Original Channel - Is This Heaven?

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Is This Heaven?

Finding my way through the fourth dimensional tunnel of light the first exit point I am guided to leads to the Earth plane in the time space of 2015. Exiting this inter dimensional tunnel my body soars through the air moving amidst fluffy white clouds. As I become more aware of the blue sky above and the white clouds below I see not far ahead stands a circle of twelve beings all illuminated with a glowing golden light centered near their chest. Falling like a sky diver I find my body has enough control to move towards the circle of beings standing amongst the clouds.

Moving into the center of the circle I can see each of my twelve guides who have recently accompanied me on the different journeys to visit my frozen bodies.  In full recognition of this connection each guide in turn begins to send a golden shower of light towards my body. One at a time I sense the entirety of my journey coming back to me as the guide sends me his or her light. As the twelfth completes this process of sending me the light I become fully illuminated and begin to take on the heaviness of a solid gold statue. My body becomes too heavy to remain standing on top of the clouds and begins to fall very fast towards Earth. Here my fifth dimensional light body remained with the twelve guides in the clouds as my physical body dropped very fast towards the Earth plane. Watching the event take place I witnessed my golden body crash through my current home in Aurora, Ohio. Symbolic yes, meaningful most definitely, I find myself experiencing in totality a full connection to what I have just begun to comprehend from this last vision.

Turning around I see my final guide for this last journey to the twelfth planet extend out his hand. Grabbing a hold we soar off into the blue sky which quickly turns black and becomes filled with lines of white light. Moving into the fourth dimensional tunnel we move to what I can only describe as the heaven planet. Dropping onto a large open road I am greeted by enormous buildings on my left and right hand side.  The roads seem to pattern out a large square grid with massive Grecian style buildings anchoring down every intersection point. Each building is also square with large marble steps on all four sides. These larger than life steps lead up to a column protected structure sitting on top. The buildings that sit on top of the steps are set back from the final step with enough room to have large golden statues lining the entire perimeter. Unlike gargoyles these statues are not meant to intimidate they seem to be symbolic of the information that lies within. Each building has statues of people and animals and beings I have yet to encounter. I begin to see that I have connections to specific buildings statues. Some of these buildings have statues that resemble inhabitants from planets that I have been to and encountered.

I ask my guide what the purpose of this planet is and within seconds I am flooded with images and knowings from this place. I see that children are invited onto this planet. These children ages ranging from four to six part ways with their guardians from their home planets and get sent to live here in this place. I get the sense that this planet is like a boarding school of sorts used to help develop those who have been chosen to study from its material. Flashing forward I see that there is much self study that goes on here. Children turn into adults and move into and out of the different structures endlessly. The planet is silent there is not much interaction and it appears that even the inhabitants of this planet heads are shaved. The quality of life here seems to run parallel to what we on Earth call monks.

My mind begins to wonder searching for understanding over what I am seeing. These beings seem to be reviewing their many lived lives. They enter the temples of the planets that they have once lived on or will chose to live on in upcoming lives. It appears that they are reviewing the history of their soul’s entire existence. Here I begin to wonder how this is any different from the sixth dimensional realm where all beings do this exact same thing, in the sixth dimension it is called a life review and souls use this process to determine where and what they will be doing in their upcoming lives. I am pulled back to the current planet and see one of these individuals retreat to their living quarters along the outskirts of the large library like Grecian structures. The living space is simple just walls and a platform that is used to meditate on. The individual sits atop the platform in a lotus position with legs crossed and goes into a deep trance. There is no sleep here, the individuals of this planet do not seem to sleep they use this time to realign and connect into the higher dimensional realms to wait for their call to action. I see this individual awaken from his meditative journey with a renewed sense of adventure. It seems that this individual has received the call to move onto the next stage of his training. Here in this place all guidance and learning is self directed. When it is time to move on an individual will know it is time to move on to the next phase of their journey. Once their learning has been completed and full understanding of their mission is achieved the beings of this planet will await a call from their highest guidance. This individual has received that call and now moves into the city center heading towards one of the large building with the golden domed top. Here it is that the individual will freeze his body to make a journey to his next life.

My guide tells me that unlike the sixth dimension or the planet I call Hell when a person chooses to have a life here they chose to align their soul with another soul to attain a much greater accomplishment than what their singular souls lesson plan might have attained. This path is chosen by an individual soul to carry the energy of another soul to bring transcendence and transformation along with other energies to all whom it may come in contact with. I see in this silo a group of five beings that have choosing to unit together to hold the soul fragments of what some have named the energy of Buddha.  When these souls incarnate into their next lives if they are ready they will begin to take on the soul pieces from the soul energy of what we humans have labeled as Buddha. By choosing to freeze your body on this planet you chose to remain in contact with the energy and knowing of the life had on this planet, a direct connection you could say. This means if one of these five individuals living within a different incarnation cycle achieves a higher frequency they will be able to have remembrance of the wisdom learned while on this planet.  Some here never receive the call to freeze their bodies and they will allow their vessels to parish releasing their soul back into the divine where it can chose its next incarnation or journey.

If you are one of the beings living within this planet that receives the call to freeze your body there are many different energies that you could be called to become a Sheppard of. The planet holds endless libraries filled with records of different incarnations. These libraries have been created to teach about different soul principals. There are specific soul principals or “concepts” for lack of a better term. These concepts or ideals are the building blocks that make up all living souls. On this planet each of those principals are categorized into a different section coming to a head around one of these golden domed temple like structures. Reflect for a moment to the continents of Earth, amongst this planet I see multiple continents supported by one golden domed or silo like temple. Surrounding that temple are cities comprised of libraries filled with records of different soul journeys. Those called to live amongst this planet seem to have an extremely high frequency or energetic signature and have the ability to move throughout the planet by means of teleportation not inhibited by distance or time. Towards the end of an inhabitants time on this planet when an individual receives their call they will move towards the temple of the soul concept they are meant to hold.

