Today play red light green light with the universe & revisit something you already finished

Today play red light green light with the universe & revisit something you already finished

Description: Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience. Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a DO IT AGAIN day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today find the time to do it all over again. This time bring a new energy into what you are doing... What if today was the perfect day gifted just to you by divine saying, "Hey look, your heart wasn't really in this the first time and to be honest if we graded you on the effort you might not pass so here a little bonus day to see what you come up with..." Would you look at today differently if you knew it was a second chance to program something AWESOME would you do things you love, would you take some chances, would you engage with the people around you in new and different ways?!? I hope so, because that is what today is all about.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #52 Tolerance. Tolerance is the physical Crown Chakra (High Self) meeting the emotional Throat Chakra (Self-Expression). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid there is an alignment that has you doing what you feel and acting in a way that expresses your truth, but you find that it is all supported by your higher truth. Today is a day where you get to run as fast as you can until you cant run anymore! So do you completely until you can't or you get stopped. Take a break and then run, run, run once again. Push forward as much as you can until something physically stops you, then get up and do it again. Tolerance & Persistence are the name of the game today.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will tap into the crown chakra channel above the head and begin flooding into your awareness more of your divine self energy. Once the channel is open we will located the matrix grid around you and expand the energy of true self expression to what you get to play in today.

LIGHT & LOVE…ALWAYS Blog: Sign Up for our Newsletter here: Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing

Today you are the Prophet now navigate how to change lanes smoothly

Today you are the Prophet now navigate how to change lanes smoothly

Title: Daily Horoscope & Chakra Balancing

Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system. In order to be living your purpose on Earth, you need to master consciousness at each of the 3-Human levels, your mind, your emotions, and your physical actions or choices. When these levels are not open and clear you block yourself from living your purpose. We will review one aspect each day to help you balance and align your chakras and consciousness so you can live a more full and expansive human experience.

Root to Crown (330) 861-9493

00:00 Intro description (CH1)
00:21 How and Why we do this (CH2)
0:59 Numerology for Today (CH3)
3:58 Collective Chakra Energy (CH4)
08:45 Closing description and call to action (CH5)
09:30 Chakra Balancing (CH6)

CHAPTER 1 Intro description Daily Horoscope will review the numerology of the day, month, and year and mash that up with a collective reading on one aspect of the multidimensional chakra system.

CHAPTER 2 How and Why we do this Frist, we will look at the Numerology of the month to anchor our intentions and see how we can use the energy to work with today. Second, we will look at the Multidimensional Chakra system and see what collective energy is working with us today. Third, we will move into a short chakra balancing meditation to open and work with your chakras today.

CHAPTER 3 Numerology for Today Today is a CHANGE LANES day, this is a PROGRAMMING month, this is a MASTER BUILDER | LOVE year. Today make some big moves and get ready to change things up. This is a day to throw a little something extra into the recipe and see how it turns out. If you can create a big move today or get out of the typical lane you operate from within you may be able to see things from a new perspective that can help you get out of the routine of life. Remember you can't make a wrong move in life so take a chance today and see what happens.

CHAPTER 4 Collective Chakra Energy Collective Chakra energy Window #60 Prophet. Prophet is the physical Heart Chakra (Community/World) meeting the emotional Third Eye Chakra (Intuition). When these energies meet within the multidimensional chakra grid it creates a powerful flow to help anchor your message here on Earth. Its a time to be heard and the people around you are ready to hear and show up for you. What are you waiting for, why are you still playing by other peoples rules. It's time to live in your truth without question. Be you and don't apologize for it. This will create a powerful supportive flow that people will gravitate towards.

CHAPTER 5 Closing Description & Call to Action Come work with us personally at Root to Crown. Our community supports seekers of all levels and we have multiple tools and resources for you to us while working with your chakra system. Download the app called the Chakra Deck and take a deep dive while watching our live RAW SHAMAN content.

CHAPTER 6 Chakra Balancing Meditation At the end of the video above, you will find the Chakra Balancing meditation that puts into action all of the energies connected to today. This meditation will help you draw forward those feelings that sometimes get pushed deep inside. Who are you really and why are you hiding this powerful truth. Today embody who you are and share it with the world.


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Root to Crown 199 Greenbriar Drive AURORA OH 44202 INFO@ROOTTOCROWN.VIP (330) 861-9493 #jenessee #numerology #energyreading #chakras #video #forecast #videoguidance #videotarot #readers #healer #psychic #channel #roottocrown #healing #motivation #chakrasroottocrown #inspiration #oraclereading #monthlyoracle #whatshappening #root #sacral #solarplexus #heart #thirdeye #throat #crown #roottocrown #multidimensional #chakras #chakra #chakrabalancing Root to Crown – Monthly Forecast Playlist Pinned Video Comment: Red Path Mastery June 2022: