Master Trip 66


DISCLAIMER :: Don't Read with EGO there is NO EDITING!!! Straight thoughts from before/during/after trip

Preparing for the last two trips to complete the contracts from the book, 12 Planets, 11 bodies, 1 soul. I find complete clarity in what is happening to me on this journey. Starting out this adventure I blindly followed a request from divine to visit five cities around northern America where experiences and information awaited my connection. Knowing nothing more then where I was going to start the first journey to Sedona uncovered the totality of the four remaining trips and where I needed to go. Still having no idea what I was supposed to do when I got to these places I trusted the divine guidance and heeded the call to explore without attachment or expectation.

After Sedona, I traveled to the great lakes surrounding Michigan and Canada. It was here that the remaining bit of control over this journey departed and I became the completely open vessel whom is writing to you today. After the Great Lake adventure it was time for Mount shasta where to my amazement my astral travel to the Planet of Peace and Connection was mirrored detail by detail during the four days spent around the mountain. Each new experiences was more mind blowing than anyone could have imagined and it was during this trip that I came to realize my subjective and objective worlds were co-mingling in the presence of my grounded human form. 

Traveling back to Ohio and awaiting the next trip to Serpents Mound I keep the energy that surrounded me on the Shasta trip. Completely trusting, I released any need to know, anything. Whether it be spiritual, work, friends, family. I simply surrendered into the moments as they presented themselves, trying my best not to hold onto a single piece of information as I knew that once I grabbed hold I would miss the next element flying by.

Back at home synchronicities started bombarding my field. So much so that I allowed myself to plummet into a state of confusion, there was so much energy swirling around me trying to get my attention and I had no understanding of why it was present and so powerfully trying to pull me in. Leaving for Shasta a dear friend one who I would go as far as to say that I had been the catalyst for her spiritual awakening had been on the edge of a viscous divorce. Daily she was getting pulled deeper and deeper in the fear of her situation and was becoming enveloped by the demands of everyone surrounding her. Barley able to come up for air her she was drowning fast in the complexities of trying to establish a new foundation in trusting divine guidance instead of fearing the unknown. The day after coming back from Shasta another friend whom I would go as far as to say I was the catalyst in him finding his spiritual voice in this lifetime told me he has requested a divorce from his wife. Hearing his words made me step back to look for the energetic connection and perspective. As I dethatched myself from his words another friend came floating into my awareness one who I would again claim I was the catalyst for his spiritual awakening. He a few weeks ago requested a reading from me where divine came in and told him to begin establishing his new foundation this new year of 2017 and begin to grow in a spiritually conscious way. He was probably the one who was most removed from the conscious movement yet was called very quickly into this transforming during this year 2017 which numerological stands for the number 1 or new beginnings. 

With three very close relationships going through this energy all at the same time I had to ask myself what was my part in it all. Being the teacher who preaches the reflection technique I began questioning if I had missed anything happening in my own field. Using the reflection technique anything that is happening around you is typically a direct reflection of what you can’t see or haven’t chosen to acknowledge within yourself. Searching my own feelings I can honestly say that my husband and I are in a very good place so instantly I called my husband to confirm from him what our current relationship status was. Getting him on the phone and asking a very direct question about the status of our relationship, he responded to me as I would have to him. He used a page straight out of one of my spiritual notebooks. Understanding very quickly that we are both on the same page and in a very good spot in our relationship, this only lead to more confusion about what was happening to my circle of people! Why were they going through this all at the same time and why was I in the middle? There was a distinct connection, but to prove my theory there was one more person who I had been a catalyst for during 2016 and before I completely bough in, I wanted to check with her. Sending a very brief email I asked how her spiritual awakening was going and how the transformational year of 2017 had started out? The response came within the day and to no surprise she had stated that she had decided to get a divorce from her husband. Proving my hunch, I asked divine to make the connection clear for me so I could move forward in whatever way was needed for myself and these people. 

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That day I went home to a warm sun hanging in the sky. Taking advantage of the warmth I sat outside on our patio with my computer to research some business items. As time ticked away began to feel a pressure in my head, they type you might chock up to a headache starting yet it never quite turned into that. Then out of my peripheral vision I started to see a blind spot, but instead of just fuzzy this spot grew and shrunk on command and had a complete geometric pattern that moved around the outside of its boarder. Like a ring around the entire spot the shapes danced back and forth and even glowed with color. This distortion stayed in my view for hours and I simply enough played with it making it bigger and smaller. My mind at one point clicked and decided I had to be playing with some sort of wormhole or dimensional opening. All I have every wanted was to see clearly with my eyes open and here sitting in the sun, I know whatever this is I am perceiving energy of another dimension. Feeling accomplished in everything that has transpired from the day I retreat to bed that evening ready for sleep.

Relaxing into bed that night I started to perform the meditation my Dragon guide from Serpents Mound had asked me to perform on the last day of my Shasta trip. Connecting to these five cities: Miami, New York, Chicago, L.A and San Francisco began to see the light fill each of their dormant crystals when divine intervention came through and connected the most important piece of the puzzle thus far. 

The whisper came through, “The five cities connect to the five people currently surrounding you who are going through their conscious awakening and regrounding into a new growth cycle.”

I could see the people who I had recently connected with and had a hunch who the fifth one was. In this one statement I understood what my job was in connecting to the dormant crystals and new that symbolically these five people were the physical representation of how each of these cities would fair with this new wave of conscious energy coming in. 

Around two maybe three years ago I had connected with a fifth dimensional Dragon from Serpents mound. At that time she told me that it was time to connect and begin awakening the dormant crystal under San Francisco. Before doing anything, and because I had never connected with a fifth dimensional dragon before, I had taken this information to my mentor. I asked her what the dragon intended when she expressed to me to awaken the dormant crystal. My mentor told me that it might be unwise to perform such a task. “When you awaken a dormant crystal especially one like the one you speak about under San Francisco it can have unintended consequences for those who are not ready to go through a conscious awakening.” Her words now ring through my head, I understand what it means to awaken a crystal, by doing this you are allowing divine energy to ground down into the third dimensional plane. A crystal is a host for this celestial energy and will fill to the brim with this new energy and then pour it out into the landscape surrounding it. Anyone residing in the five cities above the dormant crystals would begin to bring this new conscious energy into their energetic field and by doing so they would begin to move through their own spiritual awakenings. Not a bad thing but an awakening has also been called a spiritual emergency because the spirit begins to emerge, but also creates a state of emergency for the soul going through it. During a spiritual emergency the foundation, the bedrock, the constant for the soul begins to shift and change and things begin to adjust so rapidly that if that soul doesn’t have a context for what is happening or have a mentor or teacher for the conscious shift they are going through when they begin to release old patterns, beliefs, and limiting systems they could become almost trapped by the fear of the drastic changes happening around them and block the shift from taking place in a harmonious and natural way.

Having avoided this two to three years ago, this time when the request came to begin activating the dormant crystals I knew I had to help usher in this new energy. I didn’t question the request this time, and now see clearly why these five individuals have been brought forth to symbolically represent the cities and their own acceptance of the new changing, shifting energies. 

