Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 7)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Crown Chakra (step 7)

The transition here happens when you are able to reconcile all duality. My entire 7-steps through this plane brought up many old belief structures I thought I had already resolved yet I realized I had just made them bigger patterns in my energy body. So once you are able to be with all beings in unity meaning there is no judgment between paths, choices, or levels of consciousness you begin to see life in complete balance and unity. There is no separation and everything is your divine potential. But funny thing here is you no longer want anything….. "The next levels will begin teaching how to become the master at each level.

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 6)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Third Eye Chakra (step 6)

These words are going to get so very limiting for all of the experiences had at these higher levels. Meaning its hard to convey exactly how this happens. One of my experiences here at this higher level was centered around another retreat. There was information coming in that I connected to my own path, because I could pick it up so easily. So the good student I was, I did my work, removed limitations and beliefs around the concept and then moved forward. This although did not clear what was happening. At this level I was starting to transition to the master and not the Initiate which means I no longer should have doubted my skills or my intentions. At this phase I could not sit in mediation anymore wanting anything because it seems so trivial. All I sought out was expansiveness and anything that had to do with wanting or needed in the human realm was so hard to focus on. Saying this, my lesson at this level was that I was transitioning, and my work (all my work) was no focused on the people I attracted to me. I had picked up on patterns that I thought were my own (because that was always how they came in before) unless I was specifically reading someone else’s energy I wouldn’t be so open to it, yet now I could pick up on collective imprints or a specific persons imprint without knowing I was working on them. So I had to change my mindset yet again and know that if it came through me it wasn’t about me. I was the vessel for the information.

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 5)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Throat Chakra (step 5)

This is where the true magic comes in. If you successfully reconcile the first 4 steps in the unity plane you are on the micro level once again clearing the HUMAN EGO and accepting the big picture of why you are hear and how you are supposed to lead. (my journey is spiritual, but yours does not have to be - by simply living authentically you live in your highest truth) This is where my voice was challenged once again. I was asked to do speaking engagements that were not aligned to my authenticity and some I entertained either because of the people and connections or the need of the situation and each time it failed (but in a way the 100% validated everything I had learned up to that point). This was the final test of purity to which I had passed. From there on out the Unity Plane showed up with validation left and right over what I had been apart of creating from step 1 in this plane. It took almost a full year to get to step 5, but once I found this step everything in the path began to make sense. I saw the potential I held, I understood how my unique life experience was supposed to help and guide others, and I was validated on the power of what it meant when I lived in my full truth without question. So I found another level of surrender here and kept on going. (surrender because at these levels you have no clue what is awaiting you - its 100% trust and surrender to the bigger path).

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 4)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Heart Chakra (step 4)

This is where another huge shift in consciousness come in. At this level you fully release the need to be a singular identity or someone with an agenda that is here to serve the self and if you move into this knowing. Into the unity consciousness where everything is one and humanity is here as a collective you naturally have to slow down to allow for the release of the LOW SELF or what we call the guardian angel that directs the path of the human. Here you start connecting into the DIVINE SELF essence and allow HIGH SELF to be the main guide of the human path. (Before it was the human and low self that guided the journey) now you serve the collective of humanity. At this point my body needed time to catch up to the spirit and integrations needed to happen on all levels so I took the longest KNOWING vacation of my life. I didn’t push myself. I allowed my human wants and needs to rise to the surface and allowed the beginning of the end to take place. Dissolving the vial between (good & evil) (right & wrong) (black & white) everything became one and my physical reality completely shifted into a playground where I could do anything I wanted and experience anything without fear of separation. This is where I 100% released my control over life and fully immersed into living it with no Beliefs or sense that I had to control.

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 3)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

After reconciling my willingness to surrender my authenticity for connection, or an audience. It was my turn to do find my core. My strongest connection to my TRUTH, AUTHENTICITY, my CENTER. This comes up at this level. So whatever it is that still separates you for having complete trust in your self and your unique life experience at this level will come up. For me, this is when I started working on retreats with other “facilitators” who I had put on a pedestal for how big their audience was, how loud their voice was, or how self-confident in their message they were. I had to move through highs and lows of self-doubt and struggle to find value in my message and what I had to offer. The key at this level was to go for it no matter how daunting or how self-doubting I was and push myself to expose my center that much more. During this time it was imperative to do deeper self-work on trust, and what some would call EGO or the LOWER self agenda because this is where separation and duality could come up.

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 2)


The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Sacral Chakra (step 2)

At this point in the unity plane I manifested so many relationships in my path and each came in “synchronistically” so I trusted they were here to serve my highest and greatest good. I was asked to do so many; business deals, partnerships, shows, and conferences with people I had meet before or were newly introduced to. Because of the divine flow to all of it I said YES. Which was not the problem, the problem came when I lost my truth within these outside connections. It was a test of my “TURTH”.. Because I had left a job to peruse my spirituality on a stage, my test at this level was if I would surrender my authenticity to simply receive the 10-minute spotlight that some of these relationships offered. I do believe that I could have had both, but my big pattern from years earlier was to do everything and keep busy because it seemed like the human thing to do to be successful. At this level I had to reconcile success, busyness and flow and live in acceptance of my truth and let go of anything that did not align to that message. In other words anything that took me out of center or being authentic had to go so that I could stay in true connection.

Level 4 the Unity Plane (step 1)

Goals of Level 4

The main goal of this level is to recognize what patterns of separation you still hold. This entire plane is preparing the initiate to become the master and therefore everything that the “initiate” still sees as duality has to be released. In this plane we discover we hold the same limiting patterns from PLANE 1 but have simply ignored that they are patterns that still keep us separated. Example: A person stops drinking around level 2 because they believe drinking numbs their emotions (true) so they stop drinking. Once they stop drinking they receive more clarity over how they have suppressed specific emotions. Because of this they equate not drinking to being more evolved so they don’t drink. Latter during the Unity plane this person will have to reconcile that BELIEF that not drinking is any better than drinking. They will be faced with the fact that this CHOICE still highlights DUALITY and duality needs to be removed for the initiate to become the master.

Root Chakra (step 1)

At this level I quite my 9-5 that supported me for 17+ years and provided a comfortable lifestyle. By doing this I triggered a pattern of FEAR that I did not know still existed within me. It took over a year to heal this one pattern and recognize that I was continuing to make choices out of fear and not abundance and trust. I have to reconcile the duality to be able to create completely and freely with no Fear.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 7)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Crown Chakra (step 7)

A few months later it was time for the last trip. Crystal Mountain Arkansas. At the time I had no clue what was happening to me, excited to be so connected once again my path was leading me all over the country exploring cities that somehow connected to the experiences I had the previous year in a complete “non-physical” reality. My mind was being blown and I was up for the adventure. Again not knowing I was reaching the end of the mental field (transcendence) to be specific, my entire life was about to change. (READ STORY HERE -> CLICK NOW) & (PART 2 -> SAME TRIP DIFFERENT LOCATIONS) The short story at the end of this trip I had come back home 100% a different person. Losing actual memories of the Jenessee who had lived the experience of life up until that point, my world got so big that those things that connected to a singular identity “personality” or human all left…. Unless you have had this experience it will be hard for you to truly understand what this means and feels like. You are the person you had always been, but with no attachment to anything they ever wanted, needed or self-identified with. The human connections are the same, but everything energetically has 100% shifted.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 6)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Third Eye Chakra (step 6)

Four months later I was called to Mount Shasta and had yet another expansion within the mental plane. (click here -> full story) the take away is what happened in-between trip 3&4 which was a full opening of the clairvoyant centers. Not told in the story is how these portals have continued to this day. Some as intense with head-splitting “eye-popping” pain and others with gentle waves of activation.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 5)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Throat Chakra (step 5)

3-months later the next part of the mental plane journey took place and this time it wasn’t focused around getting back into the groove of spiritual connection. Link to the full story -> (CLICK NOW) (cliff notes it was all about purifying myself yet another time and releasing fear from my journey).

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 4)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Heart Chakra (step 4)

Another year of depression came after the last expansion at step 3. Remember the qualities I am writing for you have to do with walking this level in the PHYSICAL reality. We can attain this level in the non-physical “subjective” consciousness which is a lot easier to handle than reaching it years later in your physical “objective” existence. (we have to experience these levels non-physically first to prepare us for when we reach them physically).

My experience Astral Projecting was so intense and explainable that I documented the experience "(wrote a novel in under a week) and then put that document on a shelf for a little under a year. I had no clue what I had just experienced and truly couldn’t comprehend even some of the things I had written down.

1-year later I am guided once again after the HUMAN path (meaning no meditation or little to no guidance or connection) to start traveling. I had always wanted to go to Arizona and since my guides were requesting it, I of course obliged. Not knowing why I was being asked to travel, I went to Arizona with the thought that I would take my “shelved” book and for the first time crack it open and start the re-write process.