In each golden silo there are multiple beings that have frozen their bodies. These beings have chosen to become a Sheppard for the soul concept that they have been called to hold. Here I have already witnessed the silo of the energy of Buddha. Five beings that now hold a direct link to this planet and the concept that they now embody. Each will be given a component of this soul concept during their different incarnation cycles. When they embody a physical vessel on a planet they will bring along with their own soul a sliver if you will of this soul concept they have aligned with on this planet. That means in their body they will house two souls in one physical body, one is their own and one is a sliver of this soul concept. As these individual holding one of the five pieces of this specific soul concept becomes more aware of their divine purpose it is possible that they will be gifted the other soul components for the other Sheppard’s. This is why I call the energy I am witnessing the energy of Buddha. Buddha as I speak of him was not the energy here he was the vessel who became enlightened enough to his divine purpose to being to hold each of the five soul concepts of the energy he sought out to hold and he did this in one life time in one body. He became a figure head for the embodiment of the soul concept of compassion, or worthiness, or transcendence…. Buddha in my lifetime has been able to embody fully the five slivers of the soul component he south out to bring awareness to. Buddha as a man was the Sheppard of this soul component.

As I move along the path between the libraries and the golden silo housing the Buddha energy I receive a nagging connection to a part of this world and it feels like an energy I would relate to that of the Devil.  I felt this connection as soon as I saw the first silo, but continually brushed it away for I had not an understanding of why it was trying to present itself. I now open myself to its pull and find I am guided towards a different silo and flooded with an understanding of what I have been feeling. Being a human embarking on this astral journey I bring my own thoughts and humanly acceptance along with me. This is necessary to try and decipher what these new planets offer to my being living on the Earth plane. On Earth my understanding of the Devil is negative and finding his energy present itself in such a pristine wisdom filled place filled me with confusion. When I originally saw the silos I didn’t have the full knowing or capacity to understand. Now giving this energy space I recognize that negativity is a creation of the Earthly plane, that all energy is equal and necessary for our growth and development. I see a silo that belongs to the energy of the devil and see six capsules within it. I get hit in the gut with an understanding of this energy and the necessity it serves as a soul component for all beings. When speaking about building blocks this component of the Devil lies within all of us for without dark there is no light. This soul concept here may be faith or hope. I see these six individuals and understand that the sliver of soul they Sheppard into their incarnations is used to bring destruction and “evil” yet in the wake of their encounters with inhabitants on the planets they reside within they bring forth teachable moments that lead those willing to listen to a place of faith and hope.  For whatever reason I do not see these souls being able to join into one body I see the job of these soul parts is to wonder around creating this destruction on a pretty sever scale. There are times when the soul parts reside within the same time and space on the same plane and during these times major changes can happen for the landscape they reside within yet I feel a sense of hope and faith for all who encounter these beings for to have this immediate opportunity of choice seems blessed in itself.

Back down the steps I find myself on yet another street leading between the golden silo and the libraries surrounding it. I feel things begin to shift and I know now I am being taken to my silo. I can feel the energy conspire around me as time shifts and my guide and I move towards a silo I feel a deep resonance with. It is here that the energy of the man we called Jesus lies. Moving into the silo I see twelve individuals held within their glass capsules. Moving around the circle staring into the faces of the twelve I feel connected to each and have an immediate understanding of our purpose. Meeting the glassed inhabitants of the other silos I found myself unsure of their soul concept, but here within the silo of the twelve I know my soul component is that of trust. Discovering this along the way I know my born purpose for Earth has deep roots in trust. Being a Sheppard for this soul quality I feel the gratitude for the path I have aligned to and know that until this concept is learned fully my life will continue to bring me encounters that require my full trust.

Expanding my understanding of this new revelation I ask my guide this question and being internally thinking about how this is connected to the twelve planets I have recently visited. As a smile settles upon my guides face I know I have tapped into the purpose of this entire journey. Could it be that this is all connected? Could it be that it is not? How many soul components do I currently hold while living on Earth? The answer comes to my mind, three. How many components am I meant to hold? The answer speaks into my mind and says, that is up to you. I begin to review what I have experienced up until this point and ask myself how it is all connected. I understand having eleven frozen vessels and one living is important. It means that I have twelve reasons to be in direct connection to a place and time I require information from. But what lessons can be learned from those planets that are needed on Earth in the time space of 2015? Furrowing my brow I begin to question again how all of this is connected. With this singular thought I get pulled right out of my body and into the stars. I see in my mind’s eye the twelve planets surrounding this ghost like vision of my body standing amongst the stars. Knowing that in the third dimension only one soul can operate at a time beyond the fourth dimension I see there is no such thing as time so all of my lives come together into this one astral being standing amongst the stars. I see within this space that full reconciliation is achieved and my lives are unified in harmony on one plane. This gives me the feeling of freedom and immortality for my soul. I begin to see these planets as they form a spinning circle around me and understand that my choice to hold a body on each of these planets directly connects to my ability to hold the twelve slivers of the Jesus energy. My head begins to spin now with the immense amount of knowing I begin to receive. Is the universe that intertwined? Have I truly chosen a lesson plan that revolves around lessons within the twelve planets, but also includes a path towards being able to bring those lives into full knowing and clarity during one specific life time? Is this the process of transcendence? Is this the end or is this just the beginning?  


Don’t even begin to ask how the transition is going to happen from 2015 to 20300. The details are still veiled at this stage of the story. Talking timelines in a space that is infinite and without past or future gets somewhat tricky, so here at the beginning of this story we will start with the explanation of Earth. There are things you need to know to ensure a successful transition into your divine and original timeline.  Have you ever questioned what your purpose is? Or what the purpose of Earth is? In the spirit of transparency there is one concept that will be explained to you for future review and reconciliation. Earth as you know it, in this space, and in this time holds more active timelines than you may ever wish to understand. Can you begin to imagine Earth as a birthing planet? One which has had a hand in creating all space and all time? If you are someone who believes in extra terrestrials, could you being to imagine that they too could have been birthed on Earth at a time when our planet held a much different frequency?

