How to Clear Grief

Grief is a density that will prevent you from moving forward. You could experience grief from day to day or during different cycles of your life. Grief creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Grief comes in when your feeling alone and separated from the world around you. It drives you towards isolation and even depression. Those affected by grief will struggle to enjoy the simplicity and pleasure that life used to offer. The opposite side of grief is vulnerability, those stuck in grief experience the resistance of letting go. Through recognition intention and techniques this translates grief into vulnerability.

Now that we have reviewed grief and you are on the path towards vulnerability, you might be asking yourself why am I  still watching this video? I mean who chooses MORE VULNERABILITY…? Ok I am starting a 5-second timer for you to decide… stop watching or stay and get vulnerable! 4-3-2-1

If you’re still watching your life is guaranteed to change! In short, vulnerability is one of the quickest ways to expand your life experience and unlock the vault of the heart. It is here where new human experiences are stored, accessed, and given the energy to manifest. Once you find a willingness to let go of what is… you will move into new potential and start accessing the next level of akashic (soul) wisdom.

To understand this process, it helps to begin visualizing the heart chakra as the origin point sitting within the center of a multidimensional grid.

the level of coding or DNA crystallization that you carry will determine what type of dimensional portals you can access within this vault. With so many potentials it is helpful to understand how these different dimensions will interact with you to create moments of vulnerability for your deeper expansion - so lets review now.

What we are about to explore is big picture we’re talking about cosmic scale. Each of these next three levels holds infinite potentials of how this energy could express within your human experience. So grab a pen and let’s begin

3rd Dimensional vault - Human level – goal in opening this vault - becoming authentic – you know you are opening the vault when…there is death, loss, separation, uncontrollable emotional swings – blocking the opening of the vault happens when…there is an inability to let go of a cycle or physical part of reality when you hold onto something that is dissolving and become an attachment.

4th dimensional vault - Heart Level – goal in opening this vault - becoming empathic and connected becoming apart of the flow of more than just the physical world - you know you are opening the vault when…you take on soul imprints or patterns that are not yours, owning emotions, feeling, and agendas that are not your authentic state of being. – blocking the opening of the vault happens when…there is an inability to cultivate discernment, confusion, disorientation or distrust in what you are connected to come about.

5th dimensional vault - Spiritual Level – goal in opening this vault - becoming everything, embodying your original blueprint, co-creating your soul destiny. you know you are opening the vault when…everything completely stops around you. Your identity is removed and control is taken away. you are everything and nothing at the same time. Blocking the opening of the vault happens when… there is an inability to see past singularity, when the identity limits the expansion when you second guess your nature and question your creations or ability to create the next new experience.

Now note down what vault you are currently opening… Human 3D, Heart 4D, or Spiritual 5D

Next take a minute to write down where you might be in resistance to this opening? How and where are you blocking or not willing to feel vulnerable within this vault? Here are some examples at each level:

Human 3D (death or loss of loved one, terminal illness, negative physical patterns, addiction, separation, heartbreak, weight issues)

Heart 4D (ascension symptoms like headaches, stomach pain, dizziness, phantom body pain that is picked up from the environment or people, emotional highs or lows, working hard getting nowhere, feeling energetically drained)

Spiritual 5D (spiritual narcissism, judgment over yourself or others, getting stuck in the past or future, need to control, need to know, need to direct or guide experiences, distrust of unfolding, illusion)

Take a moment pausing here - write down your own blocks as they pertain to the vault you are opening.

Next transitioning blocks into portals

these blocks are actually the portals of potential opening within your heart. The vault opens once we come face to face with a block, in essence, the block is the result of suppressing a heart desire. The block then shows up to let us know how deeply we have buried our potential. The block is an indication that things outside of us require change, release, moving on, shifting, letting go in order for the next level of experience to come in.

Now its time to give it a try. Over the next week, keep a log of where your feeling exposed and vulnerable. Look for patterns of how you react, do you retreat, do you close off, do you seek the validation of people outside of you? If so you may be protecting your heart and suppressing your life experience. Or maybe you leaned into the interaction asking to understand the what and why this is happening? By reviewing your life in this way you will make it ok to be vulnerable and open your heart to new experiences. if you feel blocked or stuck go back into your course work and figure out where the grief is coming in and move forward with your vulnerability finding where you need to open even more. 

Timelines what are they?

Today we will explore the term “timeline”. 

You might have heard things like “changing timelines” or “choose a new timeline” … let’s find out what exactly that means. A timeline can be defined by a series of chronological events that happen across a span of time. This is a very linear approach, not taking into consideration all the events that could have happened. 