Of course, this was NOT what ended up happening. This started the beginning of my next crazy amazing year of experiences (read here -> now)

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 3)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.

Solar Plexus Chakra (step 3)

About a year or two later I started entering the 3 step in my physical reality. Here because I had become such a clear channel my energy field was open to degrees I never thought possible. I had just come from channeling an entire book in 30-day and opened myself to many new “non-physical” guides.

The new problem I faced was that I was so OPEN. I trusted in my process and trusted in what I was connecting to yet the information I was bringing into my meditations seemed to become more and more confusing. I had one guide one day telling me the grass was green (example) and a different guide coming in the next day saying nope that grass is blue (an example to prove a point). This made me question my connection, question who I was connecting to and again SPIRAL into an abyss of questions!

Slowing down yet again was what I needed to do to re-balance and find my next expansion. (theory of the mental field) when you get to this point and are good at your craft, it becomes too easy and you want to STAY in the higher fields, not re-grounding… (my lesson! - figuring out how to be human and spirit). So after slowing down and establishing a process of connection between me and my guides. Where I created boundaries and established practices to understand how to flow between human and spirit. This is when I FLEW into the cosmos. I had an experience that started with Remote Viewing and transitioned into Astral Traveling and visited different worlds, dimensions, and parallel universes all over the multi-verse. This expanded what I had brought through at LEVEL 3- Step 1 (chakra deck) and made it now multi-dimensional and so very expansive. Not only did I get to visit everything I had ever been through all time and all space I recorded every detail of it, because over the past 2-years I had written 2-books and 1-oracle deck workbook. I had become patterned in documenting every last experience - and so I did.

This is something I never expected. I actually completed the previous book and thought I wouldn’t pick up another pen for another 5-years. When you let go in the Mental Plane that’s when your next big break comes in! (here is the book synopsis)

This non fiction autobiographical memoir takes on the tone of a Science Fiction novel. The story spans the length of just one 24 hour day on Earth. Following the stories lead character, Jenessee you begin to understand from a first person perspective what it feels like to go through a metaphysical conscious awakening as an entire life is reviewed from the perspective of multiple incarnations on twelve different planets. This journey takes you on a visually stunning exploration of different planets. Each new planet introduces Jenessee to a new body that has been frozen to teach her different lessons about her soul’s master archetype. Throughout the journey Jenessee struggles to believe in what is presented in the astral realm, she is found constantly fighting the urge to believe in what she experiences and finds no affirmation from those who surround her. The novel has political, environmental, advocacy, and self-help undertones all of which help the reader to understand their own cosmic place in this multi-dimensional multi-verse.


Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 2)


Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. This plane also develops an individuals unique gifts and personalized talents.


Having produced the Oracle deck project it was time to go through another learning cycle. I stayed here at this level for over a year before my big next break came in. This was in part because of the amount of energy it took to channel the necessary elements to produce the oracle deck. My physical, emotional, and mental body needed to become human again which means it needed to take a break from being connected to the mental field. In normal humans, they reach into the higher levels for moments and then integrate into their human life again. For me I was unrelenting. A project I would later find out I have 5-years to complete energetically I completed in less than 6-months. This is not healthy and therefore I had to take time off from meditating and seeking my next big “download” of divine inspiration. Since I didn’t know how to do this divine did this for me by sending me into a year of depression and massive slow down. No energy, no inspiration, sadness and totally lazy! This, of course, was 100% aligned to the perfection of my path, but at that time I thought I had lost my ability to connect and my ability to channel important information.

This was the one time in my life I manifested a human mentor! Because I had done so much spiritual work so quickly my body was trying to catch up with my consciousness. At this time I tell people I almost turned in my SPIRITUAL ID card and gave up completely. Thankfully, I found a mentor who helped me to understand what I was going through and how to balance and take my talents to the next level.

Once I got many of my questions answered through months of MENTORED work. I started slowly connecting once again. I actually performed the course I created (7-week chakra journey) after my own ascent through the emotional plane. I did this and worked with my mentor and felt back to my old/new self!

Once realigned I brought through my next GIFT which was understanding my ability to channel information from Guides, Angels, and Interdimensional beings. I wrote another book and this time in 30-days! I channeled information from 9-different “guides” and while going through this I learned as well as expanded my understanding of the divine.

Level 3 the Mental Plane (step 1)

The Goal of Level 3

Level 3 is identified by the MENTAL plane. This is said to be the first time you are actually able to self-regulate and gain perspective over what is happening in your life without ego and without getting emotionally caught up or influenced (that is once you graduate step 7). The personal experiences below show my awakening at each of these steps within this level. MEDITATION is one of the biggest factors to signal those who will elevate to this level and those who will remain on the lower levels. One must be able to hold many thoughts at once to see the bigger connections within all of it. *When you are ready to connect to your purpose and have cleared your emotional body you are free to receive the guidance, and insights needed to move forward however your unique personality is meant to move forward.

Root Chakra (step 1)

The epiphany: during the last day of class and during our last trance session I decided to go into a space of meditation with no intentions and no goals. Already having received all of my spiritual messages during the last seven days and getting clear messages from my higher self about my work and its potential effects for the future, I was left with not one more question. I was literally spent and my mind needed a break. I had achieved everything I had set out to do and was completely open but completely empty. This was a place I had not been in to ever before but most recently over the past 94 days I had always had an agenda to meet. Now it was time for pure bliss! I did not have anything to contemplate so I decided to leave it up to spirit as to what I might receive. I laid down ready for our final guided trance and opened up my mind to whatever I was going to be shown. I can say that I floated for most of this trance. I just enjoy being light and free. Towards the end of trance, I started to receive voice guidance and imagery. This is where everything came together and my next cycle began.  I know now that this entire process has been a preparation for me personally to manifest what I think will be a most helpful tool for anyone looking to go on their own spiritual chakra journey. I understand that my own process was created so that I might understand in detail how each chakra interacts with us on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. I used many tools along my way to help me uncover what lies beneath the surface of myself and have found a great number of similarities within those tools. I find this was all designed to bring me to this final project that is waiting to be manifested. It is my job to create a set of oracle cards quite like the Tarot, but using chakra theory instead. In this final meditation, I saw a few things that connected so perfectly that I cannot pass up on the chance to bring this to fruition. The first image I saw during trance was a 7-by-7 chakra chart that I have reflected upon many times during this journey. The next was my mother’s Tarot deck, a deck I chose to hand paint for her birthday this year. Unbelievably, I had never previously studied the Tarot before I started my mother’s deck, and now find it ready to completely take over my life. The next image was of the archangels, the shadow or demon side of the chakras, and the hyper and hypo flow each chakra can get stuck in. I then heard a voice telling me that I had previously asked the wrong question and that this book was not specifically made for the masses, but was going to be a tool used to help create and bring understanding to a chakra deck of cards. I saw an image of the items: two books and one deck of cards, all used to help bring more clarity and understanding to those also on their own journey of self-realization. I find myself now at the top of a manifesting current of energy so strong that I have not one, but three projects waiting to be brought down to the root chakra. I am so blessed to have had this experience and have hopes that everyone out there can have just as powerful of a journey, bumps and all! With all the love in my heart, I hope you come to realize the divinity within your own soul.

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 7)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Crown Chakra (step 7)

I decided to take a walk today with my two sons after dinner in between throwing rocks and yelling, “Don’t touch the neighbor’s car” I had an epiphany. During my throat chakra week I had learned that by saying less to people you can actually make a bigger and more meaningful impact on them spiritually. Being someone who has experienced this with others firsthand, I had yet to fully realize how to put this into practice. Today while walking and trying to focus on my grounding meditation, I had a light bulb moment. One thing I have yet to discuss this week is psychic learning and psychic attacks. During this past Sunday's class the yogi talked about how his guru taught him and influenced him over the years that they studied together. He told us in the beginning of his class that the words he was using to speak to us were really just being channeled through him from his still living guru. He explained that the words we were hearing from his mouth are not his own and basically expressed that all his knowledge is borrowed to help convey a deeper level of understanding from his great master guru. He explained how powerful his first encounter was with his now guru. He said by being in the presence of his guru he would pick up on silent messages and teachings that lead to “remembrances.” He said whilst in meditation with his guru he would be elevated to a frequency he was not familiar with and this would all happen by simply being in the same room as his teacher. After leaving a session with his guru he would start to have thoughts that did not feel normal and question things in life that he typically did not spend time contemplating. He explained to us that these were good psychic encounters. I call this atmosphere osmosis. Put simply, you can be elevated to a higher level in your own spirituality just by being on the receiving end of a higher vibrational being's frequency transitions.

