Today COMPLETE a cycle and pay close attention to your body + Chakra Balancing

Title: Today COMPLETE a cycle and pay close attention to your body + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a COMPASSIONALT INTEGRATION day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. What are you feeling today? Check in physically; are you tired or energized? Check in emotionally; are you happy, sad, or neutral? Check in mentally; is the mind racing and full or clear and open? Today recognize how balanced your body is, how centered your emotions are, and how receptive the mind is... If you feel extreem in any of these areas today find ways to bring your consciousness back into balance. Take care of yourself today on every level of existence.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #8 Complete. Complete is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) and the emotional Root Chakra (Grounded). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid we are surly finishing big projects and life lessons. This is a root to crown connection meaning the energetic column is stretching from head to toe, earth to heaven! When completion energy shows up it signals a time when there is intense amounts of energy to complete whatever you have been working on.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation will have you anchor into the vertical plane and begin running intense amounts of energy from crown to root. Once you do this we will contract and expand the energy until you recognize what it means to stop your own flow. Practice and learn how to stay in alignment to the flow.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today through APPRECIATION great change will come + Chakra Balancing

Title: Today through APPRECIATION great change will come + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a BIG CHANGE day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Why not allow a quick and sudden course correction to assist you today. If you are open to the flow the flow might just shock the HELL out of you by revealing a new possibility (something behind curtain #2). Today offers an opportunity to see something differently and bring new energy into what you have been doing so allow the winds of change to come aboard and rattle things up today for the highest and greatest good of all.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #41 Appreciation. Appreciation is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) and the emotional Heart Chakra (Compassion). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid we are offered an opportunity to love ourselves and the journey we are on more fully that we have ever loved ourselves before. If appreciation is at the heart of everything you do, know that your path will always be blessed and guided by golden light. Today if you find yourself at odds with yourself remember your the only one who can truly hold yourself back or down, so stop the hate and find the love... You deserve it!

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation will help you see yourself in a new way. Send love to yourself in a way that only you can and hold it dear. Once you accept your own love it will be easier to give freely to those around you.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today your Relationships will help you to Complete more of your truth + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a COMPLETION day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today offers you the opportunity to complete something you have been working on. Because we are in a grand completion cycle this should be something pretty big... If you are still unsure of who you are, what makes you happy, or what you want in life... Today could help bring you more clarity and awareness as to where things are not right and you are fighting against the currents of life. This energy is going to have you let go of an energy that's blocking your truth so today be open to what isn't right or what's bringing you down.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #69 Receive. Receive is the physical Sacral Chakra (Relationships) and the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid get ready to learn a lesson from a close personal relationship. This could be a business partner, a romantic interest, or child possibly friend. Whoever shows up today know that they hold a piece of the puzzle for you and what you are trying to reconcile or understand about this NOW moment. When this window shows up there is potential to gain valuable information if you are open and willing to see the message. 

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation is going to fill your channel with your divine light and then feed this energy through you to those connections that are surrounding you. When you do this the energy can return in surprising ways. LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today burn down what isn't working and allow the CHANGE to happen + Chakra Balancing

Chakra Balancing Window 30 (Crown & Solar Plexus Chakra) Evolution

Title: Today burn down what isn't working and allow the CHANGE to happen + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a CHANGE day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today look forward to things shifting that you though were stable. Best case scenario something topples over today in an unexpected way and you get to clean up the mess! Seriously this would be a welcome addition to your day. The slow down signals time to reflect, the mess or break down signals something wasn't right, and the empty space it leaves behind could be the right opportunity for the change. Enjoy!!

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #30 Evolution. Evolution is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) and the emotional Solar Plexus Chakra (Willpower). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid it creates just the right mixture of energy and change to shift what you have been identifying and turn it into something (new, bigger, greater, different)... The high-self represents what you desire your pure/true self to be and the willpower represents the eternal flame to burn down what isn't right or in support of that which is your highest truth. Today become the phoenix and allow this deeply transformative energy to work from the inside out.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation will paint a picture of the 3D grid system and then have you tap into where you have identified within these fields. Once you discover the identities, burn it down until you are in a new place where regeneration and transformation can happen.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Blog: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today focus on the HUMAN tasks and don't get ATTACHED to outcome + chakra balancing

Title: Today focus on the HUMAN tasks and don't get ATTACHED to outcome + chakra balancing
(12 Planets eBook)

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a HUMAN day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today is a wonderful day to focus on you. What kind of tasks are you doing? Where is your energy going? What is life giving you and how are you working with it? Stay connected to your reality today and witness how you are in flow with all things and people or are you forcing and blocking the perfection of each situation?