Finishing the meditation I drifted into a lucid sleep. Still somewhat present in the room I began hearing hundreds of papers shuffling all around the floor of the room. Near sleep this startled my heart and snapped my consciousness back into my body. Lying frozen listening to the sounds I was immediately triggered that exterritorial visitors might be around. My mind goes to this explanation because it has happened once before to me by an alien group called Kryon. When they came the same sort of sleep cycle took place and then I awoke frozen to a choir of children laughing. Having clear awareness that this might be what was happening I said a prayer to ward off anything unwanted and when the noise continued I knew I was in good company and invited whoever the unseen beings were to work on updating and activating my light body however then saw fit. With this statement, my racing heart settled down and I began to drift off to sleep once again yet right before my eyes closed a bright white light poured into the top of the room near our upper windows. The light came in so bright that my eyes squinted to see through it. Then through the light came a figure and the figure was an unmistakable image from my catholic days of Jesus nailed to the cross. Yet this was a real man handing from a real cross. Out loud I repeated to myself “this is actually happening, this is actually happening, this is actually happening.” By the fourth time I said it out loud the light started to get sucked out of the room and the image disappeared.

Awaking the next day, the experience of the night lingered with me and I am amazed by what I had experienced. I saw with my eyes open in full third dimensional view Jesus on the cross. Not sure exactly why it was Jesus, but that’s what it was and I must think it also had something to do with the vision distortion I had experienced leading up to the encounter. Armed with new vigor for whatever this experience was turning into, I felt a strong pull to connect with the fifth person who I had not yet reached out to. Aging this fifth person is someone over the past few years I have been a catalyst for her awakening and understanding of how divine was working through her. 

Sending a text to meet for coffee we connected the next morning and I was greeted by a person who was a ghost of her normal self. Having recently decided to split from a long time partnership she had lost all way in life and later told me that day if not for my reaching out to her the night prior she would have been ready to take her own life. After talking for an hour about her fear in moving forward with this new energy and having to let go completely the life she had previously created you could start to see signs of the old friend peeking through. She was on the brink of discontinuing her journey because life had started becoming muddled and the path was no longer clear. This seemed to be a consistent energy for these five people whom I had connected with. Not all engrossed enough in the fear to question their existence on the Earth plane any longer, willing to take their lives, but enough so to create drastic changes to meet their conscious awakening and clear a path for new growth and drastic change.

This last encounter really put into perspective the shifts in energy that were taking place and how these unique individuals yet separated people could be connected to the bigger picture of what is coming through into our earth plane right now. Talking with this friend showed me a glimpse of my connection to this situation. I realized that these people were leading their own lives in a very accelerated way and they were my mirror into how the diving energy was coming in to these five cities and how the inhabitants of the cities were going to be able to deal with the new upgrades. I was clued into my potential to help guide these five individuals through their own accelerated process in finding their new foundation or a new root chakra and moving through this next root to crown experiences while being beacons for the new harmonizing planetary frequencies.  

I have always understood to a degree the meaning of becoming a vessel of light as your one true authentic self and by doing this you can in effect change the world one person at a time by holding your own authentic light. I had never understood it to this new degree, that once you reconcile your master archetype you begin holding a light that in itself is so high vibrational that those who you encounter that are ready to accept their journey towards finding the master archetype will branch off becoming birthed by your light and begin the amazing journey towards reconciling their own archetype in this one lifetime. The gravity of this one notion sends shivers down my spine. It only takes one breath, one look, one moment, to know that you are truly impacting the world around you, simply by acknowledging your divine purpose and your authenticity you can begin the expansion of the matrix one person at a time.

These five individuals represent five of the petals of my master archetype from the Heaven Planet, they each represent a frozen bodies on one of the twelve planets that I had previously completed before starting this second journey. I was told this second exploration for me was going to help complete the contracts of the five bodies on the five planets that were still needed to be completed. I became fully aware of this and what was happening once the Jesus connection came back to me. At the completion of the first astral adventure to discover the 12 planets I was shown the Heaven Planet where master archetypes are held for individual souls to being their freezing, expanding adventure. I saw my own soul get birthed from the Jesus archetype. One thing I have yet to mention up until this point is that I too had been birthed by a mentor who spoke to me of my connection to a master archetype. During a training session one day my mentor answered a question for me that I could tell she was hesitant to answer. The response came from her stating that I was holding a soul of Jesus. Never telling anyone this before because in all honesty how to you bring this up to someone, expressing that you hold one of the twelve souls of Jesus without sounding a bit off or egotistical. I had no real clue what it meant and in all honesty through our conversation I don’t really think she knew fully what she was relaying either. She mentioned that I held a part of the soul that would one day leave me like it had left her and moved to me. When I visited the Heaven Planet she was one of the souls inhabiting one of the twelve vessels like I had been. Putting these pieces together and witnessing these five individuals in my life come together so suddenly and so deliberately to teach me this final message, I was ready to recognize my own master archetype souls to see them come forth and reflect to me that which I had created. This is my world after all, said in the most ego-less way possible! I stress that this is all of our reality, I have been chosen to teach this part of our creation story just as you have been hand chosen to teach your part. Jesus as the man we knew him to be on Earth once fully aligned to his cosmic master archetype collected his apostles, his twelve reflections of cosmic cords. Just as my eleven cords are stepping through in the same way. I have been gifted with the clarity to see my cosmic connection and through that connection I get to see those who have been birthed by my present moment conscious awareness. They will reflect to me the divine cosmic connections I had to planets I had once frozen bodies on. Five of these individuals are know and I have a hunch the other six will make themselves know as time goes on. 

Birthing more clearly reviewed: Having this connection all along has helped me to realize the biggest component of this astral adventure. When I envision Jesus as he was here on the Earth plane he has his 12 disciples, in the Heaven planet he also had his 12 vessels each with a truth about Jesus the Master Archetype. I understand fully now that when a soul makes a reconciliation in one time in one space that souls becomes released from his cosmic contract, living a pure and divine expression of complete authenticity which can begin to expand the matrix. The 12 vessels surrounding Jesus are the 12 disciples that he collected during the life in which Jesus made full reconciliation. Those who surrounded him on the Earth journey were also on a path to reconciling their master archetype, as Jesus became aware of their presence they to also became aware of the cosmic connection and that they had frozen bodies on other planes of existence hence the birthing process began. When one is completely clear of their cosmic archetype they can reflect (as they are being reflected) to another their “birth” into discovering their origin story. I believe now that during the life where one finds reconciliation they are able to meet the ones that are birthed from their archetype to assist in the overall beginning expansion of the archetype itself. A teacher in physical form that will then become ascended master from a different plane. Guiding always those who chose to continue the expansion process of the matrix and continue the spread of divine authentic light and learning from the expansion itself.

