Original Channel - Part 2 Underground City

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Underground City

Looking towards the dragon she nods her head at me and telepathically shows me the underground city. With this visual message she also speaks to me inside my head. Her message tells me, “They are waiting.” I take the hint and move towards the tree with the holographic façade, I move through the entrance just as easily as I did at the beginning of this journey. This time without falling I find the steps and move down the spiraling staircase to the level I had previously explored. A man is waiting for me within the tunnel below. As I exit the tree onto the path he says, “Hello Brother.” 

The man standing by my side is of average height he has dark brown skin to me he looks like an aboriginal man. His hair is black and cut in the shape of a bowl around his forehead and around the back of his neck. He has painted marks on his face and wears a loin cloth that covers his genitals. I feel he is missing a stick through his nose and a disc in his lower lip, but do not see this on the man standing next to me. I wonder why I expect to see these items appear any minute yet they do not.

We begin to navigate the long hallway. He walks with a brisk pace head down as if on a mission, I keep his step and follow along side. He does not choose to make conversation so I ask, “Where are you taking me brother?” He responds we are moving towards the city. With this statement we come to what appears to be a doorway cut through the ground to our left hand side. Everything here is underground, so it as if we are in caves, but nothing is made of stone, the materials surrounding us are all organic and mixtures of sticks, dirt, tree roots, tree trunks and other decomposed organic matter.  As we stand shoulder to shoulder in the cut out doorway I am able to glimpse the entire city before me.

We appear to be standing on the top floor of an underground city housing three different levels. Peering around, it feels as if we are in a large hallowed out bee hive. The center region is completely open, three levels high there is nothing, but space from the ground floor up to the organic material roof. Surrounding this open area are circular rings around the outside spaces that show carved out doorways quite like the one we are currently standing in. It’s as if I am on the highest floor in a hotel looking down upon the lower floors with their railings and rooms sitting atop an open lobby area. There is a warm yellow glow emanating from the bottom two levels surrounding these doorways. Every ten feet or so there is a black hallowed out doorway followed by illuminated light and then another black doorway. The space is grand, the center areas are about the size of a large domed football stadium and that doesn’t include the rooms sitting behind the doorways.

Descending towards the lower level we walk down a set of stairs that attaches to the bottom of our doorway. All around the city there are a variety of stairways emerging from numerous openings on the different levels. All stairways seem to be attaching to the ground floor around the outside of the platform below. Curious now as to what is giving support to this structure I look for any clues that might be within my surroundings. It is interesting because what I see are trees. I do not see the tops of the trees, but I do see clearly the trunks of trees. These trees seem to have once seen the outside world. These trees do not look like a tangle of roots, but fully matured trees with weathered bark. As I notice this detail I receive the impression that this underground city might not have always been underground. It becomes clear to me that this city might have been built and then the ground may have in some way covered what now lays perfectly underground.

There is activity happening all around us in every corner of this city. So far I can only detect the presence of males, I am not sure if this is because everyone looks alike and I think they are male, but it seems the word “Brother” comes to mind for every inhabitant I visual take note of. As we reach the ground floor we move towards the far corner of the main city floor where there is apparently a lot of commotion taking place. The inhabitants seem to be congregating around this specific spot, making me think it must hold something very special. I ask my companions, “Brother what is this place?”  He waves a hand and says this is where we travel. As we get closer I can see two platforms side by side that are circular in shape and can only hold one to two people at a time. These platforms have carvings on their bottoms and have a thickness of a few inches. With organized disorder there seems to be some unspoken understanding about what exactly is taking place. All I can make out is that a person steps onto one platform and disappears while someone else show up on the other platform. My brother takes my hand and moves us up to the first of the two platforms. Without speaking he grabs hold of my hand and we begin to travel.

I feel this effect not only in my fifth dimensional body in this space and time, but can also feel this in my third dimensional body back in the time space of Earth 2015. I feel waves of energy radiate throughout my entire being. It feels as if my body has different currents of energy running through it. I get the sensation of movement and can see a light tunnel that we quickly move into. Within seconds our journey is done and we are at another platform on the top of a cliff somewhere overlooking a beautiful valley below. My brother takes my hand and leads me to the edge of this cliff. We sit in enjoyment of the view and take in the sites of the overgrown landscape below. Everything is pristine and untouched. It is here that the real questioning begins and I feel this is why we came here in the first place.

I ask my brother to explain the purpose of their people, why do they stay underground and what do they do? He tells me their main purpose is connection and community. I get a flash to the city where I see people always together. It seems busy and engaged. I review their people and think about the simplicity I observed thinking how undeveloped their community felt with no advancements. Able to feel my thoughts my brother reminds me that just because there is a perception of simplicity doesn’t mean there is a lack of advancements. He shows me the people’s ability to teleport to any location on their planet and allowing their third dimensional bodies to make the journey along with their mind. He explains their ability to be connected into the Earth and use its energy to support their lives and continue their expansion. He also shows me other cities around this planet that have developed as well and hold the means to visit one anther creating a vast network of community and connection everywhere. He sends me the vibration of compassion and connection and the feeling this brings to everyone within this space.

It is here that I begin to feel a connection to Earth. I begin to think that this may be Earth as it is in 20300. I feel a resonance with the images I am seeing and the indigenous people who live here. I am interested to learn more about the history of this place and how it came to be from what it is today. What do the underground cities have to do with the way the people live and why have dragon come to be? If this is Earth in a different space and time why has the evolution gone this way and what lead to the drastic differences that I have only begun to experience.