Frequency is an interesting concept and deserves a bit more detailed explanation. All things on Earth hold a frequency.  Frequency is the rate at which vibration occurs, that constitutes a wave, either in a material (as in sound waves), or in an electromagnetic field (as in radio waves and light), usually measured per second. When something has a significantly higher vibration than you, it makes it very hard in the third dimension (where you vibrate and reside) to perceive exactly what this higher vibrational energy is. As a third dimensional being it is easy for you to perceive things of the third dimension and lower frequencies because they become denser making it tangible and easy to perceive. Yet as energy moves into a higher vibration or higher frequency the energy changes and the “normal way” in which you perceive has to be changed and altered to become aware of this frequencies existence.

Earth as a birthing planet has had a hand in creating many different “matrixes”. A matrix is a multi dimensional universe that has been split off from its original timeline because of the transition of the beings and energies within its domain.  You could consider Earth a seed planet that starts the process of growth for the many different matrixes that you could find connected through the eleventh dimensional gateway. As energetic beings it is our need to harmonize with our environment, as our environment changes and evolves so do the beings living with it. This theory can also be described from the perspective of the environment, as the energetic beings change so does their environment. This theory follows the study of “Schumann’s Resonance” where there is a yin (earth to heaven) geomagnetic wave on earth and yang (heaven to earth) Schumann wave surrounding the earth in the universe both need to be in harmony to the human being and their brain wavy for optimal health. This being said there comes a time on a massive scale when the two levels no longer hold resonance with each other and a split is made. During this phase what was a know matrix will have a fractal split and create new matrix’s that can hold these frequency of the newly evolved energetic beings.

Experiencing a fractal split isn’t as devastating as one may think. During the time of these Earth changes your frequency will determine what you are able to perceive. Those energetic beings whose frequency did not change and maintained a lower vibration will remain with the fractal version of the Earth as it was, life will not skip a beat and things will remain the same, they will be included in a fractal version of the Earth that holds a similar vibration to their harmonic frequency. These beings will become infinite in the time and space of their version of Earth. Those who have acquired a higher frequency will be able to chose to stay with the original time line of Earth to assist in the upcoming change to rebuild and help Earth become ready to bear its new breed of energetic beings, or these beings will be able to move into the new matrix, one which can support the new frequency and change needed to be within a harmonic resonance with their own vibrational field.

At this point your left brain should be straining to fully comprehend this concept of fractal split.   Through many guided meditations and visual encounters is how this information was first pulled thought. Even with those encounters there are still many questions left to the wondering and sometimes untrusting left brain. The best way to describe how this phenomenon could work is to go on your own self guided meditative journey. During a meditative journey you take your light body through the fourth dimension of time and space and move into the fifth dimension where astral travel is established by means of your light body. Having a third dimensional human presence on earth means you will have a cord of connection between your light body and that which grounds you into the Earth plane. That means when you are finished traveling or a stimulus alerts you to the third dimension, you will encounter a snap back, bringing your light body back into your physical body. The experience of light body travel is your validation of how this fractal shift can occur within a blink of an eye. Whether through death, conscious shift or factional split a soul when ready will make the shift from this plane to the next. The main difference between the fractal split and other methods is that the physical being is able to take along their human vessel while making the transition through to the different matrixes.

Interestingly enough this has happened many times during Earths existence. It is estimated there are over 40 current matrixes, meaning we have many different energetic beings living within our current minds reach. As stated before when the matrix splits those beings that have elevated their frequency will be able to be in constant contact with our lower vibrations energies. Higher frequency is able to perceive lower frequency it is the lower frequency that must find moments of illumination (literally) to be in connection with these higher frequency beings. During this moment of illumination is where one can receive guidance and direction on Earths purpose and the current state of the consciousness level of those who remain here on Earth.  The purpose of this information leads one to understand how quickly the Earth is changing and how close a fractal split might be. In this current cycle it seems the population of Earth is quickly approaching a transition period where those remaining on Earth will possibly encounter this transition in their lifetime.

Higher frequency beings who reside in a matrix separate from our own are able to travel using the same dimensional principals our matrix holds. Through intention and speeding up or lowering their frequency they may reside within any of our own dimensions. To lower ones frequency becomes very hard on the being going through this transition so it is preferable to only go as low as the fifth dimension, no lower, although it can be done. Many energetic beings are moving amongst us on Earth, constantly checking on that environment of things simply in a higher vibrational form than our own. Unless you are able to perceive with your eyes into the higher dimensions you will not be able to discern the energies moving around you. This is an important lesson as all beings you may come in contact with when using your own mental antenna may not have the best perspective on your situation so it is important to feel into the resonance of who you work with and make sure there is harmony within the connection.

The following guidelines are a road map for change to be ready for the upcoming shift in energy you may be called to hold. As a human you always have free will, personal choice will always dictate your path. One path is not better than another they are just different and the choice is always yours. These guidelines have been brought through to assist all who seek this change and wish to make it a harmonious and balanced journey. The experiences that these guidelines come form are of a timeline that originates in 20300. This is my timeline, I have chosen to hold my own existence in this timeline of 20300 in a state of suspended animation so that I could incarnate onto Earth to bring the experiences necessary to all who wish to come along on the journey. I wish you to know that this journey is not one of complete remembrance for me. Like you I must remember exactly who I am and the messages I bring to be able to relay the highest and most loving insights. I will embark along this journey with you as a guide who receives the information mere minutes before it is documented. My journey like yours is partly to remember exactly who I am, possibly for me this is a test, an initiation or learning process from my own original timeline. Whatever it is you are a big part of it now and together we will journey into the world of higher frequency, learning the important details we have forgotten along the way. It will be our choice to begin to incorporate these lessons into our path to create the most harmony and balance for all who we come in contact with. So will you join me?


Original Channel - Magnetic Planet Angel Academy Part 2

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.