Getting ready to embark upon the last two adventures I see clearly the lessons of teacher and student from the Magnetic Planet. We are always learning and teaching, it is our consciousness that leads us to this expression during times of complete presence. As the days counted down to my fourth and fifth trip to Serpents Mound and Mount Ida, Arkansas the energy that intertwined with these five people grew stronger. Every night I would perform a meditation that connected my energy to the five dormant crystals under: San Francisco, L.A, Miami, New York and Chicago seeing chakra colored light fill the crystals I would then hold the energy until pure white golden light came cascading in. The energy every night was strong and during the day a series of intense meditations for these individuals came through. Specific meditations to help them begin to update their own light body blueprints for future manifestation of their path. Still having no clue what their individual paths will be and maybe never knowing I simply recorded the meditations as they came through and sent them attachments until one day both stopped. About ten days prior to my own trip to Serpents mound the nightly meditations stopped as well as the channeling of information. I didn’t even recognize the nightly dormant crystal meditation leave until a week after it stopped. The energy was extremally intense and then simply vanished. It is my belief that the trip to Mount Shasta ushered in the energy of the dormant crystals and the upcoming Serpents Mound trip was going to finalize any lose ends with these five people. 

There was something unique and interesting about what had happened and upon further reflection I realize that my lack of meditation and clarity produced other ways for me to recognize just how important these five individuals were going to be on my adventure. Leading up to the Shasta trip I was not connecting to the field through meditation so divine started to come through my urge to draw. Thinking I was getting back into social media I had the brilliant idea (later recognized this was divine pulling on open purse strings) to draw pictures and then pull a layout from my oracle deck to see what messages divine wanted to give out to the people surrounding me. Doing this over and over every message was about relationships and people needing to review the close partnering relationships around them. Every day another reading different yet the same. I had pulled away from reading myself or trying to find out what my trip had instore for me yet divine found a way to get my attention and focus my energy clearly on what needed to be brought together. So starting around the time I left for Shasta to right before the time I left for Serpents Mound I finally understood what divine was saying and found my five beings of light who I believe are now ready to explore their own cosmic master archetype.

Serpents Mound


Driving to serpents mound from Ohio is slated to take four hours. No big deal in comparison to some of the recent trips the boys and I have taken yet every request, every stop, every need of the two boys in the back seat seem to anger me. Having released all emotional impulses (no joke) I truly have no reactionary impulses through emotion at this point in my human existence. To respond to almost every rise in energy level from the boys with a triggered sensation of Anger frightens me.  

The boys have not changed as a matter of a fact they are the same old road accomplices yet my reaction to their needs has changed dramatically. It takes the entire drive and arriving at our destination to reveal what is happening. Once at the red barn cabin I have time to decompress and review the trip from a higher plane. Existing in the realm of connections once again I begin to see the pattern of Anger and realize that this trip might be panning out to repeat our Michigan trip. During the drvie around the great lakes I had been transmuting Fear for not only myself but the collective consciousness of all beings. With this realization I almost pray that my instinct is wrong. The trip around the great lakes although it be powerfully moving and a complete release of control helping me to step fully into trust with the divine, it was one of the most draining things I had ever experienced.

Reviewing my reactions of Anger towards the needs of the boys, I begin my subjective comparison of the two trips. Fear was most definitely root chakra based and a way to allow my soul to step into full acknowledgment of its trusted connection to divine. Here with Anger I can feel the vibration resonate somewhere around my heart chakra. I am angry because the boys are not listening to my rules, they are blatantly disobeying our everyday standards, they are demanding, they are petty and fighting and they are requiring my every ounce of energy to simply keep a normalcy to our trip. I am angry because it isn’t easy and my expectation of them and how they should behave isn’t panning out. Thinking more clearly now I remember my teachings about emotions and recall Anger happens to a person when they haven’t established a boundary between them and another person. Anger is the trigger that shows you a cord from another has attached and triggered your field signaling a boundary line needs to be set. 


Recognizing this pattern is enough to detach me momentarily from the emotion of anger and allows the boys and I to relax peacefully at our new destination. Renting this secluded cabin, we chose to explore the new property and go for a hike. Finding a creek, pond, and paths galore we travel around the boarders until it is time to prepare food. Moving inside I begin making the food while the boys play together on the hammock. Screams erupt and I am called into action once again to separate the fighting boys. Immediately I am connected to Anger and the trigger pulls me away from the emotion to reflect the pattern yet again playing itself out. Recognizing the pattern, I send compassion towards myself for feeling the way I do and realize there is more work to be done surrounding whatever messages are trying to come through. 


After dinner and desert the boys go to bed and I finally lay down with a moment to myself. Performing a quick meditation, I pull a book onto my laid out body and ask a simple question. “What do I need to know about the Science Planet and how it connects to my journey here at Serpents Mound?” Always able to find answers to lifes great questions within the pages of a book, I flip through the pages until one sections feels right. Page 181 had a large chart on it with no words and so did 180 yet 180 had a single paragraph at the top. 

“The progression of the monad beyond the human kingdom can be seen in Figure 11I, which is a continuation of Figure 8f. When the monad achieves cosmic consciousness at 1500 and rises to plane 8 (the lowest subplane of the cosmic emotional plane) it discards its entire triad chain (from the 1:7 atom to the 7:4 molecule). However, the monad retains its 7-atom until it has finished its evolutionary journey and is fully conscious on the plane 49.” – the Science of Spirituality by Lee Bladon.

Reading this excerpt I become fully aware of what is happening and actually understand completely where I am being guided. It has been my understanding that after connecting to my cosmic master archetype that I will begin the detachment process from what I have created here on the 3D plane and begin to move back into a consciousness that is expansive and undefined. Yet I am required to completely let go of that which I have created and attached to here in the 3D plane so that the new expansion can begin to take place. Throughout these journeys I have been conditioned to let go of expectation over myself and release the need to see clearly what is being presented for my review. I have connected into the present moment allowing my subjective and objective worlds to guide my experiences. I have full trust in what is presented and greet most things now with no expectation over how it is going to interact with my path, I simply allow the energy to come in, act on it in a very connected and authentic way and then allow the energy to leave. Again, doing all of this with no expectation of how it should manifest into reality or what the result of its presence should turn into. I am an active member of the flow of divine moving through my existence. Yet here I am being told that there is another level of letting go that is needing to be achieve before this complete release can happen. The paragraph above talks about a monad “soul consciousness” moving through the cosmic plane. In Lee Bladon’s book he talks about the solar scale and the cosmic scale. A monad is moving through first the solar scale achieving complete reconciliation with its divine self and then begins to move through the comic scale repeating everything it had accomplished in the solar scale seven more times at each plane of existence. This is how a new matrix is formed. Reading the above statement, I do not believe I am at a level of existing somewhere between the physical and emotional plane on the cosmic scale, but I do understand this message to mean that in order to fully reconcile what I have learned about my cosmic master archetype that I have to now let go of what is presenting as emotional triggers in my field. Here during my journey I understand that the Anger is happening because I am attached to an outcome of how I want others to behave around me. I have let go of expectation as it pertains to myself, but am still engaged in outcomes through my attachments to others. Having children I understand that it is believed that we must mold them into perfect societal representations of ourselves and our beliefs and teachings so that they represent all that we have learned in this life, making them better versions of ourselves. This is a concept that I have never bought into because in my own quest for authenticity I had to remove layers of my own programing to reveal my truest nature. I did not grow up with a strong understanding of who I was and had to release the beliefs and programing that was imparted in me to find my own authentic voice. I can see now how my Anger is revealing where I am overly engaged in others authentic paths, but not only is it reveling where I am trying to control and outcome for multiple people it is showing me where I am not allowing divine flow to take place. 