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #67 Attachment. Attachment is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) and the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid in a SHADOW expression you are playing in the duality of what could be the perfection of this COSMIC PLANE. "Ok in English..." Crown Chakra perfection means you are open to anything! Your purpose, your next idea, the next hunch of inspiration and if you are truly open you will do it without question. When you block at this level your mind will cut in and do something like this... You think it would be cool to make grandmas cookie recipe right now, but if we did that we would have to find the cookbook, go to the store, brush our hair, get gas in the car and see that cashier that works on the weekends that we don't like... So lets just stay home and do that next week when we're better prepared... THUS loosing all FLOW and disconnecting from the perfect plan! SHADOW!

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation will align each level and layer of your chakra system to the 7 cosmic planes. Connecting everything back into divine perfection and allowing you to be ok somewhere in the middle ready to receive the next wave of inspiration.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Blog: Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today is DUALITY and DIS ASSOCIATION yikes! How to stay in the flow... + Crown Chakra Balancing

Title: Today is DUALITY and DIS ASSOCIATION yikes! How to stay in the flow... + Crown Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a DUALITY day, this is a RECONCILIATION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today is the day people! Are you ready to go toe to toe with a version of yourself that's been built up all year?!? If you have *perfect sight* today can be a truly beautiful time to witness how you have created an archetype to be or deal with whatever you feel you still lack... Ok enough, "mental fuckery" as a good friend might say! What does this really mean? When we don't feel PERFECT, we create a vision of ourselves that represents the PERFECT SELF then we strive to create a reality where that perfect self can exist, we spend our time trying to do things to create this world that we see the perfect self living in... THIS IS BULL SHIT people and will keep you a slave to a cyclical existence. Stop living for the tomorrow you and start being the TODAY YOU because it's the PERFECT one!

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #76 Dis Association. Dis Association is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) and the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet in the multidimensional chakra grid in a HYPER SPIN on the mental plane what happens is that your energy moves into a FUTURE potential that does not exist and disconnects you from what is really happening now. When we do this at the crown chakra level you chase your purpose, you create a dream reality that will always be just out of reach. When we find acceptance in what is and detach from needing to control where we are going, our perfect plan and flow will come to be. When we focus and strive for what we think is the perfection we will always be just out of reach.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of this video you will find the chakra balancing meditation. This meditation will tap you into the strong and steady flow of divine inspiration from the crown chakra. Once this flow starts there is no stopping it. Discover how to stay centered in this flow and don't try to control the circumstances surrounding you.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Blog: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #roottocrown #readers #psychic #channel #chakraoracledeck #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing #meditation Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today validation from signs should awaken you to high self messages + Chakra Balancing

Title: Today validation from signs should awaken you to high self messages + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is an INTUITIVE CLARITY day, this is a GATEWAY month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today is a great day to get validation on what the universe has been trying to tell you. Remember this is still about "new" or something outside of what you have been sensing so stay detached from what you think and allow yourself to perceive something bigger or greater today.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #19 Awaken. Awaken is the physical Crown Chakra (High-Self) meeting the emotional Sacral Chakra (Passion). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a shift in perspective that realigns you to passion (feeling/connection/people) that will get you back in alignment to your destiny (or the path for today!). Stay open to what you see, think, and know today as wisdom is directly connected to this energy and will come in clearly for you to process. Once received it's up to you if you are going to shift your lift towards happiness, passion, joy to truly experience the realignment that the "AWAKEN" energy holds.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation works from your crown chakra down! Moving trusting connections into your field today trust that what you need will show up and take action to help anchor this new awakening into your life.


Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today observe the signs and open your spiritual channel + crown and third eye chakra balancing

