Spinal Adjustment - Root to Crown

Spinal Adjustment - Root to Crown

Moving into the next phase of your journey it is imperative you create a space for high self to reside. Our human bodies reside on the third dimensional plane for most of our existence. Until we are able to raise our frequency and hold higher streams of light energy our high self must do most of its work from the higher dimensional planes, causing most of the human experienced confusion. This meditation will prepare your body for the energy of your high self so that more harmony and balance can come to the seeker moving through their journey.

Title: Spinal Alignment Meditation - Root to Crown

Description: Moving into the next phase of your journey it is imperative you create a space for high self to reside. Our human bodies reside on the third-dimensional plane for most of our existence. Until we are able to raise our frequency and hold higher streams of light energy our high self must do most of its work from the higher dimensional planes, causing most of the human experienced confusion. This meditation will prepare your body for the energy of your high self so that more harmony and balance can come to the seeker moving through their journey.

Root to Crown

(330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:08 Circular Breathwork (CH2)
01:40 Claim Your Space (CH3)
02:0 Meditation Begins (CH4)
09:19 Click Next Video (CH5)

CHAPTER 1 Intro This 20-minute meditation is a part of a series of 4 meditative openers to align high self more fully into the body and to release that which is divine within. This meditation targets area within the physical body that are ready to shift and bring through more conscious awareness. Red Path Mastery Window #54 July 2022 - Root to Crown

CHAPTER 2 Circular Breathwork This is the preferred breathwork when you are trying to ground your energy into your body so that your spirit may soar. When the breath anchors the body it is easier to have a visual spiritual experience.

CHAPTER 3 Claim Your Space Only that which serves my greatest good and the greatest good of everyone connected to me is allowed to be with me today. Anything here not serving my greatest good or the greatest good of everyone connected to me must leave immediately.

CHAPTER 4 Meditation Begins This is a fully channeled meditation so stay open to the pauses as they are breaks where downloads and vibrational information is coming in.

CHAPTER 5 Click Next Video Watch the next video in the series #3


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Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493 https://www.chakrasroottocrown.com/

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Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaZ6YFKBvz5cbYBjoks4-6OZE5HksS5yy

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Listening to Your Crystals...

It is my belief that every crystal and mineral here on Earth has manifested from some divine source, just like you and I. Each with a specific purpose and talent just waiting to be unleashed. So how does one begin to listen to the subtle frequencies contained with in these beings of light? Communication can be easier than you ever imagined if you are willing to be taken on the journey.

Step 1 - Raise your frequency
Step 2 - Listen (in your own beautiful way)
Step 3 - Trust

Step 1 simply entails you asking the crystal to raise your vibration to match its vibration. Easy and simple. So easy one might miss the subtle cues they are connected to the mineral or gem being questioned. Begin to breath and let the crystal do the work. You should feel slight tingles along your body. Specific crystals and minerals may interact with your body in different areas. Stay tuned in and detached at the same time. Step 2 listen. Here it is important to listen in your way, some are clairaudient, some clairvoyant, some claircognizance. Simply be open to seeing, sensing, feeling, hearing and knowing into all things that come into your field once you start the link of energy between you and the crystal. Step 3 Trust. Your first instinct will be to distrust in the feelings you get, or the words that speak to you so remember you are a divine being with limitless potential - Trust in this.

Charcas, San Luis Potosi, Mexico - $75

These two stones will create for the user a gel like energy that coats the emotional body with a constant and palpable healing energy. The energy is connected to self love / compassion and directly works with balancing the Heart Chakra. These stones together are so powerful that they can move Kundalini energy into the Sacral Chakra. The two Danburite stones are about 3 inches long and are sold as a pair with the power disc shown below. Due to their connection when used together these two release so much power a word of caution would be given to any who don't typically practice running high frequency energy through their body. The disc shows the union of the two stones working on the spiritual heart while flooding kundalini energy into the body creating a radiating light energy from all sides. The disc helps one stay connected to the intention of the stones while also empowering the stones during times of rest. 

All Crystals highlighted are for sale on www.chakrasroottocrown.com/shop along with their power discs. 

Source: www.chakrasroottocrown.com/shop