This became more clear when my husband and I connected over the possibility of buying property down near Serpents Mound. Part of the trip focused around my want to purchase property near the mound, this was discussed many times by my husband and I. A real estate agent was acquired and an entire day was spent reviewing property near Serpents Mound. Finding a 20 acer plot of land I thought we were ready to buy. Speaking with my husband on the phone about what was found he had taken a 180 spin in the opposite direction and told me he was not ready to buy. Poor communication between the two of us, lead to a burst bubble for me. I though this was it and the time was right and became very angry when over the phone he conveyed his agenda. Again, Anger emerged and this emotion not typical of my normal constitute allowed me to see more clearly the pattern being created. Anger towards my children not following rules can be validated, but Anger towards my husband when my dream of buying this property had been burst was totally different. It became clear that the cosmic emotional plane was trying to teach me that the people surrounding me were helping to divinely orchestrate my path. I had become to wrapped up in my own subjective world and when I had an idea/concept of what was right for me that wasn’t right, the people surrounding me were going to help get my back on my path by dissuading me from what I believed or had been roped into thinking was right at that moment in time. Sometimes being clear on your path means you can feel things so strongly that you feel like the time is now to do something or make a change. When you move past the 3D model of time, space everything becomes aligned to your path and you can feel strongly everything aligned to you in this cosmic plane. Yet we still have to live out our human existence learning and teaching as we go. I realize that the Anger trigger was helping me to see clearly where others were trying to slow me down and keep me aligned to the flow of where I should be on this path.  

Figuring out the Anger component left me open to do the work I needed to do at Serpents Mound. After a day at the cabin it was time to visit Serpents Mound and reconnect with the Dragon if she would present herself once again. Finding my way to the back of the mound I sat on the stone platform that was built to view the forest below. Finding a quiet moment while the two boys played on their electronics I connected easily into the fifth dimensional field surrounding me and am greeted quickly by visions and here is what began to come through:

Scientists from the resource stealer planet were working with light energy and learning how to use this to stabilize the health and Connection of their people to the planet that they had drained of natural resources. I see the body of these beings as a hologram and watch as the scientist move light around, interpenetrating the holographic blueprint helping to nourish the body with what it needs. 

After the vision of the Scientists, the dragon meets me and takes me to visit a crystal beneath serpents mound. She said this crystal works with the frequency of my body and by moving here I will be in harmony with a frequency that will not only help me, but stabilize this part of the planetary grid. The crystalline energy here resonates with my holographic body and like the scientists from the Resource Stealer planet I can heal my blueprint with the energy of the underground crystal here.

I am told that the five people apart of this journey, who were birthed by my cosmic connection are also connecting with their crystals and yes they will find harmony with the place they are connected to, but will also find connection by simply beginning to connect to that crystal below the city that sits within the grid that they are in connection with. The crystal is a representation of them symbolically, in a holographic way, but also physically. By establishing a connection to their dormant crystal they will help to raise their frequency relieving the messages they are waiting for. By finding harmony with the place and crystal each person is meant to connect with they will begin stabilizing the grid of the New Earth as well as helping to ground the galactic energy coming in further signaling their hybrid status. This will also help to raise the frequency of the dormant crystal in its current location which will help to effect change for the local people dwelling above ground in the cities surrounding the crystal connection.

Finally, I am shown that The planet of Peace and Connection, the Scientist Planet, and the Dragon Planet are all connected. They show me this symbolically by connecting each Planet to an angle of the downward pointing triangle of the star of David. They anchor this once triangle to the upward pointed triangle finishing the star of David and connect this three dimensional symbol within me. Malachi the guide with me confirms everything is happening simultaneously and everything I have experienced, has happened before, and is also currently happening. The presence of this the solution, I Am that I Am, As Above so Below. By being aware of these interactions and claiming my connection to the current frequency I can help finish contracts and even facilitate further progress of the cosmic connections I am tied into. My current awareness in this conscious space allows further awareness in all cosmic connections.

These 5 people were gifted cosmic awareness through their birthing Connection to me. Just like I was with my mentor and Jesus when I was consciously birthed. Once we become conscious of our cosmic archetype we begin reconciling all cords we are still connected to and then we reconcile, living and expending a completely new path and reality. Reading this section of the book, I understand I have to let go of everything I have created it is time to find my eleven representations here on this physical 3D plane. I have awareness of the five people who have been birthed by my reconciliation of my first five contracts, as soon as the remaining contracts complete which is the goal of these last five trips the others will begin presenting themselves to me. I will have my absolution, I will subjectively and objectively be perceiving on all plans of existence. My birthed archetype will come through to show me the completion of my master archetype and the completion of my cords to this 3D experience. From this I will be able to consciously expand the matrix in full presence and awareness by simply enough living! 


Original Channel - Part 4 Class

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Crystal Fields Revisited

Upon completion of my visual experience on the history of the Earth and its inhabitants, my brother catches my gaze and instructs me it is time to go back into the crystal fields. I quickly adjust myself from a cross legged position within the middle of the floor so that I may stand up to follow him. Seeing this movement he begins to adjust his own body from its relaxed leaning position within the door frame. The entire time he has been patiently waiting for me to finish and now he seems to have intensity to him that I have not yet perceived. Proceeding down the hallway to our left hand side we exit our room and move towards what appears to be another stairway. As we come up to a large curve in the hallway I can tell we have made it half way through the back side of what appears to be this massive structure we reside within. The stairwell descends downwards away from the front open part of this learning place and is covered just like the rest of them that we have previously used.

Walking behind my brother his auric light is a lime green color it pushes outwards form his body a few feet in diameter and gives me just enough light to see what surrounds me. I take a look at my own body and see I glow with a yellow color.  How funny we must look walking side by side one another. As we descend the two stories downward onto the ground level once again we are projected out into the crystal fields this time at a much different spot than before.  From this vantage point I can see we stand almost directly in the middle of the fields there seems to be equal space to the left and to the right of me. I see within my mind’s eye that these fields are shaped like a horse shoe and we currently stand at the back of the arch. If we were to go to the left we could find our way to where we once were within these fields and to the right would be uncharted territory.

The crystal field is enormous. Surrounding the backside of this once great lake, it feels as if it goes on for many miles in each direction. The field is completely cloaked within an underground chamber that lies behind the lake opening. This to me appears to be the horse shoe shape I perceived in my mind’s eye. As my brother and I move through this space once again he begins to talk to me about the crystals and their importance in the success his people’s lives.  I watch my brother as he becomes contemplative and nostalgic about the story he is about to tell. His hands clasp behind his back and his head dropped as the first words exited his mouth.