He then went on to discuss negative psychic attacks. This can happen by people knowing or unknowingly because they are in a place of negativity. People may unknowingly send out negative energy, because we are all receptive spiritual beings connected into the same matrix (God) we understand this energy. The response in your own body may be that of nervousness or your own lowering of frequency. You can start to tune into this by becoming aware of what is happening in your own body at all times; then, when negativity gets projected into your field you can start to detect this by acknowledging the feeling as something foreign and not a part of your normal mode of operating. Typically people who have thoughts of judgment about others or negative feelings towards others can end up transmitting their ill will into a psychic attack on someone else. If you are unaware of your own thoughts you may interpret these thoughts as your own and not understand why you have such negative thoughts or reactions to specific situations or people. These negative impulses can even result in physical pain like headaches. When the feelings conflict with your own field in such a way it can cause trauma to your physical body.

Today on my walk I had a realization that the throat chakra, the third eye chakra and the crown chakra all connect when talking about a higher or more evolved spiritual being. Those who have transcended normal levels of frequency don’t need to speak their wisdom to others to convey a sense of spiritual authority. They don’t have to use traditional forms of speaking at all. They simply have to be in a state of high frequency to have others feel, engage and understand their concepts of higher consciousness. To me I see this person as someone who is so strongly connected to their crown chakra that they receive constant divine guidance, so much so that it is their normal mode of operation. With this connection they also have a strong understanding of the third eye and root chakra and can use presence to continually channel energy through themselves and to others in a healthy and positive way. This is what I would call a complete psychic channel. I have been aware of those around me who walk the walk instead of talking the talk. Those who act in spiritual ways instead of always talking about it have always taught me much more about my own journey than those who speak stories of transcendence. I found while in reflection about my own life that I have been psychically influenced in both good and negative ways. These experiences bring up vivid memories of positive lessons learned as well as indicators of people in my life who I needed to separate myself from. It has taken some time for me to connect these dots of understanding in my own mind, but I have come to understand that everything on this journey is happening at the exact right time and pace for me to integrate. I find it so intriguing that I am starting to see and feel how these energetic chakra centers work with one another in our internal bodies to bring clarity and presence into our lives. I know I am far away from being called anyone’s guru, but hope that I too can achieve that state of stability and presence someday to bring transcendence to those who I surround myself with.

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 6)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Third Eye Chakra (step 6)

I have come to realize that life is a big mirror, and what you see and how you interpret what you re is all of your mind's own creation. Although my physical age development cycle is currently focused on the throat chakra, I feel my biggest current challenge is becoming detached from what my perception of reality is and becoming one with the reality happening around me. My third eye has always been one of my biggest life struggles. This is the chakra from which my most physical manifestations of disease have come from. I use to try and control this area of my life because I thought with control and narrowed focus came wisdom, truth and my greatest potential outcome for life, but I found that controlling this area of my life with my limited perspective only hindered my full potential to achieve these qualities.

I hear my inner ego voice screaming for recognition and attention for its achievements after every little step I take and milestone I achieve. Not recently did I realize what an amazing shift this was. It had been my objective to try and detach the ego voice from my higher intuitive voice. Let’s just say the voices inside my head used to be so loud and intermixed I had no clue what voice was my true guidance. I was taken by surprise one day to hear this voice inside my head that sounded so sad. I recall driving by my work property's horse pasture. There was an internal dialog in my mind that was very ego driven. This conversation was looking for approval and recognition for recent achievements I had made at work. Even thought my ego brain was on a roll I remember physically stopping the voices and almost zooming out from the dialog. I said to myself, this is not me, and I don’t need outside recognition for the achievements I have made. The voices stopped instantly and a sense of peace came over my body. That was the day I started turning up the volume on my higher self's intuitive voice and turning down the volume on my ego or lower self's voice. I started to turn down that volume by using breath work and consciously focusing my mind. Anytime I felt wild thoughts running around I would talk to my mind and ask for this to stop. This process allowed more space for intuition and voices of guidance to come through on a more regular basis.

I remember a time when I thought the more I controlled my thoughts, the more I would get done in a day and the greater chance I would have at success. I look back on that now and think about how stressful and depressed that person was. There was no need to create so much fuss in my own mind over details when my true inspirational guidance could do the same workload in half the time. The ego or lower self voice needs to feel important and it does this by constantly analyzing past concerns and future worries. We know we are dealing with ego when our mind creates situational problems or circumstances pertaining to the past or future. True inspiration comes and goes in a flash and does not require meticulous planning.

 As soon as I let go of the ego mind that seemed to want to judge everything and needed so much approval, I began to see the world in a much different light. I became more present, which is not possible to do without a fully grounded and healthy root chakra. Without letting go of the fear in the root chakra we cannot trust our internal guidance; therefore, the two must be in harmony to fully open and work properly together. With full presence and a loss of lower self ego I started observing the very fine details in life from a different perspective. This is going to sound somewhat cheeky, but there was a night after I had started attuning my third eye chakra and letting go of the ego mind that I sat at our spa front desk helping check out guests. There was a regular guest of ours who had just had her hair done in our salon. When she came up to check out I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She had this glow about her. I felt almost overwhelmed by her beauty. The best part was that I was so presently aware of what was happening I actually told her how stunningly beautiful she looked that night. A little weird to hear I am sure, but her reaction was one of warm acceptance and I could see a wave of reception take hold of her. I had no motives that evening for saying those words, and there was no reason I felt like I needed to express them. I had simply been blown away by her radiance in that moment and felt the need to express how her light had touched me. This was my first experience of truly seeing someone in that kind of auric glow. I feel that because I had established a strong root chakra connection my presence was very aware that evening, and having been able to let go of my ego and judgment I was able to fully acknowledge another human being on her own journey. That night opened not only my seeing eyes, but my non-seeing eye. I was blessed to be able to witness the essence and light of another human being. I feel when we are able to recognize others as the pure loving light forms they are, it helps them also recognize their own light. We are all here to help others by first working on our own energetic bodies and then contributing to the overall consciousness. I have no doubt in my mind that during that night my pure loving acknowledgment of another human being allowed that person to progress further along her own spiritual journey. We have all witnessed or experienced acts of pure unconditional no-strings-attached love and when this happens it helps us to acknowledge our own paths with a clear and uplifted spirit.

The third eye chakra portion of this book was prefaced by talking about looking into a mirror and gauging the reality in which you chose to see. While I was personally focused on developing a better connection with my third eye chakra I found probably my most exquisite jewel of knowledge yet. This jewel has come across my path many times in life, but I was never truly aware of its teachings until I was ready to reclaim that jewel for myself and retain that wisdom. Your perception of reality is exactly what you have made it out to be. Simple enough, right? This is wisdom that has been around for eons, but do we really grasp it intended meaning? With an unblocked third eye I can now understand how crucial this is to our soul's experience in this life. I now see that we all are creating our own paths day in and day out. The thoughts, actions, feelings, and perceptions we have today create our tomorrows. Some of us are trying to move our mountains very quickly in life. This is not going to be possible if we don’t adapt our minds to see what we want to see and feel what we want to feel. We have to first adapt to our body's energetic needs and understand our intake and output of energy so that we can sustain ourselves for the long roads ahead of us. If we want to experience love in life, we must love others without attachment. If we want wisdom in life we must share our experiences and search for wisdom in others. If we want happiness we must constantly look for and surround ourselves with happiness. All we have to do in life is flip the coin and start seeing the good, beauty, wisdom and happiness in everything around us. Life can be so easy once you learn to look in the mirror and see and create what you really want.

On my second journey admittedly I was seeking spiritual enlightenment. I asked God to take hold of my life and bring me experiences that would bring me closer to my reason for reincarnation in this lifetime. I believe God has given me the chance to capture and recognize this enlightenment in such experiences as sickness, pain, heartbreak, ego and judgment. Without seeing the truth of my own negative creations in this world I would not be able to release my control on life and redirect the energy I was creating into a more positive light. This divine universe has pushed me past my limits so that I may gain trust in the world I am creating alongside our divine creator. I have been hurt emotionally so that I could understand love and unconditional love. I had been blind to the beauty of the world until I decided I wanted to see. My third eye exploration has been a long and learned path. Every day presents a new challenge and it takes remembering to be present on a daily basis. Without a strong connection to the root chakra, your life lessons will soar by you with mere physical meanings and interpretations. Once your root chakra and your crown charka can connect and create a fluid line of connected energy, your life will open up to all of the understanding the universe holds. I suggest flipping the mirror of life back on yourself to see what you truly want and if it is aligning with what you are creating. Start labeling how you see the world, and understand those labels are only a reflection of yourself and what you are putting out there intentionally or unintentionally. What mode are you operating from? Without changing your perspective you will never accept the majesty the world has to offer. My perception of the world is a purely magical one. With every tree lies a thousand stories, every cloud is a porthole to a new world, birds sing songs from the angels, and humankind represents the light and love the universe has to offer. Make life your friend, use your vision to see, and don’t allow past fears or future worries to cloud the beauty presently awaiting you. 

