Original Channel - Part 2 Woman

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Old Woman

Arriving to the staircase that had been passed by earlier, I make my way up to the secondary level where the tubes are contained. It seems like the elevation of this second floor matches that of a bell tower in a large church. This second floor is open to the ground floor below with only floating walkways creating the floor of this level. These walkways reach from one side of the building towards the walls of the opposite side.  The staircase used to get to this point continues on to another floor above this place I now stand. Looking up and then across the hall I decide it is here that my journey across this thin scaffolding of a walkway should begin.  

Moving across the arched walkway towards the opposite side of the castle I find these walkways are shaped just like the ones leading to the main entryway below. These walkways must be what create some of the architectural detail that can be witness from below. There is a soft yellow light that illuminates everything within this place and it gives most objects a golden sheen that appears warm and inviting, even the arched walkways on the first floor can be seen by means of this glow. Following the path I arrive at the wall of vessels. Thankfully the walkway turns into a wide path that runs the entire length of the wall to the left and the right of me. This walkway seems to sit atop the first floor architecture. I can sense that there are more rooms that lie behind this wall of vessels and it is here while contemplating this thought that I encounter my first being from this planet.  

The being is very tall and is cloaked in a type of cape, the features are fuzzy to me and I can’t completely make out what I am seeing. There is a green glow that emanates off of his body and it seems as if he is holding something in the shape of a clip board. At least that is what it appears to be from the manner in which he is holding onto this item. He appears to be engaged in making notes or taking inventory. Gliding towards me he doesn’t say a word and simply follows behind me as I make my way towards the path on the left. When I was on the ground floor of this place I felt a distinct pull towards one of the vessels up here and I know it was one of the last tubes along this path on the far side of the building.

Walking almost all the way to the end of the path I find my tube. It is the third tube before the wall of this great castle. As I step in front of this glass cylinder it to emanates a yellow colored glow just like everything else in this place. I see what appears to be the body of a very old, very tall woman. Covered in loose skin and wrinkles with long flowing hair I feel an immediate connection to the body within this cylinder and instinctually place my hand on the bottom of the tube. Having traveled to this place in my comfortable five foot two form from 2015 I seem to be at least three feet shorter maybe even more than every other inhabitant of this planet.

The tubes are anchored like museum pieces onto the walls. Half the cylinder is visible from this side of the wall which means the other half must extend out towards the back side of this wall. As I make my connection to my body from this space and time I turn around and look at the individual who has been quietly following me down that walkway. His arms are relaxed down at his sides and he appears to be ready to engage in a conversation. It is clear to me that this individual is here to watch over the tubes. His sole job is to insure the tubes and there inhabitants are kept safe and maintained from a proper return.

When a being is asked, or decides to freeze their body on their home planet they are doing this to allow their soul to travel elsewhere and learn necessary function, skills or knowledge to help sustain their original planet or to fulfill other lessons determined by the individual in suspended animation. Knowing the state of emergency this planet is in, I ask the being why I chose to freeze myself in this tube at such an old age. Looking at the case to the left and right of mine, the bodies seem much younger than mine and I wonder why I was frozen at such an old age. A voice begins to speak softly in my mind. “The people on our planet live for a very long time. You were chosen to travel due to your length of time on this planet and because of your knowledge and memories. You have seen our planet progress into its current state and this makes your experiences very valuable.” I think to myself, so I am the story telling elder who holds the secrets of the past. With a pleased node the being approves of this connection. Next I ask the being to show me what will happen when I chose to come back to my body in this tube. Without moving from our place on the walkway a video begins to play in my mind. I begin seeing, sensing, and feeling what it would be like to have my soul rejoin my body on this planet.

Standing in the room behind the cylinder wall I see the back of my glass tube separate from the front as if on hinges and lay out horizontally. My once suspended body falls onto the reclining back of the tube as it separates itself from the front piece. Here gurney like tables sit aside each of the cylinder tubes. As the cylinder opens my body is moved onto this gurney for further awakening. As the process continues the gel surrounding my body turns to liquid and some type of plastic is laid out to encase my body. I feel breath and life transfer back into my being as there is an instant jolt in the body lying on the table. With this the individual working on my body peels back the layer of plastic covering me and I begin to reestablish a connection with all of the bodily functions within this rediscovered vessel.

 Flash forward I see my reanimated body is walked up a set of stairs that exists behind the wall of cylinder tubes. This stairways leads up to what feels like a war room or situation room where a debriefing is held. The room itself is filled with a thick blackness that makes it hard to comprehend exactly who is with me. There are phosphorescent lights that highlight different areas of the room and make it appear glowing in certain spots. Standing in the front of the room I feel memories of incarnations flood into my field of awareness and I begin to layout the pieces to the puzzle that I have collected while out traveling the universe. In this room I am not aware of anyone surrounding me yet I know there are people actively listening to my stories. It is as if this room is completely detached from what I know the rest of this palace to be yet it feels very known and comfortable at the same time. After telling my story the movie in my mind begins to fuzz out and I am again standing with the Sheppard of the tubes.

I begin to realize my role within this planet. I feel inclined already to share my stories yet know it is not the time to rejoin with my body here in this space and time. I ask the being for more understanding of what my past was like here and what memories I hold from this planet. He waves his hand and speaks in my mind to go beyond the protective shield of the castle to see what has come of this place. Following his suggestion I find my way back down to the ground floor of the castle. Moving out the main entryway I find myself crossing the arched bridge of earth and stone I originally used to cross into the castle. I move onto the path that holds the melted grass and find the perimeter of the iridescent bubble of light. It is here that I begin to play with the bubble of light. Projecting my arm outward through the bubble I can sense a change in the field outside of the bubble. Shifting my arm up and down I decide to step beyond the shield into the scorched settings beyond.