“What you just saw was a record of the evolution of history from your time to ours. You witnessed how this planet and its inhabitants have evolved to survive and stay connected to this place called Earth. Our generations are far apart and much evolution had to be made to bring us here today. As the first Earth changes began to happen and the Earth began its purging process our resources became very limited, people had to once again adapt to living off of the Earth. This was hard for many who had lost their connection to the environment and no longer understood how to be in harmony with their surroundings. Many left this plane unwilling to make the necessary changes to stay and help ground the new energies coming in. This purged many beings from this place into other timelines. Thousands of years went by and generation after generation had to simplify to understand yet again how to live off of the land and make do with what was available to them. This is about the time when the dragons came to be, with the dragons much changed in the environment and new cycles of growth could take place. During this time we were forced to go underground. This is when the people began to create colonies of underground communities to live and thrive in. Once underground we made the discovery of the crystals. While living with the crystals our people acknowledged that less food was consumed, less water was needed, and more vitality was gained. The crystals became our food and sustenance and overtime our physical vessels became more attuned by the power of the crystals that surrounded us. We found by connecting with these crystals daily that our body would become strong and our connections to other life forms not living on this planet became clearer. Through these other worldly connections we were given information and education on how to live, build and cultivate our community to be in harmony with all things now on this planet. The crystals guided us in all ways to become more in lined with our newly found connections. We no longer need food or drink to survive. Our physical vessels are sustained by our daily interactions with these crystal fields.” Pausing briefly to look at me brother lifts his head, smiles in my direction and continues on with his lesson.

“Daily our people walk through the crystal filed and open themselves up to the connections waiting for them. Some days they will not receive a connection from the field yet most days a connection will be made. There is no forcing what happens, some days our bodies get tuned up by the crystals energy other days we receive guidance and direction, and other day we are meant to go our own way. We hold no expectations from these crystals as we have come to learn that their power will connect with us when the time is right for both parties involved. We move through this filed open are ready for whatever guidance may come.  That is how simple our life has become. We move in harmony with our world and with our people, and this brings balance to all aspects of our life.”

I begin to think about the crystal dome I witnessed surrounding this encampment and wonder how and what this shield is used for. My brother hearing my thoughts sends me a combination of knowing, mental pictures and words to help me understand that what I saw was the perception of the force field basically created by the crystals energy. Having so many highly attuned crystals in this spot created a field of energy that is perceivable in the fifth dimension. If I were to have seen this from the third dimension I would have seen nothing different than the outlying landscape. What I was seeing was the natural energy this place of learning holds. I then get propelled into a vision of the inhabitants raking the crystals and wonder what exactly this act was about. Again my brother sends me the answer as soon as my mind is open enough to receive. The raking is the process of harvesting crystals that are ready for use yet again. When an inhabitant makes a connection with a crystal the crystal will indicate if it is to stay exposed after use in the crystal field or if it needs to be buried in the ground for regeneration. If it is time for a crystal to regenerate it will ask to be buried in the ground after use. When individuals walk the paths of the crystal field they may be called to harvest crystals from the ground that are ready to resurface. This process brings balance to the Earth, the crystals and the people harvesting them so many when they hear the call will take time to resurface those that have been energizing below the Earth surface.

I allow my mind to wonder to my life in 2015 and this message of 20300. I see how important the connections to crystals have become for the people of Earth in 20300 and see how this has been a constant influence in the time space of 2015. I recognize how my own timeline has brought me many crystal allies that I work with and use for healing, connection, attunement, and transcendence of my physical time and space of 2015. Even transcribing these encounters I hold with me pink azeztulite and celestite. I wonder now if there is a chance at harmonizing with crystals before the time space of 20300 so that the inhabitants of Earth do not suffer so much drastic change in their upcoming cycles of life.  What is the purpose of these connections into 20300 will there be a chance to heal before the transitions happen?


Original channel - Part 3 Learning

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Place of Learning

Standing with my brother on top of the cliff overlooking the valley below I catch his movement as he waves me back towards the platform and says, “Let’s go to the place of learning.” We move on to the platform side by side and I begin to feel the familiar rush of pulsating waves of energy as things begin to change in my body. As the light becomes intense around us my brother grabs hold of my hand and we are propelled forward into the fourth dimensional tube of light. Seconds later we materialize in what appears to be another partially underground city. Seeing this massive structure from the outside it appears that the inhabitants who settled here created this place of learning within the natural formations of layered rocks. The place of learning is open to the outside world, yet has a large dome of light that creates a semi circle shield around the top most part of the exposed areas. In comparison to the first underground city this city has no cover of ground between itself and the sky and landscape above. This place of learning is mostly contained below the ground level yet remains open to the world above and covered only by some transparent shield.

The city itself seems to be the remnants of some great body of water. It seems that at one point in time a large lake or stream could have once filled this underground chamber. Now all that appears to be left are colossal yellowish tan colored flat rocks that give the internal city its shape. These rocks protrude out of the bowl shaped cavern they lie within like chips protruding out from the walls. As if enormous stepping stones these flat rocks move from deep within the walls of the ground they are buried within and project out towards the middle of the city. Each rock creates a different layer that creates the different levels within the city center. Like the previous city this space also appears to be about three or four levels deep. Inside it is stone, dirt, rock and tunnels where just outside of the dome it is lush, green, overgrown and majestic.

 As we manifest our bodies onto one of the platforms inside of this structure we are immediately pulled into the hustle and bustle of what is going on. If this is called the place of learning I would have to compare its energy to that of a college campus. There is lots of action and everywhere there is something going on. It is organized and these indigenous beings seem to understand where everything is and what is happening. Like ants in a nest there just seems to be some understood current to what is happening. My brother leads me off towards the right where there appears to be an enclosed pathway. We begin to walk down the side of one of the large platform stones which takes quite a while to find our way off of. Once out of the center of this city we find ourselves in front of a large stairway. This stairway has been carved into the ground stone and is covered like a tunnel. It appears that behind the exposed multi layered stones of this city there are also passage ways or tunnels that lead to enclosed spaces that travel through the covered ground of the city.

Our trail leads us to choose between two paths. Directly in front of us is a staircase that moves upward towards one of the higher stone levels. The other lies off to the right where there appears to be another tunnel that seems to move in a direction that buries itself deep within the ground floor of this structure. Of course we move towards the darker of the two paths and begin our decent down a long dark tunnel. As we begin to walk the length of the tunnel, lighting becomes dimmer and only a faint glow can be seen from the auric light surrounding our own bodies. Our path begins to open up to a field of underground mines, as we walk our light now reflects off of crystals that line the sides of the path. There are carved archways that randomly appear to our left and our right. This underground structure appears natural and seems to have been made overtime. There are many different avenues to choose from yet we continue on our current trajectory not veering to the left or the right. I can see people down here using tools that look like rakes. They are using these rakes to harvest what lies beneath the dirt. There is a calming essence to what they are doing, almost as if what they do is a part of some sacred ritual.