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 5)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Throat Chakra (step 5)

Be this the middle of my week, Wednesday, and not Saturday, I didn’t expect to be writing in this log today.  Like a good student I decided it was necessary to relay what happened to get me writing and get my mind open and clear to all of the situations happening around me. Tonight’s events started out bumpy and progressed into a full blown rock slide. My husband has invited a lot of his male family to stay at our house from the east and west coasts to celebrate his father’s birthday: a guy get together. The festivities today were simple enough: hanging out, playing games, enjoying food and beer. I worked all day at the spa and came home to the relaxed environment. Stepping into the house I became a bit guarded when I saw the amount of beer bottles lining our huge kitchen island. Trying hard not to judge I went through the kitchen and found my husband drinking and texting with someone. To recap back in April after our big fight he had promised me that him moving forward meant he would socially drink, having only around two beers in these situations. I felt my husband would end up resenting me for this decision so after a few weeks of making this promise I told him he could drink as much as he wanted as long as he kept his phone off for that night. I felt like I needed him to adhere to this because the night of our big fight in April he had been drunk and texting a woman inappropriately, so in order to leave me with peace of mind moving forward I asked that he do this one thing for me so that I didn’t have to worry during nights when he chose to drink. This seemed to be understood and a good balance between both of our needs. Unfortunately the last three times my husband has been intoxicated he has broken this promise to me and has had his phone on and been caught texting. The last time this happened I thought I had made amends with the situation and found a way to let go of the need to control, but here I am again questioning his ability to understand me and the verbal agreements we have committed to each other. 

It is late Wednesday night and my husband and the family are leaving to pick up a last minute arrival from the Cleveland, Ohio airport. Before my husband left we exchanged words about the current situation. Unable to resolve our discrepancies we decided to leave the matter until Monday, giving the boys their week of festivities. The boys are now gone and the kids are asleep. Not being able to detach from this current situation and knowing all my issues thus far have had significance and meaning I decided to proceed to my bedroom and go into a deep meditation for further clarity. During my meditation I looked for any possible clues into this night's events and why I was allowing myself to get hurt over and over again by this same situation when I felt like I had already released the feelings connected to it. Knowing this had to have some deeper meaning into the throat chakra I decided to question both points together and here is what I found:

I was told that my husband and I function from different energetic plains. My husband is working from a very physical plain. I was told he does not seek an opening in his higher chakras used to develop more spirituality and lives within a very physical realm. He uses his throat chakra or words to bring immediate fulfillment. Whenever there is a situation like this he looks for a way to bring immediate closure and satisfy the parties involved. He is a person functioning from the root chakra. I was shown a very big tree and told "this is your husband, firmly rooted, extremely present, and unwavering. He will use speech to achieve a desired result and will do anything necessary to create a sense of harmony within his present state of being." I was taken back to the night he and I sat together after I had threatened divorce and was told that all the words spoken and all of the admissions made were done to create a sense of agreement and create ease for that present moment. I was told there is no malicious intent in how or why he acts in such a manner; that this is just his way of operating. He will do whatever necessary to fix and mend current situations without thinking of the bigger meaning or picture. It was made clear that this is his level of comprehension and understanding. That night he made promises to me that resonated with him on a physical level and as long as the immediate need was met there was no wrongdoing. In this situation his immediate need was to protect the family and in his mind he is protecting our family by not cheating on me. Everything else that emotionally connects and was promised doesn’t matter as long as he achieves his goal of protection and keeping the family together. I was told that if I continue to communicate to him from my level/frequency we will never be equal and there will never be full understanding. I asked if this was a negative indicator in our overall marriage and if I would be better suited with another person, noting here that I don’t feel spiritually fulfilled by my husband and feel maybe this could be a sign that we are on different paths. So I asked this question to the angels with me. The response I received was that nothing will be “better” it will only be different. That a partner on level with my own frequency right now would push me and challenge these energetic qualities I also seek, but is that what I really need? They expressed that my husband is looking for physical ways to fulfill his being, that this is his level of knowing and by him being so presently aware and needy he is also keeping me very present: something that I need while going through my own journey.  I understood this to mean that while I need so much time for my own exploration right now to have someone else on that same path might not allow me to be a complete seeker, whereas my husband’s presence allows me to seek. He can bring me back into the real world to also help me learn my lessons.

I was told that I need to nurture myself by accepting my husband’s need for these physical level satisfiers. Because of my frequency I understand that I no longer need such things as alcohol and flirtation or other stimuli to make myself feel fulfilled. Yet someone unknowing of their potential energy will seek out these physical level satisfiers to mimic the feelings they have blocked from their own chakra system. When I received this information I asked if my husband could be caught in an inappropriate situation again with another woman, and was told it is completely possible. I was assured that he is focused on safety for our family, but also saw that down the line if things don’t change for him this could be a situation he faces again. I was told that the lessons I learned while developing my physical level chakras needed to be implemented for full healing and acceptance to come from these energetic centers. I understand that I need to become fully present, release control, become vulnerable, and find my own sense of self confidence no matter what the situation. By having these elements healthy in my own body I will not harbor ill feelings towards my husband when I see him acting out because of his own dysfunctional physical chakras. When someone around us mirrors what we are unwilling to admit about ourselves it becomes very painful to witness. I acknowledge that I seek my higher calling and purpose where he is satisfied with a physical and material existence. I was told it may be possible that my husband chooses to develop his higher energetic centers, but felt that this would be only a mere thread of chance in his quilt of possible life experiences. I understand that we are each on our own paths. If I hope to create a fully realized connection to my husband through our energetic centers. I have to let him be who he will choose to be without setting limitations. I was so upset because my husband could not see how his failure to acknowledge a verbal commitment to me affected my entire being. He was unable to keep his word to me because he was unable to see and feel the full breath with which that contract was made. I understand this now and do not feel this was his fault, but my fault for not acknowledging him in his own space of understanding. He interpreted my request as simply keeping our family safe from outside influence, whereas I was asking him to do so much more for my mental and emotional centers. I leave this meditation with a feeling of uncertainty, but feel relieved to know where each of us stands in this combined spiritual journey.  It will be my continued goal to dive even further into my understanding of this and other situations so that I can come to see the entire breath of this throat chakra interaction.

Two days later and I still feel uneasy about the information I received. It is the kids' nap time in our house and being that today is the big celebration day for the men it is just me sitting here with a few hours to kill. Again this writing mid-week is a bit out of the norm from what I am use to, but being that this situation is still not clear I have chosen again to sit in quiet contemplative thought. So here we go again diving right into the depths of the throat center.

Today I had a breakthrough during meditation. The breakthrough pertains to a thought that came to me before meditation about the play between the chakras and how they energetically connect with each other inside our bodies. Before meditation today I grabbed a stone out of my meditation collection. Thus far I have collected on my own stones for the root, sacral, solar plexus, and heart. By way of my grandmother I have also obtained a second full set of stone elephants, all collected at different times in her life. She was nice enough to let me take seven beautifully carved unique elephants. Their composition ranges from jade, turquoise, and amber to some really old exotic ones that I will have to have looked at by a jeweler. Reaching into my bag I intended to find a very small –  I mean tiny, smaller than a finger nail – turquoise blue stone elephant that I wanted to use while meditating. I felt what I thought was the little elephant and when I opened my hand to see it I realized I had pulled out a piece of rose jade, which of course I would use for my heart chakra. I put this in my opposite hand and reaching in the bag one more time, finding the blue elephant instantly. I look at both items intending to put one back and realize that maybe I should use both today just in case the heart had any connection that I also needed to hear about. So I proceeded to my favorite small couch by the big window and began my practice. Due to recent events and my current relationship struggles I decided to take the stone selection as guidance and asked for help understanding both the throat and heart centers.

Before I knew it I was again witnessing a visual of the seven chakras all together in their line along the spinal column within the body. I saw how each chakra used the others' energy and how they connected with each other along this line. I saw the Yin and the Yang of the energy and decided to ask if it was time to find out more about this directional flow. Being told it was ok to explore this topic further I continued with my questioning. This is what I discovered: Currently while on this journey I am experiencing a totally exaggerated upward flow of energy through my chakras. Having initiated this flow I have moved steadily from my root chakra and am presently at my throat chakra. Going back to the fight between my husband and me it became clear to me that because I have separated out the meanings and lessons of each chakra from week to week I am having to live through this same fight each week as if I am in the movie Groundhog Day. I am reliving this fight in my everyday life to see it from a different chakra perspective and to see where the blocks are within each center. This happens because all of the chakras' energies are interconnected and what we don’t fully heal will show up in another chakra.