Upon first glance it appears that a great fire has burned through this planets landscape leaving dehydrated ground with black singed marks upon its top most layers, I feel a radioactive quality to this whole area which lead to the inability for the inhabitants to use this part of their planet. I see beings as far as the eye can see sparsely scattered amongst the landscape gliding along the terrain plotting out different destinations. As I watch these being glide around the countryside a video begins to play out in my mind and I see a space and time on this planet where this land was different and resources were plentiful. I see habitation that supports that surroundings and things seem inhabitable and pleasant. It is here that I feel the desperate need of the inhabitants of this time and space to exponentially grow their civilization. During this time when things were balanced the inhabitants of this planet sought out more ways to grow and develop their race. I hear the word nuclear power and see the beings digging to the surfacing massive crystals that had been lying dormant beneath the ground. By experimenting and connecting these two great powers the beings create a disturbance in their planet where a fracture is created within the ground and the power the discovered became too great to manage. This discovery unbalanced their environment and caused some tear in their ozone and lead to scorching sun and radiation on their planet.  

Crystals being a source of great power for these people they developed the ability to create fields using the crystals frequency, this discovery protected them from the solar flares and lead to the creation of only a few cities that could be encompassed by a singular monolithic crystals reach. I am pulled back to this current space and time and can see different groups of beings searching the landscape beyond the shield of the crystal. I understand that they scour the landscape trying to source more crystals buried within the planets many layers. These beings appear to be wearing a crystal around their neck, most likely protecting them from the harming frequencies surrounding this unprotected terrain.  They are using only their bodies to locate the crystal energy below the crust of this planet. It seems each has a pattern and walks from marker point to marker point creating a map of the underground energy. This in some way will be used to help plot out a safe path to create more protected space for the inhabitants of this planet. Everything here seems to be in need of repair and re-growth. Resources have been depleted and the beings hang in the unknowing balance of what comes next. The cycle of regeneration is far away and the inhabitants here search for ways to fix the damage that was done by the greed of its people to find more power and energy for their own continued use.



Original Channel - Part 1 Castles

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.


Castles in the Sky

Upon first glimpse the experience of this new planet seems serene. The setting is equal to that of my vision of heaven. As I begin to walk down a dirt path I notice there are patches of grass that seems to have a plastic like Astroturf feel. The blades of grass seem to be long and rubbery and lay in funny directions as if they have been pressed down by a hot iron to melt onto the earth below. I can see a brightly lit rainbow colored sky above. The sky radiates in multi faceted iridescent colors that look like the inside of an alabaster shell. Shining down from above there is a constant ripple of rainbow light that dances within the setting of the sky above.

As my view of the landscape broadens I can see off in the distance there is an impressive castle that lays a ways down the path ahead of me. From this distance the castle is so impressive it looks as if it is scrapping the bottom of the sky. It is as grand as the largest mountain I have ever seen. The castles exterior glistens with a whitish pink color that catches the light of the sky and makes it look as if the walls themselves are undulating. Moving with the grace of a third dimensional being I lift one foot after the other and begin to walk down badly dehydrated and splintered dirt road.

The road begins to turn into an expansive dirt covered ledge as I make my way towards the end of the path. I can now see that the only connection to the land that this castle has is a large bridge like walk way that extends from the cliffs edge towards the castles main front entrance.  Made from what appears to be ground and stone it looks as if this arched walkway protrudes out from the side of the cliff and hundreds of feet away connects to a piece of floating land that the castle sits atop. I find myself questioning the physics of this entire set up as I begin to walk the path to the castle.

Every step taken on this narrow bridge allows my mind time to witness the castle in more detail. Many mental comparisons are conjured to explain what this castle is made of. It looks as if someone has taken wet sand and allowed it to fill the walls of this castle, even the top of the castle appears to have been made from a child’s hand. As if the child sat above the castle and let globs of wet sand go to get the tops to reach even higher than before. There is beauty and organization connected to how everything falls within the structure, but there is also randomness in the design. I get a deep knowing that there is crystal work at play here and feel that this entire structure is made from the particles of crystals. This is what must be giving it this undulating, moving feeling.

Walking off the final steps of the path and landing on the floating island I find the bottom level of this castle is pretty welcoming to anyone coming off of the path. There are no doors or barriers to go through to get into this building simply enough there are opened arched breezeways moving right through the center of the castle that lead to the castles main entrance hall. Following this breezeway I find myself in the expansive great room. There are stairways moving up the sides of the castle to upper levels and there appear to be different rooms almost like shops that sit off of this main entrance hall. There are many beings now floating all around me. Everyone seems to be in a hurry as they glide past me in every which way not even acknowledging my presence. As I stare at the glow of the inside of this building and try to imagine everything it is used for a massive rumble reverberates through the island shaking it to the core.  All beings freeze in place momentarily and appear to be holding their breath. I witness there concern as the loud rumbling slowly comes to a stop. Immediately after the loud noise the quickness and pace of all surrounding this area picks right back up to what it was prior to the interruption.

Very curious to know what just happened I decide to move towards the back of the castle. Before the noise happened I was going to explore the upper levels of this majestic place, but after that incredible noise I feel the back of this island might hold more clues as to what is going on. As I make my way to the back of the castle I pass more of the same, expansive open doorways that lead to presumably other rooms and large sprawling ceilings. The interior of this first level has the feel of a great cathedral with all of the angled ceilings and ornate entryways. Everything is striking and due to the size of this entire building one entire cathedral could fit into a singular room within this palace.

