Crystal Ally Golden Tektite Meaning



Crystal Kingdom, Liberian Gold Tektite: Inspiring confidence this frequency will help one to go after goals and co-create and manifest a personal potential. Helping the shy to break free of their shell this tektite is great for stimulating the mental centers for better awareness of situations.

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Learning: You have a strong support system of caring relationships around you. These people have afforded you the foundation to achieve your own personal success. Be thankful for the grounded attention and care these people have given you. This attention has allowed you to aim higher than you would have ever imagined possible.




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Crystal Symbolic Meaning Index

1. Mica (click for more)
2. Master Shamanite (click for more)
3. Golden Tektite (click for more)
4. Bronzite (click for more)
5. Amethyst (click for more)
6. Apophyllite (click for more)
7. Pink Calcite (click for more)
8. Bismuth (click for more)
9. Nirvana Quartz (click for more)
10. Amber (click for more)
11. Sunset Gold Selenite (click for more)
12. Creedite (click for more)
13. Strontianite (click for more)
14. Barite Rose (click for more)
15. Moldau (honey & cream azez) Quartz (click for more)
16. Larimar (click for more)
17. Hanksite (click for more)
18. Rainbow Pyrite (click for more)
19. Amazonite (click for more)
20. Nuummite (click for more)
21. Astrophyllite (click for more)
22. Sliced Geode (click for more)
23. Apophyllite (click for more)
24. Conch Shell (click for more)
25. Apache Tears (click for more)
26. Brucite (click for more)
27. Sunstone (click for more)
28. Magnesite (click for more)
29. Wavellite (click for more)
30. Rhyolite (click for more)
31. Angel Phantom Quartz (click for more)
32. Cerussite (click for more)
33. Opal (click for more)
34. Tibetan Quartz (click for more)
35. Fluorite (click for more)
36. Morganite (click for more)
37. Pink Epidote (click for more)
38. Fuchsite (click for more)
39. Nephrite Jade (click for more)
40. Rhodochrosite (click for more)
41. Herkimer Diamond (click for more)
42. Scolecite (click for more)
43. Z-Stone (click for more)
44. Unakite (click for more)
45. Shungite (click for more)
46. Garnet (click for more)
47. Ajoite (click for more)
48. Christmas Tree Agate (click for more)
49. Chlorite (click for more)
50. Tanzanite (click for more)
51. Lithium Quartz (click for more)
52. White Magnesite (click for more)
53. Turquoise (click for more)
54. Elestial Quartz (click for more)
55. Malachite (click for more)
56. Watermelon Tourmaline (click for more)
57. Gabbron (mystic merlinite) (click for more)
58. Hiddenite (click for more)
59. Himalayan Quartz (click for more)
60. Ellensburg Agates (click for more)
61. Kyanite (click for more)
62. Gibeon Meteorite (click for more)
63. Serpentine (click for more)
64. Cryolite (click for more)
65. Feldspar (rose sophia) Quartz (click for more)
66. Cat’s Eye (click for more)
67. Chalcopyrite (click for more)
68. Kaolinite (azumar) Quartz (click for more)
69. Copper (click for more)
70. Violet Flame Opal (click for more)
71. Lepidolite (click for more)
72. Tibetan Tektite (click for more)
73. Peridot (click for more)
74. Moldivite (click for more)
75. Black Calcite (azeztulite) Quartz (click for more)
76. Hematite (click for more)
77. Obsidian Shell (click for more)

CLICK GREEN LINKS -> to receive full descriptions and sometimes practices to balance your physical body. Crystals align to your body and help change the frequency in your life to vibrate higher than before. There are 2-ways to play with crystal energy when it shows up… Start with the crystal you found or heard about and click on the word below to discover what messages you need to acknowledge “or” find the underlined energy you are experiencing right now in life and click to see what crystal and energy you need to invite in right now.