My brother stops in front of me and takes a seat amongst some very large stalactite outcroppings. He now sits on one side of the path we were just walking on. I remain standing in the middle of the path as he tells me to find a location to rest. As I take in my surroundings I see the entire breath of this underground mine. The stone surrounding me takes the shape of a large spider web. So much of this stone has grown in arched pathways with openings through it that the entire area seems to have once been solid and now appears to be many tiny rooms with holes and patches moving through it. There is another man very close to us who is raking the dirt path to uncover what lies beneath. I see him bend down a pick up the crystal he had just uncovered. After close inspection he places this crystal on a clear spot on the stone in front of him. He then returns to raking. I find a spot on the opposite side of the path so that I can be facing my brother. Using one of the manufactured stone walls to lean against I cozy myself into this spot amongst the beds of crystals.

My brother begins to tell me that the crystals here come from all over and have many different abilities. Some can connect us to our brothers that live in different spaces and times outside of this planet. Others help us to heal. Some can be used for food and others for their light. As he speaks about the crystals he picks one up from beside him to inspect and then places it back down again. I am told that some are of this planet and others have been sent or placed here to assist us in our journey. They are all powerful and have very specific functions. I ask how one knows which crystal to use since they all appear to be very similar? My brother explains that there is no need to know what crystal to use before connecting with it all one must do is open up to the connection and the best bond will be made at that time. He instructs me to open myself to the crystals surrounding me. As I begin to let my guard down and open up my field to all that surrounds me I began to feel an immediate pull towards the front of my body. As I opened my eyes in this space I saw a singular crystal illuminated and I saw a direct line of energy connecting back into my solar plexus area.

Once the connection was made my brother seemed satisfied in what had been accomplished and we both shifted ourselves up from our sitting position. We followed the same path out of the mine that we took in and found ourselves right back at the foot of the original staircase. This time we chose to take the path of the stairs. We begin our assent upward towards the second level of the place of learning. Here at a lookout point we stopped and noticed we could see out towards one of the large stone platforms within the middle of the arena. There was a large congregation of beings that had come together on this second platform. The all sat facing the same direction and a loud mixture of chanting and humming could be heard. As I observed their practice I inspected each of the individuals I could see. In the previous city I felt mostly male energy here although most of the beings looked very similar I could perceive the energy of both feminine and masculine energies.  I received instant knowing that the city we visited before was one where these beings resided it was more of what you would call home. I saw these individuals in some of the rooms that could be considered living spaces and found them without any comforts we would expect in 2015. These beings seemed to be content with a space empty of any personalized touches. The space was a dirt room enclosed on three sides and that was it.

Here in the place of learning it seemed these individuals would come for an opportunity to connect with their community in a different way than had been previously expressed. This area seemed to be a place of learning, gathering and mixing of all genders. After viewing the beings and understanding what needed to be learned by their presence we exited the stairwell and moved down the path into a chamber on the right hand side. This chamber was quite interesting as it appeared very different than most we had previously encountered. The room seemed doubled, as if two rooms sat one inside another. The inside room was octagonal in shape and had long narrow slits in the walls. The outside room seemed to be a circular room. The two rooms seemed to be able to spin opposite of each other, or at least this is the sensation that began as soon as I walked within it center.

As I entered into the room my brother chose to stay propped up against the door frame. He encouraged me to go and take a seat in the center most point of the room. I was told this was a library and from here I would understand the history of the people. As soon as I sat down the room began to spin and shadows began to dance on the walls. I watched as the scene playing out on the walls became more and more vivid with every spin of the room. Sitting in this center most spot I felt almost still as if everything around me spun faster and grew more intense yet my position here in the center was calm and unchanging.

The shadows were simple enough, one picture created a page of knowledge inside of my head. Within a singular flash I understood what seemed like a millennia of information.  The first shadow I saw was that of Earth in the time space of 2015. I saw what appeared to be the continent of North America and saw cities like New York and L.A with their huge buildings and large populations. From here the image got animated and the world spun very fast, the large buildings and cities crumbled down to the ground. As the world kept spinning almost making an orbit around the room I got pulled to the large continent of Europe mostly the country of Russia.  I see now shadows of cannons pop up along Russia’s borders, this happens along with soldiers pointing bayonets outwards. All at once they begin to shoot towards Asia, South Africa, and North America. I see devastation take out many inhabitants of people all around the world. From here I see the Earth go through massive clearings and changes as tidal waves cover the coasts and earthquakes devastate fault lines, volcanoes erupted and the Earth begins to fall apart. This is when I see the shadows of the Dragons fly in from some far off place. They begin covering the Earth in their fire. From here comes a regrowth of the Earth. During the time of rebuild there were many that went underground to live and this is what created the dynamic of the underground cities I am seeing to this day. I see man in his most primal form trying to rebuild a civilization as it once was and coming to understand that part of the lessons to his past was to learn to simplify and connect in different ways to the Earth and the energies surrounding him. This is where simplicity was created and a development of highly attuned higher dimensional energies became understood. Over thousands of years the transformation took place to grow into the coulture I see before me in this time and space of 20300.



Original Channel - Part 2 Underground City

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Underground City

Looking towards the dragon she nods her head at me and telepathically shows me the underground city. With this visual message she also speaks to me inside my head. Her message tells me, “They are waiting.” I take the hint and move towards the tree with the holographic façade, I move through the entrance just as easily as I did at the beginning of this journey. This time without falling I find the steps and move down the spiraling staircase to the level I had previously explored. A man is waiting for me within the tunnel below. As I exit the tree onto the path he says, “Hello Brother.” 

The man standing by my side is of average height he has dark brown skin to me he looks like an aboriginal man. His hair is black and cut in the shape of a bowl around his forehead and around the back of his neck. He has painted marks on his face and wears a loin cloth that covers his genitals. I feel he is missing a stick through his nose and a disc in his lower lip, but do not see this on the man standing next to me. I wonder why I expect to see these items appear any minute yet they do not.

We begin to navigate the long hallway. He walks with a brisk pace head down as if on a mission, I keep his step and follow along side. He does not choose to make conversation so I ask, “Where are you taking me brother?” He responds we are moving towards the city. With this statement we come to what appears to be a doorway cut through the ground to our left hand side. Everything here is underground, so it as if we are in caves, but nothing is made of stone, the materials surrounding us are all organic and mixtures of sticks, dirt, tree roots, tree trunks and other decomposed organic matter.  As we stand shoulder to shoulder in the cut out doorway I am able to glimpse the entire city before me.

We appear to be standing on the top floor of an underground city housing three different levels. Peering around, it feels as if we are in a large hallowed out bee hive. The center region is completely open, three levels high there is nothing, but space from the ground floor up to the organic material roof. Surrounding this open area are circular rings around the outside spaces that show carved out doorways quite like the one we are currently standing in. It’s as if I am on the highest floor in a hotel looking down upon the lower floors with their railings and rooms sitting atop an open lobby area. There is a warm yellow glow emanating from the bottom two levels surrounding these doorways. Every ten feet or so there is a black hallowed out doorway followed by illuminated light and then another black doorway. The space is grand, the center areas are about the size of a large domed football stadium and that doesn’t include the rooms sitting behind the doorways.