For example, when we are born there are infinite possibilities of what life might hold. (SEE BABY WITH ARROWS GOING OUT FROM ALL AROUND THEM) As choices are made, various timelines are selected to be experienced. Deciding to go to college or not, creates two different timelines. Deciding to take a job in another state creates alternate timelines. When you meet a romantic partner or get married, this creates a new timeline. In the multidimensional approach, it becomes apparent that there are multiple versions occurring of what we experience in every moment - all occurring at the same time. Our actions and feelings in this current moment are dictating the timeline we experience. 

The goal of understanding timelines is to realize there are always infinite possibilities to choose from. Our choices can be predictable based on our upbringing, values, obligations, and lots of other factors. BUT - it is possible to make decisions that step outside of the current timeline to experience something NEW. 

So why should we care about switching timelines? Simple. If you are unhappy or want to experience something new - you have to change your timeline. There are so many versions of reality simultaneously occurring, and at any moment it’s possible to make a spontaneous decision and change your reality. 

Try experimenting with small choices - take a different way to work, try a new path on your evening walk, call a friend you have been meaning to talk to for some time. These subtle changes to mix up a redundant timeline will awaken your intuition - allowing you to see the choice you might be missing by staying with the status quo

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How to clear Guilt?

Guilt to Acceptance

This course gives you the opportunity to understand unwanted emotional conditions.

Guilt is an emotional density that will prevent you from moving forward in your life. You could experience guilt day to day or during different cycles of your life. Guilt creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Guilt can be initiated by the people around you having you question your choices and left feeling confused or  hurt. Guilt can also be self induced having you constantly battling right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, depending on your own life choices. The opposite side of guilt is acceptance, those stuck in guilt will have problems accepting their authenticity and distrust in the choice they make. Through recognition intention and techniques this course translates fear into co-creation.  

The process is empowering and allows you to explore your tendencies utilizing a proprietary iceberg process. The point is to get to know yourself more fully. This allows you to become the observer of your life rather than the victim.  You can asses the emotional triggers as the come in trust what your experiencing and learn to react with intention.

The focus is on transitioning guilt to acceptance. Download the course and focus on individual tendencies that are holding you back. Join us today and unlock your patterns leaving behind guilt and step into acceptance

How to clear Shame?


Take a minute with me… to review a tool that will help you to identify shame. This is one of the hardest human blocks to identify in oneself. So stay tuned and let’s take this step by step

Shame is a density that will prevent you from moving forward. You could experience shame day to day or during different cycles of your life. Shame creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Shame comes in when you feel unworthy. It drives you towards misguided motives constantly making you feel inadequate. Shame can be one of the hardest emotions to recognize because we naturally want to believe its not there. We cover it up with material, career, relationships until nothing truly feels right. The opposite side of shame is release, those stuck in shame will have problems feeling worthy of their accomplishments even when things are going well. Through recognition intention and techniques, this course translates shame into a release.

Now that we have reviewed shame and you are on the path towards release, what’s your goal?

We will Identify what limitations may await you in the mental body and what could arise to make you distrust in yourself along the way. Keep your goal today connected to the mental plane and solar plexus chakra since we will be working at this level. Staying aligned to these concepts will make it easier to see where you tend to let shame limit your life. Review area surrounding; self-esteem, willpower, career, identity, money, labels, status, & ego…to discover where your goal will be.

A good place to start this review is wherever you don’t feel good enough, smart enough, successful enough in your life. Or even where you don’t feel like you are living your best most purpose-filled life. This will be where you identify your goal surrounding the release.

Before moving forward write down your GOAL. Something like this… I am looking to release my limitations surrounding ________ (blank)

Next we move onto the equation

Your acceptance equation = A+B=C
A = past, B = present, and C=future

Start with the 2 variables you know. So far you have identified the present goal or area you feel limited, next we will review what you feel you deserve or where you think you are headed, equaling the future. This means today we will be solving the past or variable A.

Next let’s expand on the variables you know giving them more of an identity

in this example OUR GOAL will be releasing limitations around MONEY: Here we go!

What 2 variables do you currently understand?

PRESENT (I live paycheck to paycheck, I feel like no matter how hard I work I never get ahead, my lack of money makes me stressed out)
FUTURE (I want abundance, I want financial freedom, I want to feel content where I am)
PAST = the unknown

Let’s run a few more of these examples – once you get the magic of this equation it’s going to be easy to replicate so let’s look at IDENTITY next

What 2 variables do you currently understand?

PRESENT (I don’t know what makes me happy anymore, I feel lost, My life feels constricting)
FUTURE (I want to feel passionate about life, I want to know my purpose, I want expansion)
PAST = the unknown

One more for the fun of it – SELF ESTEEM

What 2 variables do you currently understand?