Title: Today observe the signs and open your spiritual channel + crown and third eye chakra balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a SPIRITUAL day, this is a GATEWAY month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today be completely open to everything surrounding you... I know this is in contrast to what we have been saying for awhile now, but today is a great day to intentionally play with being open and psychic. Remember everyone is psychic, we are all tapped into this interconnected web so today when you move into this knowing with open clarity and a willingness to learn you can understand what it might mean to move between the field of being too open and in perfect balance. Take notice of how you feel, what you see, what you want to do, and at the end of the day really take inventory, how fulfilled are you? All of next year we learn how to hone the skills we tap into today so observe if this could be a good new place to operate life from.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #63 Observer. Observer is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Third Eye Chakra (Intuition). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid we tap into a divine truth that can bring us information on the spot. This is a very psychic energy and can have you operating outside of grounded reality so make sure you don't disassociate from what's happening around you for too long. Use the energy of the observer to feel into something shifting, then intuit what you are tapped into and then let it go and come back down to earth. When you can master this balance the world will constantly bring you the answers you seek. WARNING: the next window #64 is Obsession, when the Observer becomes ungrounded it turns into Obsession and will distort your entire reality. This window requires the utmost respect for the individual exploring it, so stay balanced and grounded while working in window #63 today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will go right into your higher chakra column and open with intention your crown and third eye chakra. When we live through openness in these chakras we become a sponge for what surrounds us picking up on everything. The goal today is to be open to everything and stat to understand how this feels. Once this is mastered you can read and find balance within the shifting filed around you.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Blog: Sign Up for our Newsletter here: #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today concentrate on being human + chakra balancing crown and throat chakra

Title: Today concentrate on being human + chakra balancing crown and throat chakra

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a HUMAN day, this is a GATEWAY month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today get ready to flow with humanities stuff that's surrounding you. This day is all about staying in your own body and experiencing what's around you. Did you know that if you stay in the mental plane you are not fully embodied? This can have you bringing in energy and feelings that are not your own. When this happens your body will start to react, tingling, pain, itching, watering eyes, headache, body ache, numbness... These are just some of the symptoms of a person that is not living fully in their own HUMAN body. So today watch for these things to pop up and then close your eye and connect back into your body to clear and release what isn't yours. RINSE & REPEAT!!

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #72 Concentration. Concentration is the physical Throat Chakra (Voice) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it signals you are open to a new flow of information that can inspire you towards something new. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a psychic that could tap into energy and then know how to read that energy??? Spoiler alert you are, but no one taught you how to get the validation you need. Today is all about communicating what you are being inspired towards, when you voice what you think and feel it will amaze you at how people respond in similar and validate what you have been processing. If you keep all this information to yourself you will be prevented from manifesting what you want. When you are brave and communicate openly everything you are processing you get the validation that supports you and helps you to move forward.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation This meditation will open your crown chakra and empower you to stay in alignment to the energies you are connecting to. By running your purpose through your body and checking in on a physical level to see what's right and what's wrong... You can create a baseline for perfection in your world. Once you understand your baseline if you move off path you will know and can find your way back to center.


BLOG: Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today play red light green light with the universe & revisit something you already finished

Today play red light green light with the universe & revisit something you already finished

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a DO IT AGAIN day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today find the time to do it all over again. This time bring a new energy into what you are doing... What if today was the perfect day gifted just to you by divine saying, "Hey look, your heart wasn't really in this the first time and to be honest if we graded you on the effort you might not pass so here a little bonus day to see what you come up with..." Would you look at today differently if you knew it was a second chance to program something AWESOME would you do things you love, would you take some chances, would you engage with the people around you in new and different ways?!? I hope so, because that is what today is all about.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #52 Tolerance. Tolerance is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Throat Chakra (Self-Expression). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid there is an alignment that has you doing what you feel and acting in a way that expresses your truth, but you find that it is all supported by your higher truth. Today is a day where you get to run as fast as you can until you cant run anymore! So do you completely until you can't or you get stopped. Take a break and then run, run, run once again. Push forward as much as you can until something physically stops you, then get up and do it again. Tolerance & Persistence are the name of the game today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will tap into the crown chakra channel above the head and begin flooding into your awareness more of your divine self energy. Once the channel is open we will located the matrix grid around you and expand the energy of true self expression to what you get to play in today.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Blog: Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today get a piece of the puzzle you have been working on and transcend this ordinary existence

Today get a piece of the puzzle you have been working on and transcend this ordinary existence

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a PIECE OF THE PUZZLE day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today get to snap into place a piece of the puzzle that you have been working on finding or fitting into a place for a while now. This is one of my favorite analogies to use in Daily Awareness because it's so life like for anyone that has ever done a kitchen table puzzle before. You know what it feels like to search for that perfect piece for like an hour (looking for the right color, size, and shape) you collect all the pieces that could look like this piece into a pile and then rummage through one by one. This is what you have been doing this entire month!!! Everything has been about collecting this information, and putting into place what you really want... Today is the day you finally find that piece (physically, emotionally, or mentally) and get to snap it into the spot that has been empty and waiting this whole time. IT IS SO REWARDING!!!!

