Blue Path Mastery Window #4 July 2022 - Root to Crown

Title: Blue Path Mastery July 2022 - Root to Crown

Description: In order to master one of the 77 aspects of the multidimensional chakra system you need to become very conscious at the level of your physical, emotional, and mental/spiritual bodies. We do this through the lens of the multidimensional chakra system. This month walk with Window #4 the Realist meaning you need to focus on being human and take care of business in this physical reality before moving forward.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:20 You are coming from Conviction Window #58 Recap (CH2)
00:55 Become the Realist Window #4 (CH3)
03:36 You are still Human (CH4)
06:55 Closing description and call to action (CH5)

CHAPTER 1 Intro to Blue Path Mastery In order to master one of the 77 aspects of the multidimensional chakra system you need to become very conscious at the level of your physical, emotional, and mental/spiritual bodies. We do this through the lens of the multidimensional chakra system. This month walk with Window #4 the Realist meaning you need to focus on being human and take care of business in this physical reality before moving forward.

CHAPTER 2 You are coming from Conviction Window #58 Recap Window #58 is the window of conviction. If you were experiencing conviction this past June you had an opportunity to make a decision that is most likely affecting your life experience this July. That means your spiritual opening is coming in by way of how you were thinking and feeling last month so what decision did you make?

CHAPTER 3 Become the Realist Window #4 To become the realist window #4 you need to get really grounded in what is happing in your physical reality. This energy has to do with the root chakra emotionally meaning to be grounded and the solar plexus chakra physically representing you.

CHAPTER 4 You are still Human You are still human meaning you can not avoid what needs to be done right now to preserve your body, finances, human connections. On the path towards enlightenment we like to think we can avoid the slower human agenda items, this month if you try to avoid these crucial things you will miss your opportunities for growth.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Check out Window #58 Conviction Check out Window #4 Realist Monthly Journey - Get it now Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android):

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Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493 https://membership.chakrasroottocrown... #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #april Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Timelines what are they?

Today we will explore the term “timeline”. 

You might have heard things like “changing timelines” or “choose a new timeline” … let’s find out what exactly that means. A timeline can be defined by a series of chronological events that happen across a span of time. This is a very linear approach, not taking into consideration all the events that could have happened. 

For example, when we are born there are infinite possibilities of what life might hold. (SEE BABY WITH ARROWS GOING OUT FROM ALL AROUND THEM) As choices are made, various timelines are selected to be experienced. Deciding to go to college or not, creates two different timelines. Deciding to take a job in another state creates alternate timelines. When you meet a romantic partner or get married, this creates a new timeline. In the multidimensional approach, it becomes apparent that there are multiple versions occurring of what we experience in every moment - all occurring at the same time. Our actions and feelings in this current moment are dictating the timeline we experience. 

The goal of understanding timelines is to realize there are always infinite possibilities to choose from. Our choices can be predictable based on our upbringing, values, obligations, and lots of other factors. BUT - it is possible to make decisions that step outside of the current timeline to experience something NEW. 

So why should we care about switching timelines? Simple. If you are unhappy or want to experience something new - you have to change your timeline. There are so many versions of reality simultaneously occurring, and at any moment it’s possible to make a spontaneous decision and change your reality. 

Try experimenting with small choices - take a different way to work, try a new path on your evening walk, call a friend you have been meaning to talk to for some time. These subtle changes to mix up a redundant timeline will awaken your intuition - allowing you to see the choice you might be missing by staying with the status quo

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