PRESENT (I am not as smart as my co-worker to get the promotion, I am not as charismatic as my sister to get attention from people, I am not as witty as my friend he always gets the girls when we go out)
FUTURE (I deserve the promotion, I am interesting and people would love to get to know me, I want someone that gets me for me)
PAST = the unknown

*Pause Here* take a moment to write down where you feel limited? Where you feel you are being held back by insecurities… now - expand your variable B & C now

Remember Shame and insecurities arise from our own mental self-judgments literally locking our mind into a past judgment of self. In order to release our patterns and get out of this loop, we must shift the equation. Making  your Present your Past, your Future your Present, opening your loop to have a new experience

You have heard the mantra “Fake it until you make it!” this is our equation in action  

Put your present limitations in the past

Move your future to the present moment

And open yourself to a new life experience

Here we go ->


Past – I use to live paycheck to paycheck

Present – I am financially FREE

Future – Open to a new experience


Past – I felt lost

Present – I know my purpose

Future – Open to a new experience


Past – I am not smart enough

Present – I am being promoted

Future – open to a new experience

what you think, your program, and what you program becomes your next reality – you can use this to your benefit by programing a reality that reflects your potential or you can stay in the loop of your mind getting stuck by your own limitations and judgments. The magic of this equation is transference! By thinking new thoughts, you create new neuropathways for your mind to follow literally opening up new potentials and experiences.

To paint a clear picture of this equation in action think of a monk who walks through the same field creating a path through the grass every day. Never deviating from the path the monk wears the grass down to where the soil beneath becomes visible. The grass dies and the footsteps harden the ground below. Anyone who walks through this field will see the path left by the monk. New seeds will not grow in the hardened earth and the path will become a permanent fixture in the landscape. This is how your mind works, to think the same thing every day creates a current, a path in your mind and everything aligns and follows this path creating a current of mental energy that will manifest your focus. When you start a new thought process it takes time to imprint the new path, but over time the path will become permanent like the monk walking through the field. This can happen to imprint a path using your judgments and limitations or it can happen to amplify your goals and aspirations. This is why we say Fake it until you make it, start the process of carving a new path in your mind for energy to flow through. 

Now its time to give it a try. Over the next week, keep a log of your limiting throughs during the day then take a moment to reform that limitation into a goal. Next, speak words of affirmation to yourself, feel into your new potential, and act as if you have already achieved this outcome. These things will help to cut a path through the grass of your mind. This will lead you towards your goal releasing your limitations and letting go of the shame keeping you trapped on a path that judges instead of encourages. See where you can choose to experience something new that will lead you towards your goal! if you feel blocked or stuck go back into your course work and figure out where the shame in coming in and move forward with your equation finding where you need to release. 

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How to clear Fear?

Learn how to co-create becoming the manifestor of your life. Fear is an emotional density that will prevent you from moving forward in life. You could experience fear from day to day or during different cycles of your life. Fear creates emotional stagnation which gets trapped and has you repeating unwanted patterns. Fear can stop you from making decisions, or paralyze you from taking action. Fear can be subtle but can also take a stronghold. The opposite side of fear is co-creation, those stuck in fear will have problems manifesting a life they feel connected to or even want to be a part of. Now that you have experienced the techniques of the course are you ready to translate fear into co-creation?

Now that fear is out of the way and you are open to the co-creator energy what is your goal moving forward? Identify what you want to co-create? Keep the concept connected to the physical since we are currently working with root chakra energy it will manifest the easiest. This can be something within the range of; family, money, home, career, health, or material things…

Before moving forward write down your GOAL.
Next we move onto the equation:

Your co-creation equation = A+B=C
A = past, B = present, and C=future

Start with the 2 variables you know. So far you have identified the future goal you want to co-create, and presumably understand the past that you want to change. This means we will be solving the problem for B or the present moment.

Next write out the variables giving them an identity. 

in this example YOUR GOAL will be your CAREER: Here we go

What 2 variables do you currently understand?

Future (I want a promotion, a raise and to be recognized)
Past (I was scared to ask for a promotion I was afraid to get rejected, or feel unworthy)
Present = the unknown

How do each of these variables make you FEEL write it down…

FUTURE? What does it feel like to get a promotion, to get a raise, and be recognized?
-accomplish anything

PAST? How would you feel to get rejected, to be rejected, to be told you are not worthy?
-boxed in

Now that you have recorded information about your variables it is time to organize the information into a process to use daily. 