Angel Academy Part Two

Falling down a cascade of clouds my body is caressed by soft comforting sensations. The clouds churn slowly as if to guide my body towards a place it is meant to be. Feeling almost as if I have fallen onto an all knowing conveyor beltwithin the sky I find my body tumbles from white peek to white peek in a slow almost seductive way. Without fear of falling I stop this rolling decent and crawl on my stomach towards the edge of one the large fluffy cloud. Peering over the edge I can see below what looks like an endless stream of blue sky and white fluffy clouds. Further down I can see what appear to be large story book houses sitting on top of select clouds. If you can imagine Cinderella’s castle being made completely out of her glass slipper this is what each story book house looks like below. And there is not just one of these elegant castles, but hundreds maybe thousands amongst these fluffy white clouds in the sky.

Allowing the clouds to roll my body down towards the houses I find my journey thus far to be pleasant and quite tantalizing. The wait to see the houses is unbearably, but the journey amongst the clouds is so pleasurable. I bide my time allowing the last soft caresses of the clouds to pass me by as I come to the first shimmering structure. Being softly placed by one cloud onto the other I find my body placed upright by the cloud right in front of the large castle like door. Now standing directly in front of this dwelling I analyze the architecture in more detail. The door towers above my body by at least one and a half times my size. The walls are all a translucent shimmering diamond fleck that radiates like glitter in the light. The structure seems only two stories tall, but feels stretched as if someone has taken the top of it pinched it and pulled it up a bit like taffy. There is an almost whimsical feel to the roof line and the design above. Just like a castle there are three pointed turrets that create quite an interesting roof line. I reach out for the handle of the door and find it to be locked. Pulling hard there seems to be no entrance at this first stop. Finding my way to the edge of the cloud base the house and I now share I allow the cloud to drop me down towards the next dwelling. Moving along cloud to cloud I find every door is locked that is until I reach the seventh house. Still with no ground to be seen below and hundreds of possibly thousands of castle dwellings surrounding where I now stand amongst the clouds in the heavens I find the singular house ready to open its doors. Pulling on the handle the door opens and I find myself in a very tall two story home. The first level is open to every corner of the house and touches a sleeping quarter that appears to be the only addition to the second floor lying directly above the kitchen area. As I make my way to the center of the room the shimmering exterior begins to fade away and warmth and color begin to materialize as if life has been giving back to this space. Just like a story book cottage the walls have exposed brown wooden beams and there appears to be plaster or stucco filling in the space between. There is an L shaped kitchen with a sink under a window on the far left wall and the entire right side of the room has been taken up by a curved book case. The book case runs the entire length of the wall on the right and the back of the building and reaches two stories high. There is a rug with a singular reading chair in its center and the sleeping space seems to be made to fit only one. Searching through the rows of old books I find one that nearly jumps off the shelf at me. Selecting this book I walk towards the old reading chair and take a seat. Opening the book I see golden symbols that fill the interior of the pages. I know this writing to be that of the angels. As my eyes pass over each word the golden letters illuminate and I can hear the word being translated in my head and into my heart. At this I realize I am no longer the only one in the room.

Turning my head to the side I can see standing on the edge of the rug is my guide Raphael. Smiling brightly I ask what is the purpose of this place and he kindly returns with, “See for yourself.” Pointing towards the door Raphael steps aside as I move past him to see what lies outside of the door. As I make my way to the cloud base I see that the cloud I stand upon no longer resides miles above a ground amongst the clouds in the sky, but is making a direct course for green sprawling hills below. Descending very quickly I am surprised that I could not feel this motion when I was inside, but realize that all together there isn’t much feeling going on as we speed every faster towards the ground level. As the green hills visually become clearer I recognize that we are on the Magnetic Planet where the angel academy is located. I can see the long wall spanning across the green hills and can start to see the courtyard and fountain that signals the center of this large floating island.

Moving back into the house to engage with Raphael I take a seat once again and wait for Raphael’s explanation of why I am back in on this planet with him instead of my other guide. “You are a teacher here.” Raphael says. “Those who teach here also live amongst the land. That is how you were able to reconnect to your home.” As Raphael finishes this statement the house makes its final decent onto a space that seems to have been made specifically for this house. Walking outside of the door I can see we have nestled amongst the hillside and are attached to one of the extensions of the long wall and have a beautiful vantage overlooking the city center below.  “When the soul of a teacher leaves its body here the house becomes non-material and floats into the sky waiting for the souls return. Once the soul returns so too does the house that belongs to that soul.” Understanding that my body must again be stored in the large building below I ask Raphael how I can be a teacher and a student here on this planet. “You incarnated here as a teacher from the Sirian star system. That means you have held both a Pleiadian life and a Sirian life here. It is not uncommon for one to learn specific lessons from this planet as a student and then reincarnate as a teacher to help teach others moving through the same lessons. As a matter of a face to acquire the level of learning you seek it is required that you teach and learn these lessons. Your two bodies will never be functional at the same time you see, it is impossible for you to have two souls here at the same time. You will always be either teacher or student.” Beginning to understand the possible meaning of this I sit back and allow Raphael to continue. “By having your bodies stored here you are able to access the knowledge of these existences and connect into the timeline at any time no matter where your soul is. This will allow you to access the wisdom and understanding that each path of each of these two bodies holds. This is part of your divine plan and by holding onto so many different life cycles or bodies you are intentionally trying to create an infinite path for yourself in a singular incarnation.” The only thought moving through my head is… What? “You are trying to become immortal.” Raphael says this last sentence with a big smile.

Original Channel - Part 3 Traveling

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Traveling with the Paladiens

The group of six individuals surrounding me begins making gestures that it is time to leave. The energy of the room intensifies as everyone starts to move and shift. I am told to follow them towards the platform in the docking area beyond this room. We exit the viewing room and make our way down the long dimly light walkway. There are two beings ahead of me and four behind. I feel a sense of urgency as we march in a straight line towards the platform ahead. These Paladiens are nearly twice my size which makes me feel like a child or captive between their massive bodies. Finding our way onto the metal grated walkway we again are found hugging the perimeter of the wall soaring above the open hanger below. Turning to the left after exiting the dark hallway we take a short walk on the loud clanking metal floor. I see our group is walking towards the large empty and expansive platform that lies behind the metal walkway at the back of the hanger. Appearing to be a concrete slab running the entire length of this docking station we move towards the far left side of this open space. As the group forms a circle around me bright yellow lights appear to activate above our heads. All become very still and I see my body turning into golden particle dust an intense pulling motion begins to grab at the top of my head and eventually takes over my entire body. We begin our assent up into the dark space beyond yet remain in what appears to be an illuminated tube of light.