The rear of the castle opens onto a great balcony that looks off the backside of the island. Hundreds of people could fit onto this platform with comfortable room on all sides. As I move out onto this balcony I see directly behind the castle is a huge waterfall. This is no typical waterfall if old Christian topographers were here witnessing this they would have claimed that this was the edge of the world. This is Niagara Falls great, great, great, great grandmother. There is no stream or perceived source feeding this water it appears as if the water simply spills out of the sky beyond. As I look more closely at this scene I see the iridescent rainbow colored sky almost pucker at this point of the waterfall. As I begin to take in the sights more fully now I can see what appeared to be an iridescent sky really looks like the rainbow colored markings you see on the outside of a soap bubble. As this new image settles into my mind I now look around to the left and right of the castle and can see what appears to be a bubble protecting the castle, this rainbow color is not the sky after all its some form of protective shield.

Scanning to the left I can see off in the distance another castle it appears small from this vantage point which must mean it is quite a distance away. I get the sense that there is a third one somewhere out there, but cannot see it from here. My mind races as another large rumble moves through the landscape. I hold myself still until the planetary groan subsides and then find my awareness getting pulled from outside of my body to what lies beyond the bubble. Being an inter-dimensional traveler to these planets has its benefit as my body is able to project wherever it needs to be to gather the best information. My conscious awareness now floats atop the bubble shield from here I am able to see the full view of this planet. I can see what appears to be a scorched landscape. I see a bright star quite like Earths Sun lashing out solar flares towards the planet’s surface. The bubble below protects a portion of this planet from these solar strikes. I see the bubble below take the shape of a kidney bean surrounding the three castles only able to protect that which resides within a radius of the castles walls.

Returning my conscious awareness back down to the balcony of the castle I begin to wonder what could have lead to the devastation on this planet. What happened to the people here in this place and what is the meaning of my visit. As I begin to question these things my mind returns to the visions of landscape I was first introduced to. There were no trees and the land seemed to have been intentionally cleared. Next my mind gets pulled to the massive castle structures and I understand that the beings here are extremely evolved. They must be fifth dimensional to have created such structures and to have the abilities I have already witnessed. Then there is the waterfall that seems to be coming from some porthole with no beginning and no end. I wonder where all of the resources from this planet have gone. Getting an immediate answer in my mind I hear, “Yes, the resources have been used and there is little hope for repair.”

As I begin to walk back into the grand entryway my mind gets flooded with an image of the level above this ground floor. I see what appears to be the perimeter of the entire second floor of this building and see beings in tubes held in a thick liquid freezing their bodies in suspended animation. Quite like what I have seen before on other planets I am drawn to a corner where I know a specific tube that holds what use to be my body from this time and space. I feel the enormity of this planets problems now sitting on my shoulder and have no clue what I am supposed to do with this information.

Original Channel - Part 4 Class

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

Crystal Fields Revisited

Upon completion of my visual experience on the history of the Earth and its inhabitants, my brother catches my gaze and instructs me it is time to go back into the crystal fields. I quickly adjust myself from a cross legged position within the middle of the floor so that I may stand up to follow him. Seeing this movement he begins to adjust his own body from its relaxed leaning position within the door frame. The entire time he has been patiently waiting for me to finish and now he seems to have intensity to him that I have not yet perceived. Proceeding down the hallway to our left hand side we exit our room and move towards what appears to be another stairway. As we come up to a large curve in the hallway I can tell we have made it half way through the back side of what appears to be this massive structure we reside within. The stairwell descends downwards away from the front open part of this learning place and is covered just like the rest of them that we have previously used.

Walking behind my brother his auric light is a lime green color it pushes outwards form his body a few feet in diameter and gives me just enough light to see what surrounds me. I take a look at my own body and see I glow with a yellow color.  How funny we must look walking side by side one another. As we descend the two stories downward onto the ground level once again we are projected out into the crystal fields this time at a much different spot than before.  From this vantage point I can see we stand almost directly in the middle of the fields there seems to be equal space to the left and to the right of me. I see within my mind’s eye that these fields are shaped like a horse shoe and we currently stand at the back of the arch. If we were to go to the left we could find our way to where we once were within these fields and to the right would be uncharted territory.

The crystal field is enormous. Surrounding the backside of this once great lake, it feels as if it goes on for many miles in each direction. The field is completely cloaked within an underground chamber that lies behind the lake opening. This to me appears to be the horse shoe shape I perceived in my mind’s eye. As my brother and I move through this space once again he begins to talk to me about the crystals and their importance in the success his people’s lives.  I watch my brother as he becomes contemplative and nostalgic about the story he is about to tell. His hands clasp behind his back and his head dropped as the first words exited his mouth.

“What you just saw was a record of the evolution of history from your time to ours. You witnessed how this planet and its inhabitants have evolved to survive and stay connected to this place called Earth. Our generations are far apart and much evolution had to be made to bring us here today. As the first Earth changes began to happen and the Earth began its purging process our resources became very limited, people had to once again adapt to living off of the Earth. This was hard for many who had lost their connection to the environment and no longer understood how to be in harmony with their surroundings. Many left this plane unwilling to make the necessary changes to stay and help ground the new energies coming in. This purged many beings from this place into other timelines. Thousands of years went by and generation after generation had to simplify to understand yet again how to live off of the land and make do with what was available to them. This is about the time when the dragons came to be, with the dragons much changed in the environment and new cycles of growth could take place. During this time we were forced to go underground. This is when the people began to create colonies of underground communities to live and thrive in. Once underground we made the discovery of the crystals. While living with the crystals our people acknowledged that less food was consumed, less water was needed, and more vitality was gained. The crystals became our food and sustenance and overtime our physical vessels became more attuned by the power of the crystals that surrounded us. We found by connecting with these crystals daily that our body would become strong and our connections to other life forms not living on this planet became clearer. Through these other worldly connections we were given information and education on how to live, build and cultivate our community to be in harmony with all things now on this planet. The crystals guided us in all ways to become more in lined with our newly found connections. We no longer need food or drink to survive. Our physical vessels are sustained by our daily interactions with these crystal fields.” Pausing briefly to look at me brother lifts his head, smiles in my direction and continues on with his lesson.