Starting with the mind. What you think you attract. Now that you have identified what you want you are already attracting it. So how do you stay aligned to receive it? You have to walk on the right timeline. What does this mean? You have to be aligned in your physical body, your emotional body, and your mental body to receive your goal. When not aligned these operate in different realities attracting all manner of things, when aligned this will work together to achieve your goals.

Second, understand your emotional body. Operating from the emotions means you can feel into the potential you are moving towards. When you are moving in the wrong direction you will feel the DISCORDANT energies from the variables you identified. When you feel into the right direction you will become overwhelmed with the POSITIVE energies from the variables you have identified.  

Finally, the last step. Your physical body, variable B otherwise known as the present moment. In order to walk into this new reality, you have to trust that if you think it, you are attracting it. If you feel it you are walking towards it.  So, the last step is all about the third variable. The present moment. 

Each day you need to show up and face new challenges, new experiences and new encounters. Through this engagement in life you can create and align to your GOAL. If you are feeling discordant energies in the present moment that reflect the noted down feelings of your past you will head toward the path of the past. If you feel the positive energies in the present moment that reflect the noted down feelings of the future you will head toward the path of the future. Each day you get to feel and then chose the path you want and this will help you become the CO-CREATOR of your Goal. 

Now its time to give it a try. Over the next week, keep a log of your emotions during the day and if those are leading you towards your goal of co-creation or if they are tending towards fear. Use your awareness every day to track the tendencies you have, the responses that come up. See where you can choose to experience something new that will lead you to your goal! if you feel blocked or stuck go back into your course work and figure out where the FEAR in moving forward might be. 

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What is High Self?

Understanding high self 

Football is a great analogy to understand your relationship to high self. There are so many vantage points to observe life - where are you watching from?

When you’re viewing from the quarterback perspective, all you see are the plays to score points. Sometimes you find your receiver sometimes you get sacked. In this vantage, it’s all about you. Your worth and value is determined by the immediate success or failure of each game.

Applied to daily life, you’re always playing a game, you either win or lose… and that determines your value. We’ll refer to this perspective as “The Ego”. 

Now you take a seat and look at the game from the 50 yard line. You see theres two teams playing the same game. You might have come to root for team A but you also get a thrill when team B makes a quality play. As a fan of the game, you appreciate a great play no matter the team. This gives you more perspective - it’s not all about your team winning, its about watching an exciting game. I mean - nobody likes a 0-42 shut out! 

In life, this translates to recognizing when you go into autopilot. Instead of making those predictable choices which lead to a boring life, you choose to take a leap of faith and experience something new. Let’s refer to this as “The Low Self”.

Moving up to the announcer’s booth, here you observe and narrate the game. You see good plays that remind you of epic games you’ve watched in the past. You know the scores will come and go, fame will trade hands, franchises rise and fall. Tomorrow you’re on a plane, this is just one game in the season, and it’s one season of many you have watched. 

This is when you become the witness of life. You are connected to the bigger picture, not fixating on the stress and redundancy. You reconcile the lessons and wisdom from your path. This is “The Bridge”. 

Now lets visit the nose-bleeds. This is actually the most evolved perspective in the stadium. You cant clearly see the game, you barely hear the announcer, but you anticipate the wave when it comes your way. Surrounded by thousands of other fans, you become another face in the crowd. And its hear that you can finally understand what it means to be high self.

An intangible experience that keeps you connected to the not just the game but everyone else playing and watching the game. When you reach this level you reach an understanding that nothing is separated from ego, to low self, to the bridge and high self. It is all one entity moving in time seeing from different levels of awareness. In this space when you see it all you become It all and take part in the unity of all being coming together as one for the ability

From this vantage point you know there is an ego but don’t get to attached.

you know there is a low self but you don’t get wrapped up in the duality..

you know there is a  bridge but don’t need to control how you will walk over it.

From here you can see it all, and be it all never losing site of yourself, but knowing you are just one drop in the ocean of experiences waiting to be played.

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What is Shadow?

The shadow self likes to play hide and seek.

Pretty deep huh? Well we all know what a shadow is in the literal sense - but in the spiritual community you’ll hear people say things like

Need healing? because of your shadow

Cant manifest? - work on your shadow

Spiritually blocked - blame it on your shadow!

People throw around this term, so what does it really mean? 

The first thing to understand is the mind decides what gets labeled as a shadow. your shadow “traits” might be from what you fear others think about you, or from parts of yourself you don’t believe are lovable. This comes from a lifetime of choices that led to outcomes you labeled as either positive or negative.

The shadow is the part of self that you think you are running from or keeping at bay, while the light side you want to embrace.

