Repeating Patterns or Manifestation + Chakra Balancing

Title: Repeating Patterns or Manifestation + Chakra Balancing Description:

Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a REPEATING PATTERNS/PROGRAMS day, this is a COMPLETION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today could be a tricky day as many of the lessons you have been learning might show up to test you. Today recognize if you are in alignment to your truth as it has been revealed thus far or if you are sliding into old patterns.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #68 Manifestation. Manifestation is the physical Root Chakra (Foundation) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a connection between your purpose and your reality. Manifestation is what happens no matter what energies you are connected to. Just because humans use the word manifestation to signal something they are hoping to experience doesn't mean what you are bringing in is going to be positive. Remember we can manifest something we deem negative or dense because it is the quickest way to change our habitual patterns. Stay open to what is showing up today as you are an open channel between your purpose and your reality.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above around 9-minutes, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This chakra balancing is going to open a clear channel between your crown chakra and your root chakra aligning these two powerful energies of non-physical destiny and present moment destiny. When we no longer see duality in our life and live in the truth that every moment is precious and meaningful we no longer take for granted what is being gifted to us each day.


Check out Window Today's Daily Awareness Daily Tools - Start a Membership for FREE today Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Crystal Ally Kaolinite Quartz or Azumar Meaning



Crystal Kingdom, Kaolinite Quartz: Helping its user to find the natural joy in life, this mineral connects strongly to the element of water helping to constantly wash away the impurities of old traumas and negative patterns found trapped within the emotional body. Finding the freedom to ebb and flow with life’s natural tendencies kaolinite quartz, has sublime vibrations that send feelings of euphoria and happiness to all within its presence.


KAOLINITE QUARTZ or azumar.jpeg


Learning: Who you are today is a representation of your family dynamic. What abilities you posses can be attributed to your own journey through life. Whether you had a good or bad family experience doesn't matter, it is how true you stayed to your own purpose while you went through this phase that matters. Whatever is manifesting now will allow you to see where you went, and where right or wrong turns were made on your path.




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How to Manifest Using the Chakras


Its important to know how energy flows through your personal chakra system. My name is Jenessee and today we are going to review the downward flow of manifestation energy.

Crown Chakra – located about a foot above the head. This chakra is apart of your transpersonal energy system. This vorticy center becomes a portal of energy that connects you to the potential of living your most connected soul experience. A download comes in when something new is about to manifest in your life.

You know you are in the flow of crown chakra energy when things in your physical reality simply shift. Like being outside right before a storm hits. The atmosphere changes, the leave turn upside down, and clouds roll in. You don’t quite now when the storm will hit but you know its coming. This is the same energy we use to describe a “download” of crown chakra energy. Things in your physical reality start to shift. Things feel different, you don’t quite know why but you understand something is about to change. This is how we know we have received a new download into our crown chakra.

Third Eye Chakra – located in the brow center in the middle of the forehead – associated with the pineal gland. This vorticy center gives you the first glimpse at what this download might be.

After the crown chakra receives the download of energy it naturally moves into your third eye chakra. Here the energy will stay as long as it needs to for you to perceive and understand the many facets of how this energy could manifest into your life. You will play with this download in what we call a daydream state. You will fantasize about the potentials, you will visualize how it might unfold, or visually create the potentials. Inventors are naturals at this and so are you in your own special way. You are taking something that is destined for you and working through the details inventing the possibilities until you are visually satisfied with the results.

At this point, the energy will either move into the next phase of the flow or you may think the potential you just created is too big, too much for you to handle. Here is the first time in the process that you can let go of the manifesting energy and send it away if it feels like too much for you to handle at this time. Therefore it will always stay a “DREAM” and never manifest.

Throat Chakra – located around the thyroid area of the neck. This vorticy center gives you a chance to retool the blueprint that your mind designed.

We call the throat chakra the interviewer of your manifestation. Here if you decide this dream is one worth going after your inner voice will come to life and interview the crap out of what your mind has designed. Just like any corporate interviewing process your inner voice is going to try and find the hole in your vision. The throat will ask questions to the mind like this: how are we going to build this dream? What will we have to change to achieve this result? What kind of timeframe does this need? Do we have the money to accomplish this? Your inner voice becomes the CEO in charge of making sure the process is not only well thought out but has also covered all the human basis before it is ready to bring this creation to life. The new manifestation will sit here stuck in the interview process between the mind and the throat until the throat is confident all the right questions have been asked because the next step of this process requires all potential problems to be worked out ahead of time.