Descending towards the lower level we walk down a set of stairs that attaches to the bottom of our doorway. All around the city there are a variety of stairways emerging from numerous openings on the different levels. All stairways seem to be attaching to the ground floor around the outside of the platform below. Curious now as to what is giving support to this structure I look for any clues that might be within my surroundings. It is interesting because what I see are trees. I do not see the tops of the trees, but I do see clearly the trunks of trees. These trees seem to have once seen the outside world. These trees do not look like a tangle of roots, but fully matured trees with weathered bark. As I notice this detail I receive the impression that this underground city might not have always been underground. It becomes clear to me that this city might have been built and then the ground may have in some way covered what now lays perfectly underground.

There is activity happening all around us in every corner of this city. So far I can only detect the presence of males, I am not sure if this is because everyone looks alike and I think they are male, but it seems the word “Brother” comes to mind for every inhabitant I visual take note of. As we reach the ground floor we move towards the far corner of the main city floor where there is apparently a lot of commotion taking place. The inhabitants seem to be congregating around this specific spot, making me think it must hold something very special. I ask my companions, “Brother what is this place?”  He waves a hand and says this is where we travel. As we get closer I can see two platforms side by side that are circular in shape and can only hold one to two people at a time. These platforms have carvings on their bottoms and have a thickness of a few inches. With organized disorder there seems to be some unspoken understanding about what exactly is taking place. All I can make out is that a person steps onto one platform and disappears while someone else show up on the other platform. My brother takes my hand and moves us up to the first of the two platforms. Without speaking he grabs hold of my hand and we begin to travel.

I feel this effect not only in my fifth dimensional body in this space and time, but can also feel this in my third dimensional body back in the time space of Earth 2015. I feel waves of energy radiate throughout my entire being. It feels as if my body has different currents of energy running through it. I get the sensation of movement and can see a light tunnel that we quickly move into. Within seconds our journey is done and we are at another platform on the top of a cliff somewhere overlooking a beautiful valley below. My brother takes my hand and leads me to the edge of this cliff. We sit in enjoyment of the view and take in the sites of the overgrown landscape below. Everything is pristine and untouched. It is here that the real questioning begins and I feel this is why we came here in the first place.

I ask my brother to explain the purpose of their people, why do they stay underground and what do they do? He tells me their main purpose is connection and community. I get a flash to the city where I see people always together. It seems busy and engaged. I review their people and think about the simplicity I observed thinking how undeveloped their community felt with no advancements. Able to feel my thoughts my brother reminds me that just because there is a perception of simplicity doesn’t mean there is a lack of advancements. He shows me the people’s ability to teleport to any location on their planet and allowing their third dimensional bodies to make the journey along with their mind. He explains their ability to be connected into the Earth and use its energy to support their lives and continue their expansion. He also shows me other cities around this planet that have developed as well and hold the means to visit one anther creating a vast network of community and connection everywhere. He sends me the vibration of compassion and connection and the feeling this brings to everyone within this space.

It is here that I begin to feel a connection to Earth. I begin to think that this may be Earth as it is in 20300. I feel a resonance with the images I am seeing and the indigenous people who live here. I am interested to learn more about the history of this place and how it came to be from what it is today. What do the underground cities have to do with the way the people live and why have dragon come to be? If this is Earth in a different space and time why has the evolution gone this way and what lead to the drastic differences that I have only begun to experience.

Original Channel - Part 1 Third Star

 (Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.


The Winged Guardians

Sitting on the front porch of my house with Changa snuggly tucked in-between my legs I find myself lost in his tear shaped dark brown eyes. Within his jovial stare I feel a sense of knowing and connection that had not been present before. His jowls seemed to smile deeper today than they ever had before. Humored by our new connection I ask the dog sitting in front of me if there was anything he wished to explain to me about the half animal half human people that I had meet, that I don’t already know. Waiting far to long for Changa to reply I begin laughing out loud at myself. In my defense the lines between imagination and reality had been a bit blurred as of late. Once the laughter subsided silence was all that remained between Changa and myself. Settling into this moment of stillness between us I was able to recall the Sentarians from the half animal half human planet. Visualizing the detailed spiral drawn upon their foreheads, I instantly remember the teaching of the spiral. All one must do on planet Earth to make a connection to the animals is unwind this unseen spiral around the third eye on the forehead and the line of communication will be opened. Having let go of attachment to rationality, I closed my eyes to better visualize the spiral on my forehead. With my inner sight I could see my forehead from the inside out. A glowing light outlined the symbol as I intentionally connected to the spiral. Feeling like my ego mind was creating what I was seeing, I didn’t stop, I had committed to letting the entire process play through. As the spiral began its uncoiling process I could feel intense amounts of energy move into the center of my forehead. Starting off it felt like a slow gentle trickle of energy, but the more I allowed in the quicker this turned into a surge of electrical current. Being someone who suffered seriously from migraines as a child and young adult I can tell you this pain was worse than the most intense headache I had ever experienced. Feeling increasingly more dizzy and nauseous I braced myself against the step of the porch and grabbed change around the fold of his neck. Using Changa like a seeing eye dog, I closed my eyes and followed his lead towards the front door of our house, which thankfully was only two steps away. Pushing through the cracked front door, my eyes squeezed tightly closed trying to push the pain out of my head. Still in the hunched over position I allowed change to guide my way. Immediately inside of our front door landing area was a wooden banister which protected someone from falling through the open staircase area leading to the lower level below. Change gingerly walked me down the hallway around the guide of the banister towards our master bedroom. Depositing me on the side our wooden sleigh bed Changas job was done, soon I heard his nails trotting along the slate floor outside of the bedroom and back down the hallway. Thinking to myself I realize that maybe we didn’t need to talk after all. Changa seemed to know exactly what to do in lieu of a conversation.

In bed, I curled my body into a tight fetal position. The discomfort was unbearable and constricting tightly into a ball was the only way my body could get small enough to not feel the entirety of the pain trying to come through. Twisting and turning you would think I was in labor or moving through a demonic depossession. Putting a pillow over my head was the only way to block out some of the light now tormenting my eyes from the large windows at the foot of the bed. Due to my long history with headaches as a child and young adult I learned early on medicine was just a mask for what the pain in our bodies was trying to signal. Not in a coherent state of mind to strike up a friendly conversation with my body, I basically demanded the pain to stop.
“This needs to stop right now!”

Interestingly enough the pain subsided for a good thirty seconds. Curious as to what this new experience was I asked.

“Am I missing something?”

Again the pain stopped allowing the billowing drums of my mind to stop for what felt like thirty seconds of pure bliss. So when the answer is yes or my statements are clear the pain stops. This I can work with.

“Do you want me to do something?”

Stopping yet again, I now see the light at the end of this narrow and painful tunnel.

“Let go.”

A whisper of a voice gained access to my mind in between the pulsating stabs of pain.

“Let go?”

I repeat this and question how anyone could let go when the pain of the physical body was so intense. Every beat of my heart was forcing blood through constricted blood vessels within my head, and this was translating into an unbearable pain that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. How does one simply let go.


Again the whisper moves through my mind, hearing it answer me yet again only leads to more confusion. How can anyone go to sleep with this much intensity moving through their body?

“Surrender and let go.”