So think of the shadow as a bucket, where you discard these unwanted parts of self. 

The second thing to understand is light and dark create duality when it’s really just two sides of the same coin. It’s about loving both expressions of yourself.  It’s about learning to love the whole self.

So how do we work on the shadow?  It might sound too simple but it starts with love and acceptance. everyone has their shadow so it’s determining what comes up and how you want to move forward. self-love and compassion will make it ok when you have negative experiences that you want to put in the bucket, and give you time to be with what experience.

Everyone’s shadow sides are unique, different, and evolving. If the shadow bucket is outweighing the self-love, the result is an emotional breakdown, midlife crisis, numbing with substances - chaos will result. 

Don’t be afraid of your shadow. it’s really just a reminder there’s light all around you.

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What is Ego?


Rabbit - Text 1: Wanna grab lunch? 

Bear - Test 2: Think you can drag your ego out of that self centered spiral? 

Rabbit - Text 3: Whaaa? My ego?

Rabbit - Text 4: I thought ego was a good thing? It make me me, right? 

Bear - Alright Rabbit. Its time we talk Ego. Tell me, what do you think Ego is?

Rabbit - Ego motivates me to work hard, ego pushes me to be be my best. Ego gives me my identity!

Bear - Yes, that’s true. But Rabbit, yesterday I saw you tricking turtle AGAIN into a race just to get first place. You were craving that feeling of winning, and didn’t care about embarrassing Turtle. 

Rabbit - ((embarrassed/defensive …)) But winning is what its all about! Think of all the greats, all the champions. 

Bear - ((eye brow raises)) So how did it make you feel to beat turtle for the 10th time? What did you learn? Did you gain anything? 

Rabbit - Well, I guess I felt great! I love winning! 

Bear - Now Rabbit, take a look at what you are doing here. You keep creating the same experience! You are manipulating someone so you can get what you want, to feel how you want to feel. Its all about you and your ego here. 

Rabbit - ok so, what would you do?

Bear - You already know you can beat turtle in a race. So what about teaching turtle? What about sharing your wisdom in the race and helping Turtle? Then you become the master of your own ego, not a slave to it! 

Rabbit - Teach turtle? That could take forever! 

Bear - But how do you think it would make you feel to help Turtle? And how would Turtle feel? How do you think all the greats did it? By serving themselves? Or helping others

Rabbit - But I want people to know that IM the best! 

Bear - What happens when briar patch rabbit comes in and beats you in a race? If you don’t feel good enough just as you are, then you will have  bruised ego - and start chasing the win again.

Rabbit - (thinks to himself out loud) Imagine what everyone will think of me if I lose? 

Bear - You are getting a reputation for being a little cocky, Rabbit! It’s not about impressing everyone around you. Its about impressing your self! Everyone will naturally recognize how kind and talented you are for helping Turtle. In that kindness they will appreciate jut how great you are! 

Rabbit - hmmm, I never thought of it that way! 

Bear - You can allow your ego to serve you - to motivate you - but have to keep it in check. Otherwise you end up not even seeing how much you are hurting everyone around you - like turtle! 

Jenessee - Ego is representation of low self, a necessary tool to get you to feel and understand yourself … but you can’t serve the ego. Make sure your ego is driving you to expand, and enrich not only yourself but all beings - like turtle! 

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Grounding Into Your New Foundation...

 Slow & Steady Wins the Race

Hyper Root Chakra & Hyper Solar Plexus Chakra– When you have taken on a new role, a new foundation, a new life and things aren’t exactly what you envisioned and the view from your new position in life seems different than what you expected it to be – stay true.  Don’t fear or try to control what is happening around you, stay open to this new platform and how the energies are aligning to come in. Do not allow yourself to be tempted into changing who you are to meet this new adventure, evaluate your authentic self (meaning: what are the three things that make you uniquely you?) stay true to those things, don’t let this re-start, this new growth cycle dissuade you from being authentic otherwise you will create hyper Solar Plexus Chakra tendencies layering onto your new growth cycle discordant energy that will need to be released at some point (usually by negative circumstance).

Relationships – Take this new time, this new cycle, this new beginning in life to form relationships where you are not only the Teacher living and connecting to other one on one relationships through your divine expressive self, but also find your growth in allowing yourself to be taught by those relationships. Use your passion to facilitate the ever important inspiration those same relationships need to continue their grow cycle. This will bring out the teacher in both parties allowing each to grow together yet differently at their own pace.