If the download and blueprint do not get approved by the throat chakra the new manifestation, your new soul potential will dissolve here at the level of the throat chakra, but if the energy passes the throat chakra interview it will get sent into the vault of the heart.

Heart Chakra – located within the chest and the actual human heart. This vorticy center becomes the vault or bank where the energy is stored until the human is ready to unlock it. Humans review and receive so many potentials all the time that work their way down from crown chakra all the way into the vault of the heart, yet only a few of these will ever be released into the physical manifestation process. (review video Greif for more on this specific aspect)

The heart is the vault because it’s where precious soul potentials go to wait for the high self and the low self to decide if it is ready to manifest. Consider this vorticy center the escrow account for your soul potential. In reality, we would consider this your akashic vault where coding for the human blueprint is activated, but that’s a deeper story for another day! Once the download goes into escrow your heart has to feel into the potential of what you are birthing. Like bringing any new manifestation into existence it should feel a bit scary but also filled with unlimited potential over how it can change and affect your life. Once the feeling becomes tangible enough the low self is woken up out of its slumber and now called into action.

Once awake the solar plexus chakra who is the boss of the human, the owner of will, the dictator of your physical reality will come to its rightful place on the throne of your human existence and start entertaining this new potentiality. If it is to scared to make the change the energy will be buried deep into the vault. If it can be convinced to spend precious human energy “willpower” on this new potential it will move into the next stage and the heart vault will be opened allowing the energy to descend.

Solar Plexus Chakra – located in the gut. This vorticy center will awaken only when its starts to feel sick with nerves surrounding the change that is coming connected to the desires of the heart.

The solar plexus will go to war to protect your human from having to entertain anything new. So here the great debate happens, the war of words between high self and low self. In the court room of your heart in front of the sacred vault your low self represented by solar plexus chakra takes a seat across from high self represented by throat chakra. Your inner world is now a battle field and your potential is the prize. Who will win? Great questions. Throat chakra has interview to death this new potential it has a very clear understanding of how this can and will change your life for the better, it has put its stamp of approval on the download and sent it to be received by your heart. This is your divine team in action. Yet the solar plexus chakra has been awakened and is now invited to have a seat at the table. It comes in as the last line of defense for your human energy field. It takes to the courtroom with a complete mental log pulled from your past experiences. It makes a case for the human using I statements that sound something like this. What if I am not good enough? What if I can’t do this? What if I fail? What if I quit? What if I leave? The solar plexus chakra wants the high self to remember all of the times it didn’t work out? All of the potential dangers. It is in self preservation mode and fighting using past experience to dictate your future outcome. The throat chakra responds using your internal voice like this: we can do it! You’ve got this! So what happens if we fail, we will have tried and if we don’t try we will regret this forever! The battle continues until someone wins. High self or low self. Do you trust your potential? Do you unlock the vault of the heart? Or do you run away because the change and circumstances are to scary to handle?

If the heart vault is opened your new potential descends and drops into the solar plexus chakra where the human receives a crazy amount of new found energy and inspiration to achieve this new outcome. If the vault is closed the potential becomes a heart desire that does not full express and will cause Grief and sadness when energies around this penitential are felt once again.

Sacral Chakra – located around the sexual organs. This vorticy center works inside and outside of you. The cords to your soul team exist here and will bring to you the people necessary for this new manifestation to come about.

The sacral chakra will activate once the energy and will of the human come fully online. Knowing that this new potential is now fully to reach the physical energy initiates and the cords to the people around you will get plucked into action. New friends and old friends will show up, partners will have opinions, everyone is going to have something to say about where and how you are spending your time now. When you accept such a big new potential into your life it naturally affects everyone you are connected to. These people will show up as positive or negative influences on what you are trying to create.

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888 Numberology

Meaning of 888:


Completion of a particular LESSON on that has been swirling around you during you for completion.

Number 888 is a powerful number as it carries the vibrations and attributes of number 8 appearing tripled, magnifying its energies and influences. Number 8 relates to self-reliance, reality, manifesting wealth and abundance, dependability, truth and integrity, self-confidence, discernment and good judgement, achievement, giving and receiving, philanthropy and serving humanity, and karma; the laws of cause and effect. 

88 - Numerology, Master Number


EIGHTY EIGHT - Signs & Meaning

  • Divine Knowing
  • Divine Manifestation
  • Magnetic Connection of Thoughts
  • Clear Channel for Manifestation
  • Alchemy Properties 

When 88 is present you are being shown that all that sits in your mental realm is being given a green light to manifest. This can also be a clue to review your through processes to make sure there is no ego attachment in moving forward.