“Daily our people walk through the crystal filed and open themselves up to the connections waiting for them. Some days they will not receive a connection from the field yet most days a connection will be made. There is no forcing what happens, some days our bodies get tuned up by the crystals energy other days we receive guidance and direction, and other day we are meant to go our own way. We hold no expectations from these crystals as we have come to learn that their power will connect with us when the time is right for both parties involved. We move through this filed open are ready for whatever guidance may come.  That is how simple our life has become. We move in harmony with our world and with our people, and this brings balance to all aspects of our life.”

I begin to think about the crystal dome I witnessed surrounding this encampment and wonder how and what this shield is used for. My brother hearing my thoughts sends me a combination of knowing, mental pictures and words to help me understand that what I saw was the perception of the force field basically created by the crystals energy. Having so many highly attuned crystals in this spot created a field of energy that is perceivable in the fifth dimension. If I were to have seen this from the third dimension I would have seen nothing different than the outlying landscape. What I was seeing was the natural energy this place of learning holds. I then get propelled into a vision of the inhabitants raking the crystals and wonder what exactly this act was about. Again my brother sends me the answer as soon as my mind is open enough to receive. The raking is the process of harvesting crystals that are ready for use yet again. When an inhabitant makes a connection with a crystal the crystal will indicate if it is to stay exposed after use in the crystal field or if it needs to be buried in the ground for regeneration. If it is time for a crystal to regenerate it will ask to be buried in the ground after use. When individuals walk the paths of the crystal field they may be called to harvest crystals from the ground that are ready to resurface. This process brings balance to the Earth, the crystals and the people harvesting them so many when they hear the call will take time to resurface those that have been energizing below the Earth surface.

I allow my mind to wonder to my life in 2015 and this message of 20300. I see how important the connections to crystals have become for the people of Earth in 20300 and see how this has been a constant influence in the time space of 2015. I recognize how my own timeline has brought me many crystal allies that I work with and use for healing, connection, attunement, and transcendence of my physical time and space of 2015. Even transcribing these encounters I hold with me pink azeztulite and celestite. I wonder now if there is a chance at harmonizing with crystals before the time space of 20300 so that the inhabitants of Earth do not suffer so much drastic change in their upcoming cycles of life.  What is the purpose of these connections into 20300 will there be a chance to heal before the transitions happen?


Original channel - Part 3 Learning

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Place of Learning

Standing with my brother on top of the cliff overlooking the valley below I catch his movement as he waves me back towards the platform and says, “Let’s go to the place of learning.” We move on to the platform side by side and I begin to feel the familiar rush of pulsating waves of energy as things begin to change in my body. As the light becomes intense around us my brother grabs hold of my hand and we are propelled forward into the fourth dimensional tube of light. Seconds later we materialize in what appears to be another partially underground city. Seeing this massive structure from the outside it appears that the inhabitants who settled here created this place of learning within the natural formations of layered rocks. The place of learning is open to the outside world, yet has a large dome of light that creates a semi circle shield around the top most part of the exposed areas. In comparison to the first underground city this city has no cover of ground between itself and the sky and landscape above. This place of learning is mostly contained below the ground level yet remains open to the world above and covered only by some transparent shield.

The city itself seems to be the remnants of some great body of water. It seems that at one point in time a large lake or stream could have once filled this underground chamber. Now all that appears to be left are colossal yellowish tan colored flat rocks that give the internal city its shape. These rocks protrude out of the bowl shaped cavern they lie within like chips protruding out from the walls. As if enormous stepping stones these flat rocks move from deep within the walls of the ground they are buried within and project out towards the middle of the city. Each rock creates a different layer that creates the different levels within the city center. Like the previous city this space also appears to be about three or four levels deep. Inside it is stone, dirt, rock and tunnels where just outside of the dome it is lush, green, overgrown and majestic.

 As we manifest our bodies onto one of the platforms inside of this structure we are immediately pulled into the hustle and bustle of what is going on. If this is called the place of learning I would have to compare its energy to that of a college campus. There is lots of action and everywhere there is something going on. It is organized and these indigenous beings seem to understand where everything is and what is happening. Like ants in a nest there just seems to be some understood current to what is happening. My brother leads me off towards the right where there appears to be an enclosed pathway. We begin to walk down the side of one of the large platform stones which takes quite a while to find our way off of. Once out of the center of this city we find ourselves in front of a large stairway. This stairway has been carved into the ground stone and is covered like a tunnel. It appears that behind the exposed multi layered stones of this city there are also passage ways or tunnels that lead to enclosed spaces that travel through the covered ground of the city.

Our trail leads us to choose between two paths. Directly in front of us is a staircase that moves upward towards one of the higher stone levels. The other lies off to the right where there appears to be another tunnel that seems to move in a direction that buries itself deep within the ground floor of this structure. Of course we move towards the darker of the two paths and begin our decent down a long dark tunnel. As we begin to walk the length of the tunnel, lighting becomes dimmer and only a faint glow can be seen from the auric light surrounding our own bodies. Our path begins to open up to a field of underground mines, as we walk our light now reflects off of crystals that line the sides of the path. There are carved archways that randomly appear to our left and our right. This underground structure appears natural and seems to have been made overtime. There are many different avenues to choose from yet we continue on our current trajectory not veering to the left or the right. I can see people down here using tools that look like rakes. They are using these rakes to harvest what lies beneath the dirt. There is a calming essence to what they are doing, almost as if what they do is a part of some sacred ritual.