Fortitude and trust in your intuition will bring more clarity and balance to the grounding of your new foundation. Aligning completely to the authentic self, the soul self, the high self will keep you balanced on this new path. It will take all of your energy and trust in the version of yourself that got you to this new path, do not fall victim to the HYPER tendencies of the Root and Solar Plexus Chakra (Laziness & Arrogance – stopping your from moving forward and possibly clinging to the ego self the one that operated from you position before the transition), Not clinging to the Hyper tendencies of these chakras will be your tests, proving if you are ready to align to this re-born, open, conscious version of yourself, or will illuminate where more work and release is needing to be done.

By grounding this new energy in a slow, and steady way you will create the SANCTUARY you have so desperately been seeking. Divine love and unlimited compassion await you on this new path all you have to do is ground into it with no Fear and complete Trust!

Follow Your Heart It’s Your Purpose...


Hypo Sacral Chakra – When you have pulled back from your partner, no longer sharing your complete authenticity and feel out of the flow of life you mustwitness that your heart alignment is off and you are not living in an authentic way which creates passive, emotionless energy veiling you from your true divine course in life.

Hyper Throat Chakra – Playing a role for another person and pulling back your emotions and feeling (hypo sacral chakra) will lead to constant and direct power struggles between your and their energy fields, this is where your energy has the ability to flow back to you. This return of energy is usually facilitated by the expressive throat chakra. When the hypo sacral energy (lack of passion, fluidity, creativity, sexuality, unity) has been in play for too long a surge of hyper throat energy will lash out helping you to balance the field you have surrounded yourself with, reestablishing your “authenticity – in part”. By declaring your non engagement in the balanced flow of the relationship and taking on a passive role you will confuse your position struggling to realize what your purpose is. This is the bounce between Hypo Sacral (being submissive, passive) and Hyper Throat (exploding like a bomb to reclaim your space)

The Fix – Become a witness to your life, no one is here to tell you what is right and what is wrong for your path, but constant flux between hypo and hyper chakras spins is no healthy way to live. It not only confuses your path, but also confuses the path of your partner. Become the witness who is present during moments of polarity and use your rational mind to figure out what you are missing and why you allow the cycle of unhappiness to repeat over and over creating the same outcome.

When All You Want Is To Be A Unicorn!

Why do we carry SHAME? Shame is the shadow side of the Solar Plexus Chakra and more often than not people begin instilling this into us during our developmental childhood stages. Early In life we are told who we are authentically is not good enough. We get compared to siblings in our family, we have parents trying very hard to instill social norms into our being. Don't shine so bright little one someone might see you and notice what you are doing - and oh my, they might judge or worse label us... why aren't we allowed to be Unicorns?

From a young age we are taught what we are is too much or too little, this is how we are taught to be a part of society and not something that doesn't fit in. When we are supposed to be grounding our authenticity into this world, most are pulled away from the  shinny brilliance of the unicorn and taught to be REALISTIC. This will allow you to connect better into the world they tell us, but who's world are we connecting to?

Archangel Gabriel teaches us that we are the creators of our own world. What you see is of your creation. Everything around you is the reflection of you, for you, by you. So what do you see? Is your reflection that of the brilliant Unicorn you were always destine to be? Or when you look in the mirror do you shame yourself because you have lost a piece of the magic. Don't forget that shame is something we allow ourselves to feel because we tell ourselves that who we are is not good enough. This narratives chorus will stop when you APPRECIATE yourself for the divine UNICORN you are!

What's Your Meaning Vortex Tree

In the moment when your intuition grabs your higher self and directs your attention towards OBSERVATION of divine manifestation in your physical world you may see a VORTEX tree.

A VORTEX tree is simply an area within nature where the matrix energies are coming in so strong, access portals open up and begin to affect the "physical" specimens that share their space. It is where divine tells its story to nature and nature writes out that story physically creating spiraling, twisting branches on a tree.

When you chakra column is in need of balance: when crown is hypo-under active and pulled back from full divine awareness and root chakra is hyper-overactive believing too much in the human constraints and restrictions limiting your 3D physical reality... Become the OBSERVER because this is when VORTEX tree is most likely to present itself in your path.

Sitting within VORTEX trees' spin will unlock the passion of the mind releasing the ARTIST within leaving one free of guilt to peruse their divine path. As well as downloading you with the fortitude to continue seeking your own authentic balance between reality and spirit.

Don't Fear Your Guidance Isn't Clear

Everything you perceive in this world is of your creation, the sooner you are able to accept this reality the sooner you will be able to see that all along what you though was a figment of your imagination was the creation of the vibration you needed to validated your divine path.