I understand that with the Yin flow of energy from earth to heaven through the chakra column we get to experience situations so that we can grasp the feeling and intention of energy through our bodies. This is our lesson state of flow, or the self-actualizing flow of energy. The following energy flow described is given to express the qualities of a healthy functioning chakra. Starting with the root chakra, take any situation you want to and run it through these next steps. Use the example from your own life as you follow how the energy should flow in a healthy chakra. This flow represents the self actualizing, Yin-ward flow of energy. Our first step is to interpret the situation in the present moment truly feeling the effects it has on our individual body and whether it is offensive or not. Here we ask ourselves if our lives are in danger and we bring into play the flight or fight. Next keeping with this same experience we move into our sacral chakra. Here you try to release control surrounding this situation so that you can acknowledge it from your present state of being, hoping to let things flow naturally. We try to become vulnerable to its meaning and not allow others or the past or future affect our decisions. Meaning we give up trying to control the situation and just let it be. After we relinquish control we gain a sense of pride and confidence surrounding the situation. We do this by not attaching to the emotions from the sacral chakra and allowing those emotions to lead us to a place of stability and strength where we can move from our solar plexus into the heart chakra. After gaining a sense of confidence about the situation we allow our heart centers to open completely. By doing this we can feel into the situation and find what is true or hidden to us from previous experiences. By opening completely we can truly feel what is going on from a state of receptivity, not constriction. Next, moving into the throat chakra, we now have the ability to communicate and verbalize ourselves clearly in the midst of this situation. We can do this from a place of knowledge and understanding. When we do this it helps others to understand what took place.

Continuing this progression we flow into the third eye chakra and can take this situation and broaden the meaning we once had by allowing ourselves to gather further knowledge and perspectives about the situation from a nonjudgmental place. This allows us to further grow from our experience. The final step is to bring this experience into the crown chakra and let it connect with our overall spiritual self: here we gain a higher level of clarity and spiritual direction from the action, and can use it to continue our progression towards the light. Here it becomes our job to recognize that this situation was created specifically so that we could learn and grow in a healthy manner. This is a beautiful way to learn and interpret your life’s lessons. 

Now in reversing the flow of energy we will analyze this pattern as it moves in a Yang direction, or from the heavens down towards the earth, meaning we will now explore what happens when the energy moves from the crown chakra to the root chakra. With crown chakra awareness our consciousness understands that all beings are connected and that every action has a higher meaning. Starting this manifesting flow of energy through the crown, we see in a healthy flow that all situations happen for a reason. When something comes up in our field of awareness, we recognize that it is the divine at play trying to get our attention so we stay natural and open to all things happening around us, waiting for guidance. Moving from the crown we wait for the third eye to jump into action inspecting the situation from a 360 degree view. We wait for the unbiased guidance to form and allow this to make its impression. Then we use the throat chakra to speak clearly and with positive effects to help better clarify the situation and create in the third dimensional world what we hope to manifest. Speaking our truth out loud helps to manifest our goals more clearly. Next the heart makes its emotional connection to the situation, giving and receiving a love that has no attachment or needs. The heart then can also be used for healing and comfort, if this is called upon during the course of this situation. When the heart makes its emotional connection to the idea or situation, it then allows this to become more tangible in the third dimension, which helps with manifesting. Next your solar plexus can feel a sense of exceeding confidence towards this outcome, leaving no self doubt. Having confidence and excitement around the situation will allow you to focus your energy completely. Down to the sacral chakra: we are able to connect to the natural flow of the situation, allowing it to find its natural place in the world around us.  Finally we arrive to the root chakra where we become connected to the present moment. We are able to stand firmly and grounded knowing we are fully connected to the earth. This is where we have created enough space for our idea or situation to fully manifest in a manner in which we have allowed ourselves to be a co-creator with the divine. I feel this top-down approach to chakra theory is only possible when you’re fully connected to your own method of flowing energy, and it will only be possible to intentionally manifest once you gain clarity on how you use this energy around you.  I understand that my own process through the chakras week by week has been laborious and challenging to say the least. This process has brought to the surface so many personas I had no clue I was harboring, but in all honesty I don’t think I would have been able to clear all of these outdated emotions and patterning if I had done it any other way. I know now that it is my purpose to experience my chakras in this way, so that I can develop a deeply rooted connection to my energetic centers and understand how to help others gain clarity through reading these words and also beginning their own energetic process.

Revisiting the situation between my husband and me I acknowledge that I had to live through confusion, because only through confusion could I stop and become present enough to be able to connect to every chakra in a grounded, aware state of being. Going through the self-actualizing yin flow of energy from the root chakra up means I had to face each situation head on. I was expected to live through each opening and watch it affect the physical world around me, not gaining clarity until all facets of old habits and patterning were sifted through. Only after facing the demons of each chakra was I able to use a functional approach to fix and understand the situation I had created from a healthy and balanced approach. I have yet to fully emerge into the power of the crown chakra it is still a few weeks away. I feel so close at this point that I actually shake with anticipation, knowing what soon approaches: the ability to face all obstacles with open enjoyment, and to transform my being into one of complete receptivity no matter the situation. I reflect on this process and acknowledge that I have been able to connect with each chakra in such a fully present state, which has led me to truly know myself. I have started to acknowledge what it feels like to have these chakras interact within my own body. I must say this process has made me feel a bit crazy at times, and especially over these past few days of repetition to gain clarity on this singular situation. Receiving this vision of Yin and Yang energy flow allowed me to reflect more on my current situation with my husband, and gave me hope that I will soon reach a point of no return where the world makes sense and every situation is one of divine creation.

It became clear to me during meditation today that my husband and I met at a time when we were both very rooted in our lower chakras. Upon seeking out spiritual enlightenment I have grown my vibrational field and progressed beyond the lower chakra and its world view into a higher perspective and grander world view. It has been expressed to me though guidance that my husband may never chose to seek out his own divinity as a spiritual being and may be complacent staying on this physical plane. I was also told that the best place for me to be right now was with him because he is helping to catapult my development into becoming my most authentic spiritual self. Because of my husband I am very immersed in the physical world. He helps to bring me back down to a grounded place, which is where I need to be to learn and grow throughout my spiritual seeking. I asked if I will stay with my husband forever in marriage and was told it is highly unlikely that this would happen. I was told that it would take a big shift in my husband to also want to seek his divinity and grow spiritually. It was expressed that if my husband did not have this shift that our souls would part so that each of us could grow further during our journeys here on earth. Becoming more curious as the conversation went on, I then asked how I was supposed to get on in a joyous way when I felt like my needs were not being met on a spiritual level with him. I was told that this was my dysfunction in understanding our current connection. I am benefiting from the presence he creates in my life and I must honor that and seek my own spiritual development for the time being. I asked how I was supposed to turn a blind eye to his material needs, which seemed to hurt and offend me. The answer I received was to remove myself from the situation when it was happening and choose to use those times to develop on my own. I was shown that part of my lesson and growth with him has been to learn that every soul here on earth has their own path. No matter how much we want others to progress at the same pace as us, every soul has its own direction and lesson plan and it is not up to us to try and change that. All of us are seeking evolution, but who’s to say what that means or looks like for each of us individually. My lesson learned through being with my husband is that I cannot control another person’s motivation to progress in this life. I must stay detached from the expectation that every soul wants the same things as I do. I have learned to acknowledge others where they are in their own spiritual development and by doing this I can learn how to communicate with them where they are. By detaching myself from these thoughts, I will allow myself to acknowledge others wherever they are on their own developmental paths. By doing this I will be able to change my communication level and help them better understand where I am coming from. I understand that the more you develop into your divine self the harder it is to connect (in physical terms) with lower frequency beings. It is our job to continue moving through our divine lesson plan so that we may be able to handle all situations from the healthy yin and yang chakra energy connection approach. This will allow us to hear and understand everyone’s truths even if they are not truths that we hold. It will be my goal to meet my husband on his level of understanding as much as I can and not expect that he will want or need the same things I do. I will do my best not to judge him and remember to simply remove myself from the situations that I feel are dysfunctional for a spirit on a journey of enlightenment. I will love and care for him and honor all moments we spend together. I will keep my fingers crossed that my husband finds the motivation to grow with me on this amazing journey and will do everything I can to grow myself to be able to help facilitate this opening for all I surround myself with.

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 4)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.


