins to slow and as doors become apparent on the inside of this tunnel, I can clearly state that this has all happened before.  

My eyes open and I know I must be seeing things. In the warmly lit orange colored sky above there are not one, but two suns fading into the orange colored sunset. As one of the two suns begins to set day turns into night and a cool contrast to the warm glow begins to take over the landscape.

“Welcome home Jenessee.” A quiet and calm voice says into my right ear.

“Hello? Who’s there?” Confused and looking around I cannot see a single person anywhere within the vicinity of where I stand.

“You are doing just fine dear one.” The voice chimes in and then continues.

“Each time you travel you will remember infinitely more about who you are and what your purpose is. You will soon be able to reach this place by simply asking to be taken here. This will come in time, for now I have some information to tell you. Are you ready to listen?”

“What do you mean travel here?”

I ask I a somewhat demanding and untrusting tone.

“Here to 20300, are you ready to learn?” The voice calmly speaks through my right ear and into my mind.

“Yes, I am ready to learn.” I reply, feeling just a bit of shame.

“Then we shall begin. Here in 20300 as one sun leaves its place in the sky above, another sun remains stationary, hanging off in the distance. Can you see this happening now?”

“Yes, I did notice that when my eyes adjusted.” I said clearly to the voice in my mind.

“This second sun you see hanging far off in the distance allows the inhabitants of this planet a glimpse into another dimension, another time and space. The sun remains stationary allowing these multidimensional beings the ability to observe and evaluate how another time and space is progressing into its future. This sun determines the future of not only its resident inhabitants, but also projects the stability of life forms from near and far residing in other planetary systems. Thus many other planets watch this sun from a distance to evaluate their own wellbeing and balance within the cosmos. Because they are multi-dimensional beings they can see this sun as a projection or image. On Earth when looking into your own atmosphere you will not see a second sun as your inhabitants are not living within a higher dimension your astronomers would notice this more as a cosmic residue or energy patterns that are producing similar patterns to your own sun.”

While the soft voice continued speaking to me I noticed that day had turned into night. I could see only a faint glow remain in the sky above. With every second that ticked by the landscape laid out in front of me drastically changed. What was once bathed in a warm orange glow now held a bluish tint and turned notably cooler. Sensing the coolness surrounding me I could only feel it with my mind my actual body seemed unaffected or untouched by the environmental changes. As the night air presumably grew colder and the sky turned into a dark midnight blue, a chorus of sounds became audible from the forest floor below.

“Look around you Jenessee, see with your heart and your mind.”

What appeared as motionless rocks, trees, bushes, and other surrounding topography sprung to life, white hot electric fields peeked through the veil of bluish darkness. As the landscape turned from day into night an iridescent white blue glow began to dance around the physical forms and shrouded these previously inadamant objects.

Witnessing this transition take place is to feel like your own energy has altogether changed with it. The vibration and twinkle of light held a connection and resonance with my own body in such a primitive way. The palpable dance of energy happening around every object incited feeling inside my own body, those things that make you feel most alive where drudged up from depths I didn’t know I held onto. My body swayed with movement and found a pace to the hum and chirping happening around me. Yet through all of this my mind wondered why in this natural setting did this only happen at night? Why now at nightfall when presumably everything else should be falling asleep did these objects come to life? The objects that appeared lifeless during the warm glow of day now gain a movement and life that mimics that of sun reflecting off of water. Refracting like a million tiny diamonds reflecting back the suns powerful energy. These once quite objects have seemed to find their expression and movement through the dance of the night, but why?

Contemplating these questions, I realize the voice inside my head must have pulled away as my questions received no answer. More and more objects begin to illuminate around me yet it appeared that not all inhabitants of the forest floor had taken on the dance of the setting sun. Some of these objects remain stationary and did not possess the twinkling dance surrounding it.

Scanning the scenery, I notice how densely lush this forest of tress, bushes, stones and other natural specimens are. Most of the condensed shapes I pass by have a dancing illuminated shadow, that glows and moves to the sounds surrounding it. Upon further inspection I can see that one out of every twenty or so objects I encounter seem to be lifeless with no bluish white electric glow.

“These objects are without life and need relocation or to be removed from their current place in the landscape.”

The warm voice had returned and I was happy to have a companion if only with me in my mind.