My brother stops in front of me and takes a seat amongst some very large stalactite outcroppings. He now sits on one side of the path we were just walking on. I remain standing in the middle of the path as he tells me to find a location to rest. As I take in my surroundings I see the entire breath of this underground mine. The stone surrounding me takes the shape of a large spider web. So much of this stone has grown in arched pathways with openings through it that the entire area seems to have once been solid and now appears to be many tiny rooms with holes and patches moving through it. There is another man very close to us who is raking the dirt path to uncover what lies beneath. I see him bend down a pick up the crystal he had just uncovered. After close inspection he places this crystal on a clear spot on the stone in front of him. He then returns to raking. I find a spot on the opposite side of the path so that I can be facing my brother. Using one of the manufactured stone walls to lean against I cozy myself into this spot amongst the beds of crystals.

My brother begins to tell me that the crystals here come from all over and have many different abilities. Some can connect us to our brothers that live in different spaces and times outside of this planet. Others help us to heal. Some can be used for food and others for their light. As he speaks about the crystals he picks one up from beside him to inspect and then places it back down again. I am told that some are of this planet and others have been sent or placed here to assist us in our journey. They are all powerful and have very specific functions. I ask how one knows which crystal to use since they all appear to be very similar? My brother explains that there is no need to know what crystal to use before connecting with it all one must do is open up to the connection and the best bond will be made at that time. He instructs me to open myself to the crystals surrounding me. As I begin to let my guard down and open up my field to all that surrounds me I began to feel an immediate pull towards the front of my body. As I opened my eyes in this space I saw a singular crystal illuminated and I saw a direct line of energy connecting back into my solar plexus area.

Once the connection was made my brother seemed satisfied in what had been accomplished and we both shifted ourselves up from our sitting position. We followed the same path out of the mine that we took in and found ourselves right back at the foot of the original staircase. This time we chose to take the path of the stairs. We begin our assent upward towards the second level of the place of learning. Here at a lookout point we stopped and noticed we could see out towards one of the large stone platforms within the middle of the arena. There was a large congregation of beings that had come together on this second platform. The all sat facing the same direction and a loud mixture of chanting and humming could be heard. As I observed their practice I inspected each of the individuals I could see. In the previous city I felt mostly male energy here although most of the beings looked very similar I could perceive the energy of both feminine and masculine energies.  I received instant knowing that the city we visited before was one where these beings resided it was more of what you would call home. I saw these individuals in some of the rooms that could be considered living spaces and found them without any comforts we would expect in 2015. These beings seemed to be content with a space empty of any personalized touches. The space was a dirt room enclosed on three sides and that was it.

Here in the place of learning it seemed these individuals would come for an opportunity to connect with their community in a different way than had been previously expressed. This area seemed to be a place of learning, gathering and mixing of all genders. After viewing the beings and understanding what needed to be learned by their presence we exited the stairwell and moved down the path into a chamber on the right hand side. This chamber was quite interesting as it appeared very different than most we had previously encountered. The room seemed doubled, as if two rooms sat one inside another. The inside room was octagonal in shape and had long narrow slits in the walls. The outside room seemed to be a circular room. The two rooms seemed to be able to spin opposite of each other, or at least this is the sensation that began as soon as I walked within it center.

As I entered into the room my brother chose to stay propped up against the door frame. He encouraged me to go and take a seat in the center most point of the room. I was told this was a library and from here I would understand the history of the people. As soon as I sat down the room began to spin and shadows began to dance on the walls. I watched as the scene playing out on the walls became more and more vivid with every spin of the room. Sitting in this center most spot I felt almost still as if everything around me spun faster and grew more intense yet my position here in the center was calm and unchanging.

The shadows were simple enough, one picture created a page of knowledge inside of my head. Within a singular flash I understood what seemed like a millennia of information.  The first shadow I saw was that of Earth in the time space of 2015. I saw what appeared to be the continent of North America and saw cities like New York and L.A with their huge buildings and large populations. From here the image got animated and the world spun very fast, the large buildings and cities crumbled down to the ground. As the world kept spinning almost making an orbit around the room I got pulled to the large continent of Europe mostly the country of Russia.  I see now shadows of cannons pop up along Russia’s borders, this happens along with soldiers pointing bayonets outwards. All at once they begin to shoot towards Asia, South Africa, and North America. I see devastation take out many inhabitants of people all around the world. From here I see the Earth go through massive clearings and changes as tidal waves cover the coasts and earthquakes devastate fault lines, volcanoes erupted and the Earth begins to fall apart. This is when I see the shadows of the Dragons fly in from some far off place. They begin covering the Earth in their fire. From here comes a regrowth of the Earth. During the time of rebuild there were many that went underground to live and this is what created the dynamic of the underground cities I am seeing to this day. I see man in his most primal form trying to rebuild a civilization as it once was and coming to understand that part of the lessons to his past was to learn to simplify and connect in different ways to the Earth and the energies surrounding him. This is where simplicity was created and a development of highly attuned higher dimensional energies became understood. Over thousands of years the transformation took place to grow into the coulture I see before me in this time and space of 20300.



Original Channel - Part 1 Tree

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Tree

Imagine you are standing next to a mature Redwood tree, visualize the depth of the Redwoods bark see how the bark resembles that of a dry river bed where lines of water that once were now remain empty and dry. Now envision a mature Oak with its dehydrated and knotty bark.  The Oaks bark resembles the face of an elder whose time has come, each line an expression of the moments they have had with other human beings. Imagine for a minute these trees can pollinate one another creating an altogether new tree one that has the depth of the Redwood and the dehydration and color of the Oak. The unworldly quality of this tree comes from its clear and transparent center. The bark curves and cuts into and out of the tree like a worm making its way through the dirt. These designs make the tree seem hallow or empty on the center like the bark is supported by an empty tube within. When looking at the tree one can see completely through the other side when following one of the intricately carved designs. Choosing to lay a hand on this tree would not only allow you to touch the texture of its bark, but with care and creativity one could even angle their hand and fingers just right to push through the open maze and out to the other side. This is one of the trees of my home plant, and this is the first thing I see once the fuzziness in my eyes adjusts and the world surrounding me becomes clear.  