The trip doesn’t last long. The experience of this sort of travel can only be described as riding within an enclosed water slide. There were a few inclines and bends I could feel my body go through, but within less than a minute we were projected into a space that was familiar and no longer resembled tubular space travel. The completion of this journey ended with my body feeling like it had been spit out of the final opening within the enclosed water slide. What was veiled to my eye is now completely visible. I feel myself freefall into a setting that I have encountered before and along side of me are the six Paladien beings who were also accompanying me on the journey.

Falling right into the Grecian looking coliseum with twelve seats I find that each of the six beings take their seats at the 10 o’clock to 3’oclock marks within this circle. I seem to float down towards the very center podium where I had once seen my crystal orb take up residence. I realize that I am back on the first planet I had encountered whilst going through this journey. I can imagine the large building sitting behind this open coliseum holding my body that is in suspended animation. I can feel the energy of those magnificent flowers and can hear the hum of the crystals below the ground. As each being begins to take its place along the twelve spots on the outside of this arena I move towards each now a bit more interested in who they are in relationship to me. Knowing this place holds energy for a unique council of beings I become extremely interested in who has come to support me today.

As I move towards the ten o’clock position I see a familiar guide who has followed me on the Earth plane. I see him in the form I have assigned to him using my right brain and I can also see him in his apparent original form. The original form is defiantly Paladien with flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes. I call him Malachi. I now move onto the next spot at eleven o’clock and see another guide who has followed me on the Earth plane and call him Michael, the next at twelve o’clock is the one I call Jesus, following him is Phalonia and Zedikiel. The next four seats hold beings who introduce themselves to me with name and faces I have not encountered before. When I reach the eight o’clock seat I again am farmiliar with the energies of who sits in front of me the first is a being I know to be Jophiel and the second at nine o’clock is Chamuel. I find a connection to seven out of the twelve beings here and find an instant comfort in what may transpire.

Energetically something begins to happen and I feel an intense amount of information and knowing coming my way. Finding it hard to focus on what is happening I feel myself begin to get foggy with whatever these beings are trying to send to me so I ask that a singular person within the twelve speak so that I can focus on what is going on. Here Michael takes the lead and I feel the energy of each individual get projected towards Michael who then pushes the energy towards me. The first bit of information I get is that each of these beings are Paladien and that we are sitting within a very sacred place, a place for connection. It is told to me that where we are now can be compared to our Earths United Nations. It is here in this place that many different Paladien guides from different planets will come together to decide what is best to download into beings that are living out incarnations on other planets while doing Paladien work. Recognizing again that I have a direct connection to seven out of these twelve guides here I understand that each one of the seven guides is a guardian or guide over one of my bodies currently in suspended animation on another planet.

Moving through my experiences thus far I connect already a few of these planetary encounters with my known guides. Zadekiel represents my body from the planet with the castles that I called the Bubble Planet. Jesus represents this current planet The Planet of Peace and Connection. Michael and Malachi were the two guides I felt on the Space Station that we had just come from, but I feel there might be more to their stories than simply discussing abduction matters. These are the Paladien guides I have meet thus far and know that there are many more stories to come from the others surrounding me today. I have had encounters already with planets and guides that are not represented here in this council and I have to think this is because the guides of those planets are not Paladian and thus have not show up here today. The Learning Planet holds my guide Moses, The Third Star Planet hold my guide Bruno and Gabriel comes from the Half Animals Half Human Planet. Seeing a connection now to my bodies being held in suspended animation and these guides I feel and can connect with in the Earth plane I allow Michael to feed me more information regarding the purpose of this council today.

Knowing that my thoughts are not my own in this higher dimensional plane each of the beings surrounding me nods in agreement with my understanding of these connections thus far. Michael takes this opportunity to continue on with his onslaught of information. I see now the seven different guides accompanying me today in the seats surrounding the circle. They all have agendas that pertain to me and my lesson plan from the body and planet that they represent. I see the seven gathering together as if in a court room fighting a custody battle. They come together trying to decide on what information is best, most pertinent and most relevant for my growth and fulfillment of these pre destine contracts. The four who are not attached to my body represent the Paladien race and make sure that all I learn is in accordance with the greater good of all involved, they could be seen as the mediators. I see each of the seven giving a deposition on what should be put in my path, what information I should be allowed access to, what gifts I receive and when and what next phases of growth and learning I am to receive. They each have an agenda attached to the singular body they represent. Each guide comes from a different space and time where my soul has once inhabited a living body. That body now lies in suspended animation waiting for my soul to return. An individual chooses to leave their physical body to either help their planet or to help themselves or to help both, when you leave your body in suspended animation you have the ability to reincarnate back into that body with full knowing of the soul.  I currently have eleven bodies held in suspended animation and one concious body and soul, that means I have twelve guides still in connection with each of those bodies trying to help fulfill that specific bodies lesson plane, meaning I have twelve guides attached to my singular soul feeding me whatever information I seek or whatever information is decided to be passed on.

After witnessing the dynamic between the guides, the bodies, the lesson plans and me I begin to realize why so much of the information I receive while living on the Earth plane is in contrast or different or confusing. I have a constant onslaught of twelve guides trying to feed me information about my lesson plans created on twelve different planets. Without this knowing in one day on Earth I could feel compelled to save the Earth yet teach every human to develop their senses into the higher dimensions. When you begin to discover that these two things can be in opposition to one another that makes the human struggle on Earth even more confusing. How is it that I could be required to teach the people around me (The Learning Planet) to develop their psychic attunement when that means having to lose their sense of emotions yet in the same breath I feel inclined to teach those same people to be in touch with humanity and nature so that they can witness the Earth changes (The Planet of Peace and Compassion) which means becoming emotional once again. The mixed information will lead an individual insane and lead them to question what they are receiving.   