April 25th was the day a phase of my journey came to an end. It was a typical day in our household: everyone worked hard and came home late. My husband picked up our kids from my mother-in-law's house and arrived home around 7:00pm. My husband decided to have three beers on an empty stomach at his mom's house and arrived home noticeably impaired and slurring his words. I proceeded to feed the children and get them to bed. My husband continued to drink while he stayed up alone that night. He decided to come to bed around 11:30 pm after I had already fallen asleep and proceeded to wake me up with excessive noise, movement, and talking in his sleep.

After finding my bearings, and now awake, I turned to look at him. I watched amazed as it looked like my husband was sleep texting if you can imagine this. I don’t remember why I silently asked for help from my guides that night, but I did. I asked for help to better understand the situation I was in and the intense feelings I was experiencing lying there in bed watching this display. As soon as I asked the question I saw his phone light up with an incoming text message. I jumped out of bed and went to the phone where I proceeded to look at a string of text messages between my husband and another woman. The conversation I found myself reading was notably inappropriate for a married man to be having with another person. At this point, I had woken up my intoxicated sleeping husband and begun screaming at him about the conversation I had just read. He was completely impaired and not in a rational state of mind to be talking or explaining anything to me, but nevertheless we engaged in a word war for the next few hours.  I knew this moment of discovery was no time to be discussing the situation, but I was so charged up I needed to release my feelings at him right then.

What I came to learn that night was something very inappropriate had been going on between my husband and this woman. To this day my husband has not explained to me all of the details of his extra-marital relationship, I assume that one day when my husband goes through his own spiritual process he might then be encouraged to relive and recount the events with me, but find that knowing the exact details of what happened was not necessary for me in my own spiritual growth. What mattered most for me is what I did with the information I received. My understanding and exposure to what was going on was enough proof that things were not right. That night I experienced complete emotional devastation. The world I thought I lived in turned unfamiliar and scary very quick, and the five days that followed were some of the hardest, most confusing, and beautiful I have ever experienced in my twenty-nine years of life.

After this eye-opening discovery, as you may imagine, I demanded an immediate divorce. I had reviewed it in my head and knew that being the breadwinner of the family and having a more flexible work schedule I could easily be a single parent, and make my kids' world a better place. This reaction did not go over well with my husband, who was ready to fight for our family. Over the next few days, I found myself needlessly being called to sit face to face with my husband over long-winded conversations. I couldn’t help but stare deeply into his eyes looking for any emotion or clue as to what and who he was when he talked to me. Each time he said the same things over and over, trying to convey remorse for his transgressions. I sat each time and listened to his words searching endlessly for an easy answer about what to do and how to do it, but found I always came to the same conclusion. It had to be a divorce. I couldn’t envision a life with this stranger I sat and listened to. I had no trust in him, no love for him, and I just couldn’t feel anything at all. By day four we had each included key players from our family to offer support and advice. My mother, having gone through her own divorce very young, was able to offer me the love and support I needed. She kept pushing for the marriage to continue, stressing that children need a family and that it isn’t easy to divorce and raise children by yourself. Along with that advice, she also added her support for the divorce if that was the way things needed to go. Even though the family support was wonderful, it wasn’t what finally broke through. A quiet meditation in a bathtub and a conversation with God finally shed light on what I needed to see.

One night just a few days after the discovery of the affair I found myself sitting in my bathtub. This is something I do regularly to relax, ground myself, and release negative energy. I walked through my grounding techniques while the tub basin filled, and I found myself preparing to fully surrender to this meditation. As the tub hit its optimal height I turned off the water and proceeded to sink very deep into the quiet recesses of my mind. My intentions we clear for this meditation; I need clairvoyance on my current situation. At this point, my husband, with the support of our families, had asked me for six months to prove that with therapy and support we could turn our situation around. Sitting in the bathtub I began my normal progression into meditation. I started with my catholic upbringing by saying prayers to God, then I called on the angels for protection and guidance, and then I stated my intentions as clearly and directly as possible and began my grounding process.

Starting the visualization I began to see myself in a bubble that floated into the sky. Relaxing amongst the clouds until my body was completely submissive, I waited as long as I needed to for the next visual to present itself. When my body and mind were ready the bubble carried me to a dock in the clouds that held my next path, which for me most always is a rainbow road that goes up into the universe. I usually lay down on this rainbow floating in the colors until I reach another cloud which holds a door to my Akashic records. The Akashic records is a place in a different dimension that is said to hold every soul's entire existence. Every past, present and future timeline is stored here from all of your lived and future lives. I typically greet my guide on the outside of this door and after restating my intentions and connecting with my guide in some fashion I am allowed to proceed through the door.

When I enter through the door I find myself in a familiar setting that resembles my Akashic records. I say “my” because the look and feel of my records differ from those of other people I have done this work for. When I journey to the records to retrieve information about another person, with their permission, of course, their records appear visually different from my own. I have not studied the great Akashic Journeyers like Edgar Casey, so I am not sure if this is typical for all who travel to the records but assume we will each encounter what is easiest and best for us to see or hear once we are there. I typically enter through the door and am drawn to a book on a shelf or a table, with a guide or room in my records that will hold for me the answers I seek. This particular visit was much different. When I walked through the door I was greeted by a place that was not my Akashic records at all, or if it was it had completely transformed into a vision I had not yet experienced. This was the first and only time my records have changed on me, and I knew instantly I was going to experience something very different.

When I walked through the door my eyes were overpowered by blinding golden-white light. Through the thick glowing tendrils of light directing right at and through my body, I could somewhat see glimpses of green fields around us. As I stood there questioning my vision and where or what I was doing here, I heard a voice call out my name. I proceeded to walk toward the voice even though I was unable to see this image fully. From somewhere deep inside me I had this inner knowing that it was what I knew to be God. I want to paint this picture more clearly for you so that you may understand the power I felt that day. Imagine standing beside the Lincoln Monument in Washington, D.C. My head came up to what felt like the knee height of the being standing in front of me. Feeling surrounded by warmth and unconditional love I proceeded to ask my first question. Now allowing all of the emotion I had inside of me to steadily come up in the form of one important question, I asked God, “What do I need to do?” the response came, “You need to be happy.” I thought about this for a split second and responded, “How do I become happy?” God said, “You need (long pause) to forget the past (long pause) and not worry about the future (long pause) you need to find happiness in your present state of being.” I then paused for what felt like an eternity just enjoying the calm peace that was surrounding me in that contemplative moment. After thanking God and returning from that moment I slowly transitioned out of the meditation and reground to my surroundings. With a clear head and a new perspective I then thought, so what’s going to make me happy?

After much deliberation, in the bathtub, I decided for me happiness meant having to be without my husband. There was no possible way I could live this way and be happy. That night I made the decision to divorce my husband. I had already told my husband and family that I would give our marriage six months’ time to see if things could be mended, but after these latest developments, I knew it would be impossible for me to stay in this situation. I dried off, got dressed and walked from the bedroom out to the living room where my husband had been watching television. I proceeded to ask him to try again and convey to me something that would make me change my mind about our relationship. I asked him to review once again what he was going to do to change. Listening intently I did not hear anything new or convincing enough to me that would sway me to stay. Letting every word he said become lighter and lighter until I didn’t feel one bit of connection to him anymore, I told him for the last time, “I am sorry, I know I said I would give this some time, but I just cannot stay in this relationship. I want a divorce. We had been sleeping in separate rooms since the incident on April 25th, so going our own ways that night was not something new.

The following day was much of the same. I used avoidance whenever possible and held cordial interactions for the kids' sakes when I was around them, but other than that nothing new arose. I was lighter than I had been in days and I felt like I had made the right decision and was mentally preparing for our split. After work and childcare responsibilities that night my husband stayed up watching television while I immediately retreated to my bedroom to wind down for sleep. I proceeded to meditate like I do every night before I go to sleep.

I began to say the “Our Father” prayer in my head. For those not brought up Catholic, it goes something like this: "Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…"

After this last line, I stopped cold. I remembered a time in my life when I was attending the first Communion classes. I remember being told by the Catholicism teacher that no god-fearing Catholic will say this prayer without having forgiven all who have trespassed against them. This Catholic lesson made such an impression on the younger version of myself that I remember going to Sunday mass for a few weeks after hearing it and not repeating that line because I didn’t want God to be mad at me for not forgiving people in my life who I didn’t know had trespassed against me. At that age, I had no clue if I had anyone in life I needed to forgive, but even with that I still took the precaution and omitted the line. The teacher drilled it into my head that unless you are ready to forgive you should not be saying the prayer with empty words. Allowing all of these past thoughts and emotions to creep into my meditation that evening, I steadied myself and again put great value on the fact that if I should want to progress from this situation in a healthy manner I would still need to forgive my husband for the things he had done and I had not yet done that.