As I begin my approach towards this tree I can start to feel my body pulling towards the empty spaces within its center. Every electric part of my being wanted to jump out of my skin and into the tree ahead. My consciousness had a heightened awareness to the tree and like a magnet my body received the call. Once close enough to touch the tree the body I resided in began to literally meld with the tree. Placing a hand onto the tree my awareness started to fill into every open space until a singular form was created. Tree and Being had united. My awareness no longer held any shape of my human like body it now fell in step with the tree and just like that I became the heart, mind, and body of the tree. Any passerby would have seen this tree and noticed a tree with a glowing and luminescent center, not open and clear like I had previously witnessed. The combination of our two parts created a pearl like white shimmering light that filled in between bark and the inner tube of the tree.

As the connection of my light body was made with the form of this tree my inquisitive mind went silent and I no longer had wants or needs that were my own. I found that I could not move past a strong longing sensation that was connected to a dyer thirst that this tree held onto.  Then in unison with this feeling I heard the tree speak to the part of me that remained individual. The feeling was so gentile yet strong.


As if in some symbiotic conversation with the tree I knew what it wanted before it asked yet I felt it ask me as if still separate from itself. Questioning the tree back, I asked.

“Has it rained yet over your plot of land?”

To this the tree replied.


This must be the reason for the amazing thirst I am feeling. At this request I found I had acquired the awareness needed to peel my light body away from the tree and found I had the ability to direct my energy towards the clouds above. As my light body found its way into this new relationship with the clouds I asked in the same connected yet separate way that I did with the tree.

“Clouds, can you help gather the moisture from the air below and share a rain to help hydrate and nourish the trees below?”

Without question or pause the clouds obliged in their non-sealant way swelled up with just enough moisture to provide rain over the tree and landscape below. I could feel a great amount of energy cultivate around my light body as the cloud I remained connected with began its work. As this interaction between cloud and tree was happening I found myself reconnected with the tree by a simple flick of the mind. Drinking deeply the tree held a deep appreciation for the rain and moisture surrounding its long and established root system. While the trees roots absorbed the water and continued to drink, I felt it appropriate to ask how and why I was being given a staring roll in this event? Finding my own words, I spoke from my mind.

“What does this mean and how is this even possible?

Classic, the thought is a beautiful one when it remains in my mind, yet when spoken out loud they always seem to come out so uncensored and emotional.

Through this one question my light body pulled away from the tree and collected itself into what felt like a human body once again. After fully connected to myself I heard the calm, warm and reassuring voice of the angel in my mind.

“Jenessee. You experience this now to help remind you. There is a disconnect happening at this exact moment with the people who reside on planet Earth.”

With this one statement I could sense the singularity amongst humans and a disconnect from the trees, wind, fire, water and light that surround them.

“Jenessee please understand that in order to have complete balance and resonance with the elements of your Earth humans have to remember, they must begin to connect with all the living parts of nature to ensure that balance and harmony prevail. The simple gesture of placing a hand on a tree to feel the vibration and depth of its energy can have harmonious effects for both tree and human, yet the connection is so distant that humans no longer seek this connection to nature. They have lost the need to feel the energy held within its body. The balance between all living things is necessary to create a home that is balanced and suitable for all, yet as your race distances itself from this connection this connection distances itself from you. Both losing concern for the other.”

Thinking for a moment, I take my time to respond as I need to visualize what this voice is saying.

“So our ability to interact with nature simply by being around it can help reconnect our energy to our Earth? This will begin to balance out the changing frequencies of our planet allowing us to live harmoniously with nature?”

“Yes.” The Angelic voice replied.

“In order to keep your planet in harmony with all of its inhabitants you must continue to keep a connection to all things that surround you. As humans become more occupied by the constant impulses of their mental bodies their vibration changes and they go through a detachment of their physical surroundings. Their energetic fields are more ridged and not in a state of coherence and this blocks the subtle yet calming outside impulses and vibrations from nature.”

Before I respond to the warm voice in my mind, I mull over everything the Angel just said and put it together in a way that I think makes sense. Not wanting to fail this important first test.

“So what your saying is that humans end up narrowing their intention to that of the mental body and focus on things that are not within our environment, we think of things that are from our past or coming in our future and this takes our energy out of the earth and places it into a different vibration that makes it difficult to manifest what we want and need and this keeps us from being completely present with what is surrounding us?”

“Yes Dear One, You Understand” Said the Angel.

The warm flow of energy disappeared and the voice pulled away. I took this time to admire the presence of the tree and review all the lessons it had chosen to bring my way. Head tilted downwards my body folded and found its way towards the ground below. Sitting down now comfortably with my back propped up against the tree and its old yet knowing bark I lifted my right hand and began studying it carefully. Wiggling each finger and finding a freedom of expression between each digit my mind began yet again to review the lessons of the tree.

One finger now protruding outward I repeat to myself. The importance of the tree is to find balance and harmony with all living things that surround us in life.  There are times when our mental bodies are too active with thought and we project into our field thoughts and ideas that distract us from the present moment landscape. To be able to find harmony and balance with nature humans should be able to begin opening their mental bodies back up to the present moment and allow this intuitive nature connection to flow through.

A second finger now protruding outwards, I repeat point two. This is about the tree being a symbol for our ability to be present and open to the needs of the energetic field surrounding us. The tree is calling to us to feel into the field surrounding us and listen to the call of what is needed not what our mental field has contrived to keep us distracted. The tree asks us to release our agenda and open ourselves up to receive that which is of our highest importance in this time and space and to move forward with patience and understanding before we make decisions. Listening to the deep wisdom our ourselves and our surroundings.