“They are no longer in service to the greater good of this place and need to find a new home. There are visual clues, do you see the bluish white light dancing around the objects? This is the landscapes aura, it is here to show where life is thriving and where life is expiring. The absence of light is nature’s way of drawing attention to where life on the planet needs conditioning and attention. Does this make sense to you?”

Before I can answer I am instantly startled by a group of hooded beings gathering near an outcropping directly ahead of me.

“They are Sheppard’s of the forest.” The voice says.

“They are guided by the forest to tend to items that no longer have a strong vibration and light.”

I hold my breath as to not make a sound and disrupt what is happening within my field of view. I am not even sure if I am making any sounds, but non the less I hold my breath quietly as the hooded figures separate and glide towards the items in nature that hold no glowing light.  In unison and as if on cue they begin pushing some of the light from within their own bodies towards the items they are working with. In most cases the items come fully back into their own light joining the dance of the forest floor once again.  In one case I could perceive that the Sheppard’s auric light had no effect over the item he was working on.  Watching the Shepard walk away, I became somewhat frustrated that more wasn’t being done to bring back the glow.

“What happens now?” I asked the voice hoping for an immediate response.

As if on cue and answering before my question was finished, the voice responded.

“The Sheppard will actively seek out a new place for this specific piece of the landscape. If the item is nonresponsive, which has happened here it is a signal that it is time for a new placement. It’s energy is no longer supported or needed in its current location and therefore it will be transplanted into another area for optimal harmony and balance. This is a very serious task and will take much consideration on both the part of the Shepard and the planet before the task can be completed”

Flashes of my body melding with a tree re-enter my mind and I am instantly downloaded with my entire experience from my last visit to this place. I can feel how harmonious and necessary a trees connection to its surroundings are and how important the beings are in helping to affirm these connections.

“Do you understand now why you are seeing this Dear One?”

With an urgency in the voices tone, the voice still calm pushed through my current clutter of thoughts.

“During this timeline of 20300 you have already experienced and understood humanities connection to nature. Through subsequent visits with “The Tree” and the “Glow Surrounding You” at night, it is time for you to understand that humans living on Earth are being called to become the Sheppard’s of their planet. Humans are the ones in charge of taking care of Earth’s ability to thrive. It is time to make humanity aware of their ability to attune their energy into the Earth’s energy and realize where Earth is no longer being supported. Where humans are not supporting nature, nature will become unruly and begin to expand by means of growth, destruction, death and decay. It will seem as if nature is fighting back against you when really it is simply no longer being looked after by you.”

My mind runs through end of the world scenarios that involve droughts, earthquakes, fires and mineral and food depletion. I start to feel fear and then realize that maybe there is a way to take back ownership of what is happening.

“Jenessee please understand that humanity plays a role in ensuring the survival of Earth and all of its resources. Those inclined enough to feel into these energetic connections recognize that harmony and balance are needed for sustainable growth. There are those amongst the human race that understand this connection and follow the cycles of Earth helping to guide it towards ultimate harmony. Others who have not gained the “Sheppard” like mentality of care giving are being called to gain the wisdom of the “Wise Man” who walks with his mind clear and open to the subtle flow and calls of that which surrounds him. Do you remember the story of the “Wise Man” we review with you earlier?”

“Yes I do remember the story of the man open to his surroundings. So what you are saying is that either way I am being called to connect deeply into the Earth by means of opening my energy to ground within it? And I can do this through the way of the Shepard or by way of the Wise Man.”

“That is correct.” The voice says.

“The success of this connection to Earth will depend on how many are willing to trust in what the Earth is supplying and feel at ease enough to ground into their environment fully and open to what may come through. You can do this by simply being open and present to what surrounds you or by engaging with the heart of nature and listening to and supplying its needs.”

Now I find myself thinking about Global Warming as it is understood by Humans, I begin wondering if this is a real concept or if this is just a way to label the disconnect of humans to their environment.

Right on cue, the warm voice breaks through my mental clutter yet again with a reassuring voice.

“Your Global Warming is a label that creates separation between you humans and your surroundings. By clearly opening your channel into your most immediate resource, Earth, humanity can ensure a long lasting and trusted connection that can help to stabilize not only your planet and the humans who live upon it, but also all of the planets that look towards Earth for its life giving qualities. Do you remember the two sun’s? Others watch you for many reasons, some of which you will soon learn, and it is important that your kind survive. You are a birthing planet. You are needed. You are loved. You can’t fail.”