Knowing this was going to have to be a big gesture on my part I allowed myself to rest there in bed and began the first part of my forgiveness. I envisioned my husband’s face and allowed my heart center to open completely. I visualized my heart center connecting with his heart center and I felt all of the emotions of the situation and then allowed myself to be in a state of forgiveness. I then connected that emotion into every vibrating atom of my being and allowed it to fill me as I spoke the words of forgiveness in my head to him. Knowing this was going to have to be a big gesture to ensure that I fully released the pain I walked myself out to him in our living room where he was watching television and sat down across from him on a separate couch. He proceeded to mute the sound and he gave me his full attention. I sat there and before I started talking I took a moment to create a heart connection with him. I did this by simply envisioning an energetic connection between our hearts. I didn’t speak until I fully felt the vibration of energy running through my body. After making the connection and completely opening myself to the possibilities of forgiveness, I looked at him and said, “I forgive you.” He responded with “ok” and “thank you” probably because he was caught by surprise more than anything else. Immediately after this I felt light and decided to stay on that couch and watch what he had on television. I remember us both laughing when something happened on the television screen. I don’t know what was on; all I remember is that we laughed, something I had not done since the ordeal started. Being able to sit there that evening and laugh together was something I thought impossible just a few hours prior. Could this be happiness?

After that night my heart began to finally release and open more fully as each day passed. I told my husband I would take divorce off the table and I would give our relationship a month to see if any improvements could be made. He started to see a therapist and I continued to open myself up through my heart chakra. Our relationship gradually became lighter and stronger. I look back on that conversation I had with God and laugh at how I interpreted his wisdom with a black and white physical approach. The wise words had layers of meaning that simply unfolded as the days went on.

I had been living very detached from the present moment, and when that happens it is hard to see through the fog of your current situation and understand the higher meaning of your life lesson. I had said the “Our Father” prayer multiple times in the days following April 25th and had not acknowledged the words I was saying until that final night. I had not been living in the present moment and I was completely detached from the energy and intention surrounding my situation. Thankfully my entire physical body changed as soon as I opened my heart chakra and allowed forgiveness to take place. Reflecting, I find the most interesting part of my psyche was that I intended to forgive so that I could move on, but when I came to forgive I actually opened myself and saw the situation for what it had truly been created for. I can tell you very openly that my heart chakra has never been open in life. The day I forgave my husband was the first time I had ever experienced an opening and release in my heart center. My entire life I have protected my heart from hurt from external forces, and it took the ultimate hurt to fully open this energy center. The protection of my heart chakra actually led to its closing off. It is amazing to me that it took an act of betrayal, vulnerability, forgiveness, as well as an act of God, before this crazy little energy center was able to make its debut.

One of the truths that I hold in life is that sometimes it takes the most devastating of circumstances to truly allow you to open to your fullest potential. I don’t know if there is anything that could have opened my heart chakra like what happened to me that night. If that incident did not come to a head-on April 25th I am not sure my heart charka would have ever opened in this marriage. I sometimes let myself think about past lives and I wonder how many times I have been given this chance to open my heart chakra, and how many times I have accepted the challenge. What if I had preceded with the divorce, choosing the ultimate protection? What then would it have taken to open my heart chakra? My heart had been so closed and protected for so long that I can honestly say that only an experience like the one I had that night could have truly pulled me from the dark place I was living in. Again this is a truth for me about my lesson plan in this lifetime. Sometimes we have to learn to protect our heart and establish boundaries, and therefore my example would not be suitable for the person living with that lesson to learn. This is a lot of chakra healing to believe in, but take it from me this was to date the best experience of my life. I am so thankful that at 29 I have so many years ahead of me to celebrate with a completely open and loving heart center. My soul is no longer void of emotional experiences and I am so thankful for that no matter what it took in life to get me there. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. By allowing ourselves to live the human experience and be one with the emotions we have, we allow ourselves to make a stronger connection to the earth. You must be able to run emotions through your body in a healthy manner to fully connect with the life you have chosen to live.

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 3)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

Solar Plexus Chakra (step 3)

How glad I am that I decided to meditate today. I sit here very light and calm with another internal realization that has just come forth to present itself during a time of non judgment and reflection. One of my assignments this week was to disconnect from the feeling of self doubt by talking ownership of my actions and discontinuing the little lies that I tell myself. Before I sat in meditation I had a bit of a thought come through my mind that had peaked my interest for further review. I decided it would be my question during the meditation session today.

Not too long ago, maybe about a year ago, I decided to go back to college. I had never completed my degree and after only half a year at Hawaii Pacific University I decided to leave college to start a career in the spa industry. After quite a few successful jobs and many notable titles, I decided to go back to online college to complete my degree. If I was so accomplished in my career why did I ever feel the need to go back and finish college? To be honest, with my resume in the spa industry I could get a job anywhere without any hesitation. Today I realized that there is a deeply hidden piece of me that had been tucked away until now. This piece of me that I have given a voice to today has never felt deserving of all the success it has earned. It feels like the rug may be pulled out from under its feet at any second and everything will be lost. It feels scared and protective. I discovered today that this is where the seed of myself doubt has stemmed from.

This past January I made the decision to go back to college. Most people would congratulate this and be happy for the fulfillment of a scholarly aspiration. I look at this and now wish I had done more self searching before I decided to go back. This degree would give me no more capabilities for current job progression, as I am as high up in my field as I can and truthfully want to go. I realize now I used continued education to bandaid my solar plexus chakra and hide some very deep-seeded feelings of self doubt and lack of confidence. In my mind I told myself if I completed this degree I would have the ability to justify my position in this current career and I could possibly study acupuncture or other areas of interest if I decided to. I would not need to have or use this degree in my current profession. Honestly it was only to settle my own self doubt and maybe have some fun learning a few new things along the way.

I justified the decision to go back to college in my head with these lies I was telling myself. I felt that if I gained more schooling people would recognize me as accomplished and more deserving of my status. I discovered that my solar plexus chakra or my self confidence center was lacking at times. Due to my career success at such a young age. I can honestly say that over the years I have sometimes felt like an actor. I cannot believe that my bosses had so much faith in me to perform the tasks they hired me for. I was 19 when I opened my first spa! I often wondered how someone like me was given so much responsibility at such a young age, and how and why did everyone believe I could do what I could do? I became very successful early on and with that came great accountability. I was thrown into a professional world where I basically had to learn everything as I went along. Thankfully everything always seemed to come easily, but that’s not to say it wasn’t pressure-filled. I am thankful for having great mentors and a lot of return on luck. You find me sitting here today as an almost thirty-year-old spa director of a resort hotel. I have spent over eleven years in this industry and feel so accomplished. I am happy today that I could give a voice to this dark persona within my being. I can sit in meditation and understand that these feelings of unworthiness are unwarranted and unnecessary. I came into today thinking I had a healthy, almost fully worked-through solar plexus chakra. I knew my gut instincts had always been dead on and felt a lot of my success came from listening to and trusting these hunches. I never questioned myself or the direction I was being shown because I knew my journey was one of divine purpose. I always trusted and believed in my passions, but somewhere along the way I started to interpret my success as luck and not hard work, dedication to myself, and understanding of my higher calling. I started to view my accomplishments as unwarranted and looked for the things I did not succeed at, like school, to fill that void. I now understand that my path required me to progress in a different way and somewhat contrary to the normal path. I realize that this was my destiny, and by listening to my hunches and guidance I was able to successfully accomplish what needed to be done in order to get me here today. This past week I have relearned how to interpret the energy of my solar plexus chakra. I feel that I have yet again established a strong and knowing connection deep within my being and have a sense of joy moving forward. I am excited to be able to rejoin the human race here today with an understanding that we all come from such diverse backgrounds and experiences and it is not our job judge ourselves or others for the paths they have taken. Each path is a divine example of the lessons that soul had to learn. I look forward to sharing my story of inspiration to help others understand how worthy and accomplished they are in their own journeys. As individuals we should never feel the need to prove ourselves to anyone, let alone ourselves. If these are feelings that you struggle with there might be deeply seeded and tucked away self esteem and self doubt problems hiding in your solar plexus chakra.

 As I explained earlier, I came into this week thinking my solar plexus and self esteem were strong. Here I am again realizing that I have been feeding myself one too many little lies to distract from the true issues lying dormant with in my being. I could have never imagined that at this stage in the game I still harbored such doubt in my physical accomplishments and felt like I still had pieces of myself to prove. I feel stronger now with the realization of these facts. I find comfort in the knowing that this doubt still lived inside of me and feel by simply shining the light of truth on this part of my hidden self I will be able to move forward as soon as this pen drops away from my hand today. I have gained presence from my root, vulnerability and release of control from my sacral, and now true confidence that I already have everything I need in life from my solar plexus. I feel so physically connected to myself at this point that I can understand the deeper meaning of these three chakras and why people explain them to be our physical chakras, the first triad or the lower self. There was so much physical learning and retraining I had to go through these past weeks to understand that to move forward I had to literally purge out a lot of the crap I was fed about being a physical human being. At this stage in life I have learned many ways to protect myself and my energetic centers that have harmed my spiritual growth. I am ready to move forward in an open and receptive way, as a being who is free of the constraints placed upon me. I know that moving forward with this newfound base my spiritual progression is bound to soar!