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #74 TRANSCENDENCE. TRANSCENDENCE is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates an end to one story and a beginning into a completely different one. Now think about the last book series you read. When you move into book 2 some things have to remain the same, but almost everything else changes. So what is that for you? Maybe the characters are getting an upgrade... Maybe the lead character gets a new mortal enemy to vanquish (?!?)... Maybe the quest has been completed and this is the in-between book everyone hates because it's so slow and all about character-building... The big picture is that some things have to remain steady while everything else evolves. That is what you are looking at experiencing today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will teach you a simple trick to call your energy back and raise your frequency. Once you perform this process we will move into an opening of the crown chakra. Here you can align to the next phase of your destiny.



Newsletter here:

Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today wrap up loose ends and look for the wisdom before moving forward.

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493
00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a WRAP IT UP day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today get your list of TO DO's out of your head so that you can be ready for the shift in energy that's about to happen. We are entering the review part of the month where everything we have been programming gets challenged and called out. If you can get ride of the WHITE NOISE in the mind meaning all of those little things that you have said "I will do tomorrow" or made a calendar note for.... YOU will enter tomorrow a lot clearer and ready for the review.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #70 Wisdom. Wisdom is the physical Solar Plexus Chakra (Human) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates an affect that has you the human feeling called feeling in alignment and understanding the bigger calling of your life. WOW what an energy! Window 70 can help you bring more of this purpose into your physical reality if your human landscape is open and ready for the next big shift.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation offers you an opportunity to create a wonderful connection between your identity and your purpose. When the human body is not in resistance to new information we can align in ways that keep us open and receptive for the next great flow of inspiration.


Check out Window Today's Daily Awareness Daily Tools - Start a Membership for FREE today Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493

Today redesign your reality and witness the kismet world around you

Title: Today redesign your reality and witness the kismet world around you
Oracle Deck Offer:

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a REDESIGN day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today how can you take a piece of what you have been working on and transform it into something new? The hope for today is that you look at what you have and see how things can change. If you are living 100% in your joy than leave things alone! If there is any room for more joy, love, or happiness in your life why not stay open? Your mind has been on overdrive this month and if it has been working in a direction that is taking you off your divine path you will be lacking these expansive feelings. Today REDESIGN an aspect of what you have been focused on to bring in more of the positive experiences you seek.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #73 Kismet. Kismet is the physical Third Eye Chakra (Mind) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates an intersection point where everything is PERFECT! The world shows up to serve your goals, people arrive with the answers, and live just seems to work out. Kismet energy is the energy of synchronicity and luck. When you are living in the flow of your destiny your mind can interpret the signs and turn then into tangible actionable steps moving you forward.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation has been designed to help you feel into your divine self while staying open to the awareness needed to create your reality.


Check out Window Today's Daily Awareness

Daily Tools - Start a Membership for FREE today

Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system.

Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Today program your reality while removing your disbelief + chakra balancing

Today is a PROGRAMMING day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today think about the reality around you being a 101010101 playground. Ok if you're not a coder this might not make sense so today I encourage you to look for what isn't working, or what's moving super slow (junk/old coding) and delete the program and build something new in its place. This is truly very easy to do in reality, but so often we don't want to stop things we have been working on and just let them go. In order for today to work you have to TRASH what is slow and fill the VOID with something you like or that works in its place. Do this today and you will program more of what you are looking for.


Collective Chakra energy Window #75 Spiritual Disbelief. Spiritual Disbelief is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a hyper energy that can trap you into old patterns or thoughts. When we deal with hypo spinning chakras its very hard to get out of the limitations we have created in our reality and we end up we are thinking less than we are or that we can't achieve what we believe is our potential. Today the energy of window 75 is strongly trying to pull you into DISBELIF that you can move towards your potential. Don't get stuck in this old energy. Clear your mind and trust that there is a new world building itself around you even if you can't see it fully yet.


At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation helps you verbalize and set intentions for what you want and what you are currently calling to you. Once this becomes clear we recognize that the path isn't always clear, but to have trust in what we are connected to can help us stay the course. Today illuminate the lighthouse and play within your potential.


