Crystal Ally Shungite Meaning



Crystal Kingdom, Shungite: Master purifier, made almost completely out of pure carbon it is no surprise that shungite is the ally for the shadow of the throat chakra. Every inhale of light we take in we are given the opportunity to release our density through our next outward exhalation cycle. If the exhale uses dense speech we only recreate a reality that reflects what we hope to release, when we intentionally exhale out the density and chose not to project this through harsh lies, forms of expression or words we release our patterns of re-creating realities that no longer server our greatest good. Shungite repeals and transmutes density from speech, EMF, mind, and body.



(Voice) What is it that makes you think what you have to say isn't good enough? What is it that makes you exaggerate your stories hoping to make them more interesting? Your voice is a powerful tool helping you to express exactly what lies on the inside of your being. When you create exaggerated stories around your life and choose to tell these stories over authentic representations of what’s going on inside, life tends to ignore the truth of you. Where do you find that you are telling yourself the same lies over and over trying desperately to believe in them? Where do you find yourself judging others that lie or exaggerate their own truths? What is it about hearing your own voice that makes you want to change who you are and become the actor representing your life?



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Crystal Symbolic Meaning Index

1. Mica (click for more)
2. Master Shamanite (click for more)
3. Golden Tektite (click for more)
4. Bronzite (click for more)
5. Amethyst (click for more)
6. Apophyllite (click for more)
7. Pink Calcite (click for more)
8. Bismuth (click for more)
9. Nirvana Quartz (click for more)
10. Amber (click for more)
11. Sunset Gold Selenite (click for more)
12. Creedite (click for more)
13. Strontianite (click for more)
14. Barite Rose (click for more)
15. Moldau (honey & cream azez) Quartz (click for more)
16. Larimar (click for more)
17. Hanksite (click for more)
18. Rainbow Pyrite (click for more)
19. Amazonite (click for more)
20. Nuummite (click for more)
21. Astrophyllite (click for more)
22. Sliced Geode (click for more)
23. Apophyllite (click for more)
24. Conch Shell (click for more)
25. Apache Tears (click for more)
26. Brucite (click for more)
27. Sunstone (click for more)
28. Magnesite (click for more)
29. Wavellite (click for more)
30. Rhyolite (click for more)
31. Angel Phantom Quartz (click for more)
32. Cerussite (click for more)
33. Opal (click for more)
34. Tibetan Quartz (click for more)
35. Fluorite (click for more)
36. Morganite (click for more)
37. Pink Epidote (click for more)
38. Fuchsite (click for more)
39. Nephrite Jade (click for more)
40. Rhodochrosite (click for more)
41. Herkimer Diamond (click for more)
42. Scolecite (click for more)
43. Z-Stone (click for more)
44. Unakite (click for more)
45. Shungite (click for more)
46. Garnet (click for more)
47. Ajoite (click for more)
48. Christmas Tree Agate (click for more)
49. Chlorite (click for more)
50. Tanzanite (click for more)
51. Lithium Quartz (click for more)
52. White Magnesite (click for more)
53. Turquoise (click for more)
54. Elestial Quartz (click for more)
55. Malachite (click for more)
56. Watermelon Tourmaline (click for more)
57. Gabbron (mystic merlinite) (click for more)
58. Hiddenite (click for more)
59. Himalayan Quartz (click for more)
60. Ellensburg Agates (click for more)
61. Kyanite (click for more)
62. Gibeon Meteorite (click for more)
63. Serpentine (click for more)
64. Cryolite (click for more)
65. Feldspar (rose sophia) Quartz (click for more)
66. Cat’s Eye (click for more)
67. Chalcopyrite (click for more)
68. Kaolinite (azumar) Quartz (click for more)
69. Copper (click for more)
70. Violet Flame Opal (click for more)
71. Lepidolite (click for more)
72. Tibetan Tektite (click for more)
73. Peridot (click for more)
74. Moldivite (click for more)
75. Black Calcite (azeztulite) Quartz (click for more)
76. Hematite (click for more)
77. Obsidian Shell (click for more)

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