I see that there are times when a person will seek out information unknowingly about their lesson plan  because some curiosity about a subject has come up, at this moment the guide connected to that information is given a direct line of communication to the individual whether they are aware of the guides presence or not. The person will receive the answers they seek whether it is from another person, a book, a knowing impulse or synchronicity. That guide will be given carte blanch to their energetic field when lesson review from that guide is needed. For an individual who is unknowing of their planetary connections this could become very confusing if you have multiple bodies on multiple planets for if this is the case you will be trying to implement multiple lesson plans at once. I also see that there are individuals who do not keep bodies on the planets that they previously incarnated onto. When the body from that planet dies the lessons from the planet either get transferred with the soul or need to be relearned if not fully accepted in the previous life. Thus an incarnation cycle will occur for the person to continue to learn that which is necessary for their divine path to continue. In this case there is no guide attached to a body on another planet you will simply receive a singular guide in your next life who will keep you connected to your highest and most direct lesson plane.

I can begin to sense into the human qualities on Earth and recognize that some many here have incarnated into a new cycle where they are continuing to learn karmic lessons to grow as divine individuals. So many bring their unique gifts and talents here to the Earth plane where learning continues to happen between our different energetic fields. I begin to understand why so many people feel a desperate connection to help Earth and its people transcend this time and space. I can also understand why so many are simply here living out their lives in yet another incarnation. There is an interesting dynamic of growth happening on Earth where not everyone is aligned to the totality of their soul self and this is because not everyone has incarnated while still holding onto bodies from other planets. Not everyone in this time and space will understand how immediate our need is for survival or how we must start reflecting on those past incarnations to learn lessons for our continued success. There are guides that lead us deeper into our human existence and there are guides that lead us deeper into our planetary existence. It is crucial that those humans who have yet to establish a connection with their guides call on the wisdom and knowledge of their highest and most loving self to feel into the totality of their soul and all of the lessons and knowings it holds on a planetary scale.


Original Channel - Part 2 Hallway

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Other Hallway

Finishing the one on one conversation with this Paladien guide I feel at easy yet still have many unanswered questions. Feeling into this thought the Paladien shifts his energetic form and begins to walk, turning around he says, “follow me.” Walking behind this new guide I follow him along the metal grated walkway past the viewing room down the path towards the first hallway I passed on the beginning of this journey. Moving into the open space of this hallway we proceed down a lengthy dimly light corridor. Finding the end of this passageway we come into a large rectangular shaped room. The hallway opens into the corner of one of the longer walls. Where we currently stand I can perceive only a few feel of distance leading to the opposite side of the room yet towards the left hand side the space goes on forever. It appears that the opposite wall is a looking glass to the outside world. It is made up completely of something that appears to be glass or some other type of see through crystal clear material. Standing in the corner of the room still in the hallway I can see out through this wall of glass into the black atmospheric sky beyond. One can see thousands of stars from this singular location within the underground chamber.    

Waiting patiently in this room are the five other Paladiens that made the journey. My guide steps into the room and explains that I am to be told anything and everything necessary to understand the purpose of my visit. The Paladiens all wearing some sort of golden armored plating across their chests shift mildly from side to side. I can’t tell if this is intentional or just the way I am visualizing their light bodies, for everything seems to be in constant movement. As my guide continues to speak it is as if the entire group combined their energy together to allow me the capacity to receive the messages that were to follow.

Waiting quietly I questioned to myself why these beings weren’t unloading stories to me. I had some questions, but felt they might be forthcoming with the information and not need me to speak up to receive the answers. This apparently was wrong because they waiting until I asked the first question to send me a mixture of visual images, words, knowings and experiences to answer my curiosity. My first question was more of a need for more clarity on something already expressed. I asked to the group why they needed humans? Being fifth dimensional beings they seem to have all of the understanding and wisdom to continue on with their society in a highly functioning way so why the need to cross bread with humans and return to the third dimension? “We lack connection. By evolving our species over time our frequency got trapped in the fifth dimension. Our people no longer knew how to return to the third dimension and therefore we lost the ability to return our energy to the third dimension. We found that creating hybrids using third dimensional humans and mixing this with our Paladiens DNA we could create a breed that had the attunement of our kind and could learn our ways yet remain in a third dimensional body.” So what is the purpose, why is it so important that you know how to be in connection with the third dimension? Humans seem to be striving to reach higher fields of awareness trying to leave the third dimensional plane, what do you know that we don’t? It took Paladiens thousands upon thousands of years to achieve a fifth dimensional existence, over time our people lost their understanding of what it meant to be third dimensional. Generation after generation became increasingly more disconnected from this knowing. We bread out emotions, we lost our ability to physically connection to a planet meaning there is no death or rebirth cycles  and overall we found that this lead to the Paladiens becoming ever more trapped in the fifth dimension. There are many planets and beings that operate within the third dimension and not being able to access that plane lead to disharmony for our people. In order to preserve our way of living and to reconnect ourselves into the third dimension we knew we had to find a way to regain this ability and that is when the experiments with the human race came about. We found success in this process and now continue to develop hybrids with your planet.”

One of the Paladiens assists me towards the opposite end of this room. This is the exact opposite side from where we originally entered. Immediately using only thought a chair and a holographic screen appear. I take my seat as the large hologram morphed into the Earth. Watching intently a voice begins to speak into my mind. “Your people are also losing their connection to the third dimension. What we do is not only for ourselves, but also for you.”   I see the numbers 2020 appear over the Earth and begin to see major shifts in the environment begin to happen. I can see what appears to be wide spread earthquakes, tidal waves, tornados, and volcano’s become increasingly active and more violent. I am pulled to the words, Schumann’s Resonance and begin to understand that during this time on Earth if things don’t change our humanity will have begun to lose touch with the vibration of the Earth leading to disharmony where there is no longer a vibration resonance with the surrounding nature. From here I see the numbers 2030 appear over the Earth and I am pulled yet again towards the country of Russia where I see war breaking out. I feel the war is connected to natural resources and the need to take, exploit, and use what remains. I now see the numbers 2050 appear over the Earth and see the world broken down into sectors that have sustained the planetary changes. I see hybrids working alongside humans. This partnership happens in order to reconnect with the Earth and to insure proper survival of the Earth and the humans within it. The hologram dissipates and I am pulled back into the room where I witness the beings now closely surrounding me. Again feelings of warmth, kindness and love are sent my way and I am asked to take this message back to all who are ready to listen.