Level 2 the Emotional Plane (step 1)


Level 2 is identified by the EMOTIONS. People who get caught up in emotions, people who try to understand the emotions. The problem with this level is that you have to get triggered to understand what is YOU and what is not YOU. That means in order to elevate out of this level you have to be willing to get triggered and do you work in this world while in connection to other people’s crap! That means you trust yourself enough and your purpose that you become vulnerable in front of other people and don’t have to defend or run away from what you feel, instead you use the TRIGGERS of the emotions to go inward and figure out what is happening in connection to all of the life experiences you accumulated during LEVEL 1.

ROOT CHAKRA (step 1)

As I have stated before, a key barometer for me in the root chakra is my tongue placement. Wherever my tongue is indicates where my awareness is, either in the mind or in the body. So this week one of the key things I would do is check in with my tongue. Anytime I found myself actively in my mind I would breathe and ground myself. I would then take the situation being played out in my head, allow myself to detach from that situation, and play these thoughts out to find the area where I could allow the most harmony to flow. I find when my tongue is up around the roof of my mouth that my mind is racing and it is usually over some problem or situation in life that is currently requiring a lot of my energy; most of the time, some form of unfinished business. Instead of pushing these thoughts out of my head and centering myself. this week I would take these thoughts and bring them to the forefront of my attention. I would then slow down my mental and physical body enough to separate my ego brain from the situation. After separating my ego brain (simply enough by breathing) and releasing any hoped-for outcomes, I would then analyze the situation, trying to bring about the most harmony and balance. I would look for solutions that used the least amount of energy and created the most fluidity, and allow those actions to take place. I kept a constant visualization of water and how smooth and all-encompassing water is. I would try to organize my actions just like the flow of water. I found myself more observant during my everyday routine. Instead of planning and getting carried away in my own timeline, I would allow little interruptions during my day to redirect my energy. Any time interruptions came up during my day, I would give those interruptions my full attention until they were finished or until something else took its place. I was astonished to see the outcome of this experiment. To my amazement, at the end of the day I didn’t carry any baggage. Early in the week I remember sitting down at the computer and allowing every interruption and trigger – whether it be a thought, email, staff member. or phone call – to completely redirect my work. As soon as one of these interruptions triggered me, I would flow my energy towards that situation until something else pulled me away. When the task was complete, something else would happen to divert my attention. I can honestly admit I have never been so presently aware of my situation and everything going on around me. When I would allow my energy and attention to shift I felt so connected to the current focus that I understood how important or not important it was, and how much or little energy to put into it. Instead of allowing everything to pile into one big energetic burden, I was able to see how much trivial stuff I could accomplish by simply giving it the proper recognition when it came about. This kind of living might sound sporadic and a bit all over the place. You may ask how anyone can accomplish anything by living like that. By allowing my energy to shift completely every time it was needed, I attended to everything necessary with no residual ties to any one person, task or problem. I allowed myself to see a situation for what it was and made decisions during that situation that elevated my responsibilities to it. At the end of the day, I left with not one obligation on my mind. I felt freer and less burdened by the weight of my daily tasks.

I applied this technique to my home life as well. My children and husband are a big part of my energetic connections, so I decided to also approach situations at home as if I was a fluid stream of water, trying to keep the flow moving with as little resistance as possible. This is easy to write, but tough to implement for the first time. As a wife and a mom there are many times I want to pull out my hair because I have answered a question for the fourth time. Or was it that I had to go searching for another lost article for someone, or correct a mistake for the hundredth time? Holding my new fluid and calm root chakra at the forefront of my mind, I would allow these typical disturbances to flow by unnoticed. Instead of using my programmed responses, which create spots of frustration and tension, I would find ways to flow in the situations and bring more harmony and peace into our home life. There are so many times in life where the ego mind tries to pull us away from our presence by dealing in wrongs and rights, winning and losing, and past and future. The ego mind is trying to keep us distracted by giving us something to constantly think about. Our goal in life should be to relax, breathe, and enjoy present awareness of everyday situations. I find my ego mind tries desperately to stay in business by finding things to worry about, fight with, or fear.  If my husband misplaces his keys, my ego mind jumps into action replaying the hundreds of other times he has done the same thing. Then the ego likes to point this out verbally by acknowledging how many times this happens. These memories we store inside our mind create subconscious programming. We feel safe when these actions get played out over and over because the ego mind likes to be right. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy to make us feel safe and in a control.  Our goal should be to let go of the disturbances created by the ego mind and find peace within the present moment, by finding the beauty and flow in every situation. Reward yourself by staying presently aware of what is going on around you. Look for beauty and disconnect from energetic drains. Energetic drains are like the pebbles we throw in the lake; we like to get a reaction, and the easiest way to do that is create multiple situations to distract us from the natural beauty of what we have. Stay fluid and calm, and harmony and balance will follow.

If anything proves I was made to realize fluidity this week it is the fact that our family took a vacation by car from Ohio to the northernmost side of Pennsylvania. The trip started Thursday and went until Thursday of the following week. I was given rain in the beginning of the week, so no nature meditation. Then, I was traveling by car and hotel-hopping for the majority of the week. If there was any indication that I needed to learn fluidity and how to go with the flow, it was the fact that I was going to be trapped alongside those people who tend to test my presence and flow more than anything else in the world.

My sons are one-and-a-half and three-years old-and two of the best teachers of patience, presence, and fluidity. Before I move on to the Sacral chakra I forgot to mention I forgot my cell phone charger for this trip into Pennsylvania. Was it the higher powers at work ensuring I was unable to connect to anything but my family for five straight days? Not sure, I will let you decide. Children are amazing indicators of how connected you are with your root chakra. Take my one-and-a-half year old: he will stop on a walk for two full minutes just to stare off into the woods because he saw the leaves rustle. After he feels like he has given adequate time to the leaves, he will turn around and continue the walk. During his two minute trance no one and nothing can break through to him, not his mother yelling his name (trust me I tried), or his brother throwing rocks. Nothing will break his gaze. He will stay focused until his energy shifts to something else. During this exchange he is completely present and flowing according to his own internal barometer. The root is about presence and the flow of energy around you. Before working on my own root chakra energy in the past I would have tried to coerce my sons into doing what I want. I would yell at them and try to interrupt their nature trance to get them to continue on the walk.  My newly discovered understanding of how I need to flow is to redirect their energies and if this doesn’t work to meet them in their own grounded state and enjoy the attraction together. This trip has been one of small changes in how I allow my energy to meet my children’s energy instead of overpowering it. Being completely present in the presence of our children allows them to experience the world with curiosity and excitement and without fear. By finding the balance between exploration and guidance, we can create and cultivate an environment of tactile learning and confidence, with no hesitations about the world or the people living in it.

I started this root chakra week with hopes of talking to trees, nature meditation, and discovering how to be a present and fluid spirit on this earth. I had hoped to find a special talisman to start my medicine bag and begin my full chakra immersion. I am happy to report that life threw me a curve ball and I adapted to the change with complete fluidity. Wasn’t that the real test? I feel I succeeded at understanding how to change my life into a more fluid reflection of the world around me and still feel harmony and balance. I learned quickly the root chakra is about being present and allowing your energy to flow with the energies around you. The fact that I ever had a plan of what to expect this week in retrospect was the beginning of the end of the root chakra. I accomplished a huge step this week and that was to let go of any preconceived notions that I can control these circumstances in life. I feel completely present and open to whatever my chakras have in store for me. I learned what it felt like to use my energy to help create a flow and not be inhibited by it. By recognizing that we all operate on impulses I allowed my body to stay connected to the present moment and not get detoured based on ego thoughts. I witnessed opportunities happen before my eyes and chose to flow along with these opportunities with little to no extra energy given on my end. A key to chakra healing is to know where you are giving out your energy and to whom you may be giving it to. Without complete presence you will never know exactly how or why this is happening. All you will know is that there is too much to take on, and life will feel like a burden. The root chakra allows us to enjoy the beauty in the present moment, and allows us the ability to stay with or make a change to better flow with our own energies. Without worry about the past or what awaits us in the future, we are left with only the present moment. What a beautiful thing to enjoy.