Having conviction to peruse those intuitive divine relationships will lead to your ability to receive clear and balanced non-ego controlled guidance that will inevitably lead you to trusting in your clairvoyance however it presents itself to you for review.

example: I was just thinking about birds so the fact that a bird came to me during meditation must mean my left brain created that image! -WRONG, be vulnerable and just go with it see what rabbit hole you fall down


What Does Divine Connection Look Like...


Until you are open and ready to RECEIVE, meaning you are vulnerable enough to tap into a world greater than your own self wants and needs. Your purpose will never clearly marry to your physical and non-physical relationships, bringing your life greater presence and action. These relationships surround you in your physical reality including the people you co-habit with, the co-workers you see daily, and the friends who keep you grounded. Your non-physical relationships include the divine team of guides, angles, ascended masters, and aliens you started your journey with, have transitioned into accepting along the way, and still don’t know exist. When the chakra column comes into alignment meaning you have released the limiting patterns that keep you trapped into a subjective reality that plays out in an unconscious way you AWAKEN into the full potential of marrying these physical and non-physical relationships to your higher-self, the one that remains divine.  

Find your CONFIDENCE by speaking your truth with full willpower and strength, and show DEVOTION to the community that surrounds you through performing your divine purpose (even if you are unclear of what that means) especially if you don’t know what that means, become devoted to serving the community around you, stop self-serving and become a part of the flow you so desperately  seek. This is where all of your clarity and perspective will be found.

When You're Looking For Validation...


Why oh why is it so hard to change the narrative of what's going on around you?

Divine is no longer quietly nudging you, but loudly and clearly sending you the message to step up and be the PIONEER of your own life. Start living from an authentic place of connection and begin expressing through your actions what you were always meant to do. Don’t fear what you don’t know or can’t see, stop being LAZY and accepting the status quo of your pattern. The unhealthy one-on-one relationships in your lives are blinding you, keeping you stuck living at a vibrancy of 5 when you were meant to live fully at a 10! Have trust, Dear One and if you can’t find trust in yourself call on Archangel Zadkiel who will bring into your field the energy of ACCEPTANCE. When you are to have bestowed upon you the energy to see clearly lean on OWL who sees all and clearly relays the perspective you have been to patterned to acknowledge and see.

Moving To The Next Level...


The rose is a symbol of our ability to connect to high frequency energy and interpret the guidance and messages held within. Holding a visual image of the rose in your mind while you meditate will allow your frequency to shift into that of a receptive antenna that can tune into the signals of your divine team.

The thorns are a symbol of the lazy human condition not yet ready to break free of limiting patterns and beliefs. It symbolizes the consciousness that projects and aura of stability and contentment when all in life has not yet manifested. The barrier between divine soul connection and detachment from purpose is the projection that life is figured out, mastered, and un-changing when you project a constant un-moving foundation there is no room to grow and barricade yourself into a reality that will shame you and present fear for thinking outside of that reality.

Steps to Connection: Become a Witness to your life, signs are ever present around you all one must do to see these divine synchronicities is to become present and allow the mind to accept that not all answers come married to a sign. Become Patience. Patience does not mean sentient in this case patience means you align your willpower towards your goal of divine relationship connection and then with detached patience allow the connection to grow stronger. During this time the more you can speak internal and external words of compassion the more Empathy you will allow yourself to have over not only your subjective world but that which you objectively perceive as well. This will harmonize the separation between what you want and what you have.

What Do You Do When Your Humanity Is Blocking...

Your Destiny?

Every spiritual seeker moves through different growth phases, it is important to remember that when you are required to change your perspective and see things from the next level on your path a reset will happen in your life where you are meet with obstacles that challenge your ability to stay connected to your authentic journey. "The lock out feeling from Divine"

Step 1 - Seek Your Freedom: Staying aligned to your self expression while you rediscover and move deeper into your authenticity is going to make your transition into higher planes of consciousness a more transparent reality. You do this by saying YES & NO clearly... When you don't feel like cleaning the house, don't clean the house "rest, play, create" when you feel like taking a night for yourself to explore a new experience, say YES and explore. There are no maybes in self discovery. Maybe covers up your authenticity, CLAIM YOUR SPACE/CLAIM YOUR DIVINITY.

Step 2 -  Call for Divine Help: Archangel Raphael is only a mental or verbal call away waiting to align you to the greater perspective of your situation. With clear intention his divine grace can help align your intentions and manifest your desired reality. Trust is required to step beyond the limiting human constraints of your situation, so have a little, and trust your clear intention will pull you through.

Step 3 - Don't Relapse: A sure way to stay in the trapped paradigm of limiting beliefs, patterns and failed outcomes is to lessen or move into a HYPO flow of energy in your solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus chakra determines our human experience and reflects our authentic nature as we have made it up to be. Moving hypo or less than, means allowing your confidence and earned self esteem over what your meant to do to be questioned and even blocked by your unwillingness to trust in the divine plan you have created.

