Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 4)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Heart Chakra (step 4)

This is where another huge shift in consciousness come in. At this level you fully release the need to be a singular identity or someone with an agenda that is here to serve the self and if you move into this knowing. Into the unity consciousness where everything is one and humanity is here as a collective you naturally have to slow down to allow for the release of the LOW SELF or what we call the guardian angel that directs the path of the human. Here you start connecting into the DIVINE SELF essence and allow HIGH SELF to be the main guide of the human path. (Before it was the human and low self that guided the journey) now you serve the collective of humanity. At this point my body needed time to catch up to the spirit and integrations needed to happen on all levels so I took the longest KNOWING vacation of my life. I didn’t push myself. I allowed my human wants and needs to rise to the surface and allowed the beginning of the end to take place. Dissolving the vial between (good & evil) (right & wrong) (black & white) everything became one and my physical reality completely shifted into a playground where I could do anything I wanted and experience anything without fear of separation. This is where I 100% released my control over life and fully immersed into living it with no Beliefs or sense that I had to control.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 4)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Heart Chakra (step 4)

Another year of depression came after the last expansion at step 3. Remember the qualities I am writing for you have to do with walking this level in the PHYSICAL reality. We can attain this level in the non-physical “subjective” consciousness which is a lot easier to handle than reaching it years later in your physical “objective” existence. (we have to experience these levels non-physically first to prepare us for when we reach them physically).

My experience Astral Projecting was so intense and explainable that I documented the experience "(wrote a novel in under a week) and then put that document on a shelf for a little under a year. I had no clue what I had just experienced and truly couldn’t comprehend even some of the things I had written down.

1-year later I am guided once again after the HUMAN path (meaning no meditation or little to no guidance or connection) to start traveling. I had always wanted to go to Arizona and since my guides were requesting it, I of course obliged. Not knowing why I was being asked to travel, I went to Arizona with the thought that I would take my “shelved” book and for the first time crack it open and start the re-write process.

Of course, this was NOT what ended up happening. This started the beginning of my next crazy amazing year of experiences (read here -> now)