Completing this memory exercise on the ground floor next to the tree I feel another energetic connection begin to happen between the tree and myself, this time the energy starts to engage through my back body which is currently being held up by the trunk of the tree. All at once as if the tree itself energetically grabbed me through my mind I am now filled with thoughts of the people of Earth. I can see and feel how closed off humanities minds are to the subtle impulses surrounding them from nature. The tree shows me a vision of a wise old man who walks with openness and patience. I feel how this man is being guided by destiny. This wise old man keeps his mind open and clear he does not hang onto the thoughts floating into and out of his mind he simply sends these mental impulses towards the environment which surrounds him. The wise old man does not seek out his destiny he allows his destiny to find him and if the answers do not come he allows the mental impulse to leave his field. I watched this wise old man walked slowly with hands and fingers interlaced behind his back. As he approached a row of ducklings he did not allow the mind to review knowledge and of their breed and question their placement in his path, he simply opened his mind to the oneness of all things and allowed the feeling of love and acceptance for them in his journey to fill the air. I could see that this man felt a part of his surroundings, the environment was his mental field.  By allowing the environment to be his mental field he was witnessed by his surroundings and found peace in his journey. He’s existence was validated and his destiny continued to unfold in the most direct and guided manor.

I mentally grab onto what felt like the trees life fore with the part of my awareness that felt individual and separate.

“I get it!”

I say this as a big smile lands fully on my face. 

“The wise man in touch with nature is a part of our calling on Earth. We are being called to open ourselves to the oneness of the planet Earth and allow all things to guide our path for greatest achievement and success. The ability to completely balance ourselves within our field will inevitably align us to the bigger picture. It is all possible if we can simply open our mental field to receive the subtle impulses of that world that surrounds us. We must let go of our narrow focus and self-controlled directives and allow our path to present itself to us when we are ready. By holding onto our mental field we shut out the simple connection with Earth and all of the divine wisdom it holds. We must be pliable and be willing to melt into our surroundings and feel trusting in what is presented.”

Stopping for a moment to reflect. I say the next part out loud, which I now understand is completely unnecessary as the tree and I are connected through much stronger cords.

“Just like you and I did!”

Now back into the symbiotic exchange.

“Our Earth is here to support us, and by connecting our energy back into it we can help keep our frequencies aligned with one another which in turn will allow all energies to grow in a harmonious way together instead of creating separation.”

A sudden warmth takes over my entire being, I now know this to be the connection to a loving and trusted being, in this case the tree. No longer do I have any sense of individuality, but feel expansive and grounded. I breath and feel as if I am drinking through every tree lining this landscape. I feel and understand the wisdom and depth of each of these trees. I finally let go completely and become more connected finding that I am everything and nothing at this precise moment in time. It feels more right than anything I have ever known.

Orignial Channel - Part 5 Cave

(Unedited / Straight Travel Record) - Book includes 2nd visit with Remote Viewing recap to dive deeper into each world experienced from FROZEN SOUL perspective.

The Limestone Cave

The icy water glass slips from my grasp crashing towards the ground with a loud clattering sound that only shattering glass can make.

“Are you ok?”

Johnny is watching me with a very inquisitive look on his face.

“I don’t know? It must have been the condensation. I wasn’t really paying attention. I think it just slipped.”

The boy’s conversation over gofers and sticks immediately stops and new exciting energy over the glass shattering takes its place. Both boys jump up from their seats on the stone and eagerly move towards the glass.

“DON’T MOVE!” Both Johnny and I yell in unison.

Johnny holds an arm out blocking both boys from edging any closer to a potential ER visit. I cautiously gather all the visible glass chunks off the steps with my skilled and focused fingers, while Johnny explains the importance of being careful around danger to the two wide eyed boys. It was my job to collect all the glass into the broken cup, once this was completed I moved with an urgency that only a bare foot disaster could present. Running down the stone steps towards our garage my goal is to find a broom and sweep any remaining glass into the planters. Getting to the garage the temperature is cool and surprisingly feels better than expected. There is a light sweat across my brow and my heart is beating abnormally fast. Making my way around the grey 2013 honda minivan I can see the assortment of rakes, snow shovels, brooms and random wooden creations in the corner of the garage. Climbing over toys, balls, and two by fours I see the end of the garage start to pull away from me. The broom which was only a foot away now seemed to be at the end of a long distorted hallway. Every step closer seems to add five more feet onto my adventure. Turning around my exit route is now shrouded in complete darkness. Switching views back ahead of me towards the broom I find there is no path to move forward. There is nothing, but dark, cool air. At this point I freeze in place, feeling the heaviness and pressure settling onto my chest. My breath becomes labored as I notice a warm glow entering at what appears to be the top corner of the room.

The warm colored energy now fills into my chest and I can no longer feel a tightness or pressure when breathing. As a matter of fact, it doesn’t feel like I am breathing at all, and surprisingly it feels quite alright. I feel wonderful, like time has stopped and my body is in some kind of suspended state.

“That’s right Dear One, you are starting to acclimate to the process.”

I am not sure what just happened, but there is a voice talking to me somewhere from beyond the darkness.

“Who are you?”

“I am one of the twelve guides, leading you through this journey.”

The voice speaks again from somewhere beyond my line of sight.

“Why can’t I see you?”

I ask outwardly to the darkness.

“When your heart, mind, and body are in alignment you will begin to perceive my energy. When these elements of you are not in alignment you may simply hear me, or feel me, possibly sense me, or dream about me. There are lots of ways you will be in connection to me, but only when you are relaxed enough and in full alignment will you actually visualize my energy.”

In a strange way this made sense to my mind. I moved into acceptance over the fact that I was talking to a voice in the darkness and asked.

“So what am I supposed to do now?”

At this request two beams of light shot into the room and physically touched my shoulders. This created waves of intense energy that started pulsating through my body. I felt my questioning mind let go and my body felt like silly putty stretching into a length twice its normal size. When my body couldn’t stretch any further something let go and I went flying like a sling shot into a dark tube streaked with white beams of light. Climbing invisible mountains only to free fall straight down the tube of light I was ridding within felt like a ride my sons might chose to ride at the local fair.