Finally when you stay aligned to who you are on the most authentic level you manifest complete transformation to move into the expansiveness and collective connection of the divine heart chakra energy - meaning you are a conscious human connected to your divinity. 

Is Your World Filled With Colorful Peacocks...

What Do You See In Your Reflection?

Our one on one relationships reflect best what divinity we have and allow into our life. What labels do you place upon the one standing in front of you, what expectation do you hold against them, and what judgments do you place upon their path? Why do you focus so much on who they are, what their experience is, and what potential outcomes could come to be? Does the one standing before you reflect the peacock full of life, color, divinity and grace "or" do they represent a past, presence or future detached from the reality you envision.

The partner in our life that chooses to share this experience most closely with us is a simple reminder of the subjective world we are struggling to harmonize. When you judge the color, beauty, and connection of the peacock standing in front of you, denial and detachment crate an objective reality diminishing your ability to see they are only a reflection of your own connection. The one choosing to reflect our shadow back to us takes on the hardest soul contract known to humanity.

Arch angel Michael reminds us that like attracts like and that those who surround us are mirrors of our own subjective realities. Use your voice in a purified and clear way to create the reality in which you seek.

Find fluidity in your path to recognize that expectation and attachment will cloud the colors of the Peacocks standing in front of you. Consider your own passion and cultivate the creativity necessary to bring harmony to each individual moving through their own growth cycle. Learn from their reflection of you and do not attach your journey and growth to their path. See the colors of each individual and recognize they are here to help you find your own beautiful colors.



Listening to Your Crystals...

It is my belief that every crystal and mineral here on Earth has manifested from some divine source, just like you and I. Each with a specific purpose and talent just waiting to be unleashed. So how does one begin to listen to the subtle frequencies contained with in these beings of light? Communication can be easier than you ever imagined if you are willing to be taken on the journey.

Step 1 - Raise your frequency
Step 2 - Listen (in your own beautiful way)
Step 3 - Trust

Step 1 simply entails you asking the crystal to raise your vibration to match its vibration. Easy and simple. So easy one might miss the subtle cues they are connected to the mineral or gem being questioned. Begin to breath and let the crystal do the work. You should feel slight tingles along your body. Specific crystals and minerals may interact with your body in different areas. Stay tuned in and detached at the same time. Step 2 listen. Here it is important to listen in your way, some are clairaudient, some clairvoyant, some claircognizance. Simply be open to seeing, sensing, feeling, hearing and knowing into all things that come into your field once you start the link of energy between you and the crystal. Step 3 Trust. Your first instinct will be to distrust in the feelings you get, or the words that speak to you so remember you are a divine being with limitless potential - Trust in this.

Paradon, Coahuila, Mexico - $55

This stones energy will find its way into the Pineal Gland sitting in the middle of the brain. It seems to pull not only the left into the right connecting the human experience to the spiritual with in the present moment, but also works with the front and the back of the brain pulling the past and the future together into a singular moment for greatest and full perspective. This stone works with balancing energies within the Third Eye Chakra.



Listening to Your Crystals...

It is my belief that every crystal and mineral here on Earth has manifested from some divine source, just like you and I. Each with a specific purpose and talent just waiting to be unleashed. So how does one begin to listen to the subtle frequencies contained with in these beings of light? Communication can be easier than you ever imagined if you are willing to be taken on the journey.

Step 1 - Raise your frequency
Step 2 - Listen (in your own beautiful way)
Step 3 - Trust

Step 1 simply entails you asking the crystal to raise your vibration to match its vibration. Easy and simple. So easy one might miss the subtle cues they are connected to the mineral or gem being questioned. Begin to breath and let the crystal do the work. You should feel slight tingles along your body. Specific crystals and minerals may interact with your body in different areas. Stay tuned in and detached at the same time. Step 2 listen. Here it is important to listen in your way, some are clairaudient, some clairvoyant, some claircognizance. Simply be open to seeing, sensing, feeling, hearing and knowing into all things that come into your field once you start the link of energy between you and the crystal. Step 3 Trust. Your first instinct will be to distrust in the feelings you get, or the words that speak to you so remember you are a divine being with limitless potential - Trust in this.


This stones energy will create a looping figure 8 between the left and right ear. The purpose of this stone is to attune the owner to higher vibrational frequencies that can be heard through the ears, making the owner more clairaudient. This stone will help balance the Throat Chakra bringing harmony and balance to this energetic center.