Light & Love,


Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today is a new beginning towards while you master the Crown Chakra + Chakra Balancing

Title: Today is a new beginning towards while you master the Crown Chakra + Chakra Balancing

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a NEW BEGINNING day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. This is a new start! In my reality, the year has ended and we are in a massive incubation cycle until 2023 starts. This Q4 is the most potent time of the year to align and get yourself ready for what is to come. Everything you DO, THINK, and FEEL right now is in HYPER CREATION mode to bring you a reality that you are designing. October is about programming which means what you are thinking about will feed and create your reality of 2023 (7 your PURPOSE/SPIRITUALITY)... So be careful, you are a MAGICIAN right now your mind is your wand.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #77 Reconciliation. Reconciliation is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a master awareness of your divine design. This coming in today will help all of us to gain access to pieces of divine lesson plan that we have not had access to before. Today understand that what you are programming is being supported by your destiny. This is such a powerful flow of energy, expect drastic changes to start happening around you. If things are shifting now know that your mind might still be working out the details, but it is all for the highest and greatest good so trust in what you are connecting to today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above around 10-minutes, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation is about opening your crown chakra and aligning to the flow of your divine destiny. Today allow yourself to receive the activation that connects you to your purpose and accept the flow as it move into all levels and planes of awareness.


Check out Window Today's Daily Awareness Daily Tools - Start a Membership for FREE today Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493

Repeating Patterns or Manifestation + Chakra Balancing

Title: Repeating Patterns or Manifestation + Chakra Balancing Description:

Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a REPEATING PATTERNS/PROGRAMS day, this is a COMPLETION month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today could be a tricky day as many of the lessons you have been learning might show up to test you. Today recognize if you are in alignment to your truth as it has been revealed thus far or if you are sliding into old patterns.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #68 Manifestation. Manifestation is the physical Root Chakra (Foundation) meeting the emotional Crown Chakra (Purpose). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a connection between your purpose and your reality. Manifestation is what happens no matter what energies you are connected to. Just because humans use the word manifestation to signal something they are hoping to experience doesn't mean what you are bringing in is going to be positive. Remember we can manifest something we deem negative or dense because it is the quickest way to change our habitual patterns. Stay open to what is showing up today as you are an open channel between your purpose and your reality.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above around 9-minutes, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This chakra balancing is going to open a clear channel between your crown chakra and your root chakra aligning these two powerful energies of non-physical destiny and present moment destiny. When we no longer see duality in our life and live in the truth that every moment is precious and meaningful we no longer take for granted what is being gifted to us each day.


Check out Window Today's Daily Awareness Daily Tools - Start a Membership for FREE today Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system. Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android): Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Beginner's Path Devotion Window #71 August 2022 - Root to Crown

Title: Beginner's Path Devotion Window #71 August 2022 - Root to Crown

Description: The beginner's journey will help you get conscious about ONE aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. It is important to know how your chakras are working with you to create your reality. By focusing on one of the 77 windows you can start to understand how the different physical, emotional and spiritual aspects are working with you during the transitional energy here in August you will be working with the energy of Devotion Window #71

Root to Crown
(330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:42 What is the multidimensional Chakra System (CH2)
01:55 Physical & Emotional expressions of Window #71 (CH3)
02:33 Mastering the Energy of Devotion Window #71 (CH4)
07:00 What to look for this month what's the goal? (CH5)
10:00 Closing description and call to action (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro to Beginner's Journey The beginner's journey will help you get conscious about ONE aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. It is important to know how your chakras are working with you to create your reality. By focusing on one of the 77 windows you can start to understand how the different physical, emotional and spiritual aspects are working with you during the transitional energy here in August you will be working with the energy of Devotion Window #71

CHAPTER 2 What is the multidimensional Chakra System (CH2) Look at the visual depictions of what the multidimensional chakra system looks like and how each chakra appears on this 3D grid.

CHAPTER 3 Physical & Emotional expressions of Window #71 Physical Heart chakra connecting to the Emotional Crown chakra When you understand the power of Devotion you start to acknowledge that your purpose is calling you and the world is ready to have you live in this energy. So all you must do now is surrender to the heart's pull.

CHAPTER 4 Mastering the Energy of Devotion Window #71 Window 71 is the window of Devotion. During this journey with Root to Crown exploring the multidimensional chakra system you will explore what it means to connect the head and the heart. Using the physical expression of the Heart chakra and the Emotional expression of the Crown chakra you can walk a connected path this month.

CHAPTER 5 What to look for this month what's the goal? The ultimate goal of opening Window #71 is to follow the guidance of your heart. The heart is always connected to your purpose and when you become vulnerable to heed its call your destiny will find you.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.


Check out Window #71 Devotion

Monthly Journey - Get it now

Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system.

Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android):

Sign Up for our Newsletter

Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493

#jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #august #devotion #window71 #crownchakra #heartchakra

Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Coloring your way to Mastering Transcendence Window #74 - Root to Crown

Title: Coloring your way to Mastering Transcendence Window #74 -

Root to Crown Description: Coloring your way to mastering the windows is a process where you get to meditate through coloring using the chakra oracle deck image. These images are considered light language which is an encoded image that can assist you in moving forward in the opening and mastering the window you are working on within the multidimensional chakra system.

Root to Crown
(330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:45 Grab your favorite color & enter Right Brain (CH2)
02:01 Explaining the Design (CH3)
04:30 Start Coloring Window #74 Transcendence (CH4)
09:02 Coloring on Your Own (CH5)

CHAPTER 1 Intro to Coloring Coloring your way to mastering the windows is a process where you get to meditate through coloring using the chakra oracle deck image. These images are considered light language which is an encoded image that can assist you in moving forward in the opening and mastering the window you are working on within the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How we do this & enter the Right Brain Grab colored pens or markers and get to a quiet place. This process is going to help you uncover deeper meaning within the world of the chakras. Start by using a color you are called to or go for red for root or yellow for solar plexus.

CHAPTER 3 Explaining the Design Why are there two figures, why do we use the pointed energy field, and what is the lotus design for?

CHAPTER 4 Start Coloring Window #74 Transcendence Window 74 is the window of Transcendence. During this journey with Root to Crown exploring the multidimensional chakra system, you will explore what it means to connect back into balance which will help the connection point between the physical crown chakra and emotional crown chakra. Find the mastery in transcendence as you explore what it means to be connected to the next phase of your journey.

CHAPTER 5 Closing for Coloring Come work with us personally at Root to Crown where you can download the coloring sheets and explore more connected to this one energy.

Check out Window #74 Transcendence

Get a FREE Coloring Book now

Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system.
Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android):

Sign Up for our Newsletter here:
Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493

#jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #coloring #window74 #transcendence #crownchakra #masterchakra #blockedchakras Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:

Coloring your way to Mastering Devotion Window #71 - Root to Crown

Title: Coloring your way to Mastering Devotion Window #71 -

Root to Crown Description: Coloring your way to mastering the windows is a process where you get to meditate through coloring using the chakra oracle deck image. These images are considered light language which is an encoded image that can assist you in moving forward in the opening and mastering the window you are working on within the multidimensional chakra system.

Root to Crown
(330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:19 Grab your favorite color (CH2)
01:06 Explaining the Design (CH3)
04:43 Start Coloring Window #71 Devotion (CH4)
09:50 Coloring on Your Own (CH5)

CHAPTER 1 Intro to Coloring Coloring your way to mastering the windows is a process where you get to meditate through coloring using the chakra oracle deck image. These images are considered light language which is an encoded image that can assist you moving forward in the opening and mastering of the window you are working on within the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How we do this Grab colored pens or markers and get to a quiet place. This process is going to help you uncover deeper meaning within the world of the chakras. Start by using a color you are called to or go for red for root or yellow for solar plexus.

CHAPTER 3 Explaining the Design Why are there two figures, why do we use the pointed energy field, and what is the lotus design for?

CHAPTER 4 Start Coloring Window #71 Devotion Window 71 is the window of Devotion. During this journey with Root to Crown exploring the multidimensional chakra system, you will explore what it means to connect back into balance which will help the connection point between the physical heart chakra and emotional crown chakra. Find the mastery in devotion and make a decision that benefits your heart's desires as you connect to your purpose.

CHAPTER 5 Closing for Coloring Come work with us personally at Root to Crown where you can download the coloring sheets and explore more connected to this one energy.


Check out Window #71 Devotion

Get a FREE Coloring Book now

Download the FREE app to draw your daily card which will help you to understand and process the energies you are moving through in your CHAKRA system.

Download CHAKRA DECK app (apple): Download CHAKRA DECK app (android):

Sign Up for our Newsletter here:

Root to Crown P.O. BOX 432, AURORA OH 44202 INFO@CHAKRASROOTTOCROWN.COM (330) 861-9493

#jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #coloring #window58 #devotion #crownchakra #heartchakra #blockedchakras Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022:


You feel there is more you should want from life and feel there are questions you should be asking or wisdom you should be seeking. Yet, how can you, when everything just feels so right. Your attitude is one of contentment and completion. Cherish this time as it is usually a breakpoint in between big moves for a person’s evolutionary shifts.

The explanation above is one aspect of the WINDOW - if you would like more information purchase the WORKBOOK now to discover 19 more aspects for this one window.