Original channel - Part 3 Learning

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Place of Learning

Standing with my brother on top of the cliff overlooking the valley below I catch his movement as he waves me back towards the platform and says, “Let’s go to the place of learning.” We move on to the platform side by side and I begin to feel the familiar rush of pulsating waves of energy as things begin to change in my body. As the light becomes intense around us my brother grabs hold of my hand and we are propelled forward into the fourth dimensional tube of light. Seconds later we materialize in what appears to be another partially underground city. Seeing this massive structure from the outside it appears that the inhabitants who settled here created this place of learning within the natural formations of layered rocks. The place of learning is open to the outside world, yet has a large dome of light that creates a semi circle shield around the top most part of the exposed areas. In comparison to the first underground city this city has no cover of ground between itself and the sky and landscape above. This place of learning is mostly contained below the ground level yet remains open to the world above and covered only by some transparent shield.

The city itself seems to be the remnants of some great body of water. It seems that at one point in time a large lake or stream could have once filled this underground chamber. Now all that appears to be left are colossal yellowish tan colored flat rocks that give the internal city its shape. These rocks protrude out of the bowl shaped cavern they lie within like chips protruding out from the walls. As if enormous stepping stones these flat rocks move from deep within the walls of the ground they are buried within and project out towards the middle of the city. Each rock creates a different layer that creates the different levels within the city center. Like the previous city this space also appears to be about three or four levels deep. Inside it is stone, dirt, rock and tunnels where just outside of the dome it is lush, green, overgrown and majestic.

 As we manifest our bodies onto one of the platforms inside of this structure we are immediately pulled into the hustle and bustle of what is going on. If this is called the place of learning I would have to compare its energy to that of a college campus. There is lots of action and everywhere there is something going on. It is organized and these indigenous beings seem to understand where everything is and what is happening. Like ants in a nest there just seems to be some understood current to what is happening. My brother leads me off towards the right where there appears to be an enclosed pathway. We begin to walk down the side of one of the large platform stones which takes quite a while to find our way off of. Once out of the center of this city we find ourselves in front of a large stairway. This stairway has been carved into the ground stone and is covered like a tunnel. It appears that behind the exposed multi layered stones of this city there are also passage ways or tunnels that lead to enclosed spaces that travel through the covered ground of the city.

Our trail leads us to choose between two paths. Directly in front of us is a staircase that moves upward towards one of the higher stone levels. The other lies off to the right where there appears to be another tunnel that seems to move in a direction that buries itself deep within the ground floor of this structure. Of course we move towards the darker of the two paths and begin our decent down a long dark tunnel. As we begin to walk the length of the tunnel, lighting becomes dimmer and only a faint glow can be seen from the auric light surrounding our own bodies. Our path begins to open up to a field of underground mines, as we walk our light now reflects off of crystals that line the sides of the path. There are carved archways that randomly appear to our left and our right. This underground structure appears natural and seems to have been made overtime. There are many different avenues to choose from yet we continue on our current trajectory not veering to the left or the right. I can see people down here using tools that look like rakes. They are using these rakes to harvest what lies beneath the dirt. There is a calming essence to what they are doing, almost as if what they do is a part of some sacred ritual.

My brother stops in front of me and takes a seat amongst some very large stalactite outcroppings. He now sits on one side of the path we were just walking on. I remain standing in the middle of the path as he tells me to find a location to rest. As I take in my surroundings I see the entire breath of this underground mine. The stone surrounding me takes the shape of a large spider web. So much of this stone has grown in arched pathways with openings through it that the entire area seems to have once been solid and now appears to be many tiny rooms with holes and patches moving through it. There is another man very close to us who is raking the dirt path to uncover what lies beneath. I see him bend down a pick up the crystal he had just uncovered. After close inspection he places this crystal on a clear spot on the stone in front of him. He then returns to raking. I find a spot on the opposite side of the path so that I can be facing my brother. Using one of the manufactured stone walls to lean against I cozy myself into this spot amongst the beds of crystals.

My brother begins to tell me that the crystals here come from all over and have many different abilities. Some can connect us to our brothers that live in different spaces and times outside of this planet. Others help us to heal. Some can be used for food and others for their light. As he speaks about the crystals he picks one up from beside him to inspect and then places it back down again. I am told that some are of this planet and others have been sent or placed here to assist us in our journey. They are all powerful and have very specific functions. I ask how one knows which crystal to use since they all appear to be very similar? My brother explains that there is no need to know what crystal to use before connecting with it all one must do is open up to the connection and the best bond will be made at that time. He instructs me to open myself to the crystals surrounding me. As I begin to let my guard down and open up my field to all that surrounds me I began to feel an immediate pull towards the front of my body. As I opened my eyes in this space I saw a singular crystal illuminated and I saw a direct line of energy connecting back into my solar plexus area.

Once the connection was made my brother seemed satisfied in what had been accomplished and we both shifted ourselves up from our sitting position. We followed the same path out of the mine that we took in and found ourselves right back at the foot of the original staircase. This time we chose to take the path of the stairs. We begin our assent upward towards the second level of the place of learning. Here at a lookout point we stopped and noticed we could see out towards one of the large stone platforms within the middle of the arena. There was a large congregation of beings that had come together on this second platform. The all sat facing the same direction and a loud mixture of chanting and humming could be heard. As I observed their practice I inspected each of the individuals I could see. In the previous city I felt mostly male energy here although most of the beings looked very similar I could perceive the energy of both feminine and masculine energies.  I received instant knowing that the city we visited before was one where these beings resided it was more of what you would call home. I saw these individuals in some of the rooms that could be considered living spaces and found them without any comforts we would expect in 2015. These beings seemed to be content with a space empty of any personalized touches. The space was a dirt room enclosed on three sides and that was it.