The beams of white light all at once slowed down, stopping some of the disorienting visual images I was seeing. Time itself seemed to slow down and the inner designs of this wild ride revealed itself.  An oddly familiar door presented directly in front of me and with this the two glowing lights standing on either side of my body lifted what appeared to be glowing arms. I took this as an encouraging sign to move forward. Feeling safe I stepped forward not knowing what lie ahead and through the door my body went.



Underground the air is thick, sticky and moist. My eyes can immediately detect that I am within the walls of an enclosed cave. Everything is scorched in a warm reddish orange, copper colored light. Standing in the middle of the enclosed walls everything seems to be coated with a layer of damp glittering wetness. The breath I am not sure I am actually taking into my body, but mostly acting out, seems like it would pull a thick damp wet air into my lungs. Letting my senses acclimate to the darkness I find myself standing at the last step of a descending stone carved staircase. Behind me I can perceive only the faint opening of light atop the stone stairs, in front of me there appear to be two distinctive paths that lie within my immediate vantage point. Both of these paths are illuminated by the glow of a pale green colored light. Like a movie theater with lighted isle ways, the glowing seems to be emanating from just below the surface of the ground. Knees bending, I reach my hands towards the slick stone floor where I tilt my head ear to the ground to get a better sense of what is beneath me. Realizing that there is running water moving and churning under the stone, I asses it has to be an underground stream! Standing up again I see the cavern up ahead has a distinct fork, hiding the final destination with dark bulging cave walls. It is here I realize I have a choice to make which path to take. One path moves towards my right and the other towards the left. A heavy darkness surrounds the path to the left, the only light illuminating either way is coming directly from the in ground stream and mostly on the right hand side. Feeling an intriguing pull towards the path on the left hand side my body physically aligns itself towards the path on the right and my expedition continues. Glancing back towards the darkness on the left, my body has already started moving towards the coper colored walls of the illuminated path, so this is where I focus my energy.

The luminescent green glow continues to animate my path as its light seeps up through cracks in the cave floor. I can faintly detect my path turning into a small reddish orange stone catwalk. Turning to shuffle sideways I brace myself against the left side of my footpath where I can feel the cool embrace of the cave wall hugging my backside. Face looking towards the horizon I am scared to look down for fear of unbalancing myself. Shuffling left foot next to right my path now follows a completely open face stream. From the depth that I can perceive I assume a side by side comparison would show the width of the stone catwalk mirrored exactly the width of the stream, neither being very large in size. Systematically passing around a few twists and turns the walls of the path and more so that of the catwalk begins to open up wider revealing what appears to be a large final chamber. Now comfortably looking down I can see that the stream has turned into a rounded pool, taking the shape of the end of a thermometer. Steadily taking in my surroundings I can see past the pool is an inwardly curved vertical wall that appears to be the signal of the end of this passageway.  Moving gingerly around this final chamber upon closer inspection I can see that this final wall is a large grid, like a big chess board. Each square of the grid holds a large crystal. Each crystal seems to be a Herkimer diamond meaning they have double pointed ends. One end has been stuck into the wall and the other end is visible protruding outward in the direction of the stream. My eyes run over each of the crystals and I can see they are of different clarity and size. The crystals are placed within the grid almost touching one another, but with enough space between to pull an individual crystal in and out if needed. The grid itself seems to have been masterfully constructed. Now looking at the cave set up in its totality I intuitively think that this gird might be a circuit board of some type.

More curious than ever I walk back over to the stream, it seems the green glow does not come from the water, but from the stone that makes up the basin of the stream. As the pale green stone come more fully into view an instant realization takes hold an I known this is lime stone. Thinking to myself now.

“Does lime stone glow?”

A rush of warmth flows into my body and takes away the damp coldness that I had seemingly gotten used to.

“Hello Dear One, have you enjoyed your exploration of the Limestone Cave?”

Startled my body finds complete stillness. I see no person and hear no echo of a voice within the cave walls. This voice soft and gentle just spoke seemingly into my right ear from the inside out…

“Jenessee, feel into the air that surrounds you.”

Frozen in place, I noticed that my body went from receptive too protective. Not feeling threatened by the voice, just surprised I took a moment to soften my shoulders and open myself back up to the cool air of the enclosed cave. The first thing I noticed was the crystal grid on the end of the cave. As my body directed itself towards the crystals I now stood directly between the end of the stream and the crystal wall. My defense melted away and a strong buzzing sensation moved through my body. The hair on my arms stood straight up and I actually became a bit nauseated, feeling strong currents of energy move through my being.

“Why do I suddenly feel sick?”

I asked the voice.

“The structure you find yourself in has been created to harness energy.”

The reply came.

Feeling my body again I could sense the energy in the air. My ears could also pick up a subtle churning sound coming from the moving water, there was also a hiss or a release of bubbles or steam that was happening just below the surface of the water. Harnessing energy seemed to make sense.

“Your body is interpreting this correctly. You are perceiving the cycles of the water that push through tiny holes within the limestone rock. This creates natural currents of energy that get sent to crystals within the grid. You could consider this space a “power plant” that has the ability to generate the necessary energy for the beings residing within the city above.”

Moving into a visual experience, I could sense the inhabitants above this cave descending the stone steps and retrieving the crystals from their placement within the grid. As if this grid was a battery charging station. The beings would come to retrieve newly harnessed energy crystals and replace old used crystals that had been drained of their energy. This day dream felt like a suitable understanding of what I had just mentally witnessed. With this I gave myself an approving nod of the head.

“Hold on Jenessee, there is so much more for you to understand. Close your eyes and ask to be taken to the purple flowers”

Closing my eyes, I did what was requested of me.