Finding my body still constricted and wound tightly into a ball, began the process of letting go. Through the waves of pressure and sharp pain I slowly started to soften my body. Instead of holding all of this energy in my head I allowed it to fill my entire body and take me over completely. The process was uncomfortable at first, I felt extremely vulnerable and somewhat exposed to this unknown energy, but as time went on I could feel how this ultimate form of surrender was allowing the energy locked in my head to find its way through my body and somehow exit out of me. It was like I was a conductive wire and the energy that I had opened up to when performing the visual experiment earlier had moved into my body and shorted me out. Because my body was not grounded or open to letting the energy flow through I shorted my system out which transmitted into a headache. I was holding onto the energy instead of being a vessel for it to move through. With full understanding of this lesson now reaching my conscious mind I sensed a great pressure lift and shift in my head. I no longer tried to hold onto the experience and allowed it to move though me unimpeded. Lying in bed my body was exhausted, letting the last bit of the experience go, I rolled over feeling wiped out from the days many journeys. My eye lids were getting heavy, and my body was increasingly getting lighter. Not one to stop the progression into a good nap I surrendered once again to the soft pillow cozily tucked beneath my head and found the cadence of my breath. Each breath aligned more fully to the continuous beat of my heart making it hard to ignore the precious and delicate balance needed to sustain a single human life.

The twitching of my body indicates that my brain is in the beginning stages of sleep yet my mind is still alert and active. I feel my physical body go numb as my mind detaches from the human shell holding it securely in place. This is exactly how I felt when I left my physical body on the half human half animal planet. Now soaring above my wooden sleigh bed I can see my human body resting below, my conscious awareness is active and free yet my physical shell remains empty below. Reaching higher into my room my energy body soars through the ceiling of my bedroom into the expansiveness of the world beyond. Seemingly having no control over where my journey is going I find my body pulled so high into the atmosphere that I can see only outlines of Earths continents below. Suspended in the weightless atmosphere above Earth I find the silence of this vantage point peaceful and quite serene when all of a sudden a tornado of light hits the back of my body and moves through straight through me. Spinning wildly the light carries me tumbling back towards the direction of Earth. Like a sling shot the energy begins to pull my energy body apart. I can feel my form expand like a large rubber band until the stretch seems to progress no further. All at once a release is made and the tension is gone, I feel weightless once again and on a trajectory to hit Earth at supersonic speeds.

Upon entering this new planet the first apparent change within the environment observed is the heaviness and dampness of the air. Surrounded by perpetual mist I find myself spinning around in circles trying to ground my energy so that I may take in all of the sights. I find it hard to keep a connection to this place today, unsure of what my goal or purpose is within this new planet I begin my exploration into the clues around me. The landscape is lush with massively overgrown plants. Images straight out of a Jurassic time frame everything appears to be so much larger than life should be. Deep colors of emerald green appear around every corner. Even the trees seem to soar high into the sky. Upon further inspection the tree tops are so high I am unable to perceive an end from my small place on the canopy floor. This landscape is thriving. It seems every element here is working to establish healthy this vegetation.

Finally stabilizing myself amid the environment I begin to walk forward on a dirt path. Moving directly towards one of the first visible trees in the surrounding scene my past travels have confirmed that trees tend to hold answers, so why should this be any different. I move towards the base of the soaring tree in front of me and place my hand on its trunk.  Thinking nothing of this initial touch my hand flies right through what appears to be a holographic façade. As I lean into the fall I brace myself for impact and fall into what appears to be the center of the tree.

The fall lasted mere seconds with no damage done. As I regain my balance I see there appears to be a circular curving stair case carved right down through the bottom of this tree. Finding my feet beneath me and on either the fifth or sixth step, I slowly wind my way down towards the bottom of wherever this tree trunk may be leading. A few downward corkscrews later I find myself at the last step. Here lies a grand opening that has been shaped by hands and tools through the side of the tree. Exiting onto another dirt path in what seems to be an enclosed tunnel I find myself trying very hard to understand how I am able to see what is around me when there appears to be no light. Using too much mental strength and awareness I begin to question what I am seeing and find myself retreating back up through the stair well to the forest floor once again.

Once through the holographic façade I look up into the sky to see if there are any perceivable sources of light. I see many outlines of what look to be moons, but I better understand to be planets. This is determined only through some deep knowing within me that is yet to be explained. As I keep my gaze focused on the slivers of sky that are visible through the canopy above I see what appears to be an enormous flying dragon. Fixated on this gliding beast above, I hear a voice to my right say, “It’s ok dear one some of this may still be a bit confusing.” Looking to my right I see a massive dragon with her head on the ground, her snout is pointed directly towards with her nostrils flaring as the words escape leave her. She then inclines her head to look up at the sky and then down into the ground. I understand that she understands the confusion I feel over just about everything that has been experienced up until this point.

The dragon has patchy metallic yellow scales covering her snout. The rest of the body that I can see appears to take on a dirty brownish color. The proportions of her body lying down seem a bit scud as her belly projects out in a very full round shape and the head appears to be smooth, lengthy, and sleek. She keeps her head on the ground as I approach her and even closes her eyes to apparently show her vulnerability to the situation. I place my hand on her snout and ask her what her purpose is in being here today?

She tells me she is a guardian. This seems to be a running theme within these planets. She expresses that her kind live along with the other inhabitants of this planet. The dragons live on the ground floor and in the skies while the others mostly live below ground. An image of her nest is show to me. She states, “This is where many dragons live together in one place.” I see many different kinds of dragons, all appear to be sunbathing and lazily enjoying a relaxing stretch over different outcroppings of stone boulders. She begins to project to me a different image and follows this image up with an explanation. I hear her voice explain, “This is the work in which we are required to do, our purpose if you will.” I hone in on a specific dragon from the nest. This dragon seems particularly comfortable enjoying his place belly up on a rock. Within a split second he rolls off to his side and disappears into what appears to be a wormhole or some type of portal. Moving through the portal the dragon slides from his rock and rolls into a flying position, he quickly soars through the sky of this new world. As if receiving silent orders he soars above the place in question and rains fire down upon their trees, homes, people, or volcano whatever may be in his path. I see the fire manifest into physical form while the dragon stays in a higher dimension. The fire burns the entire area to the ground. Although this seems devastating it seems the fires intention is twofold. As I watch the powerful display of this dragon I also hear the words of my new companion say, “The fire of a dragon is rich in properties that allow new life to grow, like the story of the phoenix when something dies it can once again rise from the ashes into a new.” I am assured that this process of destruction is meaningful and that the dragons are called to help rebuild places that need assistance with their new growth cycle. My new companion expresses that this is their purpose. They are guardians for all planets who need the immediate impact of a new growth cycle.

The dragon continues to play images for me of dragons receiving the call to start a new growth cycle for a planet. I see lazy dragons turn active as they move into another time and space to perform their work. I feel intrigued by what I see and seem to have more questions than answers at this point.  Feeling into the landscape of this place I can see a connection between the vitality of the lush environment and these majestic beings. I sense the work the dragons do to establish new environments for others also helps to create the pristine environment of their own planet. There is much energy and vitality here in this space and it seems a lot of that can be contributed to the presence of the dragons