Here in the place of learning it seemed these individuals would come for an opportunity to connect with their community in a different way than had been previously expressed. This area seemed to be a place of learning, gathering and mixing of all genders. After viewing the beings and understanding what needed to be learned by their presence we exited the stairwell and moved down the path into a chamber on the right hand side. This chamber was quite interesting as it appeared very different than most we had previously encountered. The room seemed doubled, as if two rooms sat one inside another. The inside room was octagonal in shape and had long narrow slits in the walls. The outside room seemed to be a circular room. The two rooms seemed to be able to spin opposite of each other, or at least this is the sensation that began as soon as I walked within it center.

As I entered into the room my brother chose to stay propped up against the door frame. He encouraged me to go and take a seat in the center most point of the room. I was told this was a library and from here I would understand the history of the people. As soon as I sat down the room began to spin and shadows began to dance on the walls. I watched as the scene playing out on the walls became more and more vivid with every spin of the room. Sitting in this center most spot I felt almost still as if everything around me spun faster and grew more intense yet my position here in the center was calm and unchanging.

The shadows were simple enough, one picture created a page of knowledge inside of my head. Within a singular flash I understood what seemed like a millennia of information.  The first shadow I saw was that of Earth in the time space of 2015. I saw what appeared to be the continent of North America and saw cities like New York and L.A with their huge buildings and large populations. From here the image got animated and the world spun very fast, the large buildings and cities crumbled down to the ground. As the world kept spinning almost making an orbit around the room I got pulled to the large continent of Europe mostly the country of Russia.  I see now shadows of cannons pop up along Russia’s borders, this happens along with soldiers pointing bayonets outwards. All at once they begin to shoot towards Asia, South Africa, and North America. I see devastation take out many inhabitants of people all around the world. From here I see the Earth go through massive clearings and changes as tidal waves cover the coasts and earthquakes devastate fault lines, volcanoes erupted and the Earth begins to fall apart. This is when I see the shadows of the Dragons fly in from some far off place. They begin covering the Earth in their fire. From here comes a regrowth of the Earth. During the time of rebuild there were many that went underground to live and this is what created the dynamic of the underground cities I am seeing to this day. I see man in his most primal form trying to rebuild a civilization as it once was and coming to understand that part of the lessons to his past was to learn to simplify and connect in different ways to the Earth and the energies surrounding him. This is where simplicity was created and a development of highly attuned higher dimensional energies became understood. Over thousands of years the transformation took place to grow into the coulture I see before me in this time and space of 20300.



Cosmic Archetype

IMAGE: COSMIC FLOWER (ARCHETYPE)-11 Soul Connections for Jenessee (each person is different in their number of petals)

-11 Soul Connections for Jenessee (each person is different in their number of petals)

Peace & Connection Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Peace & Connection Planet

1 of the 11 frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype of Jenessee was found on the Planet of Peace & Connection. This petal was found to have a total of 5 split souls to complete its cosmic archetype.

Magnetic Planet

DRAWING: PETAL REPRESENTING SOUL EXPERIENCES during first visit to Magnetic Planet.

DRAWING: PETAL REPRESENTING SOUL EXPERIENCES during first visit to Magnetic Planet.

Cosmic Master Archetype - Magnetic Planet Visit One

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the first visit to the Magnetic Planet. This petal will hold 5 soul connections meaning the soul split a total of 5x to complete its learning path.

DRAWING PETAL: Represents the 2nd visit to Magnetic Planet

DRAWING PETAL: Represents the 2nd visit to Magnetic Planet

Cosmic Master Archetype - Magnetic Planet Visit TWO

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the second visit to the Magnetic Planet. This petal will hold 1 soul connection meaning the soul will not split once the contract is complete.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Science Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the second visit to the Science Planet. This petal will hold 1 soul connection meaning the soul will not split once the contract is complete.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Amphibian Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Amphibian Planet. This petal has 2 souls connected to its learning path meaning the soul split at one point to achieve complete learning.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Heaven Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Heaven Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.

Cosmic Flower

I understand the Flower to be a representation of our souls cosmic lesson plan through all time and all space of the 10th dimension. Each persons cosmic flower is different and until consciousness is obtained birthing into a cosmic archetype will not happen. (chicken or the egg)- Only when one becomes conscious of a cosmic consciousness will the cosmic flower become known). An cosmic unconscious soul will stay on the Human consciousness path until ready to be birthed on a planetary/cosmic level.

To be in conscious expansion with the matrix we must reconcile the lessons of our COSMIC FLOWER/ ARCHETYPE (multi-dimensional timeline). Once we recognize our cosmic connections we are able to start moving through the reconciliation process by releasing our individual learning pathentering into cosmic awareness. Once we are able to consciously begin reconciling our multi-dimensional selves we can then "birth" new souls to take our human contracts / place. Each cosmic petal of this flower helps to makes us the individuals we set out to be while connecting us completely to those that have come before. We constantly reflect our Matrix while birthing it anew with deeper experiences.

Half Animal Half Human Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Half Animal Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees' frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Half Animal Half Human Planet. This petal will only have 1 soul connected to its learning path.

Bubble Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Bubble Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessee's frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Bubble Planet. This petal has 3 soul parts meaning the soul will split 3x to accommodate the learning path.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Fairy Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Fairy Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.

Fire Planet



Cosmic Master Archetype - Fairy Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Fire Planet. This petal will have 2 souls connected to its learning path.




Cosmic Master Archetype - Learning Planet

1 of 11 of Jenessees’ frozen bodies connecting to the Cosmic Archetype was found on the Learning Planet. This petal will have 3 souls connected to its learning path.