Crystal Ally Peridot Meaning



Crystal Kingdom, Peridot: A birthstone for Libras who are known for their ability to find balance in almost all situations, we can use this stone to help bring us into resonance with a balanced outcome. When we chose to experience our world from the intention of balance we bring all things within our reality into an order that the mind can funnel through. Helping also with protection, mostly when we talk about thoughts and the mental field, this stone can bring any two opposites more fully into harmony and balance.




 You lived so much from your head, that physical life seemed useless and uninteresting. You had such a strong bond with the mental impulses that helped you create the world around you but never took advantage of the situations and outcomes it was creating. You finally understood that without a physical existence to enjoy, the glory of your internal world couldn't be realized. By connecting the two and creating balance you will live and create kismet connections from both the physical and mental planes.




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Crystal Symbolic Meaning Index

1. Mica (click for more)
2. Master Shamanite (click for more)
3. Golden Tektite (click for more)
4. Bronzite (click for more)
5. Amethyst (click for more)
6. Apophyllite (click for more)
7. Pink Calcite (click for more)
8. Bismuth (click for more)
9. Nirvana Quartz (click for more)
10. Amber (click for more)
11. Sunset Gold Selenite (click for more)
12. Creedite (click for more)
13. Strontianite (click for more)
14. Barite Rose (click for more)
15. Moldau (honey & cream azez) Quartz (click for more)
16. Larimar (click for more)
17. Hanksite (click for more)
18. Rainbow Pyrite (click for more)
19. Amazonite (click for more)
20. Nuummite (click for more)
21. Astrophyllite (click for more)
22. Sliced Geode (click for more)
23. Apophyllite (click for more)
24. Conch Shell (click for more)
25. Apache Tears (click for more)
26. Brucite (click for more)
27. Sunstone (click for more)
28. Magnesite (click for more)
29. Wavellite (click for more)
30. Rhyolite (click for more)
31. Angel Phantom Quartz (click for more)
32. Cerussite (click for more)
33. Opal (click for more)
34. Tibetan Quartz (click for more)
35. Fluorite (click for more)
36. Morganite (click for more)
37. Pink Epidote (click for more)
38. Fuchsite (click for more)
39. Nephrite Jade (click for more)
40. Rhodochrosite (click for more)
41. Herkimer Diamond (click for more)
42. Scolecite (click for more)
43. Z-Stone (click for more)
44. Unakite (click for more)
45. Shungite (click for more)
46. Garnet (click for more)
47. Ajoite (click for more)
48. Christmas Tree Agate (click for more)
49. Chlorite (click for more)
50. Tanzanite (click for more)
51. Lithium Quartz (click for more)
52. White Magnesite (click for more)
53. Turquoise (click for more)
54. Elestial Quartz (click for more)
55. Malachite (click for more)
56. Watermelon Tourmaline (click for more)
57. Gabbron (mystic merlinite) (click for more)
58. Hiddenite (click for more)
59. Himalayan Quartz (click for more)
60. Ellensburg Agates (click for more)
61. Kyanite (click for more)
62. Gibeon Meteorite (click for more)
63. Serpentine (click for more)
64. Cryolite (click for more)
65. Feldspar (rose sophia) Quartz (click for more)
66. Cat’s Eye (click for more)
67. Chalcopyrite (click for more)
68. Kaolinite (azumar) Quartz (click for more)
69. Copper (click for more)
70. Violet Flame Opal (click for more)
71. Lepidolite (click for more)
72. Tibetan Tektite (click for more)
73. Peridot (click for more)
74. Moldivite (click for more)
75. Black Calcite (azeztulite) Quartz (click for more)
76. Hematite (click for more)
77. Obsidian Shell (click for more)

CLICK GREEN LINKS -> to receive full descriptions and sometimes practices to balance your physical body. Crystals align to your body and help change the frequency in your life to vibrate higher than before. There are 2-ways to play with crystal energy when it shows up… Start with the crystal you found or heard about and click on the word below to discover what messages you need to acknowledge “or” find the underlined energy you are experiencing right now in life and click to see what crystal and energy you need to invite in right now.