What is Shadow?

The shadow self likes to play hide and seek.

Pretty deep huh? Well we all know what a shadow is in the literal sense - but in the spiritual community you’ll hear people say things like

Need healing? because of your shadow

Cant manifest? - work on your shadow

Spiritually blocked - blame it on your shadow!

People throw around this term, so what does it really mean? 

The first thing to understand is the mind decides what gets labeled as a shadow. your shadow “traits” might be from what you fear others think about you, or from parts of yourself you don’t believe are lovable. This comes from a lifetime of choices that led to outcomes you labeled as either positive or negative.

The shadow is the part of self that you think you are running from or keeping at bay, while the light side you want to embrace.

So think of the shadow as a bucket, where you discard these unwanted parts of self. 

The second thing to understand is light and dark create duality when it’s really just two sides of the same coin. It’s about loving both expressions of yourself.  It’s about learning to love the whole self.

So how do we work on the shadow?  It might sound too simple but it starts with love and acceptance. everyone has their shadow so it’s determining what comes up and how you want to move forward. self-love and compassion will make it ok when you have negative experiences that you want to put in the bucket, and give you time to be with what experience.

Everyone’s shadow sides are unique, different, and evolving. If the shadow bucket is outweighing the self-love, the result is an emotional breakdown, midlife crisis, numbing with substances - chaos will result. 

Don’t be afraid of your shadow. it’s really just a reminder there’s light all around you.

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